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Occupy Everywhere - Sept 17th - Day of Rage Against Wall Street and what it stands for!
NYPD Police Chief's Son Is Fox's On-Air Anti-Occupy Wall Street Activist


[Image: kelly.jpg]The NYPD has an ace in the hole when it comes to spreading antiOccupy Wall Streetpropaganda: Local Fox TV station WNYW-​TV news anchor Greg Kelly  son of NYPD Police Chief Ray Kelly. On Wednesday, starting at 7:00AM, Greg Kelly started his broadcast day by spreading the false story that the Occupy Wall Street protestors were planning on shutting down the New York City subway system.
"On Wednesday morning, as protesters tried unsuccessfully to shut down Wall Street, the anchors for the Fox TV station in New York City said several times that the protesters were also planning to "shut down" the subway system in the city later in the day," New York Times' Brian Stelzer reported. "The anchors discussed no evidence of such a plan, however, and some protest organizers have said that no such plan exists, that the goal is to gather at various subway stations and hand out flyers."
"Asked about the sourcing of the station's information, a spokeswoman for the Fox station,WNYW-​TV, said, "It's been reported elsewhere and we addressed it this morning during this interview with York City Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway." In the interview, Mr. Holloway said the city was "advising New Yorkers to stay informed" about possible subway disruptions."
But the planned protests were described much more ominously, at times, by the anchors on WNYW.
"This is a big deal," the Fox co-​anchor Greg Kelly said as his newscast started at 7 a.m. Wednesday. "We have thousands of protesters that have indicated they are going to try to shut down the subway system as well, and occupy sixteen transit hubs across the five boroughs." Mr. Kelly and his co-​anchor, Rosanna Scotto, spoke of indications of a "shut down" plan three other times that hour.
At 8 a.m., Mr. Kelly, who is the son of Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly, said of the protesters on Wall Street: "Right now they're kind of milling about. But the word is that they intend to shut down or attempt to shut down the New York Stock Exchange and vast portions of the New York City transit system."
Around 8:30 a.m. Ms. Scotto said she was "getting a lot of tweets" about the protests and read one from Melody Carr on the air: "How is shutting down everything such as subways going to help the #OWS? it's going to make the rest of the 99% upset w/​them."
Mr. Kelly weighed in. "So far," he said, "they've focused their ire at the wealthy and those who support them, but when they start to shut down the commuting system for folks who are on their way to work, that's something else."
The comments about shutting down the subway continued into the 9 a.m. hour on WNYW, though no protesters or reporters were shown on screen backing up the comments.
WNYW is the flagship TV station of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation-​owned Fox Broadcasting Company. Kelly was a Marine and previously was White House correspondent and covered the Iraq War for the Fox news Channel (FNC.) Kelly is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps Reserves.
To be fair,'s Glenn Greenwald notes that The New York Times also reported initially that Occupy Wall Street protestors were planning on shutting down the subways, but removed those comments quickly. Not quickly and journalistically appropriately, but they removed them.
Nothing better than a propagandist ace-​in-​the-​hole, unless that's a relative who's the ace-​in-​the-​hole.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Occupy endgame: arrest the 1% "emperor has no clothes" obvious criminals

Posted on November 19, 2011 by Carl Herman
source: Carl Herman
Occupy's victory means peace from criminal wars based on obvious lies, economic security and sufficiency for 100% of humanity, and unleashing suppressed technologies that transforms what it means to be human into unimaginable status.
Occupy's endgame, in retrospect, will be obvious: after a period of "emperor has no clothes" expository communication from independent Internet media to the 99%, those with arrest authority exercise it to remove criminal leadership from power.
The first criminal arrests will be for War Crimes and financial fraud. The most notable will be "leadership" of both US political parties and from the largest financial institutions involved in mortgage and "investment" frauds.
Importantly, the "criminal 1%" include corporate media who are criminal accomplices to enable and cover-up the murder of millions, deprivation of billions, and looting of trillions of our dollars. Their manipulative voices will be removed from power, quickly facilitating public communication of the objective facts of the depth of state crimes, and the inspirational future humanity enters.
What public chants best communicate the endgame?
"Arrest War Criminals!"
"Arrest! Arrest! Murderers and Thieves!"
Your suggestions?
As an academic in the fields of government and economics, here are the resources I've developed to explain, document, and prove the "emperor has no clothes" obvious facts that require the arrests of US political and financial "leaders":
US war laws explained, why Afghanistan and Iraq wars are unlawful, how to end them
Are US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan well-intended mistakes? What we now know from the evidence
Open proposal for US revolution: end unlawful wars, criminal economics (4-part series)
Occupy This: US History exposes the 1%'s crimes then and now (6-part series)

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VIDEO: Oakland Police Strike Army Ranger With Nightsticks On His Back, Ribs, Shoulders and Hands, Lacerating His Spleen and Causing Internal Bleeding

Posted on November 18, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog
On November 2nd, Oakland police struck a peaceful Army Ranger who was supporting the Occupy protest with nightsticks on his back, ribs, shoulders and hands, lacerating his spleen and causing internal bleeding (and see this).
Video of the attack has just been released:

Witnesses say that the Ranger was totally peaceful and the attack was unprovoked. The end of the attack was not filmed, as the police quickly formed a barricade between the cameraman and the Ranger, pointing several guns at the filmmaker to get him to back off.
This is not the first time that America's militarized police forces have severely wounded a veteran supporting the Occupy protests.

Posted in Politics / World News | 3 Comments

Occupy's victory brings peace, economic security, technological breakthroughs

Posted on November 18, 2011 by Carl Herman
source: Carl Herman
Victory will come to Occupy and 100% of humanity in a relative instant of state-change. All we have to do is keep responding to our heart and mind's honor.
Occupy exposes and ends the US Orwellian criminal wars, all begun with lies known to be lies as they were told and obvious to all independent analysis. Indeed, lying to steal land and resources has been central to US foreign policy since the 1846 attack and invasion of Mexico. This victory is peace.
Occupy's victory ends parasitic and criminal economic fraud in the trillions of our dollars. The obvious solutions to create a national money supply rather than a "debt supply" allow for government to be the employer of last resort for infrastructure investment (hard and soft). This obvious policy provides the quadruple benefits of no debt, full employment, the best infrastructure we can imagine, and falling prices from greater economic efficiency from improved infrastructure. This victory is sufficiency and security for all.
Occupy's victory releases decades of technological breakthroughs that make humanity free instead of under the vicious control of the 1%'s criminals. This victory is unimaginable adventure.
Keep moving forward.
Enact the ideals you've always said you embrace.
Now is the time to fully express the person you've always wanted to be.

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Police Use a Military Sound Cannon to Interrupt and Disperse Protesters Peacefully Singing the NATIONAL ANTHEM

Posted on November 18, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog
The protesters' demands are reasonable and totally American:
[Image: fs29.jpg]
But the 1% don't like those demands … and instead continue to show contempt for the American people and our basic rights:
[Image: K5Uuu.jpg]
Former Philadelphia police chief Ray Lewis admonished the New York Police Department not to act asmercenaries for Wall Street:
[Image: 171111rot5.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_luth5eFmlm1qz82gvo1_500.jpg]
But the police are busting heads, beating up pregnant women, old ladies, judges, legal observers (andsee this), reporters, skinny students and military heroes.
And they're using military weapons on the American people (militarization of the police has been ongoing for decades). For example, police have been using military sound cannons on protesters.
Indeed, police reportedly used a sound cannon to interrupt and disperse protesters peacefully singing the National Anthem.
Here's a military vehicle deployed to Occupy Tampa:
[Image: 2zi6gjs.jpg]
And here's a vehicle being driven by police in Ventura, California:
[Image: 20110910120347-1024x768.jpg][Image: 20110910113042-1024x768.jpg]
We're just trying to have peaceful protests, as the Founding Fathers intended. But the 1% are deploying militarized police forces against us.

Posted in Politics / World News | Leave a comment

Third Eye Blind Releases Occupy Protest Song

Posted on November 18, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog
He's singing: "Come on and meet me down at Zuccotti Park":
Third Eye Blind If There Ever Was A Time by thirdeyeblind
For another great Occupy song, watch this.

Posted in Politics / World News | 2 Comments

The Occupy Movement Is Protesting the SAME THING that the Founding Fathers Protested at the Boston Tea Party

Posted on November 18, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog

The Occupy And Original 2009 Tea Party Movement Is Protesting the SAME THING that the Founding Fathers Protested at the Boston Tea Party

I noted yesterday:
The Founding Fathers hated big corporations. See this, this and this. They were as suspicious of big corporations as they were the monarchy. So they only allowed corporate charters for a very brief duration, in order to carry out a specific, time-limited project.
As James Madison noted:
There is an evil which ought to be guarded against in the indefinite accumulation of property from the capacity of holding it in perpetuity by…corporations. The power of all corporations ought to be limited in this respect. The growing wealth acquired by them never fails to be a source of abuses.
Indeed, while the Boston Tea Party was a revolt against taxation without representation, it largely centered on the British government's crony capitalism and disproportionate tax breaks towards the East India Company, the giant company which dominated the tea market and hurt small American business.
Protesting against the government propping up today's giant banks who are ruining the chance for small businesses to have a fair chance at competing is exactly the same idea.
As I've repeatedly noted, the "Tea Party" movement starting in 2009 was also originally centered on the protesting government bailouts of the giant banks. See this, this, this, this and this.
While it was quickly hijacked by the mainstream Republican party, Sarah Palin, Neocons and others, the Tea Party was originally an anti-crony capitalism, anti-corruption, anti-bank bailouts protest. As such, it really was originally modeled on the Boston Tea party.
No wonder as I noted last month:
Posted in Politics / World News | 2 Comments
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"



During protests in Warsaw last weekend, one crafty activist deployed a flying drone to spy on riot police.

posted by Bruce K. Gagnon | 9:42 AM
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Interview with creator of Occupy Wall Street "bat-signal" projections during Brooklyn Bridge #N17 march

By Xeni Jardin at 11:15 pm Thursday, Nov 17
[Image: verizreute.jpg]
REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi
Earlier this evening, tens of thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters marched throughout New York City, manymaking their way on to the Brooklyn Bridge, carrying LED candles and chanting. As Occupiers took the bridge in a seemingly endless sea of people, words in light appeared projected on the iconic Verizon Building nearby:
A few hours later I spoke with Mark Read, who organized the "bat-signal" project. He tells Boing Boing why and how he did this, and what technology he used.
XJ: How did this come together?
Mark Read: It came up at an action coordination meeting. We were talking about what to do on the 17th. We had a sense that the morning on Wall Street would be forceful and confrontational, and we wanted to not do the same kind of thing in the afternoon. Initial talks focused on having a thousand people taking the bridge in the afternoon, and continuing in a militant mode of activism. But we started thinking about creating a more unifying moment. A celebration of the birthday of Occupy Wall Street. Maybe taking the roadway and having lots of arrests might not be best thing. What if we took the pedestrian walkway, and gave out LED candles? We would give out 10,000 LED tea candles, a river of light streaming over the walkway.
And a guy named Hero, who has been central to a lot of facets of the occupation since the beginning, turns to me and says, "We need a bat signal. The 99%."
I said, I think I can do that. I know just enough about how the technology works that I think I can pull that off. And for the past two weeks, I've worked full time on figuring that out.
[Image: 99ver.jpg]
My friend Will Etundi, who I know from these renegade street parties, the alter-globalization movement, carnivals against capitalhe's part of a community of friends who deploy spectacle and art in the service of radical politics. Will and I have done other events that were about getting people into public space. Transforming the normal way we use space, turning it into a party, a roving community, something festive and mobile. Through that work, I'd already met people with a variety of skill sets, strange and magical abilities. I got in touch with them right away, and started pulling together a team. Who would have a 12K lumen projector, a big expensive piece of equipment, the most powerful projector you can get?
I knew I wanted to throw it on the Verizon Building. Everyone who lives in New York has looked at that big monolithic structure. For some of us, every time we look at it we think of how cool it would be as a projection surface.
I knew we'd need a powerful projector. But if you had something that expensive on loan for free, you couldn't just sneak it up on some roof and be in jeopardy.
I knew I had to find someone who lived in a building nearby.
XJ: How did you go about finding someone nearby who would allow you stage this from inside their home?
MR: Opposite the Verizon building, there is a bunch of city housing. Subsidized, rent-controlled. There's a lack of services, lights are out in the hallways, the housing feels like jails, like prisons. I walked around, and put up signs in there offering money to rent out an apartment for a few hours. I didn't say much more. I received surprisingly few calls, and most of them seemed not quite fully "there." But then I got a call from a person who sounded pretty sane. Her name was Denise Vega. She lived on the 16th floor. Single, working mom, mother of three.
I spoke with her on the phone, and a few days later went over and met her.
I told her what I wanted to do, and she was enthused. The more I described, the more excited she got.
Her parting words were, "let's do this."
She wouldn't take my money. That was the day of the eviction of Zuccotti, the same day. And she'd been listening to the news all day, she saw everything that had happened.
"I can't charge you money, this is for the people," she said.
She was born in the projects. She opened up her home to us.
She was in there tonight with her 3 daughters, 2 sisters. The NYPD started snooping around down on the ground while the projections were up, it was clear where we were projecting from, and inside it was festive.
"If they want to come up they're gonna need a warrant!," her family was saying. "If they ask us, well, we don't know what they are talking about!" They were really brave and cool.
[Image: veriz2reut.jpg]
REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz
XJ: Who wrote the words?
MR: I did. A lot of it is just chants that we've heard. "We are the 99%," everyone knows that one. "We are unstoppable, another world is possible," a bunch of chants that have circulated around. "We are winning." There's one you'd see internationally, when Zapatistas are marching on the zocalo, and it circulated thorugh radical circles. "Failure isn't possible" is another I wanted to use, which I don't think made it in there.
And "It's the beginning of the beginning." I loved that one. So frequently, things happen in the world that make it feel like we're at the beginning of the end. But"the beginning of the beginning," what a radically optimistic statement that is.
The scale of the environmental and economic crisis we are facing, it's extraordinary. This movement is a response to that crisis. Our leaders aren't responding to any of that in a way that is commensurate to the crises we face. And that one sign has always spoken to me. We have to throw off our despair about the future world we might be facing, because if we come together as people and humanity, we can change it. And what Occupy Wall Street makes me feel is that for the first time in a long time that might be possible.
That means a lot to me. This is choosing hope over despair. This is actively and resolutely making that choice. It's not going to be easy. It's not going to be over in two months. It's not going to be just the result of conversation.
XJ: How old are you?
MR: I'm 45. The people who worked on this are a diverse range of ages. Some are in their 20s, but not all of us are that young. It's hard to study what's happening in the environment and with the global economy and not feel afraid. There is a lot to fear. One of the things we were projecting tonight, it was Max Nova's idea. "Do not be afraid." And I think that's so important.
XJ: This event was to mark the two-month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. We recently passed the ten-year anniversary of 9/11, and in a way, your message seems like a kind of antidote to the climate of fear that followed.
MR: I guess it is. I watched 9/11 happen from my rooftop in Park Slope. I was there. It's been a crazy decade since then, a fearful time. And our leaders have stoked those fears, there's been a lot of fear-mongering. It's been like that for a decade, and it feels like we are turning a page. I know we're heading into winter in New York, but this feels like springtime.
XJ: Who did the graphics, and what tools did you use to create the sequence, and project it?
MR: Max Nova and JR Skola, from the art group Dawn of Man. They are video projectionists, and artists.
They have done stuff in Zuccotti Park. I didn't know how I was going to put together the graphics, I'd been running around for the last two weeks trying to coordinate the teamyou have to be able to live mix it, you need to understand how to make projections look right coming to the surface from an extreme angle, you need to be a VJ, and I'm not. So Max wound up being the guy. They used Modul8 VJ mixing software, a Sony 12K lumen projector that sells for around $10K. It's huge. It's more than 3 feet long, about 2 feet wide.
The whole thing was a combination of high tech and super jerry-rigging on the fly. The Modul8 software we were using can do amazing things: sense the angle you're projecting at, even if it's extreme, and modify the image so it looks straight. But then, we held the projected in place with gaffer tape, a broomstick, some baling wire. We only had 20 minutes to get it ready.
XJ: Were you worried about getting in trouble with the police?
MR: I was so sure it was not against the law, but I didn't ask my lawyer friends. I didn't want to really know. The police knew where we were, they were pointing up to the window. But no one stopped us when we left.
XJ: When did you get a sense of the reaction the Occupiers had, when they were marching on the bridge and saw the projections?
MR: Oh, we could hear the crowd from the window. We heard them screaming, yelling. We had this idea that we would be able to mic check a short speech, and we timed the words so that it would fit with exactly how people would chant, just as they had been chanting these things for weeks.
XJ: Now that it's done, how do you feel?
MR: I feel immense gratitude to these youngsters for kicking my ass into gear. I'm feeling so much gratitude to everyone, for putting their bodies on the line every day, for this movement. It's a global uprising we're part of. We have to win.
(Special thanks to @gemini_scorpio)

Tags: Action, activism, art, brooklyn bridge, carousel, demonstration, graffitti, n17, november 17, occupy wall street, ows
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

The 99% #OWS #N17 EPIC MOMENT!
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Matt Taibbi Tells Michael Bloomberg to Sex Himself
Posted on Nov 3, 2011

The Rolling Stone scribe has christened Tuesday's mayor-on-mayor action, during which former New York boss Ed Koch and current Mayor Michael Bloomberg mixed it up over the financial crisis and Occupy Wall Street, Bloomberg's "Marie Antoinette moment."

Koch played the role of sensible populist (or maybe just someone who reads?) with lines like, "There's something wrong with a kid who steals a bike going to jail and someone who steals millions paying a fine" and "What do you think they got fined forschmutz on the sidewalk? ... They got fined because they abused their relationship with their clientele. And I want to see somebodyI want to see one of them, of a major corporation, punished criminally."

Bloomberg, who has worked extremely hard to present himself as an independent politician rather than another billionaire opportunist hatched by the parasitic hive queen of Wall Street, showed his true colors by parroting last season's Republican talking points. "It was not the banks that created the mortgage crisis. … It was, plain and simple, Congress who forced everybody to go and to give mortgages to people who were on the cusp" and who "pushed Fannie and Freddie to make a bunch of loans that were imprudent; they were the ones that pushed the banks to loan to everybody."

This statement is beyond ridiculous, as Taibbi explains:

In order for this vision of history to be true, one would have to imagine that all of these banks were dragged, kicking and screaming, to the altar of home lending, forced against their will to create huge volumes of home loans for unqualified borrowers.

In fact, just the opposite was true. This was an orgiastic stampede of lending, undertaken with something very like bloodlust. Far from being dragged into poor neighborhoods and forced to give out home loans to jobless black folk, companies like Countrywide and New Century charged into suburbs and exurbs from coast to coast with the enthusiasm of Rwandan machete mobs, looking to create as many loans as they could.

Bloomberg went further to align himself with the 1 percent Tuesday night. Like former Sen. Phil Gramm, who spearheaded in Congress the deregulation of the financial sector and who, as co-chair of John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign dismissed Americans concerned with the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression as "a nation of whiners," Bloomberg told Occupy Wall Streeters to quit complaining. Better to "be out there trying to change the world and make it better," says the mayor, who probably wonders why the indebted, homeless masses camping out around the country don't apply themselves and attend some banquet dinners.

It's enough to make Taibbi throw up his hands: "Well, you know what, Mike Bloomberg? FUCK YOU. People are not protesting for their own entertainment, you asshole. They're protesting because millions of people were robbed, by your best friends incidentally, and they want their money back."

Peter Z. Scheer
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Ed Jewett Wrote:FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2011


During protests in Warsaw last weekend, one crafty activist deployed a flying drone to spy on riot police.

posted by Bruce K. Gagnon | 9:42 AM

Now that I like and can't see how it can easily be shot down without causing possible harm to people and property and don't believe it is technically illegal [though they'd find a way to make it so soon enough!]. Brilliant the flaw in Occupy, IMHO - they announce everything they are going to do openly and don't use spotter or drones etc. to their advantage. They should switch to calling assemblies for a march, but not announce where the march is going to go until the last word of the assembly speech. Let the Police have to follow - not they get to pre-plan. Use of spotters in buildings near the intended site of protest can call in what is clear, what is not; drones allow this one step further.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Ed Jewett Wrote:The 99% #OWS #N17 EPIC MOMENT!

Just to clarify, that is not done in photoshop or similar. That is a light projection on the building [another two were done during the same day on other buildings]. I saw the rig for this at the Brooklyn Bridge, it was a two person team. One holding a laptop and the other with a large, but not huge battery and optical computer projector on luggage cart-type device. It was very portable and they could project in almost any size from several BLOCKS away for several hours! Love it! As it is not graphitto, it is not illegal at this point.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Ed Jewett Wrote:FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2011


During protests in Warsaw last weekend, one crafty activist deployed a flying drone to spy on riot police.

posted by Bruce K. Gagnon | 9:42 AM
Got to love the creative non compliance :iluvu:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Just how heavy things can get. Excellent film on G20 Police actions in Toronto....painful to watch, but one must.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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