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The 10th Anniversary of 9/11 and the search for Truth
The only action that I could find for that day was sponsored by We Are Change, a youth group very close to the Libertarians. Somewhat skeptical I did sign up for the action and received a free ticket.
On Sept. 11 I made my way to the advertised meeting point, the side of St.Paul's Church (which acted
as a sanctuary for 9/11 victims and first-responders) on Vesey St. just west of Broadway. The meet-
up time was 7 a.m. and they were to go to the ceremonies at 8 a.m. I arrived at 7:15 and Vesey west
of Broadway was completely shut off by the NYPD. Except for NYPD personnel there was no one to be
seen on Vesey by the church. I approached an NYPD Community Affairs officer and showed him my
ticket. He stated that he did not know of any such event and got a white-shirted NYPD commander
who also did not know of the event but insisted that no one from the public was going to get near the area (which is just a block from ground zero). What happened to We Are Change's action? I don't know. But I do know that no one from We Are Change was anywhere near the corner of Broadway and Vesey to re-direct people! So much for any Truth action at the official ceremony.

After waiting a few hours I then headed to an event, sponsored by 9-11 Truth, in Tribeca, the neighborhood just north of the financial district for you non-New Yorkers. I arrived at the advertied
time of 11:30 a.m. and found a small room on Walker St. completely full - it seated maybe 100. I
was able to snag a lone seat towards the back of the room which made me a convenient target for
the provoateurs in the room to careen into me as they passed. There were quite a number of speak-
ers. One gave a lengthy review of the cold war, another spent some time attacking the medical
estblishment. A third waved a green flag and saluted the courageous Libyan people who had resisted
imperialist attack for over six months, under leadership of Col. Muammar Qaddafi. At 4 o'clock, when
I left, there were still speakers to be heard. Is it any wonder that, ten years after the events of 9/11,
9/11 Truth still cannot grow out of meetings of 100?

This is not to say that the meeting was a waste of time. Much of what was discussed was very inter-
esting, even if off the topic. Even the Qaddafi supporter made some excellent points. Richard Gage,
a founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth gave a masterful display of scientific knowledge
as he proved that World Trade Center #7 and the twin towers were brought down by internal demo-
lition. The problem was that there was probably not one person in that room who did not already
know that!

We are now past the 10 year mark of the events on 9/11. The memorial is complete and open to the
public. The new World Trade Center is almost complete. The events are going to pass from people's
concern and the 9/11 Truth movement is either not able to mount any serious street actions or still
preaching to the rather small choir. This of course perfectly suits the agenda of the government
sponsored- manipulators but I know very well that there are others. I am confident that the majority
of the speakers that I heard at the Truth meeting were very genuine in their concern. But it has
to be understood that cynicism, defeatism and apathy serve the manipulators. Those who are
serious about the Truth movement must bring the critical thinking that allows them to see the truth
behind the curtain of lies created by the government, the media, etc. to the actions of the Truth
movement itself. Full-page ads in major newspapers, community meetings, college teach-ins are
the road to creating a mass movement. This is not rocket science or even Architecture 1, it is the
bricks and mortar of building a mass movement, tested and proven historically in the movement
against the war in Vietnam. Whoever truly wants a new investigation into 9/11 must take the
steps necessary to realize this goal.

Henry Platsky

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