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The Man Nobody Knew; In Search of My Father
The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby

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Looks like it will be awful. A sugar coated homage to a criminal. A really good movie could be made knowing the man and the events he was involved with. I don't think this is it judging from his son's description of his father and the movie.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Looks like it will be awful. A sugar coated homage to a criminal. A really good movie could be made knowing the man and the events he was involved with. I don't think this is it judging from his son's description of his father and the movie.

One really can't expect more from a son..... For a real documentary, one needs someone a little less connected and invested. Colby had SO MUCH dirt and blood on his have ALL CIA heads.....few Americans have ANY idea....they consider the KGB and similar to be 'evil organizations that do all kinds of evil acts'...but see the CIA as Boy Scouts looking out for the intersests of America. In fact, the CIA only looks out for the corrupt interests of the small [in number] Ruling Elite and engages in criminal behavior all the time in order to do their bidding.

Here is but one of many interesting articles on Colby....

By Sherman H. Skolnick

Once they find something that works, that is what they do. So,
again and again CIA officials have been caused to "disappear" or
have been murdered. It is better than having to make messy
explanations. A favorite cover story is the boat scenario or the
plane crash, actually sabotaged.

In 1972, Dorothy Hunt, herself higher up in CIA than her husband,
died along with eleven other Watergate figures in a sabotaged
plane crash in Chicago. She was the wife of Watergate burglar,
E. Howard Hunt. Together, they had blackmailed some two million
dollars out of Nixon to stay shut about what they knew about
Nixon's role in arranging the political assassination of
President Kennedy. Her plan had been to transfer in Chicago to a
private plane at a suburban airport to take her to an important
meeting of her associates in the Caribbean. She reportedly
survived the pancaking of the plane but was murdered by those
among a 150-person FBI team that took over the crash site and
excluded the local fire and police. Her associates in the
Caribbean disappeared and all that was found was their boat.

In 1978, a CIA officer, suspected of being a Soviet "mole",
disappeared and his empty boat was found near Chesapeake Bay.
Without waiting to investigate, the local authorities were quick
to state there was no foul play. Later, a body was found with a
shot in the head. The authorities quickly stated it was the CIA
official, John A. Paisley, and that he supposedly had committed
suicide. They ignored his wife's vigorous protests that the body
was the wrong height to be that of her husband. Later, the
Senate Intelligence Committee, always friendly to CIA, stated
that there was no credible evidence to show Paisley's death was
other than a suicide. The investigative report was never made
public, apparently for reasons of "national security", a
catch-all cover up term.

Then there is the case of William Colby, former Director of
Central Intelligence, who disappeared and his empty boat was
found in the shallows of a Potomac River tributary near his
southern Maryland retreat. (On the map, not so very far from the
disappearance of Paisley.) Quite a bit of background is
necessary to understand Colby.

During the war in Southeast Asia, William Colby headed the CIA's
"Phoenix Assassination" Program, murdering some 68,000 Vietnamese
for no better reason than they were on a list of those with the
wrong politics or supposedly opposed the Saigon government,
puppets of the American CIA. Also, starting in the 1970s, if not
earlier, he was the overseer of a strange, almost secret bank
called the Nugan-Hand Bank, with facilities stretching from
California, to Australia, to the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and
Saudi Arabia. Top U.S. Admirals and Generals operated their
various offices.

In its basic form, the Nugan-Hand Bank handled CIA covert funds,
financed worldwide CIA-sponsored assassinations, washed dope
money, and aided U.S. military personnel to launder illicit loot,
from dope dealing, gambling, sale of U.S. military equipment
stolen in great quantities from and during the Viet Nam War.

One of the founders of the Nugan-Hand Bank was found murdered in
1980. On his body was the card of William Colby. Not publicized
much in the U.S. was the investigation of a government commission
in Australia. Colby and the Generals and the Admirals ran the
bank. The sordid details are in Jonathan Kwitny's book, "The
Crimes of Patriots".

Some apologists for Colby contend he aided one or more
Congressional investigations in the 1970s of CIA, supposedly for
reform, such as the Senate Committee headed by the late Senator
Frank Church. While outlining CIA plots against Cuba's Fidel
Castro, these Congressional committees never saw fit to inquire
into the doings of the Nugan-Hand Bank and William Colby's role
with it.

Upon the supposed collapse of the Nugan-Hand Bank, supposedly
wiping out the secret deposits of various U.S. Military people,
their successor and alter ego became what was called Household
International. The world headquarters of the operation moved to
the Chicago suburb of Prospect Heights. Colby, who had been
Director of Central Intelligence from 1973-1976, continued on
after 1980 as the overseer of the new name, Household
International. Subsidiaries, actually and technically savings
and loans, were called Household Bank.

In the 1980s, some thirty or more savings and loan associations
were secretly taken over by CIA, for use to funnel covert funds
for bloody and dirty tricks. After the operation was concluded,
the money was sucked out, and the particular S&L "collapsed". A
highly skilled Texas journalist detailed the doings of some 26 of
these CIA-S&L operations which went "bust" and the clean-up
arranged supposedly by the federal deposit insurance authorities
at the great damage and detriment of the taxpayers. One of the
S&Ls was run by one of George Bush's sons. See: Pete Brewton's
heavily documented work, "The Mafia, the CIA, and George Bush".

Three or more CIA-S&Ls, not mentioned in the book, were in
Illinois, in the Chicago area.

CLYDE SAVINGS & LOAN. A director of this reputed CIA operation
was Congressman Henry Hyde who wore two hats. First, he was head
of the CIA's "black budget" with more actual authority than the
Director of Central Intelligence. Second, he has been a
Congressman, on the House Intelligence Committee. More recently,
Hyde became chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, with
authority to decide who, if anyone, is subject to impeachment for
being a corrupt federal judge.
Does it not violate the U.S. Constitution's mandate of
Separation of Powers, for Hyde to be both a Congressman at the
same time he is head of CIA's "black budget" for dirty tricks?
The Federal Savings and Loan bail-out agency, Resolution
Trust Corporation [RTC], brought an action in Chicago Federal
District Court, accusing Hyde of various misconduct in the
downfall of Clyde Savings. Case No. 93 C 2477. The case was
being heard by Chicago Federal District Judge Brian Barnett Duff,
closely aligned with the Federal Reserve and a crony of George
Bush. Judge Duff is no stranger to covering up massive
corruption. In 1990-91, he had the case involving the Federal
Reserve Board, the House Banking Committee, and Italy's Banca
Nazionale Delavoro, Italy's largest bank owned in part by the
Vatican. At issue were records of BNL's Chicago branch, relating
to the private joint business ventures of Iraq's strongman,
originally installed by CIA, Saddam Hussein, and Hussein's secret
business partner. Judge Duff ordered the records be kept secret.
This writer and his associates were the only journalists
attending the federal appeals hearing of the BNL case in May,
1991. I interviewed two of the participants who told me that the
secret private business partner of Saddam Hussein has been George
Bush, at the time U.S. President. Involved were BNL records
relating to oil kick-backs from the whole Persian Gulf area for
the decade 1980, to 1990, 25 billion dollars per year kick-backs,
shared by Saddam Hussein with George Bush and Bush's circle of
cronies; 25 percent of one trillion dollars of oil shipped to the
West in that decade, 25 billion dollars per year, 250 Billion
Dollars total.
So Judge Duff knew how to torpedo controversies and cover
them up. At a crucial point in the case against Henry Hyde, a
CIA attorney appeared in chambers with Judge Duff, and persuaded
Duff -- as if persuading were needed -- that all key records are
to be kept secret. In a later trick, Judge Duff arranged to
delay a trial on key issues for several years by certifying a
piece-meal appeal, usually not permitted -- all to protect CIA
and Hyde.

LIBERTYVILLE SAVINGS & LOAN. A director of this CIA S&L was
Charles Hunter who was the chief financial officer of the
drugstore chain, Walgreen's. Hunter actually ran Walgreen's
since the CEO, "Cork" Walgreen, spent two weeks of the month
vacationing in Florida. RTC sued Charles Hunter in Chicago's
Federal District Court, accusing Hunter and others of causing the
downfall of Libertyville S&L, Case No. 91 C 1741. Accused of
causing damages of more than 42 million dollars, the details
could have great impact on Hunter's role with Walgreen's, showing
violation of his fiduciary duties as chief financial officer of
Hearing the case was Chicago Federal District Judge Harry D.
Leinenweber -- wife, Lynn Martin, was Secretary of Labor in the
Bush Administration. (We confronted her on a radio talk show,
asking her to explain why her husband the Judge never
disqualified himself when several cases were on his docket which
she as Labor Secretary was shown as a party to the case. She
replied, she never asked her husband about his Court work.)
To cover up the CIA S&L case, Judge Leinenweber reportedly
received a gift, or bribe, of some 17 million dollars. The RTC
officials bringing the case looked the other way, as they did in
corrupt doings related to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

in a suburb of Chicago. Overseer in this operation reportedly
has been Dr. Earl Brian, a financial industry and mass media
heavyweight. In various books, he is accused of being a key
player in the "October Surprise", guns and money funneled to Iran
to have them delay release of the U.S. hostages so as to wreck
Jimmy Carter's bid for re-election as president and help install
the Reagan/Bush ticket. The hostages were released in January,
1981, just as Reagan was being sworn in as the new President.
Dr. Earl Brian reportedly played a key role in the INSLAW
Affair. He also owned Channel 66 TV, just south of Chicago, in
an area that is the reputed U.S. entry point for the smuggling in
to this country of "China White", high purity heroin. He ran a
financial espionage operation called Financial News Network.
Brian has been prosecuted in Los Angeles Federal Court, for a
scam using FNN; the details about espionage and CIA have been
omitted from the federal criminal charges, however, by the
federal prosecutor.

part for washing CIA covert funds, the collapsed shell of what
was left was merged and taken over by Household Bank. The
Federal Home Loan Bank parked 58.4 million dollars with Household
to satisfy claims pending since 1983 by Joseph Andreuccetti, a
west suburban caulking contractor. Andreuccetti was the victim
of a swindle that included the following:
1. Multi-million dollar condo complex in Addison, Illinois,
a west suburb of Chicago, a very short distance from the home of
Henry Hyde. Called Kingspoint Condominiums, in the deal the
nephew/godson of Paul Marcinkus, namely Christian Henning, Jr.,
falsely claimed to be Andreuccetti's partner. Marcinkus, until
1991, was the head of the Vatican Bank. Authorities of the
Republic of Italy contend Marcinkus was part of a scheme to
launder dope and gun smuggling and political assassination funds,
on behalf of the Sicilian mafia and the American CIA, through the
Vatican Bank. Bishop Marcinkus has so far escaped extradition
from Sun City, Arizona, where he resides now, back to Italy, on
the contention that the Vatican is a separate sovereignty from
2. Marcinkus, originally from the long-known mafia-enclave
of Cicero, a Chicago suburb, has been the dominant force
controlling First National Bank of Cicero, a reputed Mafia-CIA
money machine. To try to cover up a vast scam by Marcinkus,
Henning, and others, the Cicero bank used false loan details to
fraudulently push Andreuccetti into *involuntary* bankruptcy,
still pending since 1984, Case numbers 84 B 10338, 10339, and
some ten related cases showing the roles of Household, the First
National Bank of Cicero, First Midwest Bank, and others in
skimming off funds used for bribing judges and other political
3. Officials of the defunct American Heritage S&L, to
silence them, were prosecuted in the case of U.S. vs. John Best
et al. The federal prosecutor, William R. Hogan, Jr., is a story
all by himself. Reportedly trained and groomed by Special Forces
and CIA, Hogan in a way is far too clever to have been just an
Assistant U.S. Attorney in Chicago. Hogan's extended family has
included those close to the Catholic Archbishop of Chicago who
also is Treasurer for the whole Catholic Church for the Western
Hemisphere, from Canada to Argentina.
Hogan was the federal prosecutor in a large group of cases of
the narco-terrorist street gang called the El Rukns. The gang
previously was called the Blackstone Rangers and was used as
computer models in how they cowed and terrorized Chicago
southside neighborhoods, to study how to cow and terrorize
hamlets in Viet Nam. Until Hogan showed up, the El Rukns were
untouchable. Their bail bond money was often supplied by the
traditional mafia. The gang early on was financed by CIA-linked
Foundations, including the Charles Merrill Trust of Cambridge,
Mass. (Linked to Merrill-Lynch stock brokerage.)
Hogan is accused by his Justice Department bosses of having
been overzealous in the El Rukn prosecutions. Most of the
defendants who were also witnesses against other gang members
were already in jail awaiting trials. Hogan is accused of
arranging sex and dope for some of the El Rukns, either inside
the jail, or transporting them to a federal office building to
have sex and dope there.
Hogan's apparent defense is that if this occurred at all, it
was arranged or supervised by his supervisors. The more serious
matters, according to Hogan's circle, is that at least six
federal judges in Chicago take bribes, as known to corrupt
officials in the IRS and the Justice Department; and that nothing
is being done by federal authorities. Among those reportedly
taking bribes is Chief Bankruptcy Judge John D. Schwartz
presiding in the Joseph Andreuccetti cases and related matters.
Schwartz previously was a director and stockholder of First
National Bank of Cicero, instrumentally interwoven in the complex
of details in the Andreuccetti Affair. According to an
undisputed admission and confession in a related court case,
Schwartz has not filed a proper federal income tax return and has
an estimated off-shore net worth of 141 million dollars -- has
not filed a proper return in *30 years*.
The Kingspoint valuable property was purchased by Wallace
Lieberman, on other occasions a federal bankruptcy auctioneer;
Lieberman's partner in the deal was Robert Belavia, a reputed
mafia kingpin. Shortly after Marcinkus returned to the U.S. and
a few days after a complaint about Lieberman was made to the U.S.
Attorney in Chicago about Lieberman, he was murdered, apparently
by an FBI agent (the same one, according to undisputed federal
court records) who caused some 40 federal grand jury witnesses to
be murdered or to disappear in the proceedings in 1991-92, in the
INSLAW Affair (high Reagan and Bush administration officials
accused of stealing high technology and selling it to, among
others, sworn enemies of the U.S.)
That same FBI agent, Mike "Chuckie" Peters, flies a
helicopter and plays a key role in the 1996 events in Montana.
4. In a federal court case against top IRS and Justice
Department officials, involving corruption, an undisputed
confession and admission of an official in the Criminal
Investigation Division of IRS shows:
-- the higher ups at IRS stole the Kingspoint properties
from Lieberman and arranged to hustle Belavia quickly
into prison; that the IRS officials stole the properties
for their own personal benefit and caused certain related
land title records to disappear as part of a cover up.
As shown in Case No. 92 C 7048, in Chicago Federal
District Court.
-- that the IRS was instrumental in covering up the
disappearance of 50 million dollars, parked by federal
authorities with Household Bank -- on which Joseph
Andreuccetti has a long-pending claim -- and that the
money was secretly transferred to Little Rock in an
attempt to cover up some 47 million dollars reportedly
embezzled by Bill and Hillary Clinton from Madison
Guaranty S&L in Little Rock.
-- that the Bankruptcy Trustee in the Andreuccetti cases,
Jay A. Steinberg, has been allowed and permitted to file
false and fraudulent state and federal revenue forms and
tax returns, supposedly in the name of Joseph
Andreuccetti, without the knowledge or consent of
5. Steinberg is a partner in the huge law firm of Hopkins &
Sutter, major counsel for RTC. The firm arranged for two faraway
lawyers -- Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vincent W. Foster, Jr. --
to work on the left-over problem of a Chicago-area savings and
loan whose collapse was caused by fraudulent bonds by Clinton's
dope and bond broker crony, Dan Lasater. Hillary and Vince
reportedly whitewashed hundreds of millions that could have been
recovered by RTC. Hopkins and Sutter also arranged to have
George Bush's son escape prison in the Silverado S&L scandal in


By 1995-96, matters intensified in which William Colby was
implicated, in one way or another. The First National Bank of
Cicero, dominated by mafia-CIA darling Bishop Paul Marcinkus,
recent head of the Vatican Bank, had been taken over by Pinnacle
Banc Group, the successor and alter ego of the infamous Bank of
Credit and Commerce International. It was becoming more and more
known, through items posted on Internet, and stories elsewhere,
that the espionage operation, BCCI, dominated by CIA, had not, in
fact, collapsed in July 1991; that Pinnacle was the new name and
face. Four major, international news operations had the BCCI
bribery list, how they bribed 25 percent of both houses of the
U.S. Congress -- 28 U.S. Senators and 108 members of the House.
Although the establishment news groups had the list and
corroborated its validity, they decided not to go with it -- it
would destabilize the U.S. central government. Strange, but the
list, for 30 days, was a public record at the Bank of England!
This writer received from a brave journalist the list and
corroboration, and wrote a story about it in a right-wing paper
in 1991. The publication received the list of names but deleted
them from the published story. By 1995, the names were becoming
more and more known and the result: an unusually large number of
representatives and senators suddenly decided to resign, retire,
and not run for re-election in 1996. Some of them had already
arranged their re-election campaign literature.

It was becoming more and more evident that former CIA Director
William Colby was directly implicated in the dirty business --
now implicating the Clintons -- of Household International and
Household Bank. Colby was reportedly directly involved in the
BCCI/Pinnacle Banc Group espionage operations. The Roger
D'Onofrio Affair in Italy [see CN 6.65] was not going away; he
was a top American CIA official, residing in Italy, put under
house arrest for being involved in arranging for the Vatican
Bank, in conjunction with the Sicilian mafia, to launder dope and
gun loot, smuggle gold, and sell nuclear bomb triggers to sworn
enemies of the U.S.

A member of the London Gold Pool, living near the First National
Bank of Cicero, John Tarullo, was murdered in August 1995. His
connections extended reportedly to the CIA, the Archbishop of
Milan, the FBI Counter-Intelligence section, as well as the
traditional Sicilian mafia. Tarullo's connections reportedly
extended to Judy Baar Topinka, a close crony of the Bank [of
Cicero] and Marcinkus; she was elected Illinois State Treasurer
in 1994. Did the Vatican Bank now have their agent in charge of
all the state public money of Illinois? (She praised that Bank
and Marcinkus on this writer's public access cable TV show just
prior to her election.)

Also becoming clear was William Colby's role in trying to get an
armlock on political dissent in the U.S. Notice the role of
Colby's close crony John DeCamp, an attorney from Lincoln,
Nebraska, in trying to throttle various financial possible
scandals, such as Pinnacle Banc Group/BCCI, Household
International, Household Bank, the Clintons and the strange death
of National Security Agency operative Vincent W. Foster, Jr. at
the time Foster was also a top Clinton White House aide.
-- cronies of the so-called Independent Whitewater Counsel
Kenneth Starr were reportedly trying to push John DeCamp to
be in charge of Joseph Andreuccetti and his explosive group
of court cases. Luckily, Joe [Andreuccetti] refused.
-- John DeCamp reportedly played a role in attempting to
control or manipulate Oklahoma Federal Grand juror Hoppy
Heidelberg. Hoppy was attempting to persuade fellow grand
jurors that the FBI and other federal authorities have to be
compelled to bring before the grand jurors certain data about
John Doe #2, or even #3, in respect to the Oklahoma City
bombing case. A reputed government counter-intelligence
agent, Lawrence W. Myers, became the chief investigative
reporter -- if not actually the controlling force -- of a
new, supposedly dissident publication, called Media Bypass
magazine, that went from about 5,000 monthly circulation to
near 50,000 in a very short time. The militia movement, the
Freemen, the tax protester movement, and others like them,
somehow got the impression that Media Bypass magazine spoke
for them. Who checked Myers' background? He was reportedly
highly skilled in counter-terrorism, an expert on bomb
making, and had worked for the adjunct to CIA, namely,
Wackenhut, on terrorist problems. Myers wrote four published
books on bomb making including remote explosives detonators.
The books were published by a reputed CIA proprietary,
Palladin Press, reportedly supervised by William Colby and
his cronies.

John Doe #3 reportedly was an Iraqi intelligence official brought
into the U.S. and kept totally surveilled and supervised by the
CIA. Did the Iraqi "spook" help the American CIA create a
so-called terrorism event in Oklahoma City to promote possible
martial law to strangle growing dissent in the U.S.? Or was it a
bungled event, done with U.S. central government complicity?

By April 1996 it was becoming clear to some that William Colby
had to disappear or be thrown away. Household International's
stock took a tumble; they were forced to give away 54 of their
Household Bank units to the Harris Bank, a unit of the Canadian
bank octopus, Bank of Montreal, owned by the infamous Bronfman
family, big in dope, gun smuggling, *and* booze. Not everyone
bought the mass media story that the Bronfmans actually paid over
200 million dollars for the Household Bank units.

About 10 days after the Household Bank-Harris Bank arrangement,
William Colby disappeared. Colby's close crony, John DeCamp, was
supposedly advisor to Hoppy at the same time DeCamp was attorney
for Media Bypass and closely linked to Myers, the reputed
"spook". Some clever sorts were putting two and two together.
Was the whole magazine a trick to catalogue and finger
dissidents? Did Myers and DeCamp almost cause Hoppy to be
-- a few days prior to his disappearance, Colby was in Texas
at a university seminar on the Viet Nam War. Some thought
maybe Colby was knowledgeable about POWs who the U.S.
government cannot admit still exist in Southeast Asia: are
the POWs made into "mules" in the dope trade for the reported
benefit of Colin Powell and his pals George Bush and Richard
Armitage? Did Colby whisper explosive items into some ears
in or near the seminar?

Former CIA Director William Colby was too involved. So, the
mysterious "they" used the boat trick, to make him disappear or
for murder.

At the time of his disappearance, Colby was under Congressional
subpoena to testify. Some believe his testimony could have put
Bill and Hillary Clinton in prison.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
New[/URL] movie uncovers the world of the CIA
I've merged these threads about Carl Colby's idiocy to the Propaganda folder, which is where his movie belongs....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
a bit more...

Message body
in defence watch what you wish for

William Colby: Former CIA director 'killed himself over Vietnam guilt' claims son Carl | Mail Online
If that, in fact, is true, it provides a model for some other folks.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Bernice Moore Wrote:

William Colby: Former CIA director 'killed himself over Vietnam guilt' claims son Carl | Mail Online

I cannot believe anyone believes this. Shit his body was not even found for over a week later. This was murder.
I don't know, Dawn ... Jim Fetzer believes all the children of all the dead spooks.

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