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JFK: What we know now that we didn't know then
JFK: What we know now that we didn't know then

by Jim Fetzer


The alleged assassin of JFK

With the advent of the 48th observance of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, it may be appropriate to share important findings regarding what we know now about his death that we have not known in the past. Most Americans are not in the position to take on the task that serious research requires.

As a former Marine Corps officer and professor of philosophy who taught logic, critical thinking, and scientific reasoning for 35 years, it was my privilege to organize a research group consisting of the best qualified individuals to ever study the case in 1992.

Since then, we have published three books reporting what we have discovered Assassination Science (1998), Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000), and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003) I have chaired or co-chaired four national meetings on this subject and produced a documentary on it. From these books and other sources I will cite, many available on the net, you can verify what I am saying about our findings.

This research groupwhose efforts continue to this dayhas included three M.D.s, one of whom attended the mortally wounded president and then, two days later, his alleged assassin, while the second was a world authority on the human brain and also an expert on wound ballistics.

The third is both a Ph.D. in physics and board-certified in radiation oncology, who has studied the autopsy X-rays in the National Archives and is the leading expert on the medical evidence. A second Ph.D. in physics, with a specialization in the properties of light and of images of moving objects, is the foremost authority on the Zapruder film in the world today.

Others include an expert on the JFK photos and films, who testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations when it re-investigated the case in 1977-78, another an expert on the production/post-production of films and the technology available to alter them in November 1963, where the third Ph.D. is a philosopher of science who has published 29 books.


The hole in the windshield (1), the man in the doorway (2), the Dal-Tex shooter's location (3), and LBJ's security already reacting at the same time JFK's detail is looking around and non-responsive (4)

Among the enduring controversies of JFK research has been the identity of the man in the doorway, whom many believe to be Lee Oswald. Oliver Stone studied this question in preparing his film, "JFK", and concluded that it was Billy Lovelady instead, a co-worker at the depository.

Documents newly released by the ARRB, the interview notes taken by Will Fritz, the homicide detective who interrogated Oswald, however, show that Lee told him he had been "out with Bill Shelly [the assistant manager of the Texas School Book Depository] in front" during the assassination.


Will Fritz handwitten notes

And, indeed, if you look more closely, you can see that the face of a man who is to the left/front of Lovelady (to the right/front facing him) has been damaged in order to conceal the presence of the alleged "lone assassin".

While the Altgens has widely been supposed to be untouched, this discovery demonstrates that that is not the case. Indeed, another figure two persons to Lovelady's right (or to his left facing him) has also been obscured, whom I would surmise was probably Jack Ruby.


Lovelady to the left, Oswald to his right/front (defaced)

This discovery demonstrates that proof that Oswald was framed, which includes the faking of the backyard photographs, is simply overwhelming and far beyond any reasonable doubt.

If we use the phrase "beyond a reasonable doubt" to characterize arguments based upon logic and evidence for which there is no reasonable alternative explanation, then what we have published in these books and recent articles demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt:

* that JFK was hit at least four times (once in the back from behind; once in the throat from in front; and twice in the head, once from behind and once from in front);

* that the wound to his throat was caused by a shot that penetrated the limousine windshield, which was subsequently destroyed and replaced by a substitute windshield;

* that the shot to the back was well below the collar, entered only about as far as the second knuckle on your little finger, and evinced no point of exit from the body;

* that no bullet transited the President's neck without hitting any bony structures and exited at the level of his tie, a trajectory that in fact turns out to be anatomically impossible;


No hits were fired from the 6th floor "sniper's lair"

* that, as a consequence, no bullet passed through the President and hit the Governor, who was hit by at least one and perhaps as many as two or even three separate shots;

* that, including the shot that missed and injured James Tague, an absolute minimum of six shots had to have been fired during the assassination, where the total was more likely eight, nine, or even ten;

* that at least 59 witnesses reported that the limousine slowed dramatically or came to a complete halt after bullets began to be fired, which supports the conclusion that it slowed dramatically as it came to a complete halt;

* that the first shot to the head was fired from behind and entered in the vicinity of the external occipital protuberance at the back of the head;


He was said to have rushed from the 6th floor to the lunch room in order to drink a coke

* that the second shot to the head was fired from in front and entered in the vicinity of the right temple;

* that this second shot was fired with a frangible or "exploding" bullet that transmitted shockwaves through the brain;

* that the impact of this bullet combined with the weakening of the skull by the first shot to the head caused 1/3 to 1/2 of his brains to be blown out in Dealey Plaza at the time;

* that the massive blow-out to the back of the head was concealed by imposing a "patch" to the right lateral cranial X-ray (of the skull taken from the right side);


But witnesses saw him in and around the 2nd floor lunchroom

* that the brain had to be reconstituted since, once the defect to the skull had been "patched", there was no place for that brain matter to have gone;

* that the brain shown in diagrams and photographs in the National Archives cannot be the brain of John Fitzgerald Kennedy;

* that two brain examinations were conducted, the first of which was with the President's brain, the second with a substitute;

* that the autopsy report was prepared without the benefit of the autopsy photographs, which were removed by the Secret Service;


His 1:40 PM arrest report convicted him without the benefit of any investigation

* that the photographs were subsequently altered and altered in various ways to conceal evidence of the cause of death;

* that the Zapruder film of the assassination was in the hands of the National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) run by the CIA already the weekend of the assassination;

* that the extant "Zapruder film" has been massively edited to remove evidence of the actual cause of death, including the limousine having been brought to a halt in order to insure that the target would be killed.

A very accessible overview of these findings was presented at a national conference held at the University of North Dakota and published as Chapter 30, "Dealey Plaza Revisited: What Happened to JFK?"

The studies by David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., on the autopsy X-rays have been supplemented by his presentation, "The JFK Skull X-rays: Evidence for Forgery" at a national conference in Dallas in 2009.

A visual tutorial introduction to the evidence that the Zapruder film has been recreated by John P. Costella, Ph.D., "The JFK Assassination Film Hoax" , explains how we know that the film is a fabrication.

That finding that has been reinforced by the publication by Douglas Horne, the Chief Analyst for Military Affairs for the Assassination Records Review Board, of Inside the ARRB (2009), whose key arguments about the film are summarized in an article for those who may not have time for all five volumes! Many related articles are also archived at and .


There were no nitrate residues on his face

Most of these findings were published in Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000), which benefited from the release of the first of some 60,000 documents and records that were meant to be withheld from the public by the Warren Commission for 75 years.

Those whose work is brought together in this volume include

* the leading authority on the Secret Service (Vincent Palamara)

* the most knowledgeable student of the Presidential limousine (Douglas Weldon, J.D.)

* a leading expert on the medical evidence at Parkland and at Bethesda (Gary Aguilar, M.D.)

* the single most highly qualified person to ever study this case (David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D.)

* the Chief Analyst for Military Records for the ARRB (Douglas Horne)

* a legendary photo-analyst who advised the HSCA during its reinvestigation (Jack White)

* a world-famous philosopher who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950 (Bertrand Russell)

* a prize-winning director and playwright, who has produced a brilliant chronology (Ira David Wood III)

* a philosopher of science who had then published more than 20 books and 100 articles (James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.)

Given the extraordinary character of these findings, it would be appropriate to provide reasons beyond the research itself that was published there to reassure the public that it should be taken seriously.

Fortunately, this book was reviewed by George Costello for The Federal Lawyer (May 2001), pp. 52-56. This journal (formerly: The Federal Bar News and Journal) is a publication for attorneys who work for the federal government, who practice before federal agencies, or who appear before federal courts.

The reviewer was honored with an award of recognition for this review of Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000), which suggests his professional colleagues appreciated the contribution he made, which, in part, he summarized as follows:

What does all of this mean? Any one of the findings summarized above would be troubling by itself.

Together, these findings form a critical mass of evidence indicating that President Kennedy's autopsy was falsified, and help establish a compelling case that people within the federal government covered up evidence of frontal shots and hence of multiple gunmen and conspiracy in the assassination of President Kennedy.

Because it pulls this evidence together in one place, Murder in Dealey Plaza is one of the most important books to date on the Kennedy assassination.

The new evidence turns the tables. No longer can defenders of the lone assassin theory hide behind the autopsy evidence and claim that it trumps all the other evidence.

The weight of this other evidence now trumps the autopsy report. Lone assassin theorists must address and explain the new evidence if they wish to regain credibility.

It is time for people of integrity who were involved in the official investigations especially the professionals to take a good-faith look at the new evidence and confront the likelihood that their conclusions were based on falsified data .

Murder in Dealey Plaza may not be the last word on the medical evidence, but it should be the starting point for a fresh look not only at the medical evidence, but also at the assassination and its implications.

Those implications, I might add, are substantial in their impact upon alternative theories of the assassination.


Lee said it was his face imposed on someone else's body--and he was right!

The mafia, for example, would not have been able to extend its reach into Bethesda Naval Hospital to alter X-rays under the control of medical officers of the US Navy, agents of the Secret Service, and the president's personal physician.

Neither pro nor anti-Castro Cuban could have substituted another brain for that of JFK. Even if the KGB had an ability to alter films comparable to that of the CIA and Hollywood, it could not have obtained the original of the Zapruder.

These findings thus indicate that at least some of those involved had to have been among the nation's highest officials, a result that receives further support from James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable (2008) and Phillip Nelson, LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination (2010).

It is long past time that the American people are entitled to know the truth about the death of our 35th president.

Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer who earned his Ph.D. in the history and the philosophy of science, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the Duluth campus of the University of Minnesota. He co-edits with John Costella.

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James H. Fetzer Wrote:These findings thus indicate that at least some of those involved had to have been among the nation's highest officials, a result that receives further support from James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable (2008) [B]and Phillip Nelson, LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination (2010).

It is long past time that the American people are entitled to know the truth about the death of our 35th president.

How tragic that Jim Fetzer chose to conclude his otherwise compelling and even heroic presentation of fact with the endorsement of LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination, a book that, intentionally or otherwise, supports the cover-up of JFK's murder and the broader agenda of that crime's prime movers, or Sponsors.

And to add insult to injury, Jim would assassinate the good name and grand work of James Douglass by favorably comparing that inspired, inspiring, and spiritually rejuvenating author and book with the assault on truth and justice that is Phillip Nelson's published defiling of the spirit of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

It is long past time that the American people are entitled to know the truth about the de facto aiding and abetting of the cover-up that is contained in the dangerous nonsense that is the central conceit of the Nelson book.

If I did not know Jim Fetzer better than I do, I would accuse him of conducting an operation designed to disparage Douglass' work and minimize its positive impacts on our culture and collective spirit by attempting to create a FALSE sense of level playing field for it and the Nelson garbage.

Phillip Nelson, intentionally or otherwise, is acting to protect the true Sponsors of JFK's assassination by elevating Lyndon Baines Johnson to a sponsorship status which, by definition, it was impossible for him to attain.

Based upon his academic and literary credentials, Jim Fetzer is expected to understand where the power to order the death of JFK truly resided and how far removed from such power alleged "mastermind" LBJ always was. There is only one way to understand Jim's endorsement of Nelson's perfidy:

Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in the JFK assassination and with a reasonable understanding of political power in 1963 who does not conclude that Lyndon Baines Johnson had neither the political power nor intellectual capacity to meet any reasonable definition of the term "mastermind" of that crime is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.
Come on, Charles! I don't want to get into another pissing contest with you. I have not been here for sometime because of your constant baiting and harassment on an issue where serious student of JFK can disagree. I think you are wrong and I am right. But we have been there, done that! Get a grip on yourself. You are demeaning yourself far more than you can imagine. There was only one figure who tied together all the disparate interests: LBJ. Enough is bloody enough. Stop it!

Charles Drago Wrote:
James H. Fetzer Wrote:These findings thus indicate that at least some of those involved had to have been among the nation's highest officials, a result that receives further support from James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable (2008) [B]and Phillip Nelson, LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination (2010).

It is long past time that the American people are entitled to know the truth about the death of our 35th president.

How tragic that Jim Fetzer chose to conclude his otherwise compelling and even heroic presentation of fact with the endorsement of LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination, a book that, intentionally or otherwise, supports the cover-up of JFK's murder and the broader agenda of that crime's prime movers, or Sponsors.

And to add insult to injury, Jim would assassinate the good name and grand work of James Douglass by favorably comparing that inspired, inspiring, and spiritually rejuvenating author and book with the assault on truth and justice that is Phillip Nelson's published defiling of the spirit of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

It is long past time that the American people are entitled to know the truth about the de facto aiding and abetting of the cover-up that is contained in the dangerous nonsense that is the central conceit of the Nelson book.

If I did not know Jim Fetzer better than I do, I would accuse him of conducting an operation designed to disparage Douglass' work and minimize its positive impacts on our culture and collective spirit by attempting to create a FALSE sense of level playing field for it and the Nelson garbage.

Phillip Nelson, intentionally or otherwise, is acting to protect the true Sponsors of JFK's assassination by elevating Lyndon Baines Johnson to a sponsorship status which, by definition, it was impossible for him to attain.

Based upon his academic and literary credentials, Jim Fetzer is expected to understand where the power to order the death of JFK truly resided and how far removed from such power alleged "mastermind" LBJ always was. There is only one way to understand Jim's endorsement of Nelson's perfidy:

Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in the JFK assassination and with a reasonable understanding of political power in 1963 who does not conclude that Lyndon Baines Johnson had neither the political power nor intellectual capacity to meet any reasonable definition of the term "mastermind" of that crime is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.
For those with an open mind who would like to learn more about JFK from some of the leading students of the assassination, I recommend a series of interviews I've done on "The Real Deal", where the archives are found at They are all quite fascinating:

Phillip F. Nelson
LBJ: The Mastermind of JFK's Assassination

Len Osanic
Col. Fletcher Prouty and the JFK assassination

David W. Mantik
JFK: The Medical Evidence

Doug Horne
JFK: Switching the films

John Costella
JFK: The Zapruder film

Karyn Holt Harcourt
JFK: Chauncey Marvin Holt
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Come on, Charles! I don't want to get into another pissing contest with you. I have not been here for sometime because of your constant baiting and harassment on an issue where serious student of JFK can disagree. I think you are wrong and I am right. But we have been there, done that! Get a grip on yourself. You are demeaning yourself far more than you can imagine. There was only one figure who tied together all the disparate interests: LBJ. Enough is bloody enough. Stop it!

"Stop it"???

Stop what -- defending the truth against the assaults of the likes of Nelson?

What you call "baiting and harassment" I call defending the truth.

If you choose not to be on these cyber-pages because your defenses of the indefensible are exposed as just that, then go where the Nelson's of the world are allowed to spew their cover-up enhancements without challenge.

And if there is "only one figure who [could tie] together all the disparate interests" -- and I see no evidence that such a figure existed -- then it most certainly was not the under-siege puppet named Lyndon Baines Johnson.

"Stop it"???

Go to hell.

Thank you for a adopting a more civil tone in this latest post. I recently interviewed Phil Nelson for two-hours, during which we specifically addressed his use of the term "mastermind". Check it out:

Phillip F. Nelson
LBJ: The Mastermind of JFK's Assassination

Pithy, old sport. Pithy.

When I have two hours to devote to opposition research, I'll gird my loins and attempt to endure Nelson.

Until then:

How do YOU understand "mastermind" in the sense that Nelson uses the term to describe LBJ's criminal involvement -- and yes, there is no doubt in my mind that LBJ is guilty of murder in this case - in the death of President Kennedy?

How do you define "Sponsor" in the JFK assassination?

Why do you continue to defend the elevation of a JFK conspiracy Facilitator to the level of FALSE sponsor when so often in the past such elevation has been utilized to defeat our ostensible shared purpose?

Nelson will not pass while I am on guard.

Nor will his enablers.

Civil enough for you?
Gentleman, you are both visible, respected and more. I have not read all the books noted, nor listened to every possible podcast, nor done anything even close to the kinds of work the two of you have done on this topic (nor the many others, some of whom are here at DPF).

Because of your visibility and the collective nature of the topic, you are linked in (or out) to wider audiences. I cannot afford to travel to COPA, for example, but continued discussion and exposition of the debates can't be bad. I'll get my popcorn and iced coffee; you two stick to the high road and continue the work.

Don't make me choose between you unless it is supremely vital and one or the other has made a grievous and intentional error of some sort with intent to deceive.

Are either of you capable or intent on deception? Somehow, I doubt it.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
It should be clear at this point in the Kennedy Assassination game that pointing to Johnson as the "Mastermind" is to draw attention away from the greater order of things and their due designation and significance. Johnson is about as much the mastermind of the assassination as Oswald.
E. Howard Hunt in Bond of Secrecy places LBJ at the top of the organizational chart. I posit this is a deathbed deflection by a career Company man.

Lyndon Baines Johnson announced April 23, 1963, that John F. Kennedy would have lunch in Dallas later in the year, but this did not require a mastermind.

The organization was officially established in 1947, and strengthened in 1949. This did not require Lyndon Johnson.

When Eisenhower warned of the military-industrial complex he was shaken to the core.

Kennedy fired Dulles for the lies involving the Bay of Pigs invasion. And what did Dulles do:

After the Bay of Pigs, Hunt became a personal assistant to Allen Dulles.[SUP][7][/SUP]Tad Szulc states that Hunt was asked to assist Dulles in writing a book, The Craft of Intelligence, that Dulles wrote following his involuntary retirement as CIA head in 1961.[SUP][8][/SUP] The book was published in 1963.

I don't think they were parsing paragraphs.

It was Angleton and the Mexico City crew who manipulated Oswald's file and legend.

Johnson was compromised and open to the bidding of others. In naming Helms DCI he was merely acknowledging the status quo post-1961, Helms not McCone being the sword and shield of CIA.

Johnson fretted and strutted his five years upon the stage and March 1968 the bully backed out.

The following month intelligence took down King; in June, Bobby. In November, Nixon ascendant.

The supposed heavy hitters of the assassination according to some: Hoover, Johnson, Nixon.

Helms sent Hunt, Sturgis, McCord et al to bring down Nixon with Watergate.

In 72 Hoover has his heart attack. In 73, Johnson, his. In 74 Nixon resigns August 8 and I suggest the minutes of tape too dangerous to transcribe concerned Nixon's knowledge of CIA guilt in the assassination of JFK as Haldeman writes in his book.

Ford names GHWBush DCI Jan 76 and the cleanup in the runup to the HSCA proceeds apace.

Mark Lane is lovely in his Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK. To be sure it was not the CIA which was shattered into a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds but JFK's head.

Truman December 22, 1963 in the Washington Post sought to Limit CIA to Intelligence but we're in Afghanistan.

Regimes fall, heads of state are murdered, not because of Landslide Lyndon but because of the Sword and Shield of the National Security State.

The temporary occupants of the various posts are terra-cotta warriors not masterminds.


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