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"Under Umbrella of “Drug Control” US Is Preparing Death Squads for Azerbaijan and Central Asia"

Under Umbrella of "Drug Control" US Is Preparing Death Squads for Azerbaijan and Central Asia


George Borodin: guests from Colombia, El Salvador, and Kosovo: The U.S. is prepared in Azerbaijan and Central Asia "death squads"

[Image: 1_-_sarsekov_i_braunfild-big.jpg]
Deputy Secretary of State and Head of the Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement in the U.S. Department of State William Brownfield (right) pledged robust support CARICC. Together with the Director Lt. Gen. CARICC Beksultanov Sarsekovym. Source: CARICC.
[Image: 2_-_william_brownfield-big.jpg]
Undersecretary of State William Brownfield said that "the Central Asian Initiative on Drugs," the U.S. will be higher than the struggle for influence between Washington and Moscow. Source: Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Richard Solash.
[Image: 3_-_sarsekov_i_kostelanchik-big.jpg]
Director CARICC B. Sarsekov (left) with the Director of the Office for law enforcement issues and drug control in Europe and Asia, the U.S. State Department ID Kostelanchikom.Source: CARICC.
Today, under the burden of "fighting drugs" the United States are trying to create a loyal group of law enforcement agencies and special purpose units in the Central Asian states. One of the mechanisms of this process is CARICC Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre on fight against drugs. All that the U.S. did in Central America in the 1970-1990′s: there training counternarcotics police later turned into a murderous death squads and civil wars for decades. Drug production in the meantime increased in proportion to American intervention. Today, the process of "Afghanization" Central Asia is gaining momentum and to the point of no return, there is very little time.
In foreign practice, the Obama administration's entrenched certain tactical approach: hands of other states to act and conduct their own initiative as a multilateral mechanism of international organizations. Thus, the war was waged against Libya by France and the United States provided only "support" functions. The "New Silk Road" will initiate Turkey and the United States in its "neutral, but an enthusiastic companion" (1). League of Arab States, one after the other issues calls for the overthrow of the legitimate, but disliked the leaders of the United States. UN Security Council resolution against Syria in October 2011 put forward France, Britain, Germany and Portugal and the United States it is only "support" in the company of Colombia, Nigeria, Gabon and Bosnia. It's really more intelligent and sophisticated tactics, compared with a cowboy fell swoop the previous U.S. administration: the costs and accrue a negative response to others; the more so in the budget deficit, "the transfer of the burden of defense spending allies the only sensible way" (2-3 .)
United Nations, the main international mechanism, the U.S. is trying to turn into a multilateral extension of the State Department to give international legitimacy to its sole initiatives. Washington is also trying to use a separate structure in its UN, U.S., destination: The IAEA has recently used to put pressure on Iran, the Office on Drugs and Crime United Nations (UNODC) tool penetration into Central Asia.
Another favorite American maneuver the creation of "regional" institutions thousands of miles from their borders, in which the United States are members or observers. Directing the activities of these structures, the curators of Washington repeated local leadership, "it's your idea, your structure, do everything yourself, we will only help" and thus get a (semi) compliant mechanism that serves as their outpost in the remote region.
As a pretext for the creation of such mechanisms, the United States are using the theme of "cooperation in areas of common interest." The most plausible and persuasive cover serves as a "joint fight against drugs," and this card is played out most actively against Russia and Central Asia. In recent months, Washington has coined especially mocking argument: his "war on drugs" they activate in response to concern about the implications of Russia "withdrawal" of troops from Afghanistan (in fact, no "O", of course a reduction of troops).
If the United States so concerned about drugs, why do they flatly refuse to fight drug production and drug trafficking in Afghanistan (4), and instead seek to "assist" Russia and Central Asian states in their territories? Intercept drugs at the source is much easier, especially when the territory is occupied 140,000th military contingent as part-time drug dealers are CIA agents, and precursors and drugs are transported under the control of the same warlords who "provide security" of U.S. and NATO convoys ( 5). Center was created by means of NATO member states: the United States (3.2 million), Great Britain, Italy, Turkey, France, Czech Republic, as well as Finland and Luxembourg a total of 15,400,000 USD (9). These same states plus Afghanistan and Pakistan have observer status at CARICC while China and Iran on the list are not registered. Observer States had access to the entire volume of information collected and analyzed by the Center. Director Sarsekov says CARICC "ready to cooperate with western countries" and proposes to expand the mandate of the Centre for all types of cross-border crime, not limiting it to the fight against drug trafficking as evidenced by Wikileaks dispatches disclosed the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent (10). Indeed, CARICC takes a lot of international visitors: foreign delegations arrive in the center of one another. Training CARICC conduct "international experts with extensive law enforcement and managerial experience" (11).
U.S. sees CARICC as "very important and effective tool", Secretary of State Hillary Clinton personally oversaw the development of the Centre (12). As an "observer" The United States takes an active part in its work. Hardware and software for CARICC put U.S. Central Command (13). In the "technical support / service" CARICC also involved the Office of Military Cooperation U.S. Department of Defense (Office of Military Cooperation, OMC), as reported in a telegram to the U.S. Embassy in Astana, disclosed in the latest WikiLeaks documents servings September 1, 2011 (14) . The United States insisted that multilateral efforts to combat the drug passed through CARICC and NATO-Russia Council, and not through the Collective Security Treaty Organization (15).Washington also hoped to link the activities CARICC the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which now trains police officers and other professionals involved in the protection of the law, but because of objections by Russian officials to the United States had to abandon those plans (16). In an attempt to hide the involvement of the Armed Forces of the United States in CARICC, though rather clumsy. Russian version of the site CARICC reports that "from May 16, 2011 in CARICC held a two-week training course for high ranking law enforcement agencies and special services of the parties, organized with the support of UNODC and donors." Coverage of the same event in the English language is different: training courses have been organized "with the support of UNODC and the U.S. Central Command" (emphasis added) (17).
For all its benefits for the U.S. CARICC only one of the stages of penetration into the power structure of the Central Asian states. In June 2011 Deputy Secretary of State and Head of the Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement in the U.S. State Department (Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, INL) William Brownfield (William Brownfield), which will be discussed separately, has announced some " Central Asian Initiative on Drugs "(Central Asian Counternarcotics Initiative, CACI) (18). In this project, the legal and practical aspects of which develops over the UNODC, we are talking directly to the creation of anti-drug "Special Forces" in the five Central Asian states, which would be linked to their counterparts in Afghanistan and Russia, and would coordinate through the UNODC and CARICC. As the model results in Brownfield "remarkably effective and proven specially selected units" created within the anti-narcotics police of Afghanistan by the Agency on U.S. Drug Enforcement (DEA). Washington will provide funding for training, purchase equipment and supplies for these special groups: $ 4.2 million to the initiative of the State Department has already allocated (19). Brownfield also noted that the implementation of the initiative does not require a massive military presence, neither the U.S. nor the Russian Federation. In summer and autumn of this year, he and his staff circulated by the Central Asian capitals, urging them to guide the need for such a model of special forces in the region.
Undersecretary of State William Brownfield, even among the arrogant power "diplomats" stands calmly and insolence. For this post Brownfield came in January 2011 directly from the chair of U.S. Ambassador to Colombia (2007-2010) (20). Brownfield previously served as ambassador to Venezuela, where it is not for his ambassadorial work twice received from President Hugo Chavez's warnings of expulsion (21). In 1996-1999, the Brownfield served as deputy head of that Office, struggling with drugs and "strengthening the rule of law", particularly in Bosnia and Kosovo. In 1993 he graduated from the National Military Institute (National War College). In 1989-1990. When the U.S. invaded Panama, served as political advisor to the commander of U.S. Southern Command in Panama. A Brownfield began his career in Venezuela in 1979 and in El Salvador in 1981-1983. (22) During the Civil War and the highest activity of the right-wing "death squads".
David Kostelanchik (David Kostelancik), Director for Europe and Eurasia in the Office of William Brownfield, began his career in Turkey (1989-1991) and Albania (1992-1993) in 1994 was a special assistant to Ambassador T. Pickering in Moscow. In 1998-2001. engaged in military-political issues in NATO's Central European affairs in the State Department and National Security Council. In 2007 Kostelanchik to advance in the same National War Institute, and then left for Moscow for the post of Minister-Counselor for Political Affairs and head of the inner section (Russian) politics (23). D. Kostelanchika residence in Virginia (24) is located in a convenient 4-mile distance from Langley much closer than to State Department.
Some might believe that U.S. officials with the track record of cooperation aim to rescue the Russian people on heroin? As for the main anti-drug department of the USA the Agency for U.S. Drug Enforcement (DEA), Ministry of Justice, its mission is to prevent the flow of drugs into the United States. International activities of DEA controlled by the fact that in 2006 it was included in the U.S. intelligence community, now consisting of 16 structures. Perhaps there will be decent in DEA officers, who consider the task of the true fight against narcotic evil. But they do not specify the course of the Agency, and when in their operative work imposed razvedkadrov development, the latter prevail.
However, not only the diplomacy of force and DEA, but Central Command and the U.S. Armed Forces, the giant war machine ravaged their area of ​​responsibility of full-scale wars and conflicts of low intensity, as the "fight against drugs" and even in Central Asia! However, anti-drug activities in the CENTCOM cover quickly gives way to the formation and training of local military special forces.
Center of U.S. military activity in Central Asia, in addition to Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan became. According to a press release, in Tajikistan, Central Command conducts 50 to 60 programs and activities in the field of security, and in 2011 70 (25). In particular, the completed construction of the National Center for training, systems are being interdepartmental communication to the Government of Tajikistan, built a bridge across the Panj River to the border and customs checkpoints on the Tajik-Afghan border the complex, which "helps to increase the commercial exchange that enhances communication Tajikistan, with its southern neighbor "(26). Institute of Foreign Languages ​​U.S. Department of Defense spent two 16-week courses in English for the Tajiks, the reconstruction of the Police Academy in Tajikistan, provided assistance in training personnel. Built frontier posts in Shurabad and Yahchi, Pune, at the opening of which in June 2011 came to himself Brownfield it installed "underfloor heating"! (27) Military Partner Tajikistan National Guard Virginia is also expanding its military cooperation: conducting training and information exchange in 2011, supplemented by the formation of "peacekeeping unit" training "disaster relief" and the civil-military medical readiness.
Medical services to the civilian population in the host country forces is a classic technique events "winning hearts and minds" of Field Manual on counterinsurgency (anti-guerrilla) activities, the current version of which was developed under the leadership of Gen. Mattis, now commander of U.S. Central Command, and Gen. Petraeus now director of the CIA (28). You can imagine how stun Tajik border guards presented America "underfloor heating". As well as a new form, brilliant equipment, modern computers the so-constructed emotional connection with the curator, under the doctrine of psychological warfare.
A special role in American regional structure is given as Kazakhstan's largest, prosperous and close to the Russian state in Central Asia, without which no valid Eurasian integration. However, the enactment of the Kazakh leadership of Russia, the U.S. and China against each other in the medium term will turn Kazakhstan into an arena of fierce struggle of the three powers and the position of fighting the landfill altogether unenviable. This process may already have begun: May 17, 2011 in Aktobe saw the first act of terrorism. As described by Michael Park in the article "" Dagestanizatsiya ": extremists have declared total war special forces" on the site of IA REGNUM, to destabilize Kazakhstan is possible an extensive set of subversive acts: acts of terrorism in Astana and Almaty, Kazakhstan infiltration of illegal armed formations, mass demonstrations fringe, accompanied by a demonstrative cruelty to certain groups, a series of explosions on pipelines, provoking Kazakhstan disproportionate and unjust military action (29).
And it gets inside the Customs Union of Russia today and in the future within the Eurasian Union.
When William Brownfield speaks of "specially selected and tested secret units" within the Central Asian Initiative on Drugs, the questions arise: "selected" by whom? "Trusted" whose intelligence? employees to whom? In fact, under the burden of drug control, the United States in Central Asia are building a loyal force apparatus. For what purpose and objectives?
1. To ensure obedience to the will of the state U.S. legal control is not enough you need power and control. During stabilization or destabilization of the internal situation of the power unit loyal support the government if it is given to the U.S. line or help to overthrow him, if it went off course. They suppress the resistance of the masses and eliminate the resistance leaders, and bring people to the desired political position. All these tasks can not be performed by the U.S. military without prejudice to the reputation of the U.S. in addition, local collaborators will perform the dirty work, with particular zeal to settle personal scores (see the experience of the "Galicia" and other national units SS reprisals against Gaddafi.)
2. Unconventional warfare (irregular war) the U.S. will lead the future due to deep partnerships with foreign military, according to the plans of General Mattis the commander of Central Command(30). U.S. Secretary of Defense L. Panetta confirmed that the budget increase of special forcesin the reduction of military expenditure necessary "to fight the rebels, the U.S. did not have to do it"(31). U.S. special forces, in addition to special operations, special forces are training other states "the industry in the stage of rapid growth," says the Central Command.
3. Safety and security of transit of military cargo for the U.S. occupation troops in Afghanistan and NATO's supply lines in the North (Northern Distribution Network, NDN) requires strict order in the transit countries. In the future, as the realization of the American integration project called "New" or "modern" silk road, you will need the security of a huge network of transport and energy lines, and most importantly, pipelines. According to the strategy of the Center for International and Strategic Studies (CSIS) ModernSilk Road "will implement a counterinsurgency mission," U.S.(32).
4. Providing key strategic advantages: Central Asia in conjunction with Afghanistan the "heart" of the Eurasian region, the last bastion on the way to world domination provides a base for projecting U.S. threats on three main enemies: Iran, Russia and China. Adoption of the military-political presence in Central Asia to the United States today is as important as the structuring of Western Europe in NATO in the years after World War II.
5. Finally, the political-military U.S. presence in Central Asia undermines any independent from Washington and they are not controlled by a regional integration initiative CSTO, SCO, and future Eurasian UnionU.S. actions in Central Asia largely duplicate their policy in Central and South America, and it concerns the integration process and the "fight against drugs", and counter-insurgency war.Thus, in 1993 by the U.S. was founded, "the Central American Integration System" (Central American Integration System, SICA) the system of economic and political integration. In 2000, Washington launched "Plan Colombia", which quickly turned from counternarcotics to counterinsurgency and a year later was supplemented by strengthening the capacity of the Colombian army to protect oil pipelines. Colombia is known, became a military foothold in Central America, the United States.
Recognized as a world historian and expert on the role of the CIA in the drug trade, Peter Dale Scott (Peter Dale Scott) as a result of decades of study of anti-drug efforts of the United States came to the conclusion that the increase in drug trafficking is due, not in spite of the efforts of Americans (33). Alfred McCoy (Alfred McCoy), another world-renowned expert on the role of the CIA in the drug trade, states that where the U.S. led "war on drugs," Drug Production generally increased (34). Drug production increased in proportion to terrorism, loss of life and suffering of a nation whose territory the United States have chosen to "fight against drugs."
It should be understood: in the fight against drugs Russian and U.S. interests are not "common." American power apparatus using drugs as a political weapon: the U.S., first create a crisis, then use it to infiltrate the power structures of the target to put them in the service of their interests. The formula is simple: to enter into an alliance with narkotorguyuschimi groups to declare war on drugs to establish military and political presence in the region where the drugs are sent.
CARICC for the U.S. it's intelligence and coordinating resources in the region and a platform for training of law enforcement agencies, the price of 3.2 million dollars a paltry price to pay for, to know all that he knows Russia and other states. In the case of U.S. CARICC invites States to play in someone else's game with marked cards. In this game impossible to win.
It is unlikely that Russian foreign policy establishment in the Kremlin and the Foreign Ministry understands the American idea: in their actions that understanding can not be traced.
And in Central Asia, those who participate in the American game, should know they face the same fate as the Central America the role of "cannon fodder" in the service of American interests and decades of bloody civil wars, dropping in the development of an indefinite amount of time. Understand whether the leaders of Central Asian states, in which game they are drawn? Do they want for themselves and their states of such a future, which has been present in Afghanistan, when the nation was torn at the same time radical extremism and foreign occupation? The process of "Afghanization" Central Asia is gaining momentum and to the point of no return, there is very little time. A position of the leaders of Central Asian states are unlikely be called stable: the drug mafia and overthrew the more stable leadership. The coup d'etat by the trafficking networks in contact with the U.S. secret services, a general massacre and endless foreign occupation it is most likely future for them all..
1. Andrew Kuchins, Thomas Sanderson, David Gordon. The Northern Distribution Network and the Modern Silk Road Planning for Afghanistan's Future // Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). December 2009. P.3.
2. Joseph M. Parent, Paul K. MacDonald The Wisdom of Retrenchment America Must Cut Back to Move Forward // Foreign Affairs. November/December 2011.
3. При всём том вое, который поднял Пентагон по поводу сокращения расходов, военный бюджет уменьшается всего лишь на 7-8% на ближайшие 10 лет, и к 2017 г. будет составлять 522,5 миллиардов долл. (без учёта расходов на войны, которые идут отдельной статьей). Военный бюджет России в 2010 г. составил 52,6 млрд.долл., Китая 114 млрд.долл. Источник: Wikipedia, List of countries by military expenditures.
4. За исключением тех 5-6% наркопроизводства, которое питает движение Талибан.
5. Александр Чайковский Терроризм и наркота: в Москву едет командующий США и НАТО в Европе // ИА Regnum. 4 октября 2011.
6. Сайт Регионального представительства УНП ООН в Центральной Азии (UNODC ROCA)
7. Россия присоединилась к ЦАРИКЦ одной из последних 4 сентября 2009 г. (Казахстан 16 сентября 2011 г.), решение было ратифицировано в марте 2011 г.
8. US Embassy Tashkent cable ID 08TASHKENT485. Caricc Ready To Move Forward As Pilot Phase Nears Completion. Date: 24 Apr 2008. Paragraph3. Wikileaks ID 151157, First published on 26 Aug 2011.
9. Mid-term evaluation of project TD/RER/H22 Establishment of the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre CARICC. Peter Allan, Consultant.
10. US Embassy Tashkent cable ID 08TASHKENT485. Caricc Ready To Move Forward As Pilot Phase Nears Completion. Date: 24 Apr 2008. Summary. Wikileaks ID 151157, First published on 26 Aug 2011.
11. Завершение очередных курсов обучения руководящего состава компетентных органов. Сайт ЦАРИКЦ:
12. Представитель Госдепартамента США в ЦАРИКЦ. ЦАРИКЦ:
13. Avaz Yuldohev Only five member nations ratify CARICC establishment agreement by Feb 1 // Asia-Plus. February 5, 2010.
14. US Embassy Astana Cable, reference ID 10ASTANA225. Kazakhstan: Scenesetter For Srap Holbrooke. Date 18 Feb 2010. Source: Wikileaks ID #249282. First published 1 Sep 2011.
15. US Embassy Moscow cable ID 10MOSCOW226. Scenesetter For February 4 US-Russia Bilateral Presidential Drug Trafficking Working Group Meeting. Date: 29 Jan 2010. Paragraph 7. Source: Wikileaks ID 246266. First published 24 Aug 2011.
16. US Embassy Dushanbe cable ID 09DUSHANBE702. New Russian Ambassador Proposes Closer Cooperation. Date: 5 Jun 2009. Paragraph 6. Wikileaks ID 210433. First published 1 Sep 2011.
17. Executive-level law enforcement training course conducted at CARICC. CARICC website:
18. Richard Solash US Promotes New Plan to Battle Drug Trade In Afghanistan, Central Asia, Russia // Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. July 19, 2011.
19. US issues $4.2mln for Central Asia Counternarcotics Initiative. The American-Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce. 10 October 2011.
20. William Brownfield Biography, State Department
21. William Brownfield Biography, Wikipedia
22. William Brownfield Biography,
23. David J. Kostelancik visits Nizhny Novgorod American Center. 13.03.2009.
24. Property valuation of Bridle Path Lane, Fairfax, VA.
25. CENTCOM, Tajikistan expand security partnership. US Central Command press-release. June 29, 2010.
26. Idem.
27. Tajikistan: US Government rebuilds border guard facilities in Shurobod // Fergana News Information Agency. June 30, 2011. См. также видео: Американские дипломаты на таджикско-афганской границе, 29 июня 2011 г.; оригинал видео на английском:!
28. Counterinsurgency, Field Manual 3-24, Marine Corps Warfighting. Publication no. 3-33.5 Washington, DC: Department of the Army and Department of the Navy, December 2006.
29. Михаил Пак. "Дагестанизация": экстремисты объявили спецслужбам тотальную войну: Казахстан за неделю // ИА Regnum. 16.11.2011.
30. Greg Grant Grunts to Rebuild Like SOF, Move Away From Bases: Mattis // DoD Buzz Online Defense and Acquisition Journal. February 19th, 2009.
31. См. важный материал Thom Shanker, Elisabeth Bumiller Weighing Pentagon Cuts, Panetta Faces Deep Pressures // The New York Times. November 6, 2011.
32. Andrew Kuchins, Thomas Sanderson, David Gordon. The Northern Distribution Network and the Modern Silk Road Planning for Afghanistan's Future // Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). December 2009. P.22.
33. Peter Dale Scott Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2003. P. 75
34. Alfred W. McCoy The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade. Lawrence Hill Books, Second revised edition. 2003. P. 449.
Георгий Бородин эксперт Института внешнеполитических исследований и инициатив (ИНВИССИН, Москва)

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