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NEO-NAZISM: United Nations Anti-Nazi Resolution and Falsification of History
NEO-NAZISM: United Nations Anti-Nazi Resolution and Falsification of History

Iran, Israel, Syria, Russia United in UN General Assembly Vote against Neo-Nazism

By Carla Stea

URL of this article: [URL=""]
Global Research[/URL], January 22, 2012

Quote:On December 19, 2011, in an extraordinary vote, Iran, Israel and Syria united in support of United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/66/460 on "Inadmissibility of Certain Practices That Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance." The resolution was adopted by a majority vote of 134, with 24 opposed and 31 abstentions. Among the 32 co-sponsors of the Resolution were, notably, Iran, Syria, Belarus, the Russian Federation, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, India, Venezuela, Viet Nam. The resolution states:
4. "Expresses deep concern about the glorification of the Nazi movement and former members of the Waffen SS organization, including by erecting monuments and memorials and holding public demonstrations in the name of the glorification of the Nazi past, the Nazi movement and neo-Nazism, as well as by declaring or attempting to declare such members and those who fought against the anti-Hitler Coalition and collaborated with the Nazi movement participants in national liberation movements.
5. "Expresses concern at recurring attempts to desecrate or demolish monuments erected in remembrance of those who fought against Nazism during the Second World War, as well as to unlawfully exhume or remove the remains of such persons, and in this regard urges States to fully comply with their relevant obligations, inter alia, under Article 34 of Additional Protocol 1 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949.
8. Stresses that the practices described above do injustice to the memory of the countless victims of crimes against humanity committed in the Second World War, in particular those committed by the SS organizations and those who fought against the anti-Hitler coalition and collaborated with the Nazi movement, and poison the minds of young people, and that failure by States to effectively address such practices is incompatible with the obligation of States members of the United Nations under its Charter and is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Organization."
In 1945 George Braziller published Michael Sayers and Albert E. Kahn's "The Plot Against the Peace," which documents, in chapter 6, the nazi doctrine's explicitly defined policy of xenophobia and racial genocide against the Slavic peoples and the Jews:
"Immediately after Hitler came to power, the Nazi government launched a systematic campaign aimed at the ultimate extermination of the Jewish population of the Third Reich..." But "It was against the Slav peoples, the traditional enemy of Pan-Germanism, that the policy of genocide was most extensively applied...'It will be one of the chief tasks of German statesmanship,' Hitler told Hermann Rauschning, for all time to prevent, by every means in our power, the further increase of the Slav races.'" (From "The Plot Against the Peace," by Sayers and Kahn, 1945).
By the end of World War II, in addition to the six million Jews exterminated by the Nazis, approximately 30 million Soviet citizens had been exterminated, only one third of whom had been soldiers.
Former United States Justice Department Attorney John Loftus, in "America's Nazi Secret," ( Trine Day Press, 2010), describes this process in the town of Borissow, near Minsk, typical of the genocidal policies executed throughout Nazi occupied Europe, and throughout the Soviet Union. On page 27 he writes:
"The roundup of Jews began at 3AM... The local police, bolstered by reinforcements from the neighboring town of Zembin, surrounded the ghetto... The killing went on throughout the day...Some of the guards raped the younger women before forcing them into the pits. Heads were smashed by rifle butts, and bodies were mutilated. Autopsies conducted after the war showed that some babies, out of sheer savagery or to save ammunition, had been thrown into the pits and buried alive....children were thrown into wells and hand grenades dropped down upon them, and Byelorussian policeman commanded by SS General Franz Kushel, swung infants by the heels and smashed their heads against rocks.....The SS claimed they were killing ten thousand Jews per week. ...In all, about two thirds of the approximately 375,000 Jews who lived in Byelorussia before the Nazi invasion were swallowed up by the Holocaust.....Solomon Schiadow, one of the few inmates who escaped Koldichevo, later described conditions there: One day a Byelorussian caught a youngster looking at the sky as planes flew overhead, and accused the prisoner of attempting to signal enemy aircraft. The guard ordered several other Jews to hold the youth down over a table. He warned them that anyone who let go would replace the man at the table. He took out his knife and began to carve large steaks out of the living flesh of the young man, as if he were a butcher calmly working on a side of beef." (Loftus, "America's Nazi Secret")
The events described above, replicated throughout Europe, in the murders of more than 30 million people, describe Nazism, a doctrine so abhorrent that any attempt to legitimize it is to legalize slavery and genocide. Yet, this year, 2011, twenty-two members of the United Nations, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, France, Georgia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Albania, Belgium, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, voted to legalize the Nazi doctrine that perpetrated mass slavery and genocide of Jews and Slavs and numerous other groups the Nazis deemed inferior races.
Even more remarkable in the voting record, is the consistency with which Iran, Syria and the Democratic Republic of Korea have voted together with Israel, year after year, after year to oppose the rehabilitation and glorification of Nazism, the Nazi past and neo-Nazism.
It is indeed remarkable that the very same states that voted to permit the restoration of Nazism voted the following week to condemn Syria for human rights abuses. The appalling and willful indifference of 22 "developed" countries indeed their condoning the horrors of Nazism, probably the worst scourge of atrocities in the history of the human species, must be considered the grossest hypocrisy when these same 22 countries sanctimoniously condemn Syria for human rights violations. If these 22 states tolerate the revival of Nazism, by what standard do they condemn Syria? Further, together with Israel, Iran voted to support A/66/460, prohibiting the resurrection of Nazi doctrine. Iran voted to oppose that very same Nazism which exterminated the entire population of Jews in Europe and the Soviet Union.

But this is just the beginning of the disconnect. According to John Loftus ("America's Nazi Secret", page 83):
"The United States Counter-Intelligence Corps' primary task was to identify and arrest Nazi war criminals and key officials. But the denazification program was the responsibility of area military commanders... The Pentagon began smuggling top Nazi scientists into the United States under Operation Paperclip,' fraudulently identifying them... The recruitment of Nazi war criminals into the United States vastly expanded, and DP camps were scoured by the Operations Research Office of the Pentagon interested in the use of Nazi collaborators in the hope of obtaining information of value in the event of an American invasion of Russia" (Loftus, 117). Harvard University was linked to this program. "The Harvard Institute for Russian Research was funded by OPC (Office of Poly Coordination)... The B-6 series of interviews, for example, covered such non-academic topics as the best method for dropping paratroopers, the utility of Nazi anti-partisan operations, the popularity of Nazi sponsored political organizations....Several of those interviewed candidly acknowledged that they had held positions in Nazi police or intelligence organization. One even admitted that he was hiding out because he was wanted as a major war criminal. Apparently they were more than willing to confess participation in criminal activities because they suspected that the person conducting the interview was more than just another Harvard researcher." (Loftus, p. 118)
Following the CIA overthrow of Premier Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran in 1953, and the military coup against democratically elected President Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala, the intelligence community "waited for a signal to begin making serious trouble for the Soviet Union, especially in the occupied countries of Eastern Europe."
"In 1955 the National Security Council issued NSC 5412/1 which stated: In accordance with established policies, in areas dominated or threatened by international communism, develop underground resistance and facilitate covert and guerrilla operations...Specifically, such operations shall include any covert activities related to: propaganda, political action, economic warfare, direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage, demolition, escape and evasion and evacuation measures; assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups; support of indigenous and anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world, deception plans and operations and all compatible activities necessary to accomplish the foregoing......The OPC authorized an operation designed to incite simultaneous revolts against Soviet authority in each of the major cities of Eastern Europe, which were to be followed by a civil war among the ethnic and religious minorities within the Soviet Union.... The OPC Nazi liberation armies' would be dropped in to attack the scattered Soviet garrisons. Roads, bridges and rail lines would be blown up or blocked to prevent the movement of Russian reinforcements. After the Soviets had been sufficiently weakened, NATO troops would be dispatched as a peacekeeping force with the declaration that they would remain only long enough to restore order and conduct democratic elections....A few years before President Truman had ordered a study prepared for an invasion of the Soviet Union." (Loftus, p. 131).
Among the most high ranking Nazi war criminals brought into the United States were Radoslaw Ostrowsky, Emanuel Jasiuk and SS General Kushel.
"By 1951 CIC investigators realized that Jasiuk was the central figure in a Nazi underground railroad that assisted war criminals to come to the United States.... To prevent the cancellation of any more of its prosecutions, the CIC submitted a formal complaint up the chain of command on the handling of Jasiuk.....The protest finally reached General John Weckerling, Chief of Military Intelligence at the Pentagon, who agreed that the Nazi smuggling operation was deplorable... He told J. Edgar Hoover on January 2, 1951 that the Air Force had apparently used a Nazi war criminal as an informant and that the State Department had permitted him to enter the United States. Hoover expressed an interest in the case, for it seemed likely to fit in with his plan to expand the FBI's domestic intelligence capabilities. When FBI agents went to visit Jasiuk, it was not to arrest him but to recruit him.....Jasiuk and other Nazis had found their ultimate protector, the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the U.S. Department of Justice." (Loftus, P. 190)
Following World War II, innumerable Nazi war criminals were comfortably and illegally settled in countries of Europe and throughout the United States, where at least some of their children and grandchildren may well have been educated in the Nazi doctrine of racial supremacy that required the extermination or enslavement of all races deemed inferior to "Aryans." This may help explain why, since 2006, members of the European Union abstained on this United Nations resolution "expressing deep concern at the glorification of the Nazi movement," while in all preceding years the United States, in virtual isolation actually opposed the Resolution A/66/460. This year, a year which is exposing the failure of the capitalist system in Europe and the USA, the members of the European Union for the first time actually opposed Resolution A/66/460 together with the United States. Iran, Syria, Israel, the Democratic Republic of Korea, together all supporters of A/66/460 revealed their revulsion at the nazi resurgence. One can only wonder by what moral authority nazi-condoning Europe condemns anti-nazi Iran, Syria and the Democratic Republic of Korea.
And, indeed, the blueprint elaborated in 1955 in NSC 5412/1 seems to have been retained, and enacted in recent US/NATO actions against the former Yugoslavia, Libya, and numerous other countries too independent of US/NATO control.
The current European Union attempt to equate the crimes of nazism with communism, an obfuscation formulated in the recent "Prague Declaration on European Conscience and Communism" is an insidious form of Holocaust denial, intended to camouflage the explicitly racist and genocidal character of Nazism, and intended to desecrate the heroic legacy of the Soviet Union's victory over the psychotic racist and xenophobic nazi assault against humanity in World War II. This Orwellian falsification of history is bringing us to the brink of World War III.

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