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How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen?

Are you familiar with:

A. My hypothesis regarding the functions of the alleged Chicago and Miami plots in the greater conspiracy structure that always was intended to culminate in a Dallas attack, and JFK's 11-21-63 statement that there was no need to worry because "the Secret Service has taken care of it."

B. RFK's comment, pre-L.A., to the effect that, "I used to think I know how the words works. I didn't."

For starters.

Stan Wilbourne Wrote:Just tying up some of this together in my own mind now...

I was recently reading somewhere about Robert McNamara and his about-face in Vietnam and in working with LBJ. His work with Johnson flew in opposition to the work he was doing with JFK. When he was asked how he could do that, he responded, "Oh, I don't want to get into that now."

If he was aware that his former boss was executed by State for acts of treason, it would explain his turn.

And, remember Robert Kennedy sending down Walter Sheridan to circumvent the Garrison investigation? Garrison was always baffled by this. "If it was my brother, I'd want to know."

But, what if Bobby did know, if he had been told from the outset that his brother was killed for acts of treason? It would explain it and his unwillingness to publically question the details of the president's death. There'd be nothing to uncover; he knew State had executed his brother, and he knew why.

I also recall an interview with Fletcher Prouty where he was asked who all knew that JFK was going to be murdered.

"They all knew."

The back-channel, the President executed for it, would explain a lot of what has gone on the last fifty years.

I never believed that RFK sent Sheridan. This is Joan Mellen's view. Sheridan was CIA all the way and in spite of whatever loyalty he had to Bobby from their past dealings his higher loyalty was to handlers - NBC and CIA.

It is hard to comprehend what drove Bobby. I was told by people close to him that he was warned that MLK would be killed and to get out of the election. He absolutely knew what forces were behind both those assassinations. We have to believe that he thought he'd make it as president long enough to expose the truth.

Poor Ted and Caroline after JFK Jr. That Caroline did not go that weekend to be with her family was a sign to me that she was suspicious. And she certainly dropped out of the election very quickly. I never believed it was her ""ahs" and such as the press reported it. These are not stupid people. What we know is readily available to them.

Charles Drago Wrote:Stan,

Are you familiar with:

A. My hypothesis regarding the functions of the alleged Chicago and Miami plots in the greater conspiracy structure that always was intended to culminate in a Dallas attack, and JFK's 11-21-63 statement that there was no need to worry because "the Secret Service has taken care of it."

B. RFK's comment, pre-L.A., to the effect that, "I used to think I know how the words works. I didn't."

For starters.



The Miami and Chicago plots could have also been to see if there were any leaks in the conpiracy, and if so where they were coming from. If Oswald was an informant for the FBI as some believe, could this have also been to make him feel secure that his information was valuable, being passed on to the proper channels and protecting the President?

He reports similiar info about the Dallas trip that he did about Chicago, confident that what has transpired in the past will happen again. He's being played by a master puppeteer. And, whom might that be in the Intell community?

I am also reminded of RFK's comments about the division in government over Diem in late summer of '63... Harriman, Lodge, Forrestal and Hilsman on one side, JFK, RFK, Maxwell Taylor and McNamara on the other.

"The government was split in two. It was the only time, really in three years, [that] the government was broken in two in a very disturbing way."

Harriman and Lodge appeared to have their own agenda. And, why not if they knew President Kennedy was a dead man walking?

Similar to McGeorge Bundy's work on NSAM 273. Kennedy and his decisions were being ignored, and new course was being mapped out by the government.

There's a clip attached here of John McCain calling the Kennedy assassination an "intervention."

I can't yet find any piece of the puzzle that doesn't fit under: President Kennedy was a traitor for subverting his national security apparatus and must be removed from office. It seems to explain so much of how this may have happened.

Hi Dawn, no matter where Sheridan's loyalties were, Garrison was still troubled by Robert Kennedy's lack of interest in what he was attempting to do, no?

There's no way to ever know for certain what transpired in the three hour meeting Bobby had with CIA Director, John McCone on the afternoon of November 22nd. But, if McCone (or perhaps someone else) revealed to him that there were leaks from the office of the President that were deemed to be a security risk to the United States, and that the President had to removed thusly because of it, it would explain a lot of the mystery of the last fifty years, including Bobby's actions or lack thereof.

Could it have been that Bobby never had to guess who killed his brother, that he was told exactly who and why? That irrefutable evidence of a back-channel was produced to him during this meeting, including his role in it?

All of the President's allies seemed to vanish without a whimper, even Dave Powers and Kenny O'Donnell who were in the follow-up car and witnessed the assassination. They both said later in confidence that they heard two shots from the knoll, yet their sworn testimony was different and in line with the Warren Commission.

When questioned about this privately by Tip O'Neill, O'Donnell said, "Tip, you have to understand. The familyeverybody wanted this thing behind them."

Why was John Kennedy abandoned in death by his family and closest friends?
Stan, Mind commenting on this?
Quote:Could it have been that Bobby never had to guess who killed his brother, that he was told exactly who and why? That irrefutable evidence of a back-channel was produced to him during this meeting, including his role in it?

BTW, that "intervention" comment was something I had never heard before, but not surprising.
As with so much that certain posters on DPF discuss, this thread is riding along on the rails of my train of thought, as I comprehend it. As I have thought for awhile and have previously mentioned, I was in HS when the JFK assassination occurred. And, while shocking, it just didn't seem totally surprising. It's hard for me to explain, but "backgound noise" seemed to indicate something was about to happen. Of course, I can only relate to conditions in southeast Texas, but in hindsight it appears to have been indications of impending trouble. But speaking of RFK's attempt to run for POTUS as it relates to JFK's murder, and a "train of thought", it is my belief that RFK found himself in a long dark tunnel with an equal light at both ends that were growing larger. And, soon he realized it was a train coming from each direction that appeared to be heading for a head-on crash right where he stood, but either wouldn't or couldn't get out of the way before the June '68 collision.
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Stan, Mind commenting on this?
Quote:Could it have been that Bobby never had to guess who killed his brother, that he was told exactly who and why? That irrefutable evidence of a back-channel was produced to him during this meeting, including his role in it?

BTW, that "intervention" comment was something I had never heard before, but not surprising.


At the great risk of being redundant, here is how this MAY have worked:

President Kennedy is elected and is immediately indoctrinated into how things are run with the Bay of Pigs, a dual-purposed program run by boys who really run things.

A division of dis-trust is created between the President, his intelligence agencies and military. They don't trust the elected President enough to tell him the truth on key issues, and in turn President Kennedy quickly learns the information he receives from these guys isn't something he can ever truly count on.

Inside his own government he begins to look for people he can rely on, advisors he knows are on the same page as he is. No easy chore. Whenever possible the president circumvents these advisors whom he knows are not leveling with him.

Part of that is that he and his brother establish a back-channel of contact with the Soviet Union and later, Cuba. Direct communication they know is firsthand and truthful. Information they know, without doubt, they can trust.

None of this is ever a surprise to the national security apparatus. President Kennedy's every movement is monitored, from morning to night. They know how many daiquiris he has at lunch and the contents of every contact he has, both professional and personal.

When it becomes obvious to the "boys in the woodwork" that President Kennedy is not going to play ball, that he is seeking to re-shape the power structure inside the United States and around the world, and that he is smart enough and capable enough to get that done, it is decided he has to go. That is a decision made by (as Charles calls them) the "Sponsors" of Kennedy's murder.

But how is JFK's removal best achieved? It is decided the best course is get the entire machinery of "national security" (Facilitator) behind the murder, and the best way to do that is brand Kennedy as traitor who has committed acts of treason against his country.

James Angleton (Facilitator) begins to put together a complete profile of the back-channel contacts the President and his brother have over a six month period. Of course, Kennedy is not a communist or a traitor to his country, but he has a different agenda than does his own national security team. But, those back-channel logs make it appear otherwise. It is 'hard' evidence of betrayal that puts in motion the machinery that would lead to his death.

On the afternoon his brother is murdered, Bobby meets with John McCone and others from national security. There he is given evidence of this back-channel, complete with dates, times and content. He is told these are treasonous acts and that is why President Kennedy was killed. Inside this dossier is Bobby's own complicity in the back-channel, his own involvement. He may not agree with it, but it knows where it comes from and what it is saying: His brother committed treason and was executed for it.

Of course, this is all just working the puzzle.
This theory is basically along the lines of things I've posted before in here. There's a pattern in Oswald's framing that shows a possible set-up of Kennedy as a traitor by the so-called discovery of this back channel communication. The forgery of Oswald's letters to the Soviet Embassy in I believe it was Washington shows claims of knowing about the firing of a Mexican Cuban Consulate member in advance by Oswald. This painting of Oswald as being privy to inside information on communist doings may have been part of a last layer plausible scenario of Oswald shooting the 'traitor' Kennedy because he failed to go through with the plan. This could have been part of a sophisticated set-up where Kennedy was painted as cooperating with the communists in a traitorous way in Cuba, Laos, and elsewhere. When Kennedy allegedly reversed in VietNam with NSAM 273 he was shot by the communist agent and defector Oswald for betraying this back channel treasonous relationship, all innocently discovered by CIA who had to cover-up this national embarrassment for the sake of everyone concerned - including the Kennedy's.
Stan, thanks for the reply. Why I didn't think of it after having read Douglass three times, speaks to my continued naivete. Clearly, it is speculative, but it has the advantage of explaining the silence of the Kennedy clan regarding the murder. Implementing this strategy shortly after his death would insure that no alternative narrative would compete with the official lie. They have been nicely boxed up for eternity. It's perfect. I feel sick.

Stan Wilbourne Wrote:There's a clip attached here of John McCain calling the Kennedy assassination an "intervention."

Stan - that's a most intriguing clip.

I feel like extracting the relevant part and looping McCain saying "before the intervention... the tragedy... in Dallas" over and over again.

Note McCain's body language. The movement of his hand, his fingers fiddling with his nose, as he stutters to replace "intervention" with "tragedy" whilst still naming the resonant sacrificial space of "Dallas".

McCain is damaged goods, broken during his Vietnam War incarceration and allegedly delivering enemy propaganda. Only to return and to be promoted as Their candidate, a new twist on the Manchurian theme - if you will.

See DPF thread here.

This is a most intriguing thread, with much to commend it.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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