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The Perfidy of Debra Conway: BOYCOTT JFK-LANCER
Dealey Plaza is sacred land, and the puppets-that-be at the Sixth Floor Museum have been ordered to seize it on November 22, 2013 in order to control and perpetuate the falsification of history and, in essence, to finish the job begun on November 22, 1963.

Need some historical precedent: Stealing the Black Hills wasn't enough. That job couldn't be completed until the abomination that is Mount Rushmore was built.

Pay special heed to the manner in which Debra Conway, the founder and director of what I now believe to be the anti-truth intelligence operation called JFK-Lancer, now sheds her sheep suit to reveal her bloody incisors and gore-encrusted wolf's mane.

Let all free-thinking, honorable crusaders for truth and justice for John Fitzgerald Kennedy banish JFK-Lancer from our lives. Let us boycott and picket its conventions. Let us refuse to purchase its books and videos. And between now and 11/22/13 and beyond, let us educate all who seek truth and justice for JFK regarding Debra Conway and the manner in which she betrays our trust.

My friend, mentor, and colleague George Michael Evica warned me about Conway and Lancer. He lived long enough to regret his many noble contributions to Lancer events and publications, and now I know that yet again, he was right.

Debra Conway, he predicted, would reveal her true agenda in the fullness of time.

And so she has.

Debra Conway joins Gary "Mack" Dunkel as one of the most notorious traitors to the truth in American history -- in my Constitutionally protected opinion, of course.

Shame on you, Debra Conway.

As if you're capable of feeling it.

OK. Everybody ready? Cue the tears for Debby-Do. And ... HOSTILE ACTION!

From the Dallas Morning News article linked below:

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Among those supporting the museum's takeover of the ceremonies perhaps surprisingly is Debra Conway, president of JFK Lancer, the organization that for most of the past two decades has held the speaking permit for the plaza on the anniversary.

"I'm kind of glad," she said of the museum's plans. "I don't think a lot of those things that have happened will happen when the museum takes over. I think they'll have a ceremony that won't get out of hand."

Conway describes her Southlake-based organization as a clearinghouse for information on the JFK assassination and other topics.

She acknowledges that representatives affiliated with her group have used the commemorations to espouse conspiracy theories. But she said the comments were respectful, and she blamed any inappropriate behavior on other participants.

Despite having reserved the plaza, she said, her group has had no power to enforce who speaks. "We've tried to stop them and they ignore us," she said.[/COLOR]
I was warned about them back in 1997 by longtime JFK researcher friends J Harrison, Rachel Rendish and Richard Bartholomew. Each had his/her own reasons to believe something was very amis, to put it lightly.

Now we see Debra in her own words siding with the Sixth Floor to try to prevent the rest of us from being in Dallas on the 50th anniversary. Earlier this year she denied that she had anything to do with this, but I did not buy it becasue it was consistent with everything I had been told about who and what Lancer really is.

So I have always boycotted all things Lancer and have for years quietly tried to warn others. Now we actually have founding members of COPA crossing over to her operation.

Now that she is quoted as siding with Gary Mack and his thugs I wonder what her supporters have to say.

Or will there be an effort to rationalize this as well?

Battle lines being drawn.

Though I agree in general that Debra hasn't made herself clear enough, as far as challenging the official story as embodied by the museum, those words could easily have been taken out of context by the Dallas News.

However it is obvious enough that consenting to the 6th Floor Museum as a controlling body and controller of order is an inexcusable capitulation to the enemy. In the end Debra's worry over controlling the anniversary and order seems like an excuse for knuckling-under to the powers that be.
Debra Conway has always been about control of the JFK research community.

It was sickening to watch her try to cuddle up to Oliver Curme when the (m)(b)illionare venture capital surfaced at a JFK-Lancer convention to announce that he was taking control of Mary Ferrell's archives in order to create what ultimately would become the Ferrell Foundation. Debby-Do was all over him like a cheap suit.

According to George Michael: Debby-Do had coveted Mary's JFK holdings for years. When Curme took them, she recalibrated her trajectory and attempted to establish some sort of senior position at the new Ferrell entity.

So here we are ... forced into a position in which we either expose Debra Conway and in the process further Balkanize the JFK research community, or we attempt to, in essence, plead her out for the sake of a greater good.

I don't envy the important, well-intentioned authors who have been "published" by JFK-Lancer. They have been driven into an ambush. Now what?
Quote:Conway describes her Southlake-based organization as a clearinghouse for information on the JFK assassination and other topics.

Clearinghouse for information.

My, what an interesting choice of word.

The owner of said clearinghouse enjoys a position of tremendous Power and Control over the direction of the ongoing murder investigation.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
DC replied to this on Lancer.
Albert Doyle Wrote:DC replied to this on Lancer.

By all means copy and post it here.
"Please don't believe everything you read on the internet"

[TD="class: dclite"][Image: avatar.jpg]

[TD="class: dclite, width: 100%"]If any of you have read the latest rant about me and JFK Lancer on another forum please consider the source and the lack of any proof of his annual accusations. I promise you all that if you have any questions and concerns about this latest attack, please email me or post them here. I will answer you as best I can.

No one is perfect and that includes me. When I stated I was ok with The Museum or Dallas holding an official program I admit it concerned my fellow researchers. The city has only held an event in the Plaza once before, on the 30th anniversary, and by all reports the actual assassination wasn't even mentioned. So why in hell would I want them to do that again? All that has been discussed before: because they would be able to have a professional event in the Plaza. I had this dream that an official program would have funds, press releases, press and people from all over the world showing up. More people, more press. More awareness. More keeping our work alive. And maybe less permit bull and people walking on stilts. And finally they would have to acknowledge the assassination happened there. (joke) My mistake was I never dreamed the Plaza would be closed from other programs.

I can promise you all that where ever I can find a patch of ground in the Plaza JFK Lancer will have a program. We WILL have speeches that make it clear we don't agree with the official government findings. We will be present and heard.

My opinion has NEVER ( yes I am yelling) been to keep us out or not to have our own gathering where we get to shout out our continued call for truth. As soon as someone official stops the plan to blockade Dealey Plaza and lets groups have permits for slotted amounts of time, I know we will all have an opportunity to act upon our right to free speech.

Thank You,


With all respect, with the state of this country she might be waiting a long time for any official to stop the blockade.
Classic Debby-Do duplicity.

Which is to say, classic agent-provocateur plea bargaining.

"I had this dream ... " "I never dreamed ... " "Why the hell would I want them to do" exactly what she's praising them for doing?

Contradiction after contradiction.

Depending on the enemy "to keep our dream alive" ... "to stop the plan to blockade Dealey Plaza" -- the very plan she is "glad" about.

Contradiction after contradiction.

Then come the heroics: "Where ever [sic] I can find a patch of ground in the Plaza[,] JFK Lancer will have a program." Except, Debby-Do (George Michael's pet dismissive name for you, by the way), you eagerly placed yourself in the position to have to do so.

Classic mole-poseur manipulation. Watch out for the set-up, as in "Debby-Do, through heroic acts of personal courage, gets the Sixth Floor and/or Dallas officials to relent and to permit a pro-truth speaker (perhaps for JFK Lancer???) to hold forth."

Theatrics, my friends. Theatrics, pure and simple. In support of the tragedy that played out in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.

Speaking of which, let us now dutifully search for Debby-Do's inevitable expression of righteous indignation.

Now where or where can it be ...

Oops! There it is: "My opinion has NEVER ( yes I am yelling) been to keep us out or not to have our own gathering where we get to shout out our continued call for truth."

Debby-Do, please don't strain that sweet Texas lullaby of a voice. We hear ya, darlin'. We know you acted as a warrior for truth and justice -- even though you did everything in your power to bring about the circumstances against which you now tell us you will wage war. If, that is, the enemy gives you the OK.

Finally, there's this little gem that gives away Debby-Do's game: "[W]e don't agree with the official government findings."

We "don't agree" with the liars? Like we're engaged in a polite debate ... you know, of the sort that, after a hard day of liberating work, the Auschwitz Debating Club would stage ("Resolved: Vertical Stripes are Slimming"). Like the "official government findings" are worthy of respectful debate?

And by the way: With which set of "official government findings" do you disagree, Debby-Do? The WC's finding of no conspiracy? Or the HSCA finding of probable conspiracy?

Sounds like a doppelgang bang to me.

And now for my film treatment, Debby-Do Does Dallas:

God help me, but I have this image of Debby-Do and Dunkel copulating during the 50th ceremony behind the glass at the TSBD "sniper's window" ... Dunkel gives her three shots, one of which misses and hits the glass where his on-all-fours paramour's panting, flushed face is reflected ... as foul seed distorts that face into a double image, he pounds away to the rhythm of "The Eyes of Texas are Upon You" until she fakes a double and he withdraws and reaches for the rubber novelty item that will allow her to return the favor.

"I just love it when we do to each other what we've been doin' to the rubes for years," Debby-Do whispers as she straps on and Dunkel assumes the position.

Debby-Do Does Dallas ... and Dunkel ... and all the rest of us.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go poke out my mind's eye.

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