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Mary's Mosaic: Entering Peter Janney's World of Fantasy
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Saying that a car was "planted" and then saying, "Gad, it was a CIA operation!" What does that mean?

Jim, if you noticed, what Tom does is no different than what a person defending the government would do. There's a fine line between rigor and devil's advocacy and outright pro-government defense I think you should be more mindful of than you seem to be. Tom Scully is a person who refuses to answer where exactly he draws the line in his defense of FBI reports. He is endorsing and quoting reports that were the same source of the definition of Oswald from the Warren Report without recognizing how that taints the information. It scares me when I see credible researchers criticizing the flaws in Janney while using FBI reports and staying non-committal as to those reports and their credibility. Do you get what I mean here?

The planted car and its evidentiary significance was already explained in enough detail that it should be understood. The car was the weak link because it had to be planted because of its role in the set-up. That caused it to have no documentation or person that could be traced to it. A sure sign of a black op set-up (as Wiggins said) that can't be so casually ignored by anyone seriously looking at Mary Meyer's murder.

I've also never seen either you or Tom explain how there could be no fibers from Crump found on Mary Meyer during the forensic examination when the murder scene required close contact through dragging.
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Saying that a car was "planted" and then saying, "Gad, it was a CIA operation!" What does that mean?

Jim, if you noticed, what Tom does is no different than what a person defending the government would do. There's a fine line between rigor and devil's advocacy and outright pro-government defense I think you should be more mindful of than you seem to be. Tom Scully is a person who refuses to answer where exactly he draws the line in his defense of FBI reports. He is endorsing and quoting reports that were the same source of the definition of Oswald from the Warren Report without recognizing how that taints the information. It scares me when I see credible researchers criticizing the flaws in Janney while using FBI reports and staying non-committal as to those reports and their credibility. Do you get what I mean here?

The planted car and its evidentiary significance was already explained in enough detail that it should be understood. The car was the weak link because it had to be planted because of its role in the set-up. That caused it to have no documentation or person that could be traced to it. A sure sign of a black op set-up (as Wiggins said) that can't be so casually ignored by anyone seriously looking at Mary Meyer's murder.

I've also never seen either you or Tom explain how there could be no fibers from Crump found on Mary Meyer during the forensic examination when the murder scene required close contact through dragging.

Let us review what is actually verifiable. It is Doyle-Yates serial posting about the his opinions of the Peter Janney novel's details for the past three years and four months with nothing linking him to Janney, his book, or to Janney's claims in the book; D-Y just does it. If you disagree and push back against D-Y's campaign, just as if you question his beliefs he posted in the Ralph Yates thread, D-Y posts that you seem (must be) a government agency defender, supporter, etc.....etc....

Within these "rules" invented and repeated by Doyle-Yates, author Janney, son of a CIA agent of elevated rank and nephew of US Army Secretary and General Dynamics Chairman Frank Pace, is above reproach no matter how many times actual evidence strongly supports that he is a disturbed (swears in a court filing that he is surrogate son of Mary Meyer) attention grabbing person uncommitted to accuracy in his speech or publications.

Is this accurate?


Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. ...
Peter Janney - 2013 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
The paperback edition of Mary's Mosaic has been updated and revised with a significant Post Script that focuses on Meyer's alleged assassin, who the author finally located and confronted in person in August 2012, as well as the ongoing ...

BTW, according to Janney, "CIA assassin" Mitchell was "missing" (I am given the impression, due to the reactions to my research re: "missing" Mitchell, that Simkin, Janney, Doug Horne, and Doyle-Yates are unhappy to learn the truth about Mitchell never being missing, after all!). The holes in Janney's "missing car" claims Doyle-Yates is impressed with, are also examined in this post I am excerpting only a small portion of.:

.... [Image: reputation_pos.gif][Image: reputation_pos.gif]

Uploaded on April 23, 2013, this is a must-see video for anyone interested in the Mary Meyer Murder Mystery and Peter Janney's book Mary's Mosaic:
[TABLE="class: tborder"]
[TD="class: tcat, colspan: 2, align: center"][/TD]
[TD="class: panelsurround, align: center"][/TD]

.....A recent (April 11) presentation by Mary Pinchot Meyer "researcher" Peter Janney about....his new Mitchell findings! [Image: icon_eek.gif]
There are no words to describe what's happening here: Janney is seriously(!) attempting to embed his bizarre 2012 "Mitchell identity" claims within the Official Story of the towpath murder...

[Image: 823151e7d9a69c8d4.jpg]

This presentation/video is obviously meant as a revenge for Janney's embarrassing interview with Jim Fetzer of last year and to prepare his readers for the crap presented as "facts" about Mitchell in the coming revised version of Mary's Mosaic.

So let's have a closer look. The part about the towpath murder starts at 27.12.

At 32.40 during the description of Wiggins' testimony, Janney states that:
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: alt2"] Wiggins was still fast on his feet. On hearing the shot, he had dashed across Canal Road toward the stone wall.
[...]Seconds before he got there, he heard a second shot. When he peered over the wall...

.....It would have taken Wiggins ('still fast on his feet') only about 3-4 seconds to arrive at the wall after the first shot.

Yet, this is the text on the screen shown by Janney during that part of his presentation:

[Image: 823151e7da891a72a.jpg]

Again, Janney dares to state here that it took Wiggins 10-20 seconds to arrive at the wall! Needless to say, this totally contradicts the data in the trial transcript (8-10 seconds). Janney has no other choice than "adapt" the timing in between the two shots, for otherwise it won't fit at all with the official version of the events on the towpath in between the two shots.

Once again, according to Janney, Henry Wiggins had to peer over the Canal Road wall. Yet, it was Janney himself who mentioned twice(!) in his own book Mary's Mosaic that this wall is only three feet high.......

.......Albeit, that Janney conveniently ignores the given fact in the Official Story that mechanic Bill Branch and a small group of reporters were actually present there at the time the Rambler disappeared...Mysterious indeed.........

From 38.50 on Peter explains all about his 2012 "new Mitchell findings."

At 39.16 you can even hear him say:
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: alt2"] What we uncovered... [/TD]

However, these "new Mitchell data" were definately found by Tom Scully last year. Scully posted them in this thread too.

Janney apparently "overlooked" these data, available in Google long ago. Although he referred to them on the sheet he showed during this part of his presentation, he didn't feel the need to credit Tom Scully for finding these new Mitchell data:

[Image: 823151e7da89452c3.jpg]

After all, these new findings by Tom Scully enabled Peter Janney to locate the CIA assassin of his beloved Mary Pinchot the story goes...

At 44.17 Janney tells his audience that this "William Mitchell" started to use the name "Bill Mitchell" in California.

The reason why Mitchell did that, according to Janney, is at 44.37 in the video:
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: alt2"] Clearly, Mitchell does not want to be found.. [/TD]

If so, why would he have made that all-important phone call to Damore in March 1993, confessing that he shot Mary on behalf of the CIA and that he used an alias at the time?

The researcher I've quoted directly above believes the JFK Assassination was a staged event. Although he is astute and demonstrates a strong ability to read and present actual inconsistancies in the claims of others that render their conclusions unlikely, he exhibits the same disconnect Janney and his 24-7 defender Doyle-Yates practice, none know enough to get to the conclusion they have reached, based on ?????????.
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
I'm struggling to see where Tom made any attempt to answer the direct point about the car being a CIA set-up prop. The documentation for the car vaporized.
Albert Doyle Wrote:I'm struggling to see where Tom made any attempt to answer the direct point about the car being a CIA set-up prop. The documentation for the car vaporized.

Feeling a bit beamish today, Mr. Scully. Let's really spice up this jambalaya with a dash of "Lt. Col. David H. Strier", shall we ?

Ahh, those salad days at Culto's place. It ended so………. suddenly there, as does much in this life. Suddenly.

R.I.P., Mary. Gone 51 years this day, double-tapped out of existence.
Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:I'm struggling to see where Tom made any attempt to answer the direct point about the car being a CIA set-up prop. The documentation for the car vaporized.

Feeling a bit beamish today, Mr. Scully. Let's really spice up this jambalaya with a dash of "Lt. Col. David H. Strier", shall we ?

Ahh, those salad days at Culto's place. It ended so………. suddenly there, as does much of life. Suddenly.

R.I.P., Mary. Gone 51 years this day, double-tapped out of existence.

Mark, I'm sorry, but this pit bull won't stop barking. I don't want to put words in your mouth, so jump in anytime. Doyle-Yates is the self-styled, know-it-all expert, but
what made sense to you, taking Damore's claims at face value, warts and all, (Janney does not publish a claim that Damore let you listen to the tape of his alleged tel-con(s) with
"Mitchell".....) no longer made sense after I published the facts I discovered about Mitchell's not being missing and having a background consistent with who he, the DC police, and
the US Arrorney's office in DC informed the press and the trial court OF, about their witness, Lt. William Mitchell in '64-'65.

So how could Doyle-Yates know (or posture) so emphatically more than you do that his belief system is at all viable? Even Janney no longer believes Damore's claims, starting with the problem that witness Mitchell never did "wet work" was born in 1939 and could not be 74 years old in 1993 as Damore claimed, and was not in all branches of the military and in the FBI "at one time or another," etc., etc., etc.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7511&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7512&stc=1]

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Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
How can so many Stars be wrong ? Is the fault in ourselves, or………… ?
Tom answers a direct point with another unrelated data dump (which means he can't answer the point).

This is the "little bit pregnant" axiom that Tom conspicuously fails. It is how credible analysis is done.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Tom answers a direct point with another unrelated data dump (which means he can't answer the point).

This is the "little bit pregnant" axiom that Tom conspicuously fails. It is how credible analysis is done.

I have no words for your "dumps", Mr. Doyle. A pity you can't wade through Mr.Scully's findings and see the forest for the trees, but comparing your posts to Tom's over the YEARS, well……….. Mr. Drago, what did you used to say ? Oh, yeah……. "Thus endeth the lesson"
Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Tom answers a direct point with another unrelated data dump (which means he can't answer the point).

This is the "little bit pregnant" axiom that Tom conspicuously fails. It is how credible analysis is done.

I have no words for your "dumps", Mr. Doyle. A pity you can't wade through Mr.Scully's findings and see the forest for the trees, but comparing your posts to Tom's over the YEARS, well……….. Mr. Drago, what did you used to say ? Oh, yeah……. "Thus endeth the lesson"

You're trolling Mr O'Blazney and not answering the progress of points clearly detailed in this thread.

The harder you don't answer something the more credible it becomes. The car had no documentation because it was a CIA plant.
Albert Doyle Wrote:... You're trolling Mr O'Blazney and not answering the progress of points clearly detailed in this thread.

The harder you don't answer something the more credible it becomes. The car had no documentation because it was a CIA plant.

But you are not asking any questions, are you? You're just living in the good ole days when Crump trial witness William L. Mitchell was "missing" and thus could be passed off as a "CIA assassin".
You think you can still credibly claim a unrepaired Rambler that Wiggins said he could not account for and his co-worker Bill Branch was last described sitting in the seat of, with the Rambler keys and no mentioned means of transport back to his work place, has to be a See Eye Aye "plant". Is it possible that anyone knows more about these circumstance than you claim to know? Are you even serious
about any of this? You've posted more responses on this thread and on the book review site than any other human being, yet what can you point to as a fact that you can support and have contributed in
any of your three years long posting campaign? You also debated me in a thread on this topic on the old Lancer forum. Through it all, you've only repeated Janneyr's third hand and somewhat discredited
claims and interpretations, but here you are, lecturing DiEugenio. Damore's researcher O'Blazney, and the researcher who located the "missing" William L. Mithcell..... me. If I located the Rambler today,
with a chain of detail back to the 51 year old event as solid as the chain I presented in IDing "missing Mitchell," I have not the least doubt you would keep repeating your posts, anyway. Is it a fish or a troll
that is unaware it is wet?

Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:............
Your turn, Mr. Doyle. I'll have to channel 'My Three Uncles' in order to post anything of value here. Thanks again, Tom. You can tell them all about it, if you'd care to. Please continue sharing your valuable research with us, one of the few who've moved the cause forward, a march against time. Stars in your Crown.

Mark, I think what I find most curious is Mr. Doyle-Yates's total lack of curiousity. He has not indicated any interest in the slightest in you, or how you came to be Leo Damore's researcher. He simply re-posts (for the past three years and four months) what has impressed him in Mary's Mosaic, the Janney novel that was fronted as a non-fiction book by a "CIA-DC insider," once removed. I am sure you can recall that I badgered you with questions related to your knowledge of the events presented from Janney's POV?

Nothing I've presented since August, 2012, or posted, or anything Mark has said, has influenced in the silghtest, the
Doyle-Yates posted interpretations related to the circumstances of Mary Meyer's murder. In contrast, my discoveries have certainly influenced both Mark, the former researcher of Leo Damore, and prompted Janney to issue a sequel to his book, file a publicity stunt lawsuit, and to finally admit that his "missing" Miitchell was not a CIA assassin and that Damore could not have been in contact with the actual Crump trial witness and now non-missing and non-assassin, William L. Mitchell. But...... not Doyle-Yates, he just keeps on posting along.... the same unsupported interpretations.

I found out about Mark's "uncles" independently, and when I did, I asked Mark if he thought Damore was an astute enough researcher to tap Mark's talents because of these familial
questions, and Mark cannot say, for sure. In looking up this info for this post, I came upon an email in which you shared your interaction with Henry Wiggins and of the fire at the M Street Esso gas station, just before you arrived intending to comb through its old boxes of customer records. There were two ESSO stations with the same ownership, Bill Branch employed at one, and Henry Wiggins at the other. Roundtree's investigator, Purcell, is the only source attributed as unsuccessful in locating a record of the customer call about the Rambler. Roundtree is quoted by Burleigh advising that investigator Purcell also never found Ray Crump's alibi girlfriend.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7518&stc=1]


Justice Older Than the Law: The Life of Dovey Johnson ...
Katie McCabe, ‎Dovey Johnson Roundtree - 2009 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
I pretty nearly turned the city of Washington inside out, looking for that womanor rather, my assistant, Purcell Moore, did. Purcell had helped me on many a ...

There is no statement or testimony claiming that Wiggins or Branch repaired the "missing" Rambler, only that Wiggins lifted the hood after unlocking the passenger door, and Branch sitting in the Rambler when Wiggins left the scene to return to the M Street Esso station to call police. There is no account I can locate that explains how Bill Branch was transported from his seat in the Rambler, back to his workplace. Wiggins was transported back to the murder scene by DC police, and then later to the roadway by police, where he had last seen Branch and the Rambler. He said he noticed the Rambler was gone, but how did Branch leave the scene???????????? Janney wrote that they had a key to the Rambler, but there is no description of either of them even attempting to start the Rambler with the key or of doing any pre-repair diagnosis, so what would there have been any related billing record for, related to repairing the Rambler? Did Bill Branch walk off, with transport away from the Rambler undescribed by Janney, and simply leave the key with the Rambler?

As I've stated before, all of Doyle-Yates's conclusions are unjustified because he does not have enough information to reach them.

Back to Marks' family. This woman, Katherine, was Mark's grandmother.:

This was her household in the 1910 US Census, when she was age 20. Her li'l brother grew up to be father of a close friend, according to his HSCA security classified testimony, of David Atlee Phillips, and this nephew of Katherine (Jeremiah A. O'Leary, Jr.) and first cousin of Mark's mother, served as a pallbearer at Lee Harvey Oswald's funeral. He and Aynesworth were ubiquitous in Dallas, that weekend.:

[TABLE="width: 656"]
[TD]William J O Leary[/TD]
[TD] Head[/TD]
[TD] M[/TD]
[TD] 40[/TD]
[TD] Ireland[/TD]
[TD] Margaret O Leary[/TD]
[TD] Wife[/TD]
[TD] F[/TD]
[TD] 48[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia[/TD]
[TD] Michael W Flynn[/TD]
[TD] Stepson[/TD]
[TD] M[/TD]
[TD] 23[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia[/TD]
[TD] Katherine Flynn[/TD]
[TD] Stepdaughter[/TD]
[TD] F[/TD]
[TD] 20[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia[/TD]
[TD] Jeremiah O Leary[/TD]
[TD] Son[/TD]
[TD] M[/TD]
[TD] 13[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia ....[/TD]

Mark's grandmother, Katherine's brother was Mike Flynn. Katherine had a son, Mark's unlce Bill. Bill brought together Huntley and Brinkley at NBC and he hired Walter Sheridan
to "cover" Jim Garrison's investigation. Sorry, Mark, to read of the recent loss of your cousin, Bill's son.

December 20, 1993
...In a memo, he also recalled that "I stood just 12 feet from Jack Ruby when he killed President Kennedy's assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. I danced the Big Apple with Eleanor Roosevelt."...
Jeremiah Aloysius Patrick O'Leary Jr., a Washington native, was born into a family with deep journalistic roots in the area. His father covered Congress for the Star for a half-century. An uncle, Mike Flynn, had edited the Washington Times-Herald, and a cousin, William McAndrew, served as president of NBC news....

......This could only have been for one of two reasons: (1) Porter, a pansy, had been paying off to some young men around town; (2) and probably more important, Porter was the only one who knew about Shelton's chicanery. He had been milking the tail for some time, including Times-Herald newsprint diverted to his own printing plant. Unquestionably, Mrs. Campbell persuaded Porter to leave town, then lifted the evidence out of his apartment. She admitted part of this in a sworn disposition. Also important is the facct that the Washington Times-Herald editor, Mike Flynn, apparently was able to get his brother-in-law, D.C. Police Chief Barrett, to send two Washington police to Clarksburg, West Virginia, the same night that Porter fell out of the window - or was pushed. It was they who took over Porter's papers and arranged the story given out to the press by the West Virginia police. Harry Costello claims that when Porter hit the ground one side of his face - this side which did not strike the ground - was bruised from an aparent beating. Later Porter's body was cremated and his cousin who arrived to see the body was kept in Evie Robert's apartment at the Mayflower while the cremation was taking place. Apparently they were in an awful hurry to get the body out of the way. (William C. Shelton, general manager, and michael W. Flynn, managing editor, were two of seven Times-Herald executives who inherited the paper under the terms of the disputed will. Harry Costello occasionally did investigative work for Drew.)" (Source: Tyler Abell, Ed., Drew Pearson Diaries 1949-1959. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, p. 16-17).....

Mr. Doyle-Yates, please forgive my criticism of you in this post if you've been busy PMing Mark O'Blazney and peppering him with question to satisfy your extremely well hidden

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Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.

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