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The breath-takingly complex task of discernment
N.B.: This is directly relevant to the 14-post "exchange" going on inside the Bear Pit that involves the site's administrator and one of its major "executive committee" members and in apparent offense and confusion about a post of mine (similar to previous Bear Pit assignments); you can track it here:

In a podcast version of the Lew Rockwell Show (#286), Doug Valentine, the author of "The Strength of the Pack", "The Strength of the Wolf", "TDY", and "The Phoenix Program", is interviewed on the topic of massive CIA, DEA, Pentagon and State Department propaganda. The link is here: The show is 25 minutes long. Links to Valentine's site, and the Amazon listing of his books is there as well.

The overall podcast feed is here: feed://

After an extensive discussion of the infiltration by US government propagandists "courting the compatible left", forcing the anti-war sentiments to evaporate from within the right wing, the efforts by the DEA and the FBI, a discussion of relevent books, the re-organization of the CIA (especially its clandestine operations) and to understand that earlier descriptions are still valid in terms of policy but not in terms of structure and organization ("the true channels of power occur off the organizational chart"), and why it is necessary to read a lot of sources in order to stay up to date in a complicated world.

Starting at about the 17:00 minute mark, he spoke specifically of an article in Marine Corps Gazette (10/89), 23 years ago, and quoted from it.

"The new type of warfare will be widely dispersed and largely undefined; distinction between war and peace will be blurred to the vanishing point. There will be no definable battlefields or fronts, and the distinction between civilian and military will disappear. Success will depend heavily on effectiveness in joint operations [the kind, Valentine points out, that became standard procedure ten years ago in Homeland Security] as the lines between responsibility and mission become blurred. This new type of warfare will depend on psychological operations manifesting in the form of media information intervention. [Again, that's the military itself intervening in the media with regards to information.] One must be adept at manipulating the media to alter domestic and world opinion. On this new psychological battlefield, TV news may become a more powerful operational weapons than armored divisions..."

23 years ago, said Valentine, before the Internet, before Facebook and global information flow at our fingertips, the ability to get information from everywhere all the time, the military was talking about the absence of sovereign boundary lines.

Valentine notes that, even when the individual who can look at all this information and understand that the instruments of statecraft are trying to manipulate things to make us think and feel a particular way, it becomes a breathtakingly-complex thing to try to figure out where a piece of information is coming from.

"You can't distinguish anymore where a particular piece of information is coming from. The information is so rapid and overwhelming and mixed in with corporate messages; it is a blur. How does an individual adapt or adjust himself in order to be able to discern..?. That's an incredible challenge."

He doesn't mention the international, multi-national, and multi-"corporate" or "criminal cabal" influx, but most people here or with any savvy on the topic understand that most of the major states and players (Russia, China, Israel, the UK and the European Union, as well as minor states in alliances, as well as massed wealth, and perhaps others) also provide propagandistic in-flow. One example is the training courses available on how to become an active editor of Wikipedia. It's recently been declared on several fronts, including the Supreme Court of the United States, that it's okay to lie [size=12][you should see the drawer full of military honors I've won] and, in case you missed that little tidbit of information, even the Federal Reserve, the cabal of private banks that make economic and fiscal policy without oversight or recourse in the United States (and indirectly on a global level through related organizations) conducts its own surveillance and propaganda operations. [/SIZE]

It's apparently open season for everyone.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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