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Why It's Important To Release the JFK Assassination Records Now - William Kelly
Tue, July 3, 2012 6:55:18 PM
Why It's Important to Release the JFK Assassination Records Now
From: William Kelly

Framing the JFK Assassination Debate - Not between Conspiracy Theorists and Lone Nutters but between the Truth and the Government -

JFKcountercoup: Why It's Important To Release the JFK Assassination Records Now

Why It's Important to Release the JFK Assassination Records Now - William Kelly

The great debate on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy is not between Conspiracy Theorists and Lone Nutters as expected, it is over the release of the remaining still secret records that the government refuses to open to the public.

While all of the withheld records are scheduled to be released in 2017, the CIA and other agencies are expected to ask the President to continue to withhold them, possibly forever, or at least in our lifetime, and the President is expected to comply, unless he is convinced to release them now.

When I asked Marion Johnson, the archivist once responsible for the JFK records, why the House Select Committee on Assassination (HSCA) records were withheld for 50 years, and not 25 or 100, he said that that 50 years was the estimated amount of time that those persons mentioned in the records would be dead. If they are dead then they are unable to be embarrassed, or answer questions.

Since it is not yet 50 years, statistically speaking there are still some of the witnesses named in the records who are sill alive and can be interviewed about these issues, as new witnesses mentioned in other record have already been identified and located alive today.

President Obama made open records and government transparency his first mandate when he assumed office. He established the National Declassification Review Board and ordered the accelerated release of many government records by 2013, the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination. At a public hearing, the associate Archivist said that public interest would help dictate which of the back log of millions of records would be given a priority and the JFK assassination records would be included. The response to an on-line public NARA forum poll placed the JFK assassination records at the top of the relevant topics.

Since then the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), in league with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), has reneged on that promise and now says that because the CIA cannot "logistically" manage it, the JFK assassination records will not be included in the 2013 declassification review, and will remain sealed.

The CIA claims that it doesn't have the manpower or ability to accelerate the review process even though it did just that in 2006, releasing all of the records scheduled for release in 2010.

The CIA has also kept many records out of the JFK Assassination Records Collection process by deeming them "Not Considered Relevant," including the CIA's operational files connected to the DRE, the anti-Castro Cuban exile group that the accused assassin tried to infiltrate and got into a scuffle with on the streets of New Orleans. How can they maintain that those records are not relevant if they involve the accused assassin?

Rather than just release these record, obviously relevant to the public assessment of the assassination, the government has spent millions of dollars in court costs in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) cases fighting the requested release of 50 year old records, including those of CIA officer George Joannides, who controlled the CIA's funds to the DRE. Among the records released in the Morley v. CIA case showed that Joannides was the very same CIA officer who was called out of retirement to serve as liaison to the House Committee and cut off their access to CIA records, which he did.

The efforts to free the JFK assassination related records in the courts have received recent setbacks, with the Morley case being remanded back to district court and the National Security Archives (NSA) losing the first round of its case to have one of the volumes of CIA analysis of the Bay of Pigs released, even though a companion volume was released under the JFK Act.

President Obama, who has said that "no records will remain sealed forever," exerted Executive Privilege in order to keep records under raps on a recent operation to sell and track weapons to Mexican drug cartels, understandable as an ongoing legal investigation. But if those records are still being withheld 50 years from now, it clearly won't be because of national security or an ongoing legal case, but to avoid embarrassment by those who work for the government.

If a deranged lone nut killed the President 50 years ago, there should be no records withheld in the name of national security, and while some records may have been withheld for many years in order to preserve "sources and methods," that is no longer the case. The sources and methods are now all well known.

As Jim Hougan has noted, "The assassination of President Kennedy is a national security issue of the first order. How can we turn the page on this event without first having the opportunity to read it?"

So the issue regarding the government records on the assassination of President Kennedy at one time a matter of national security to keep secret, is now a matter of national security to release to the public.


Would it be possible to collect written or oral reports from witnesses who are still alive, as backup or a sort of Appendix to any eventual release of documents? Or, better yet, to be published online on the internet or in newspapers, magazines, books, YouTube videos??? For the sake of historical documentation, with or without NARA's release of JFK documents, if ever. Some witnesses may not have any related documents in these files, especially those who gave information to the Secret Service, since they destroyed their documents after the JFK Collection Act was passed. Also witnesses who gave information to the Dallas Police, radio, TV, but not to the FBI or other government agencies.

Good piece, as usual, by Bill the trick is to get it and pieces like it to be seen by those other than the cognosenti! Bill, you could try it as an op ed in some papers, but the result likely will be censorship...but no harm in trying. The internet is still our best and perhaps our only 'weapon'. I'll put it up on the largest Occupy site, if you don't mind....I hope they get the connection to their cause, but fear many may not. Send it to Truthdig and all such sites - both for their posting it as is - or to spur them to write their own pieces on the same topic. We are running out of time..after the 50th the whole thing becomes a 'dead letter' issue except to those of us who have always been involved....and this is exactly what the bad guys are counting on and why they have decided to halt the releases and concentrate on a propaganda campaign selling the Dallas snake oil and hiding the truth....for the truth will destroy the system they have built and I for one couldn't be happier to see that entire Potemkin Village burn down.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Wed, July 4, 2012 5:20:10 AMUpdate about "Office of Information Policy and Regulatory Affairs: Release the secret JFK Assassination Records"
From: <>

Hey Adele,
Thank you for your support on this important issue. We originally sought 200 signatures but have more than doubled that figure, and expect it to double again soon. We will be submitting the petition by fax and regular mail as well, and embarking on a letter writing campaign soon. At the moment we are trying to get the attention of the media and other open-government non-profits and expanding our base beyond the research community. Any support in that direction would be greatly appreciated. Keep posted via the AARC web site, my, the Education Forum and other sites who are networking our petition. Over the July 4th Independence Day holiday we should remember that our right to petition the government is enshrined in the Constitution, and we are exercising that right with this petition. To be successful though, we have to really get their attention and be reasonable and rational and change their minds.
View the petition | View and reply to this message online

Number of signers is over 500.

Thanks Adele and Peter,

Your suggestions are all good and hopefully followed up on.

It would be great if it is posted on other forums or web sites, just include a link to my blog with the post.


Bill Kelly
JFKcountercoup: Why It's Important To Release the JFK Assassination Records Now

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