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Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver
Jon Rappoport's Blog
INteresting, INnovative and INvestigative Reporting

By Jon Rappoport

July 28, 2012

People don't get it. The media don't get it and they don't want to get it. Billions of dollars are riding on the drugs Dr. Lynne Fenton may have prescribed to her patient, James Holmes, the accused Batman shooter.

And when billions of dollars in potentially lost revenue are hanging in the balance, the interested parties take action. They're serious about their money. They don't screw around.

You see, if James Holmes was, for example, taking Prozac, all of a sudden no one wants to take it. If doctors prescribe it to patients, the patients say, "Hey, wasn't this the drug that nutcase took before he killed all those people in the theater?"

And that's not all. Congress holds hearings, not because they want to, but because they want to look like they're doing the right thing. And at those hearings, all sorts of nasty stuff comes out about Prozac. It's big news. The studies that showed the drug was dangerous, that it could and would cause people to commit suicide and homicide. Boom. More bad press for the manufacturer. More investigations. More lost revenue.

So right now, in Aurora, there are pharmaceutical people on the scene. Not just low-level goofballs, but competent investigators. They want to know what drugs James Holmes was prescribed. They need to know. And behind the scenes, people with clout are making phone calls. These pharma types are talking to government agents and it's crazy time and damage-control time, and nobody is laughing. This is a high-stakes game. WHAT DRUGS WAS HOLMES TAKING?

There is pressure on both attorneys in the case, too. And the cops. With an insanity plea lurking in the wings, Holmes' medical records could very well see the light of day. That would let everybody know what the drugs were. So somebody is calling the governor of Colorado, and other state officials, and they're trying to maneuver and manipulate the legal process, to make the medical records vanish.

Come on. This isn't just a murder case. Now it's about money. Big pharma lawyers are reading up on Colorado law to find loopholes, ways to get around revealing Holmes' medical history.

Holmes is now a pawn. He's the nowhere kid who is going to be shuttled around on the game board to save the drug money for the people who own it.

The money is dirty. It always was. It's been made on the backs of people who have died at the rate of 100,000 a year in the US alone. That's a million people per decadepharmaceutically caused deaths. The heads of these drug companies and their allied banks are Mafiosa. They inflict more human damage in a day than all the goombahs who have ever shot up pizza joints on Mulberry Street or dealt narcotics to addicts across the world, since Sicily puts itself on the map as the center of the Cosa Nostra.

If they could get to Holmes in his cell, they'd erase him. They'd make it look like a suicide. Today. What do you think "lone shooter" is all about? Yes, the covert op that very well may have used Holmes as the patsy, to push the government into banning guns, is a major piece here. But that work is done. Now it's "lone shooter" because getting rid of Holmes by killing him or warehousing him for the rest of his life in a mental prison, with brain-hammer drugs making him into a vegetable, means that the names of the psychiatric drugs he was taking before the massacre will be lost to history, and no one will take the criminal investigation any further.

Update: Holmes' psychiatrist, Lynne Fenton, was reprimanded by the Colorado Board of Medical Examiners, in 2005, for prescribing drugs to several patients, including herself, without entering the information in patient records. She could now find a target painted on her back, as the drug companies try to make her a patsy, an "irresponsible and incompetent doctor who didn't give Mr. Holmes what he truly needed." They would do this to take the drugs off the hook. "In the hands of a good psychiatrist, the proper medications would have worked well." Who knows? Maybe they'll claim she didn't even treat Holmes directly, but supervised interns or grad students, who actually worked with Holmes.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Quote:Methods- Up to 25 volunteers with schizophrenia and 25 volunteers without a psychiatric disorder will participate in this study at the Atlanta VA Medical Center. Subjects will first be interviewed about their medical and psychiatric history, and any current symptoms they are having. They will receive an fMRI scan during which they will play a computer game that rewards correct responses with money. This fMRI session will allow for the assessment of which parts of the brain are functioning during rewarding conditions. The results will be compared for subjects with and without schizophrenia.

OK - assume this is basic science, and then speculate about how fMRI knowledge of brain areas involved in linking "correct responses" with rewards could be used - both benefically and malevolently.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Let's see: former chief of police of a city with its own army and cia in a city which runs on Wall Street juice, Robert Holmes who apparently could threaten to expose fraud raised to the third power, discrepencies in the official story, the lawyer gap, silent parents.

It's a house of cards: but I'll add another. The parents are terrified and have been warned to shut the fuck up so that their son can spend the rest of his life in the looney bin instead of committing suicide. They also have been warned NOT to hire competent counsel. Anyone who is in direct contact with this case is in mortal danger. They can tippy toe past their graveyard if they stick to the script.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

By Jon Rappoport

July 29, 2012

There is evidence for each of these possibilities. That's why each one has to be followed down. People have their intuitive preferences, but that doesn't make them automatically right.

The evidence for a staged event in Aurora at the theater is significant. Holmes' particular role in that scenario is still an open question.

Whether he was programmed to kill; or didn't kill and was just left holding the bag at the end of the horrific night; or was set off to commit murder by the action of a prescribed psychiatric drug that induces violence…all of these need to be explored. This is exactly what I've been doing in a number of articles.

Two points:

There is a video of Holmes' early "mentor," John Jacobson, asserting that a psycho-physicist can alter and reverse a person's perception of time sequence. This statement matches Holmes' claim, made when he was 18 years old, that he was studying temporal illusion, the idea that one can change the past. Does this meanthat Holmes, at some point, was subjected to a form of mind-and-time-scrambling control? It certainly doesn't nail it down. It's perhaps a clue.

The fact that Holmes' father, Robert, who comes out of a military family, works for a company that was partnering with DARPA, the house of illusion for the Pentagon, makes one wonder how Robert fits into the total story.

There is a claim that Robert is due to testify in front of a senate panel on the Libor banking scandal, and the massacre in Aurora might convince him to go into seclusion and forget about blowing the lid off Libor and implicating all sorts of power players.

I have been following down that claim, and so far I see no credible citation confirming that Robert is, in fact, on the senate panel's list of witnesses. I would very much like to see such a citation, if it exists. The fact that this claim has been picked up and repeated by a few hundred thousand sites and blogs doesn't make it true.

I don't know where this story started. I traced it, as far as I could, to Christopher King, who has several blogs. I sent him an email. It was kicked back to me as undeliverable. I tried to call his office number. The number was disconnected. I am not criticizing Mr. King. He may hold the key to this part of the story. He may have the goods. I can't find him so far.

During the past 20 years or so, I've done a large amount of research into the CIA's MKULTRA mind-control program. When I interviewed John Marks, author of Search for the Manchurian Candidate, he told me he obtained his initial information, from the CIA, in 10 boxes of material released on a FOIA request.

Thee boxes were records of accounting and funding for various CIA subprojects. They were offered to Marks as a coal in his Christmas sock, of no importance or interest to anyone. But Marks triumphed. He was able to use the files and piece together a skeleton of MKULTRA subprojects and expand his knowledge base from there.

Marks also told me those 10 boxes formed the foundation for three classic books on MKULTRA: his own, Walter Bowart's Operation Mind Control, and Alan Scheflin's The Mind Manipulators. I recommend all three books.

Marks told me that the official CIA MKULTRA program ended in 1962. From that point on, the work was quietly shifted to another CIA department, its Office of Research and Development. In trying to obtain some of those files, Marks was told by a CIA employee that there were a hundred more boxes of material and he would never, ever get his hands on those.

The original MKULTRA program (1952-62) was crude. It employed drugs, hypnosis, duress, torture, and disorientation to program its human subjects. All in all, from what I can glean, it was a failure in its efforts to reliably erase memory or program assassins. It's my opinion that the operation since 1962 has mounted far more sophisticated methods.

In this regard, one can find patents filed on mind-control methods. For example, the use of electromagnetic transmissions to record brain activity and impose brain activity. Keep in mind, however, that the mere filing and granting of a patent doesn't mean the ensuing experiments on humans were successful.

Nevertheless, it's my conclusion that, with absolutely criminal and callous disregard for human life, as with the Auschwitz medical experiments, the mind manipulators have achieved successes. Not one for one. But successes among the failures.

In 1995, the White House decided to hold Congressional hearings to expose, and apologize for, past government radiation experiments on unwitting volunteers. These experiments, many of them carried out on cancer patients, were designed to gauge (or lie about) harmful versus non-harmful radiation levels. The whole point was to "prove" that atomic-bomb testing didn't pose a health risk.

Somehow, through gross oversight on the 1995 committee's part, a New Orleans therapist, Valerie Wolf, and two of her patients, Claudia Mullin and Chris De Nicola, were permitted to testify.

Claudia and Chris acknowledged that, indeed, they had received radiation…but this, they said, was part of a CIA/military torture program that was actually all about mind control.

Additionally, Valerie filed about 80 pages of material with the committee, which pages were accepted and placed into the official record. They were statements from therapy patients and therapistssome made anonymouslyexplaining first-hand MKULTRA experiences, or experiences in treating patients who had MKULTRA histories.

After speaking with Valerie Wolf several times and interviewing her two patients, I spoke with XXX, who seemed to be a quite sane individual, who told me of personal experiences as a subject in MKULTRA. Essentially, this person said that some of the original and more crude experiments done on children used kids from Latin American countriesand these children were considered expendable, in the service of developing better MK methods and strategies.

Then later, more refined methods were employed "on the best and brightest" American children, who were not considered expendable.

I speculated that these latter children were used to program future leaders in American society.

You can read the transcript of a talk I gave on aspects of MKULTRA in the mid-1990s, in Santa Monica, at the Deep River bookstore.

And here is an article I wrote on the subject in 1995, for Perceptions Magazine. Control Experiments on Children.htm

Was James Holmes a bona fide mind-control pawn? There is more to learn.

Speaking of altering time and the past, as Holmes once did, here is an excerpt from Glenn Krawczyk's article, Mind Control and New World Order, published in March, 1993, in Nexus. The excerpt cites the work of Santa Clara University Law Professor Alan Scheflin, whom I've found to be exceptionally reliable in his painstaking research. The article also refers to researcher Harlan Girard. Some of Girard's statements seem to cast doubt on his objectivity, but I interviewed him twice in the 1990s and found his document-based findings extremely precise.

You can read the whole article at: TIME

"One series of CIA experiments searching for a method to induce amnesia found that pulsed microwaves could be used to over stimulate the production of acetycoline in the brain, a neurotransmitter associated with the storage of memory. This process is known as EDOM or Electronic Dissolution of Memory. Whilst a person is subjected to the signal they literally cannot store any memories, and are left instead with a period of amnesia or missing time.' They can even be influenced to have amnesia about their amnesia. According to the book, The Mind Manipulators, by Alan W. Scheflin and Edward M. Opton Jr, published in 1978, The E.D.O.M. alters time senses by emitting radiowaves and ultra-sonic signal tones, which in turn act upon memory storage chemicals in the brain.' It has been claimed that this process is used to wipe' specific memories from the minds of individuals who have been exposed to highly classified information and are leaving the employ of government agencies who deal with sensitive information."

Glenn Krawczyk's article mentions several other EM techniques of mind control.

Here is an excerpt from a talk by Alan Scheflin, in which he links MKULTRA experiments to "temporal illusion and changing the past," through actually regressing people into the past, into an infantile state:

A frank word of advice: in those years when I pursued MK research much more intensely, I ran across many people who, basically, USED the whole subject to explain their "lot in life." In other words, they denied the possibility that their own freedom, their own vision, their own imagination, energy, and commitment could carry them, with work, to a future they wanted. They were, in effect, mind-control victims by proxy. They had never been experimented on, but they behaved as if they had been made destitute and disabled by "the power of the mind controllers."

I reject this formulation completely.

Granting it any assistance is antithetical to the core of my work, which is about the free individual and his power.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Let's see: former chief of police of a city with its own army and cia in a city which runs on Wall Street juice, Robert Holmes who apparently could threaten to expose fraud raised to the third power, discrepancies in the official story, the lawyer gap, silent parents.

It's a house of cards: but I'll add another. The parents are terrified and have been warned to shut the fuck up so that their son can spend the rest of his life in the looney bin instead of committing suicide. They also have been warned NOT to hire competent counsel. Anyone who is in direct contact with this case is in mortal danger. They can tippy toe past their graveyard if they stick to the script.

Very likely right on the mark, Lauren. The parent's silence is bizarre. I believe [if my memory serves] his mother the very first day did make a very short statement of 'support' for her son...but since then...'cooperation with authorities' has been the buzzword - and the only word. I can't believe the father was not in Court [apparently], nor has he visited his any normal parent would - if only to ask 'why?' - if not express love and support. Even his neighbors and others that knew him past and present have stopped talking - with the exception of one who is doing character assassination on cue. I think this one didn't quite unfold the way those who planned it had hoped and you are likely correct, they feel they can only now 'get away with it' by threatening silence from most involved or associated with Holmes. That's a lot of people! They might even have one die 'by accident' if anyone slips off script, to let the rest know the 'stakes'. The level of evil that is out there manipulating the society with such cynicism and not a thought for life or liberty is amazing and getting worse by the day! To your list one could probably ad Big Pharma, the Gun Lobby and others. It is interesting that TWO mass shootings took place within about 10 miles of each the suburbs of the city now the home of DHS. This is an interesting, if horrible one, for sure! I'd love to see a national poll of how many believe the official version [Holmes acted alone]. He will be charged in Court tomorrow with hundreds of counts...but he won't be photographed nor on video. This one is to be very tightly controlled.
But, the 'facts' keep changing all the time....and nothing is sure as to what the official version is....much less the truth!...

Quote: Now they say they didn't look in the package of "stick figure drawing" confessions and that news reports about them contain significantly untrue details. They claim they didn't examine the contents of the box. What? No stick figure drawing confession? What a shame.
[URL=""]Aurora Massacre: What does the Spine Board Tell Us?
[/URL] Posted on July 29, 2012 by willyloman

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Clearer picture of the spine board. It's not a creeper and it's the black things are definitely straps. It's a spine board.

yes, it's a spine board

I keep seeing this spine board in the photos of the crime scene. It's tucked neatly under the car but you can see part of it sticking out behind the trunk. Why would that be there? If it was for victims, do you think the emergency crews would have put it in the middle of the evidence being investigated by the police, FBI, and ATF? Do you think they would have just left it there for no apparent reason? Why is it there? What does that tell us?

spine board under suspect's car hours after the arrest.

Notice the holes in the board so responders can pick the person up. Here is an example of a spine board that looks similar to the end of this one. I'm not saying it's the same product, but it does come in white. I would think that what we see sticking out of the car is actually the part of the board where the person's feet would go. Usually the "bottom" of the board is narrower than the "top".

Here's another shot of the spine board, this one from the side which gives us a good idea of how long it is. Notice the two nylon straps used to secure someone to the board.

The spine board was never marked as evidence and when the evidence collectors were finished with their job (looks like the AR-15 was the last thing they packed up) the spine board was still sitting there. That's because it wasn't evidence belonging to the assailant, it was equipment used by the police left there under the car to be picked up later when they towed the vehicle away.

Spine board still there. No evidence marker on it

As you can see in the photo above, the evidence collection process is nearly complete with the AR-15 being packed up. And yet, there sits the spine board just as clear as day.

Even if the suspect parked on top of the board, if it was already lying there before he showed up, the police would have entered it into evidence unless they knew exactly where it came from. It came from them.

So, why the spine board? Why would police want a spine board to detain a suspect and then leave it at the scene afterward?

The answer to that is simple: James Holmes was so incapacitated when they found him, they thought they would need the spine board to transport him. Once he regained some kind of awareness of where he was, not only did he tell them about the traps in the apartment, but he may have in fact been able to get up and into the transport vehicle himself. So the cops just tucked the board under the suspect's car that he had been lying beside after they broke the window and pulled him out and took the second gas mask off of him.

There may be any number of reasons to use a spine board at the scene of an emergency, but the fact is, it is under the suspect's car and everyone knew, very early on, that the suspect was inside the car and then arrested beside the car. I seriously doubt some first responder is going to walk up and tuck his spine board under the suspect's vehicle for safe keeping.

The spine board had to be brought there for the suspect. And that means to some degree and at least for some time, he had to be seriously incapacitated. Seriously enough to call for the board to move him.

Does that sound like the guy who went into the theater and shot 71 people and moved out just as the police arrived 60 seconds later?

Does that sound like the guy who ran the length of the entire building to plant a second gas mask just to confuse us, then ran back, stripped off the equipment, and jumped in the car to be discovered only seconds later?


According to the police, James Holmes admitted to taking some prescription medication like Vicodin prior to the attack. That may or may not be true, but what is true is the police admit that Holmes had been drugged BY SOMEONE prior to them finding him in that car. We also know that they didn't take a mugshot photo of him that night possibly because he was drugged out of his mind. So we know he was drugged and that could explain the spine board: Holmes was so far out of it when they found him, they thought they would need it to transport him.

I think this is just further proof, circumstantial of course, of my original theory about this case: that someone set Holmes up to be the patsy on this attack and left him drugged and in the car when they went in and shot the 71 people in that theater.I suppose they did that figuring that when the cops found him, drugged out to the gills, wearing a gas mask, sitting next to a shotgun and 2 Glock 40s, they would just put a hole in his head and be done with it. But, that didn't happen.

The location of the equipment right next to where a car could have been waiting for the real assailant when he came out, the location of the other gas mask at the end of the parking lot where the real assailant may have run to or tossed it out of the car window, the early police reports of the guy in a blue and white plaid shirt wearing a gas mask, all of this points to another person actually being the one who attacked those people last Thursday night. Who by the way, is still at large.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

the top excerpt (there are others at the link):


May 30, 2012

"World of Warcraft: The Use of Archetypes in Psychotherapy"
David Williams, MD, Child Psychiatry Fellow II
Roger Fox, MD, PGYIV Psychiatry Resident
Lynne Fenton, MD, Medical Director, Student Mental Health Service
Anschutz Medical Campus


May 2012 Grand Rounds Schedule - University of Colorado Denver

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Aurora Massacre: What does the Spine Board Tell Us?

Posted on July 29, 2012 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Clearer picture of the spine board. It's not a creeper and it's the black things are definitely straps. It's a spine board.
[Image: new-spine-board-1.jpg?w=300&h=225]yes, it's a spine board
I keep seeing this spine board in the photos of the crime scene. It's tucked neatly under the car but you can see part of it sticking out behind the trunk. Why would that be there? If it was for victims, do you think the emergency crews would have put it in the middle of the evidence being investigated by the police, FBI, and ATF? Do you think they would have just left it there for no apparent reason? Why is it there? What does that tell us?
[Image: spine-board-close-up-2.jpg?w=300&h=178]spine board under suspect's car hours after the arrest.
Notice the holes in the board so responders can pick the person up. Here is an example of a spine board that looks similar to the end of this one. I'm not saying it's the same product, but it does come in white. I would think that what we see sticking out of the car is actually the part of the board where the person's feet would go. Usually the "bottom" of the board is narrower than the "top".
Here's another shot of the spine board, this one from the side which gives us a good idea of how long it is. Notice the two nylon straps used to secure someone to the board.
[Image: spine-board-side-view.jpg?w=300&h=211]
The spine board was never marked as evidence and when the evidence collectors were finished with their job (looks like the AR-15 was the last thing they packed up) the spine board was still sitting there. That's because it wasn't evidence belonging to the assailant, it was equipment used by the police left there under the car to be picked up later when they towed the vehicle away.
[Image: spine-board-1.jpg?w=300&h=196]Spine board still there. No evidence marker on it
As you can see in the photo above, the evidence collection process is nearly complete with the AR-15 being packed up. And yet, there sits the spine board just as clear as day.
Even if the suspect parked on top of the board, if it was already lying there before he showed up, the police would have entered it into evidence unless they knew exactly where it came from. It came from them.
So, why the spine board? Why would police want a spine board to detain a suspect and then leave it at the scene afterward?
The answer to that is simple: James Holmes was so incapacitated when they found him, they thought they would need the spine board to transport him. Once he regained some kind of awareness of where he was, not only did he tell them about the traps in the apartment, but he may have in fact been able to get up and into the transport vehicle himself. So the cops just tucked the board under the suspect's car that he had been lying beside after they broke the window and pulled him out and took the second gas mask off of him.
There may be any number of reasons to use a spine board at the scene of an emergency, but the fact is, it is under the suspect's car and everyone knew, very early on, that the suspect was inside the car and then arrested beside the car. I seriously doubt some first responder is going to walk up and tuck his spine board under the suspect's vehicle for safe keeping.
The spine board had to be brought there for the suspect. And that means to some degree and at least for some time, he had to be seriously incapacitated. Seriously enough to call for the board to move him.
Does that sound like the guy who went into the theater and shot 71 people and moved out just as the police arrived 60 seconds later?
Does that sound like the guy who ran the length of the entire building to plant a second gas mask just to confuse us, then ran back, stripped off the equipment, and jumped in the car to be discovered only seconds later?
According to the police, James Holmes admitted to taking some prescription medication like Vicodin prior to the attack. That may or may not be true, but what is true is the police admit that Holmes had been drugged BY SOMEONE prior to them finding him in that car. We also know that they didn't take a mugshot photo of him that nightpossibly because he was drugged out of his mind. So we know he was drugged and that could explain the spine board: Holmes was so far out of it when they found him, they thought they would need it to transport him.
I think this is just further proof, circumstantial of course, of my original theory about this case: that someone set Holmes up to be the patsy on this attack and left him drugged and in the car when they went in and shot the 71 people in that theater.I suppose they did that figuring that when the cops found him, drugged out to the gills, wearing a gas mask, sitting next to a shotgun and 2 Glock 40s, they would just put a hole in his head and be done with it. But, that didn't happen.
The location of the equipment right next to where a car could have been waiting for the real assailant when he came out, the location of the other gas mask at the end of the parking lot where the real assailant may have run to or tossed it out of the car window, the early police reports of the guy in a blue and white plaid shirt wearing a gas mask, all of this points to another person actually being the one who attacked those people last Thursday night. Who by the way, is still at large.

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Are there any good pics of the end of the bloody footprint trail. I can't find any.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

Friday, July 27, 2012

Another "WTF" Moment!

Attached Files
.jpg   484086_502902966403316_581650979_n.jpg (Size: 25.68 KB / Downloads: 2)
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
"World of Warcraft: The Use of Archetypes in Psychotherapy"
David Williams, MD, Child Psychiatry Fellow II
Roger Fox, MD, PGYIV Psychiatry Resident
Lynne Fenton, MD, Medical Director, Student Mental Health Service
Anschutz Medical Campus

Did you get that?

"World of Warcraft: The Use of Archetypes in Psychotherapy"

What a joyous Archetype to use for your psychotherapy sessions.

Who are these people?
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

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