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Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver
Quote:In 2005, Fenton received a reprimand from the Colorado medical board for prescribing Vicodin, Xanax, Lorazepam, and Ambien to her husband, her employee, and herself.

Well, at least she is consistent and feels what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Take Away All Guns All the Time

Posted by helen

by Jon Rappoport
[B][Image: control.jpg][/B]
He paced the floor and scratched his chin. He went to his desk and made a few notes on a legal pad.
Obama thought about it and finally came up with a really good reason to own a gun: "hunting and shooting are part of a cherished national heritage."
Glad he cleared that one up.
Expecting the president of the United States to say the 2nd Amendment is there to protect citizens against an oppressive government is like expecting Dick Cheney to put himself in jail for shooting his friend in the face with a shotgun.
The president of the United States perfectly represents the oppressive government that the Constitution was shaped to avoid.
If you want to know why the Constitution is no longer studied in school, look no further than the previous sentence.
A twelve-year old reads the Constitution, stands up in class and says, "It seems like this document was written to prevent the kind of government we have now."
"Careful, kid, that could be interpreted as a terrorist remark. Let me call DHS and check on it."
Let's review. The right to own a gun stems from the idea of property. Property means you own something absolutely. A piece of land, a house, your own body. Something to defend. The right to own a gun stems from the idea of family, too. You have a family. You can protect them.
So, for example, and I know this is a ridiculous example, because it would never happen, but if you were sitting in a movie theater and three people came in with guns and started shooting up the place, you could protect your body by removing your gun from your holster and shooting back.
If someone from the government came to your house and told you you had to have your children vaccinated, or you had to allow your daughter to have chemotherapy with a drug that could burn the paint off a car, you could show that person your gun. Your neighbors, hearing of this problem, could arrive with their guns, too, just to remind the government representative what the term "limited powers" means.
While holding your gun, you could explain that "we are not in this all together," that every citizen has the right to choose what to do with his property.
In a similar situation, and again this would never happen, suppose you were collecting rainwater in big barrels on your property, and a brain-damaged government employee dropped by and told you this was an illegal act. Suppose your rational explanation didn't work, didn't penetrate at all. You could remove your gun from your holster and display it, to emphasize your point.
Or suppose you were growing lots of food on your front lawn, or your child was selling lemonade on that same lawn, or, God forbid, you were smoking, or smoking marijuana, on your porch, or you were studying the Bible with friends in your house, or you were building a second house on your land, or you were baking cookies and selling them to your neighbors, or you were putting up a windmill, or your 11-year-old son was driving your car up and down the driveway, or you were administering herbs to a friend with cancer by mutual agreement and with informed consent, or you were digging a well, or you were flying a large American flag from a pole, or you were burying your dead dog, or your daughter was jumping on a trampoline without a helmet, or you were standing on your front walk filming the police as they were taking to your next-door neighbor…
And suppose you received a visit from a government employee telling you you couldn't do these things, and the employee told you you could be arrested. You might display your weapon and your neighbors might suddenly show up with their weapons, just to educate the employee about the meaning of the 2nd Amendment.
This is just a fantasy, and it would never happen, but suppose the president of the United States declared war on a nation without the consent of Congress, or the power to create money was shifted from Congress to a group of private banks posing as government agents, and then suppose a few million Americans showed up in Washington with their guns and pointed out that these acts explicitly violated the Constitution.
This next one is so far out it could be called a nightmare, and of course it could never happen. But suppose there was a federal agency that was responsible for certifying all medicines as safe and effective before they were released for public use, and suppose that every year, like clockwork, these medicines were killing 100,000 Americans, and suppose the government agency responsible for arresting the government employees who were allowing the killer drugs to be foisted on the public wasn't arresting them. Then, too, I suppose some waving of guns would be in order, as a prompt to fix the problem.
And suppose the government wasn't just the government, but regularly colluded with giant corporations to steal from, trample on, and roll over millions of citizens on an ongoing basis. There, too, some education would be in order, especially, for example, if the government and a few corporations were cooperating to ensure nutritionally-deficient genetically modified food monopolized the nation's food supply. The display of many weapons could restrain this cartel.
If government were using billions of dollars to watch, record, and analyze all citizen movements and communications with each other, this, too, would call for citizens to educate government.
There are people who agree with many of these charges against government, and yet, at the same time, they love government enough to want it to holdalong with thugs and criminalsall the guns in the country. That's a lot of love.
"We know you're basically evil, Daddy Government, but we love and trust you enough to give you all our guns."
And in return, the government says, "We appreciate your confidence, but just in case you have a scintilla of doubt or hesitation, we're going to sell weapons to heinous murderers south of our border and then blame gun shops for the resultant killings, to prove that all private citizens should be weaponless."
Now you might think I'm offering a solution (guns in private hands) that can't offset or diminish the problems this bloated government is causing us, because those problems and the sheer force of government are too great to be moved aside by people who own weapons.
If this is what you think, then (a) isn't that proof the intent of the Constitution has really gone to hell in a handbasket, and b) is that a reason to just lie down and hand over your right to self-defense?
Actually, when all the guns are taken, there will be no private citizens. "Private" implies the ability to protect life, property, and person from the government and other criminals.
On that weaponless day, we'll all be sitting in a theater when the masked agents of the state come through the doors with their armament.
Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29 District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
h/t to our friends over at the [URL=""]SilverBearCafe[/URL]
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
"jamesrubin33August 2, 2012 7:38 AM
Dear Sophia Scholar, some more info on the Aurora incident (down page)
Regards, James."

Posted as a comment at my blog...
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:"jamesrubin33August 2, 2012 7:38 AM
Dear Sophia Scholar, some more info on the Aurora incident (down page)
Regards, James."

Posted as a comment at my blog...

"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:??

Explore the goldring/wetpaint link...

Wander, wonder and comment about it.

Check out that entire web site.

But that page alone sets forth what I "grok" is an interpretation of the "story" behind several well-known movies, provides links on the concepts and the technologies, etc.

I have only just now begun to delve into this, and the night is already long in the tooth. I've just also been gifted with two other lines of inquiry I am asked to delve into, and I have my own related reading and DVD consumption still on my desk.

And the other question, without attaching any negative or sinister meaning behind it, is to ask who James is, and why he wants me to see and read this. [It's not a secret that I have raised my eyebrows on the Aurora incident, posted several WMR articles, posted on it, and done my own earlier and ongoing inquiry into the cognitive sciences and their weaponization (now in existence for several decades, even over a half a century or more, and obviously being intensified).That that played a role in Aurora and other similar events is no long stretch.]

My blog, over the past month, has also discussed neuroplasticity, meditation, consciousness, and topics related to topics on the site James linked me to.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Gunderson is fascinating regarding the type of device and the use of Joly West to control McVeigh.

He could not remember the name Carol Howe whose ATF handler Angela Finney related an urgent request for the FBI to raid Elohim City and catch Andreas Carl Strassmeier trained in German military intelligence who was seen reconnoitering targets with McVeigh by a waitress who committed suicide.

Of course the FBI would not conduct the raid.

In similar fashion it sabotaged, humilitated and silenced John O'Neill.

The fact that Fenton was CMO of the AF 1990-93 is fascinating.

And she was self-prescribing in 1995.

And lo and behold her patient allegedly sent a notebook which conveniently laid the trail of guilt back to himself--and tragically the notebook was not discovered in time.

It occurs to me Agent Colleen Rowley wrote a seven-page letter to Director Mueller complaining the Bureau ignored her warning of Middle Eastern men in flight schools.

And Mueller has his term extended by two years on the ten by Hussein the Bold Slayer of Osama Bin Useful.

It all seems so. . .circular.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Peter

Gunderson is fascinating regarding the type of device and the use of Joly West to control McVeigh.

He could not remember the name Carol Howe whose ATF handler Angela Finney related an urgent request for the FBI to raid Elohim City and catch Andreas Carl Strassmeier trained in German military intelligence who was seen reconnoitering targets with McVeigh by a waitress who committed suicide.

Of course the FBI would not conduct the raid.

In similar fashion it sabotaged, humilitated and silenced John O'Neill.

The fact that Fenton was CMO of the AF 1990-93 is fascinating.

And she was self-prescribing in 1995.

And lo and behold her patient allegedly sent a notebook which conveniently laid the trail of guilt back to himself--and tragically the notebook was not discovered in time.

It occurs to me Agent Colleen Rowley wrote a seven-page letter to Director Mueller complaining the Bureau ignored her warning of Middle Eastern men in flight schools.

And Mueller has his term extended by two years on the ten by Hussein the Bold Slayer of Osama Bin Useful.

It all seems so. . .circular.

The 'who's-who' of persons [or should I say patsies] that West is known to have visited [and not doubt there were MANY others we know nothing about he also visited and 'controlled'] is mind-boggling and certainly makes for a pretty heavy list of the main list of deep black events/ops. Yes, they recycle and reward those who do a 'good' job of evil, or protecting evil of others, and avoid being caught or caught out [which they have great help with thereby]. As I think I have related before [and something that will always haunt me], when I lived in Los Angeles I felt I was too well known as a researcher to approach West myself, but enlisted a very astute man, fully up on covert operations [but who was never a publicly-known researcher, had no internet, phone, and only spoke about it all to a small circle of personal friends - I being one] to be my stand-in to meet West at UCLA and ask my questions, and any of his own. He agreed. His name was Jack Adriance. He got the interview, and did get some general answers until he got to the real 'tough' ones on West's visits to all the mind-control patsies, upon which West asked him to leave immediately. Jack died of 'heart complications' not that many weeks later. He lived on the Coast in Santa Monica - just miles from West's office. I can't make any definite causal relationship, but I do wonder, and it has keep me awake many a night. Rest in peace Jack. Rot in 'Hell' Mr West!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Posted on August 3, 2012 by willyloman

by Scott Creighton

All across the internet "news' sites, people are writing about University of Colorado psychiatrist Lynne Fenton and whether or not she did enough to warn authorities about the potential danger of her patient, James Holmes. According to all the reports, Fenton contacted the threat assessment team at the school 10 days or so before the shooting and they did nothing because Holmes was in the process of dropping out of class.

Pundits and scribes debate the actions of the school and Fenton and everyone in between, keeping the story in the headlines, and his guilt readily accepted as fact. That's why the story was put out there; to convict him in the court of public opinion.

But there's one little problem… the story is based entirely on nothing… unnamed sources speaking about specific evidence of a case that the judge has declared sealed.

One more little problem, the story comes from ABC "News", the same people who deliberately misrepresented the quote from Holmes' mother to imply that she was saying he did it.

Here is the original story written by Arthur Kane and John Ferrugia , CALL7 Investigators. Notice, they call themselves "investigators". That's funny. Here's their proof:

"Sources Tell… sources with knowledge…. sources told… Sources say… sources say… a source said… Sources did not know… said one source… said another source… One source also… Sources familiar with the investigation… Sources also say… sources say… " Call 7 "Investigators"

The "investigators" over at Call 7 (ABC "NEWS" in Denver) cited this (these?) unnamed sources 13 times in their short article published this past Wednesday.

I wonder if their "sources" are the same sources who came out with the "stick figure drawing" confession story? Remember, the prosecution stated in court that those sources had it completely wrong and they hadn't even opened the package before the story was published.

There is literally no way to verify anything in the CALL 7 "News" article with the exception of the one person they directly quote:

"Michael Carrigan, chairman of the CU Board of Regents, told CALL7 Investigators that he did not know if Holmes had ever been discussed by the BETA team."It's the first I'm hearing about this," he said in a phone interview." Call 7 "Investigators"

It's interesting that someone would feed these idiots this story knowing full well that they are violation of the judges' gag order. By doing so they are risking serious jail time and potentially the loss of their license to practice law.

Makes one wonder why such a non-issue story is worth such a risk.

Perhaps it's because whomever fed these two stenographers this drivel knows that once they publish it, every single "news" agency out there will uncritically report on it as fact, simply citing back to their totally unsupported article as proof.

Or perhaps, ABC "News" just made the story up like they did with the misquote from James Holmes' mother.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
And Now… Texas and U.S. Facing Growing Threat of Domestic IEDs; Suspend Posse Comitatus?

August 4th, 2012 Via: Houston Chronicle:

Improvised explosive devices have claimed the lives and limbs of thousands of American soldiers across Iraq and Afghanistan.

And now officials say the devilish devices are posing a growing threat across Texas and the United States.

The accused shooter in the Aurora, Colo., movie theater massacre, James Holmes, allegedly deployed IEDs in his apartment, prompting federal law enforcement agencies to look into possible links to domestic or foreign-based terrorism.

The incident follows disrupted IED attacks in 2010 a car bomb disarmed in New York City's Times Square and explosives detected in ink cartridges aboard two U.S.-bound commercial cargo planes.

And with Mexican drug cartels using car bombs in cities bordering Texas, officials along the southwest border are increasingly concerned about ready-to-go devices being smuggled into the United States.

"The domestic IED threat from both homegrown terrorists and global threat networks is real and presents a significant security challenge for the United States and our international partners," Army Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero, director of the Pentagon's so-called Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, warned Congress in classified testimony in mid-July.

Terrorists remain committed to deploying IEDs "in traditional as well as new and creative ways" because the devices remain "a cheap and easily accessible means to achieve high visibility effect," Barbero says.

The growing concern is prompting urgent cooperation between U.S. military experts who are familiar with the devices and civilian law enforcement officers who are not.

But legal restrictions on the activities of U.S. armed forces are slowing crucial collaboration, insiders complain. Federal laws dating back to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 limit the use of U.S. armed forces in domestic law enforcement and training impediments some members of Congress are pressing to change.

The Pentagon's specialized $1.9 billion-a-year IED organization has "saved many servicemen's lives by teaching lessons learned in blood on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan," report Reps. Peter King, R-N.Y., Daniel Lungren, R-Calif., and Michael McCaul, R-Austin, leaders of the House Committee on Homeland Security.

"Their hard-won knowledge should now be shared with American lawmen facing these same deadly threats at home," the lawmakers add.

"To me it's crazy that the guy who is the expert on IEDs overseas can't coordinate with the Texas Rangers," emphasizes McCaul, a former counterterrorism official with the Justice Department. "The military is unable to coordinate with state and local law enforcement, leaving a gaping hole in our security."
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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