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Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver
Oh, Hum!~...another shooting in Santa Monica - not far from where Obama was, yesterday; a few dead.....and the gunman....another person arrested and will likely 'disappear' and never be spoken about it was a conspiracy and that is a word that dare not speak its name...
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Oh, Hum!~...another shooting in Santa Monica - not far from where Obama was, yesterday; a few dead.....and the gunman....another person arrested and will likely 'disappear' and never be spoken about it was a conspiracy and that is a word that dare not speak its name...

Only when the Constitutional right for citizens to carry arms is outlawed across the nation will this sort of killing cease, I think. I obviously could be wrong about this, but I see no other logic for it?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
For every gun I need to fear there are thousands that can keep me safe in concert with my own legal arms. Those weapons in the hands of average Americans stand as a last protection from forced Fascism.

Castigate the guilty. Not the lawful citizen exercising a constitutional right.
How far could the NSDAP get if the oppressed minorities (Jews and Socialists - real ones) had weapons as the Stormtroopers did?
Not even the Governance's support for the NSDAP and Freikorps forerunners could have saved the game if resisted by arms.

NSDAP and the General Staff would have choked on the massacres.
Consider the Mind Kontroll efforts required to get the populace to meekly walk into the train cattle cars in silence unto death.

Disarming the populace is often the last step to slavery, visible or not.
Particularly so in totalitarian systems as the US is evolving into aided and abetted by a silent citizenry.

History speaks and BS walks the rails.

Me? I'll live free or die. I am a citizen not a subject.

The "cops" have all kinds of protective gear and weapons I cannot have and cast lustful eyes on my legal non-automatic weapons?
It all reminds me of the Ohio National Guard chickenshits in gas masks, steel pot helmets and holding locked and loaded M1 30-08 semi-automatic Garand rifles,
claiming they were "scared" by rocks and voices of protest at Kent State.

All just Gov't. and MSM propaganda then and now.

But the American People remember Op Chaos and a thing called Co-Intell Pro.
Yeah we remember Fred Hampton - drugged by an "informant" for Chicago Police and then killed in his sleep
by the Chicago Police Officers of yet another "special unit" empowered to commit "legal" murder.
Those acts defined the term PIGS. Fascist Pigs in uniform and empowerd by corruption.
That condition is the same used in Germany to emplace Adolf Hitler into power.

Lots of Americans remember how fast things can go to shit - like 64 - 70.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Mass shooter Adam Lanza offered what is likely to be the closest thing to an explanation for his actions when he called a radio program a year before he gunned down 26 people, including 20 children, at a Connecticut elementary school.
The New York Daily News reported that it had authenticated a recording of the call made Dec. 11, 2011, to "Anarchy Radio" host John Zerzan.
"We remember the call," said the 70-year-old Zerzan, of Oregon. "The only thing that seemed odd was his voice seemed kind of robotic … but what he was saying made sense."
The paper said it had played the recording for two former classmates, who instantly recognized the caller as Lanza, although they said he apparently had tried to disguise his voice.
The 20-year-old Lanza, who was fascinated by guns and mass killings, fatally shot his mother Dec. 14, 2012, at their home before driving to nearby Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he systematically opened fire on two classrooms before turning the gun on himself.
In the 7-minute call, Lanza draws parallels between a chimpanzee raised as a human who went on a violent 2009 rampage and the Norwegian mass murder Anders Breivik.
"His attack can be seen entirely parallel to the attacks and random acts of violence that you bring up on your show every week, committed by humans, which the mainstream also has no explanation," Lanza told Zerzan. "I just … don't think it would be such a stretch to say that he very well could have been a teenage mall shooter or something like that."
Zerzan seems taken aback by how much Lanza knows about the chimpanzee case, which happened about an hour away from his home.
The animal, Travis, who had appeared in television commercials and was raised like a human, was shot to death in February 2009 after viciously mauling his owner's friend.
Lanza, who identified himself as Greg during the call, claimed the chimp wasn't "senselessly violent (or) impulsive."
"Travis wasn't an untamed monster at all," Lanza said. "He wasn't just feigning domestication, he was civilized. He was able to integrate into society."
He continued, saying the chimp's owner drove him around as part of her towing business, and the animal had met many people and got along with them.
"If Travis had been some nasty monster all his life it would have been widely reported, but to the contrary, it seems like everyone who knew him said how shocked they were that Travis had been so savage, because they knew him as a sweet child," Lanza said.
He offered more clues about why the case had fascinated him in postings he apparently made on the "Shocked Beyond Belief" message board the day before and after the call.
Police said he posted there under the name "Smiggles," and he wrote about his plan to call Zerzan, who broadcasts on KWVA-FM about the societal harms posed by technology.
"I'm really surprised that I haven't been able to find anything (Zerzan has) written or said about the incident, considering how often he brings up random acts of violence," Smiggles posted. "It seems like Travis would be a poster-chimp of his philosophy."
Indeed, Zerzan says during the call that he's not at all familiar with the case.
Lanza uses the chimp's case as an analogy to modern human child-rearing, which he suggests was somehow dehumanizing.
"It brings up questions about this whole process of child-raising," he says. "Civilization isn't something which just happens to gently exist without us having to do anything, because every newborn child human child is born in a chimp-like state, and civilization is only sustained by conditioning them for years on end."
Lanza, who apparently had Asperger's syndrome, had made numerous posts on the message board expressing his obsession with mass killings and his disgust with physical contact, particularly sex.
"I castrated myself when I was 15 to rebel against society," he posted in January 2011 under the Smiggles user name.
Zerzan said the Connecticut-based blogger Reed Coleman first told him he may have spoken with Lanza before the massacre.
"There's nothing there indicating he was considering something so heinous and inconceivable," Zerzan said, adding that authorities had not contacted him about the call.
"It was a year before Sandy Hook, so no one has any idea what he was thinking a year before," the radio host said. "I don't see how anyone could have guessed that with what was said."

"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Taken from RT:

Phone system, panic buttons' failed during deadly LAX shooting

Published time: February 27, 2014 23:41
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Accident, Shooting, USA
A police dispatcher at Los Angeles International airport who received a call mere moments after a gunman opened fire was unsure where to send officers to help because of mass panic and confusion in the terminal, according to a new report.

The November 1 shooting at LAX's Terminal 3 left one Transportation Security Administration officer dead and several other people injured. The suspected gunman, a 23-year-old former TSA agent named Paul Ciancia, has pleaded not guilty to eleven charges, three of which could carry the death penalty.

Two officials who wished to remain anonymous told the Associated Press that on the morning of the shooting, a screening supervisor picked up the phone to notify police but had no choice but to flee before they could describe the situation. The shooter was approaching the area with a high-powered rifle and firing bullets seemingly at random.

Consequently, and unfortunately, the police dispatcher on the other end of the line had no idea what address to send officers to. After asking multiple questions to no response, the dispatcher hung up. An airline contractor who was working in a different area of the terminal was able to phone police and officers were dispatched to the scene within 90 seconds of the first shots being fired.

Airport officials elsewhere in the building were aware something had gone awry but were unable to identify exactly where because the emergency phones were not equipped with location information.

This information has been made public weeks before a report on the efficiency of the emergency response is due to be published.

Douglas Laird, a former security director at Northwest airlines, told the AP that most emergency phone systems do include where the call derived from. He was not involved in the examination of the emergency response at LAX but did say that if "dispatch doesn't know where the call is coming from, that shows there's a serious flaw, obviously."

The sources said that the investigation found other factors that may have hindered the response on November 1.

Among the most serious is the discovery of broken "panic buttons" that automatically notify the authorities of an emergency and point a camera toward the area in question, giving police a bird's eye view into the situation. There were approximately 12 buttons throughout Terminal 3 on that day, at least two of which were not working correctly. In the direct aftermath of the incident at least one TSA agent told airport security officials they had pressed one of the working buttons, although no evidence of such an action exists.

Anyone who called 911 at the airport would have their calls redirected to the California Highway Patrol or the Los Angeles Police Department rather than the airport police dispatchers, who were oftentimes better suited and more able to respond to an emergency. There was also no single cohesive system that was able to notify the entire airport at once of a fluid emergency situation.

Security measures were further impacted by the relatively high number of cameras that were not pointed at key spots throughout the crime scene perhaps the most notable example being the lack of surveillance overlooking the curb, which made it impossible to know when the gunman arrived at the scene.

California State Assemblyman Freddie Rodriguez told the AP that he plans to hold a hearing on Friday to find out more about what went wrong.

"I was shocked to hear that they have these systems in place, and they're not functioning," he said. "Why is it, and who's responsible for it? It shouldn't take these emergencies to find these problems are occurring."

This report comes a month after the Associated Press also reported that two armed police officers took a break without notifying their supervisors just moments before the gunman entered Terminal 3.

One of the policemen was in the restroom at the time, with the second taking a meal break. Neither told the dispatcher what they were doing, an action that was required under standard procedure so that supervisors would have no trouble accounting for the missing officers.

Airport Police Chief Pat Gannon said he had no problem with the minor infraction.

"It's not about who was or was not there and how all that occurred," he said last month. "Those officers responsible for that terminal were there as quick as anybody else was to deal with those particular issues. They were not goofing off."
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
We have had the separate thread on the Ilsa Vista shooting....and the following is a stabbing with intent to murder, not a shooting...but perhaps belongs and weep....

Whatever Became Of Morality? Paul Craig Roberts

June 4, 2014

Whatever Became Of Morality? Paul Craig Roberts
What are we to make of this?
Two 12 year-old white American girls who look perfectly normal stabbed their 12-year old friend 19 times in a murder attempt. By murdering their friend the girls hoped to win the acceptance of a totally fictitious cartoon character on a website.
Does this mean that not only has the enculturation process in the US deleted morality but also that American kids can no longer tell the difference between fiction and reality?
On several occasions I have written that Americans live in The Matrix, just as in the movie, only there is no "The One" to release them. Has the electronic existence in which children are raised destroyed their humanity?
I would bet that crimes that result from life in virtual reality will be used by governments to shut down free expression on the Internet. The Internet is the last medium in which criticism of the US government can be made. As criticism is a constraint on unaccountable power of government, expect the Internet to become a member of the Ministry of Propaganda, just like the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, etc.
The 12-year old girls' attempt to murder their friend does offer insight into why the American population, including the "christian" churches, has been mute for the entirety of the 21st century while the US government and its military have murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of people
in 7 countries that have been destroyed in whole or part, entirely on the basis of Washington's lies. There is scant sign of any American remorse over these extraordinary crimes against humanity.
We see no sign of any moral conscience in Congress' curtailments of the social safety net or in the constant stream of lies that intend to lead to more wars for the sake of the military/security complex's profits and the neoconservatives' agenda of US supremacy, which risks nuclear war and the extinction of life on earth.
I don't think we can dismiss the 12-year old girls' murder plot as just another aberration the way "law and order" conservatives do every time the police employ violence against the innocent citizens who pay the salaries of the goon thug police who body slam infirm 92-year olds, shoot down usually innocent "suspects," kill the family pets, and throw grenades into the cribs of sleeping babies.
It is a mystery how the US masquerades as "a light unto the world," when morality is totally dead in Amerika.
Can morality be resurrected?
Don't hold your breath.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Gun Control Measures Are Going Nowhere, So Here's a Bulletproof Blanket for Your Kids

By Dana Liebelson

One way to curb mass shootings in America's schools would be for Congress to pass gun control legislation. But since that plan failed miserably, an enterprising father in Oklahoma is offering another solutionequipping children with bulletproof blankets.
The Bodyguard Blanketâ„¢ was developed by Steve Walker, a father of two elementary school students who was horrified by the December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, which left 20 children and six adults dead. In the 14 months following Newtown, there were at least 44 school shootings. "We wanted our children to have a layer of protection immediately," Walker told Oklahoma NBC affiliate KFOR. "They can be stored in the classroom, and, when seconds count, they can be easily applied."
It comes in both child and adult sizes and is designed to be bulletproof, made from the same materials that US soldiers and law enforcement wear, the manufacturer's website claims. The manufacturers estimate that the blankets provide protection against "90% of all weapons that have been used in school shootings in the United States."
The blanket is intended to be strapped on a child's back like a backpack. When the child crouches in a ball and huddles up next to other children, they form a kind of human shield, like how the "Romans and the Greeks used to lock together," managing partner Stan Schone told KFOR. (The blanket is also being marketed toward schools that might want to protect students from tornado-induced flying debris.)
Each blanket costs a little under $1,000, but the creators told KFOR they hope to offer discounts for large orders. There is also an option to donate blankets to "schools, daycare centers, churches, and other organizations located in your community." In any case, there's sure to be a market.

Bulletproof backpacks for CHILDREN are a hit across US in the months after Sandy Hook massacre

  • Created by Colombian businessman dubbed the Armani' of bulletproof clothes
ByLewis Smith
Published: 17:02 GMT, 24 June 2013 | Updated: 16:21 GMT, 25 June 2013
[URL=""] 40
A bulletproof backpack for kids has become a bestseller in the US where parents are fearful of a repeat of the Sandy Hook school massacre.
The backpack was created by a Colombian businessman who likes to demonstrate the effectiveness of his bulletproof clothing by shooting staff at point blank range in front of the cameras.
Miguel Caballero, dubbed the Armani' of bulletproof clothes, designed the children's backpacks in response to demand from parents after the massacre.
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[Image: article-2347528-1A7C730A000005DC-344_634x428.jpg]

Miguel Caballero, known as the Armani of armoured clothing, displaying his new bulletproof clothing for children.

Six teachers and 20 children were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, when Adam Lanza, 20, stormed into the building and opened fire.
Mr Caballero already made a range of bullet proof clothing but decided after the attack to start a range of children's backpacks.
They have proved a hit, he told CBS, with parents desperate to protect their children from the spectre of another school bloodbath.


The backpacks launched under the MC Kids brand, and the US distribution rights were secured by Elite Sterling Security.
Timothy Hogan of Elite Sterling Security was delighted with the take-up since the backpacks went on sale in March.
They cost $250 (£162) each but the company has still managed to sell more than 300 of them in three months.

[Image: article-2347528-1A7C7C31000005DC-839_634x799.jpg]

Bulletproof backpacks produced for boys and girls following the massascre at Sandy Hook Elementary School last year. Despite a price tag of $245 (£160) They have proved popular with parents who want their children to have added protection.

'It provides a lot of protection,' Timothy Hogan of Elite Sterling Security told CBS. It can sustain multiple shots with pretty high caliber weapons.'
We look at it as an additional safety measure, no different than wearing seat belts in your car. It's just one more level of protection that can help take care of our kids.'
The backpacks have been made for younger children but there have also been requests for a range suitable for high school pupils.
Mr Caballero and his US have begun work on creating a larger backpack and hope to have them ready for the market later this year.
[Image: article-2255064-16B29618000005DC-706_634x424.jpg]

Options: This $500 child-sized tactical vest comes in a variety of colors and promises to be lightweight protection for children

[Image: article-2255064-16B298B4000005DC-650_634x376.jpg]

Options: This $500 child-sized tactical vest comes in a variety of colors and promises to be lightweight protection for children

VIDEO: Miguel Caballero shoots a woman in a product demonstration

Miguel Caballero demonstrates bulletproof clothing

[Image: video-undefined-1A8093B9000005DC-796_290x163.jpg]

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"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Dale Scott on the recent Canadian Parliament shooting:

Is One Muslim Man's Drug-Crazed Rampage Terrorism?

Nov 25, 2014 by Peter Dale Scott

Ottawa lockdown after Parliament shooting on Oct. 22. Courtesy The Independent

In a bygone, saner era, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau's murder of Canadian soldier Nathan Cirillo and subsequent shooting rampage inside the Parliament would have been treated as a drug-related murder. Not so in the age of terrorism.

Instead, the authorities used the long-time crack addict and Muslim's actions to whip up hysteria, framing the events of Oct. 22 as excuses for expansion of the security state. Will Prime Minister Stephen Harper lead Canada down the same road the George W. Bush led America?

The center of Ottawa was locked down for several hours until evening, when Prime Minister Stephen Harper told the Canadian nation it was a terrorist act, "a grim reminder that Canada is not immune to the types of terrorist attacks we have seen elsewhere around the world." [ii] Ottawa police spokesman Chuck Benoit told the media that two or three gunmen were believed to be involved in the attacks. [iii]

First news reports, citing official sources, also said that "Zehaf-Bibeau … has been on the terrorist watch list … and could be an ISIS jihadi." [iv] A dramatic photo of him, with a long-barreled gun and semi-masked with a scarf, like an outlaw in a Hollywood Western, was also reproduced widely in the media and on the Internet. [v]

The alleged source of the photo, a Twitter account, was used to link Zehaf to another Muslim murderer, Martin Couture-Rouleau, who two days earlier had killed a Canadian soldier and injured another in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec. (It was alleged that Couture-Rouleau followed the same Canadian-based pro-ISIS Twitter account.) [vi] CNN reported, from a "U.S. source," that "Zehaf-Bibeau has connections' online with jihadists."[vii]

Conflicting Stories

Within 24 hours, a very different picture emerged, creating conflicting stories about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's prior knowledge of Zehaf-Bibeau that deserve a deeper investigation. The RCMP soon stated for the record that Zehaf, although a Muslim, "was not one of the 90 radicalized Canadians on an RCMP watchlist." [viii] According to RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson, Zehaf had come to Ottawa on Oct. 2 to deal with a stalled passport application:

"When the RCMP were asked to review his passport application, they found no evidence he posed a threat to national security," Paulson said. [ix] The commissioner claimed that Zehaf wanted to go to Syria. However, a witness who had saw Zehaf in the hostel where he had been staying said the suspect's travel plans were for Libya (the land of his immigrant father) and not Syria. [x]

Other records suggested that Zehaf's actions may have been driven more by his psychology than his politics. "Three years earlier, as part of a psychiatric evaluation prior to a trial in Vancouver, Zehaf-Bibeau said "he wants to be in jail as he believes this is the only way he can overcome his addiction to crack cocaine," according to a psychiatric assessment provided by a Canadian court." [xi]

Unfounded ISIS Fears

The fears that Zehaf was an ISIS-linked terrorist now seem to have had little foundation. (Police have since alleged that Zehaf-Bibeau made a video of himself beforehand, saying he was motivated by his religious opposition to Canadian foreign policy. But this video has not been released to the public). [xii]

As a Canadian Muslim leader has observed: "Why can't Muslims have insane individuals? When these actions are done by others, they say he is insane . . . Why, as a Muslim Canadian, do we always say right away it was a terrorist act?" [xiii]

The murder two days earlier of another Canadian soldier by Couture-Rouleau, who allegedly was on the 90-person watchlist, helps explain why terrorism was on the minds of Canadian authorities as well as the public. Another reason was that the RCMP and Canadian Security Intelligence Service had been conducting a war game to deal with just such an attack.

According to the CBC on October 23:

Within the last month we know that the CSIS, the RCMP and the National Security Task Force … ran a scenario that's akin to a war games exercise if you will, where they actually imagined literally an attack in Quebec, followed by an attack in another city, followed by a tip that that hey some foreign fighters are coming back from Syria.' So they were imagining a worst case scenario. We're seeing elements of that happening right now. … [Canadian authorities] may talk today in terms of being surprised but we know that this precise scenario has been keeping them up at night for a while. [xiv]

Yet Another Coincidental War Game

But the presence of a concurrent counterterrorist exercise, or war game, forces us to think more closely about the shootings in Quebec and Ottawa on October 20 and 22. The coincidence, if it was that, calls to mind others in recent history.

One of the explored dimensions of the 9/11 attacks is the acknowledged existence on that same day of simultaneous war gamesincluding a simulated attack on the National Reconnaissance Office headquarters in Chantilly, VA, "as part of a plane into building' drill." [xv]

The London subway bombings five years later were also said to have coincided with a war game with an uncannily similar scenario. [xvi] There is even a disputed allegation that the Boston Marathon bombings of April 2013 were in the context of a planned "controlled explosion" (to quote a Boston Globe tweet of that day) "as part of bomb squad activities."[xvii]

It is certain that there were war games on 9/11: one of them, Vigilant Guardian, is even acknowledged in a footnote of the 9/11 Commission Report (p. 458, note 116). And it is relevant that 9/11 was used by the Bush administration to introduce drastic changes in both foreign policy (the wars against Afghanistan and eventually Iraq) and also homeland security (warrantless surveillance, warrantless detention, and the militarization of domestic law enforcement).
Zehaf's high school yearbook photo.
Zehaf's high school yearbook photo.

Time after time, the perception of a terrorist threat is exploited by those in power to consolidate public opinion behind them and to further increase counterterrorist budgets. Stephen Harper promised that same evening that Zehaf's attack would lead the government to "redouble our efforts and those of our national security agencies to take all necessary steps to identify and counter threats and keep Canada safe here at home." [xviii]

For a decade, and as recently as last August, the North American press has carried numerous accounts of domestic terrorist plots thwarted by the FBI. But in 2012 David Shipler of the New York Times dismissed many such headlines, saying that they in fact reported "dramas . . . facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training." [xix]

At present there are no grounds to allege that the RCMP or one of its informants provided Zehaf with his weapon or encouraged him to use it. But the Canadian government has admitted it contributed to his derangement by refusing to grant him his passport, a decision about which the Canadian parliament should learn more. [xx]

Canada's American Path

If Zehaf was too dangerous to be granted a passport, why was he not on a RCMP watchlist or under surveillance? Reuters has since reported that (despite the RCMP's denial) "A U.S. government source told Reuters that he was regarded as a threat by Canadian authorities." [xxi]

His freedom from surveillance thus recalls the anomaly that Lee Harvey Oswald, President Kennedy's alleged assassin, was removed from an FBI watchlist in October 1963, six weeks before the president's murder, even though Oswald had been arrested in August, and one month later reportedly met a suspected KGB officer in Mexico. [xxii]

For eighteen months before 9/11 NSA and CIA information about two of the alleged 9/11 hijackers (Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi) was systematically withheld from the FBI, preventing their surveillance. [xxiii]

And in the wake of the Boston bombings it was learned that one of the alleged bombers, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, despite months of conspicuous and provocative extremist behavior, had allegedly not come under FBI surveillance. [xxiv] Were all these people left free precisely to allow them to become what I have called "designated culprits"?


Since 9/11 all of us, but especially Muslims, have come under radically increased surveillance. And both Canada and the United States have moved towards radically intensified and militarized homeland security, creating military commands for the North American continent that work closely together.

A symptom of this intensification was the lockdown in Ottawa that mirrored the lockdown in Boston, where, in the days after the Marathon bombing, thousands of National Guard troops, along with Blackhawk helicopters, helped state and local police keep a million people in their homesall to help track down the one surviving Tsarnaev brother who had escaped on foot from a hijacked car.

America has succumbed to fits of hysteria in the pastthe Palmer raids in 1919, and the era of McCarthyism in the 1950s. Until now Canada has been relatively free from such bouts of hysteria, but Prime Minister Harper, from Canada's most Americanized city, Calgary, seems determined to change that.



i The RCMP also called the episode "a terrorist attack" ("RCMP requests public assistance,"

ii Johnlee Varghese, "Dead Ottawa Shooting Suspect Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was on Terror Watch List," International Business Times, October 23, 2014., "There are also reports emerging that Zehaf-Bibeau and Couture-Rouleau were in communication with each other.."

iii Varghese, "Dead Ottawa Shooting Suspect Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was on Terror Watch List," International Business Times, October 23, 2014.,


v "Michael Zehaf-Bibeau: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know,",

vi CNN,

vii Ottawa shooter not on RCMP terror watchlist," Sun News, October 22, 2014,

vii Ottawa shooter not on RCMP terror watchlist," Sun News, October 22, 2014,

vii CNN video, October 22, 2014,

ix Saeed Ahmed and Greg Botelho, "Who is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, the man behind the deadly Ottawa attack?" "The 2011 assessment continues, "He has been a devoted Muslim for seven years and he believes he must spend time in jail as a sacrifice to pay for his mistakes in the past."

x Newsweek, November 14, 2014,

xi "How Martin Couture-Rouleau became an aspiring Islamic State fighter,", Ocober 26, 2014,

xii Adrienne Arsenault on CBC, October 23, 2014; quoted in Joshua Blakeney, "Canadian Authorities Ran War Game Drills Depicting ISIS Attack Scenarios," Global Research, October 24, 2014,

xiii "War Games: Multiple War Games Were Being Conducted on 9/11/01," 9-11 Research,; citing

"Agency planned exercise on Sept. 11 built around a plane crashing into a building," AP, August 21, 2002, "In what the government describes as a bizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings. But the cause wasn't terrorism it was to be a simulated accident.

"Officials at the Chantilly, Va.-based National Reconnaissance Office had scheduled an exercise that morning in which a small corporate jet would crash into one of the four towers at the agency's headquarters building after experiencing a mechanical failure."

xiv "The 7/7 London Bombings: How to Set Up a Patsy, What Really Happened,"

xv "Debunked: Natural News Boston controlled explosion exercise," This source reproduces the Boston Globe tweet. What it debunks is a claim that the tweet referred to an actual explosion at the JFK Library not far away. It confirms that the tweet refers to the Boston Public Library on the Marathon route, close to where the Marathon bomb exploded.

xvi "'Canada will never be intimidated,' Harper says after shootings in Ottawa," CTV News, October 22, 2014,

xvii David K. Shipler, "Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I." New York Times, April 28, 2012, helped-along-by-the-fbi.html?pagewanted=all. Cf. Trevor Aaronson, The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism (Brooklyn, NY: Ig Publishing, 2013).

xviii RCMP commissioner Paulson "said Zehaf-Bibeau had applied for a passport to travel and wanted to go to Syria, but the passport application was delayed, which likely helped motivate the attack" (Reuters, October 23, 2014,

xix Newsweek, November 14, 2014,

xx Discussion in Peter Dale Scott, The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on U.S. Democracy (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Litlefield, 2014), 111.

xxi Scott, The American Deep State, 87-88.

xxii Peter Dale Scott, "Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev a Double Agent Recruited by the FBI?" WhoWhatWhy, June 23, 2013,
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
And an interesting guest post on James Tracy's blog about the same event:
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
Lots of "censorship" drama surrounding this Sandy Hook documentary that has apparently gone viral over the last few days.

Here is a link to the video before it inevitably gets taken down again:

“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,

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