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National Archives and JFK Documents
From: Tree Frog
Sent: Mon, September 10, 2012 5:12:43 PM
Subject: FW: National Archives

SCOOP from an insider that was at the NARA meeting last week.

Not very encouraging news.


" The National Declassification Center (NDC) at the National Archives held a public forum on Aug. 29 to obtain public input on declassification. The NDC is trying to address a 400 million page backlog of classified records at the Archives. During the public question period, journalist Jeff Morley (formerly with the Washington Post) asked that NDC reconsider its decision earlier this year not to speed up processing of 1,171 classified CIA records related to the JFK assassination by the 50th anniversary in 2013 (otherwise they remain secret until at least 2017 and perhaps indefinitely beyond). The NDC/Archives response to Morley's request was a flat no. The CIA representative on the panel said, "My agency has nothing to say on that topic". Another questioner, Jim Lesar, elicited the admission that it would take approximately two months to process that quantity of complex documents. There were six public questions asked at the forum and three of them were from people seeking declassification of the JFK assassination records, the most commented topic. The flat negative response to the JFK rrecords issue cast a pall over the proceedings. There were 100 plus people in attendance, many of them government employees."


My Response:

Mon, September 10, 2012 5:45:38 PM
Re: National Archives
From: Adele Edisen
To: Tree Frog

So this is how we honor and respect our Presidents?

In two months time we could have had the JFK documents. Are they planning to shred those now?
Wouldn't put it past them. Their agency has nothing to say on that topic (JFK)? That agency belongs
to the people of the United States! We pay their salaries! And from what we've learned, that agency
has plenty to tell us!

[URL=""]JFKcountercoup: Protest at the National Archives to Free the Files

[/URL]Press Release


John F. Kennedy assassination researchers will picket the National Archiveson Constitution Avenue between Seventh and Ninth Streets, N.W. near the Visitor'sEntrance on Monday, October 8, 2012 between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon anddistribute an open letter to David S. Ferriero, the Archivist of the UnitedStates.

The purpose of the picket will be to protest the decisionby the National Archives not to declassify documents related to the assassinationof President John Kennedy, a decision made at the request of the CentralIntelligence Agency.

The National Archives' decision is in violation ofPresident Barack Obama' executive order of Tuesday, December 29, 2009 that"no information may remain classified indefinitely" as part of sweeping overhaul of the executive branch'ssystem protecting
classified national security information.

President Obama also established a new National Declassification Centerat the National Archives to speed the process of declassifying historicaldocuments by centralizing their review. The President set a four year deadlinefor processing a 400-million-page backlog of such records that originallyincluded the JFK assassination records to be released on the 50[SUP]th[/SUP]anniversary of Kennedy's death, but later reneged on that commitment.

The October 8[SUP]th[/SUP] picket is in protest thatdecision by the Archives and the continued withholding of JFK assassinationrecords past the 50[SUP]th[/SUP] anniversary of the assassination.

Sun, September 30, 2012 4:13:24 PM
Update about "Free the JFK Files "
From: <>

Petition Update

There are now more than 700 signatures on the petition, three times our original goal, so I've upped the number we are seeking to 2,000, and believe we can get it.

I've also extended the time of the petition to Friday, October 26th the 20th anniversary of the day the JFK Act became law.

The National Archives National Declassification Center (NDC) held its third public forum on Wednesday, August 29, at the National Archives Building in Washington, DC.

Report on NDC Forum:

The National Declassification Center (NDC) at the National Archives held a public forum on Aug. 29 to obtain public input on declassification. The NDC is trying to address a 400 million page backlog of classified records at the Archives.

During the public question period, journalist Jeff Morley (formerly with the Washington Post) asked that NDC reconsider its decision earlier this year not to speed up processing of 1,171 classified CIA records related to the JFK assassination by the 50th anniversary in 2013 (otherwise they remain secret until at least 2017 and perhaps indefinitely beyond).

The NDC/Archives response to Morley's request was a flat no.

The CIA representative on the panel said, "My agency has nothing to say on that topic". Another questioner, Jim Lesar, elicited the admission that it would take approximately two months to process that quantity of complex documents.

There were six public questions asked at the forum and three of them were from people seeking declassification of the JFK assassination records, the most commented topic.

The flat negative response to the JFK records issue cast a pall over the proceedings. There were 100 plus people in attendance, many of them government employees.

Of course we are not going to take their flat no as an answer and continue to petition them to include the remaining classified JFK assassination records as part of the National Declassification Review for 2013 and pursue other tactics to obtain their release regardless of the feelings of the NDC, NARA and CIA.




Historical researchers will picket the National Archives on Constitution Avenue between Seventh and Ninth Streets, N.W. near the Visitor's Entrance on Monday, October 8, 2012 between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon and distribute an open letter to David S. Ferriero, the Archivist of the United States.

The purpose of the picket will be to protest the decision by the National Archives not to declassify documents related to the assassination of President John Kennedy, a decision made at the request of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The National Archives' decision is in violation of President Barack Obama' executive order of Tuesday, December 29, 2009 that "no information may remain classified indefinitely" as part of sweeping overhaul of the executive branch's system protecting classified national security information.

President Obama also established a new National Declassification Center at the National Archives to speed the process of declassifying historical documents by centralizing their review. The President set a four year deadline for processing a 400-million-page backlog of such records that originally included the JFK assassination records to be released on the 50th anniversary of Kennedy's death, but later reneged on that commitment.

The October 8th picket is in protest that decision by the Archives and the continued withholding of JFK assassination records past the 50th anniversary of the assassination.





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Any action short of an armed and well organised militia storming and holding the National Archives Buildings for several days whilst all materials are scanned, copied and then immediately uploaded to the internet is a waste of time and effort I'm afraid.

The government has made token jestures and promises regarding the de-classification of the information we seek for the past 22 years.

Individual agencies involved have all done their utmost to surpress or destory information, interviews, reports, photo's and physical evidence since late November 1963.

So time to face the facts....The Government of the United States of America DOES NOT WANT YOU OR I TO SEE THIS INFO!

In 100 years time when a dozen people care about the JFK assassination maybe they will, but while 10s of thousands of people from around the world read and contribute to sites like these and others regarding past and present government's actions, we have no hope....Other then storming the palace...which i cant condone.

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