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Film "The Innocence of Muslims" Sparks Attacks on USA in Egypt and Libya
Magda Hassan Wrote:[ATTACH=CONFIG]3990[/ATTACH]
LEFT: US Ambassador Stephens, apparently content with his part in the murder of President Gadaafi, RIGHT: gets the same treatment, from his own gang

Ambassador Stevens - please spell his name right if you are going to accuse him of murdering Gadhafi, was himself murdered by a gang of thugs. Gadhafi was murdered by the libyan revolutionaries from Misrata whose city was under seige for months, much like some of the cities in Syria today, as Assad as adopted Gadhafi's strategy of indiscriminate bombardment.

Gadhafi was about to do to Benghazi what he had done to Misrata and other Libyan cities, and that is kill tens of thousands of people and leave the city in ruins, had it not been for Stevens recommendation that the USA stop him and support the rebels.

Most of the Libyan people consider Stevens a hero for convincing the US government to abandon their long held policy of backing dictators who support their economic and anti-commie-terror policies, and instead support the democratic revolutionaries. In joining the revolution he single handedly changed US policy and I hope that this change is extended beyond Libya to Syria, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and where ever tyrants reign.

A Peace Corps veteran who taught English to Moroccans, Chris Stevens was a gentle man and a gentleman, who could not have summoned up the hate that would be necessary to kill Gadhafi.

The gang of radical Salafists who killed Stevens also killed Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, so you can be sure they will be avenged.
Glen Doherty, Former Navy SEAL Killed in Libya, Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons - ABC News[/URL]
[URL=""]Diplomat Chris Stevens Slipped Into Libya on a Cargo Ship During Revolution - ABC News
I will be writing more about Stevens and the others killed with him on my blog shortly.

[/URL][URL=""]Revolutionary Program
You can read the letter I had sent to Stevens last week along with a copy of my book "300 Years at the Point" which details in one chapter, the early history of US-Libyan relations.

[URL=""]Remember the Intrepid

Quote:Gadhafi was about to do to Benghazi what he had done to Misrata and other Libyan cities, and that is kill tens of thousands of people and leave the city in ruins, had it not been for Stevens recommendation that the USA stop him and support the rebels.

Do you mean like the US did in Iraq, a country that wasn't guilty of what it was invaded for? Or perhaps the Occupy movement here in America that was crushed by the police?

Quote:In joining the revolution he single handedly changed US policy and I hope that this change is extended beyond Libya to Syria, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and where ever tyrants reign.

Pick your tyrants wisely. You can find plenty of quotes where the US government praised Gaddhafi for making concessions with the west. A year or so ago Obama tried to sell that "tyrant" millions in US arms. After Gaddhafi spoke the truth about the US's war crimes during the War On Terror he was then murdered by a vastly disproportionate US warforce using the typical CIA method of proxies.

Have you noticed in America lately a change in democratic/constitutional rights?

Romney Jumps the Shark: Libya, Egypt and the Butterfly Effect

Posted on 09/13/2012 by Juan
The late science fiction writer Ray Bradbury authored a short story about time travelers. They were careful, when they went back to the Jurassic, not to change anything, but one of them stepped on a butterfly. When they got back to the present, the world was slightly different.
When scientists studying complexity put forward the idea that small initial events could have large effects in non-linear, dynamic systems like the weather, they chose the term butterfly effect." One of the images students of weather instanced was that a butterfly flapping its wings might set off minor turbulence that ultimately turned into a hurricane. (In the older model of Newtonian physics, small events have small effects and large events have large effects, so you wouldn't expect a minor action to produce big changes).
So the Associated Press did a careful investigation of the Sam Bacile' who supposedly directed the hate film, The Innocence of Muslims.'And AP found that probably he does not exist, but is a persona used by a convicted Coptic Egyptian fraudster, Nakoula Bassely Nakoula.
But the story gets more complex. Nakoula had Coptic and evangelical associates in the shooting of the film, including Steve Klein, a former Marine and current extremist Christian who has helped train militiamen in California churches and has led "protests outside abortion clinics, Mormon templesand mosques." My guess is that most of the Egyptian Copts involved are converts to American-style fundamentalism.
The Egyptian Coptic church has roundly condemned the hateful film they made smearing the Prophet Muhammad.
Anyway, the bigotry of the edited film, directed at Muslims, is part of a movement of religious prejudice that also targets . . . Mormons.
Mitt Romney may want to rethink his visceral' reaction to the US embassy in Cairo's tweet condemning the group's hate speech.
Then it turns out that the film was shot in such a way that there was originally no mention of the Prophet Muhammad in the script, and the cast had no idea what they were getting themselves into, and then the name of Muhammad was clumsily dubbed into the final edit.
So, the film was from the beginning a fraud. It was directed by a fraud. It was promoted by a militia trainer. And Nakoula marketed it fraudulently as the work of a fictitious Israeli-American Jewish real estate agent, Sam Bacile,' and falsely said it had been funded by "a hundred Jewish donors."
The group behind the film, in other words, managed to evoke all the classic themes of anti-Semitism as a way of disguising the Coptic and evangelical network out of which the film' came. When they weren't busy picketing Mormons and defaming Muslims they were trying to get Jews killed for their own smears of Islam!
Of course, given the strident hatred of Muslims promoted by a handful of Jewish American extremists such as Pamela Geller, David Horowitz, Daniel Pipes and others, in which they gleefully join with white supremacists and Christian fundamentalists, it was only a matter of time before their partners in hate turned on them and used them.
The bad, dubbed film' only had one theater showing in some dowdy place in LA. Then in July the group had the trailer for it dubbed into Arabic with subtitles as well, and put it on Youtube, where it was found by strident Egyptian Muslim fundamentalist Sheikh Khaled Abdallah, who had it shown on al-Nas television and caused the sensation that led to Tuesday's demonstrations in Cairo and Benghazi. As I argued yesterday, the vigilante extremists or jihadis' have been left on the garbage pile of history by the democratic elections in Egypt and Libya, and are whipping up the issue of this film in a desperate attempt to remain relevant.
Aware of the building sensation about the film, an employee of the US embassy in Cairo condemned it as hate speech before the rally began outside its premises.
In other words, this is a non-film and a non-story, a fraud, promoted by the worst people in each culture.
In Cairo, the rally allegedly got out of hand because the Ultras or soccer ruffians joined in, and they were probably the ones who tore down the American flag and ran up a black Muslim-fundamentalist one. Ultras are not fundamentalists but they are mischievous and resent authority, so a superpower that backs the army and police they hate might be a target of their wrath. There may have also been a handful of al-Qaeda supporters there, not surprising on the anniversary of September 11. The crowd at the American embassy was tiny by Egyptian protest standards.
In Benghazi, Hadeel Al Shalchi got the story. She talked to Libyan special forces members who explained that there were three stages to the events there. First, there was a demonstration. Then when the police and consulate guards tried to curb it, the demonstrators got angry and some of them went for guns and a rocket propelled grenade, so that the consulate was set on fire and looted. It was at that second stage that US ambassador Chris Stevens and another diplomat were killed (Stevens inhaled too much smoke in the fire and the other man was shot). Stevens' death is a great tragedy and irony, since he was liaison to the transitional national council during the Libyan revolution and many Libyans lionize him. Why in the world he was in an insecure minor consulate in a provincial city on September 11 is a mystery to me.
Then 37 embassy personnel escaped to a rural safe house. The Libyan special forces commander charged with evacuating them to Tripoli at first was stymied by not having enough vehicles for so many people. Then the safe house came under fairly precise mortar fire from members of an al-Qaeda affiliate operating in Benghazi, which must have been surveilling consular personnel. Finally, the Libyan government forces got the Americans to the airport and they flew back to the capital of Tripoli.
It should be remembered that Libyan forces fought and risked their lives to protect Americans. In opinion polling in Eastern Libya, the United States has a 60% favorability rating, while the Salafis or hard line Muslims stand at only 28% favorable.
It was while all that was going on in Cairo and Benghazi that Mitt Romney took it into his head to condemn Barack Obama for the tweet issued by the Cairo embassy before the demonstration. He alleged that Obama had *reacted* to the embassy attacks by showing some sympathy for the attackers. This allegation is untrue and absurd, but Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan went on repeating it all day Wednesday.
Romney was caught on camera walking away from that shameful performance with a shark-like grin on his face. Since he was talking about matters of life and death, the expression was inappropriate. But a darker theory is that he was grinning about having stuck it to Obama.
Romney's politicization of September 11 and of the horrible events in Benghazi was poorly received among opinion leaders, including prominent Republicans, and some observers suggest that this miscalculation may have been a decisive nail in the coffin of his sputtering campaign.
Meanwhile, the Libyan government apologized for and vehemently condemned the attack on the consulate and the killing of its personnel. And, on Wednesday Libyans staged pro-American demonstrations in several cities.
In Egypt, in contrast, small demonstrations were held again in front of the US embassy, until police pushed the activists back. When, on Thursday morning,protesters set two cars afire with Molotov cocktails, police arrested 12 of them. The police have the embassy surrounded and have closed the roads leading to it in Garden City.
Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, fell short of strongly condemning the Cairo and Benghazi attacks. Late on Wednesday the Muslim Brotherhood finally retweeted comments of one of its other leaders, Khairat al-Shater, in condemnation of the attacks. Nevertheless, the Brotherhood is sponsoring rallies protesting the film on Friday, a day of rage.' Morsi is no doubt worried that religious and political currents to his right will outflank him on the issue of the blasphemous film and its American provenance. But Morsi has a Ph.D. from the US and surely knows that the US government cannot suppress films, and it is shameful that he did not condemn forthrightly the killing of Ambassador Stevens and the others.
In Tunisia, Salafis rallied on Wednesday in front of the US embassy, but werefairly quickly dispersed by police deploying tear gas. Tunisian president Moncef Marzouki denounced the killing of Stevens and the others as an "act of terrorism."
So the Butterfly Effect set off by a low-budget bad propaganda film gotten up by two-bit frauds and Christian supremacists, and then promoted by two-bit Egyptian and Libyan fundamentalists, has provoked some squalls and cost the lives of four good men.
The storm provoked by this butterfly has revealed character on an international scale. The steely determination of an Obama to achieve justice, the embarrassing grandstanding of a Romney, the destructive hatred of a handful of extremists in Cairo and Benghazi, and the decency and warmth toward the US of the Libyan crowds, all were thrown into stark relief by the beating of the butterfly's wings.
In the end, the violence and extremism of the hardliners on both sides is a phantasm of the past, not a harbinger of the future. The wave of democratic politics sweeping the region has left the haters behind, reducing them to desperate and senseless acts of violence that will gain them no good will, no popularity, no political credibility.
A little-noted major event of Wednesday was the democratic selection of a new prime minister in Libya for the first time in the country's history. Mustafa Abushagur defeated the Muslim Brotherhood candidate handily. Abushagur for a long time taught college in the US, at the University of Alabama Huntsville. Libyans again showed themselves nationalist and non-fundamentalist. This remarkable achievement, and what it portends for the shape of Libyan politics, will be drowned out by the atrocity in Benghazi, but it is the development that is likely to be marked by future historians as a turning point in Libya and in the Middle East.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
The CIA and US will make sure the current US freedom paradigm will replace the old order in arab countries with a neutralized strip-mall modernist culture that neuters the people of any power as they've done in America. This new order will be obedient to Israel and strip arab countries of any sovereignty or self-empowerment. As in America, freedom is the last thing they'll have.
Carsten Wiethoff Wrote:Oh yes, and from
Quote:An anti-Islamic activist and self-described "consultant" on the film, Steve Klein, has worked closely with Coptic groups over the years, according to Jim Horn, a fellow activist. "He's been helping them to stand up for themselves against Islamic terror in Egypt. That's what he does," he told the Guardian.
Klein, who claims to have led a "hunter-killer team" in Vietnam, helped to found a conservative Christian group and calls himself a counter-terrorism expert.
Phoenix Program, anyone?


Quote:The Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups, said Klein is a former Marine and longtime religious-right activist who has helped train paramilitary militias at a California church. It described Klein as founder of Courageous Christians United, which conducts protests outside abortion clinics, Mormon temples and mosques.

OK - given Ryan 'n Mutthead's vociferous interventions, and the identities of some of those who are causing this viral meme to spread, we have to consider psyop.

It's also possible we may be at the beginning of a SEPTEMBER SURPRIZE.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
[quote=Albert Doyle]The CIA and US will make sure the current US freedom paradigm will replace the old order in arab countries with a neutralized strip-mall modernist culture that neuters the people of any power as they've done in America. This new order will be obedient to Israel and strip arab countries of any sovereignty or self-empowerment. As in America, freedom is the last thing they'll have.[/QUOTE]

The CIA has nothing to do with it US policy in the middle east. The US will not force freedom on anyone who doesn't seek it, and the arabs don't need strip malls. The US is not obedient to Israel as Obama's most recent response to Israel's plans for Iran have shown.

You apparently have a CIA-Jew bug up your butt.

The uncertainly of the future that liberty and freedom bringis better than the certainty of tyranny.


[URL=""]Revolutionary Program

[/URL]I also tried to respond to your previous post but it wouldn't take so here it is:

[quote=Albert Doyle][QUOTE]Gadhafi wasabout to do to Benghaziwhat he had done to Misrata and other Libyan cities, and that is kill tens ofthousands of people and leave the city in ruins, had it not been for Stevensrecommendation that the USAstop him and support the rebels.

Do you mean like the
USdid in Iraq, acountry that wasn't guilty of what it was invaded for? Or perhaps the Occupymovement here in Americathat was crushed by the police?

BK: NO, I too was against the invasions andoccupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, events that forever changed US militarythinking, as they will never invade and occupy a country again, at least in ourlifetime. The
USdid not invade Libya,only sent in Chris Stevens - an Army of One, who sized up the revolutionariesand convinced the USpolicymakers to change their long standing tradition of supporting dictatorswho back us economic and anti-communist and counter-terrorist policies. TheOccupy movement failed because it had no clear, obtainable objective, and wascrushed by local police in each area, not by formal federal policy.

[QUOTE]In joining the revolution he singlehandedly changed
USpolicy and I hope that this change is extended beyond Libya toSyria, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and where ever tyrantsreign.
Lizzie Phelan has a point of view similar to Maggie's, as this blog post indicates.

LIZZIEPHELAN Wednesday, 12 September 2012
By Lizzie Phelan

The first thing that comes to mind about the murder of the USAmbassador and his three staff in Benghazi, Libyatoday is the irony. Indeed this is the man who served as envoy to therebels/mercenaries during the illegal NATO proxy war against the legitimategovernment headed by Muammar Gaddafi of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah.

His life has been taken by what he helped give birth to, andindeed this is what Gaddafi and other former officials warned the west abouttime and time again, but it is hard to believe that the west were so naive asto not foresee this and so it seems clear that they were willing topay this price.

Finally, since February last year, the extent to whichNATO's mercenaries have been destroying and desecrating the country'sinfrastructural and historical and religous architectural wealth has been welldocumented, and this has only intensified over the last few months, includingthe bulldozing of a mosque in broad daylight in Tripoli at the end oflast month. It is hard to escape the irony of these Salafist groups killing USofficials in response to a blasphemous Islamophobic film released inthe US, when they themselves have been busy destroying a Muslim country andsites that are dear to many Muslims....

BK Notes:

My Libyan friends ashore me that the Salafists who are destroying the Sufi Muslim sites are a small minority - they are attacking Sufis because the Salafists are orthodox and the Sufis sing like black Baptists and revere saints like Christians.

The film is dizinformation and black propaganda, which means its origins can be traced, and will be - I will do it myself if I have to.

The producer of the film uses a fake name, is apparently a Copic Christian or Jew, and financed the "D" grade movie with $5 million - it looks like a high school production - though he accomplished his intention of inciting the riots and anti-American attacks.

None of those who protested the film have actually seen it, but were incited by the reports of what the film contains. There's no real proof that the producer is even an American.

If those who are so upset by the film's content would actually see the movie they would realize what a farce it is.

It most certainly is a black prop op - designed to hide the true source of the film, and a dizinformation operation in that it intended to get others to act on what it alleges to say. Who was behind the operation? We will see.

LOS ANGELES The search for those behind the provocative,anti-Muslim film implicated in violent protests in Egyptand Libya ledWednesday to a California Coptic Christian convicted of financial crimes whoacknowledged his role in managing and providing logistics for the production.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, told The Associated Press in an interview outsideLos Angeles that he helped withlogistics for the filming of "Innocence of Muslims," which mockedMuslims and the prophet Muhammad and may have caused inflamed mobs thatattacked U.S.missions in Egyptand Libya. Heprovided the first details about a shadowy production group behind the film.

Nakoula denied he directed the film and said he knew the self-describedfilmmaker, Sam Bacile. But the cell phone number that AP contacted Tuesday toreach the filmmaker who identified himself as Sam Bacile traced to the sameaddress near Los Angeles where APfound Nakoula. Federal court papers said Nakoula's aliases included NicolaBacily, Erwin Salameh and others.

Nakoula told the AP that he was a Coptic Christian and said the film's directorsupported the concerns of Christian Copts about their treatment by Muslims.

Nakoula denied he had posed as Bacile. During a conversation outside his home,he offered his driver's license to show his identity but kept his thumb overhis middle name, Basseley. Records checks by the AP subsequently found it andother connections to the Bacile persona.

The AP located Bacile after obtaining his cell phone number from Morris Sadek,a conservative Coptic Christian in the U.S.who had promoted the anti-Muslim film in recent days on his website. Egypt'sChristian Coptic population has long decried what they describe as a history ofdiscrimination and occasional violence from the country's Arab majority.

Pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Fla.,who burned Qurans on the ninth anniversary of 9/11, said he spoke with themovie's director on the phone Wednesday and prayed for him. He said he has notmet the filmmaker in person, but the man contacted him a few weeks ago aboutpromoting the movie.

"I have not met him. Sam Bacile, that is not his real name," Jonessaid. "I just talked to him on the phone. He is definitely in hiding anddoes not reveal his identity. He was quite honestly fairly shook up concerningthe events and what is happening. A lot of people are not supporting him."

The film was implicated in protests that resulted in the burning of the U.S.consulate Tuesday in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi.

Libyan officials said Wednesday that Ambassador Chris Stevens and three otherembassy employees were killed during the mob violence, but U.S. officials nowsay they are investigating whether the assault was a planned terrorist strikelinked to Tuesday's 11-year anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

Nakoula, who talked guardedly about his role, pleaded no contest in 2010 tofederal bank fraud charges in Californiaand was ordered to pay more than $790,000 in restitution. He was also sentencedto 21 months in federal prison and ordered not to use computers or the Internetfor five years without approval from his probation officer.

The YouTube account, "Sam Bacile," which was used to publish excerptsof the provocative movie in July, was used to post comments online as recentlyas Tuesday, including this defense of the film written in Arabic: "It is a100 percent American movie, you cows."

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Leigh Williams said Nakoula set up fraudulentbank accounts using stolen identities and Social Security numbers, then checksfrom those accounts would be deposited into other bogus accounts from whichNakoula would withdraw money at ATM machines.

It was "basically a check-kiting scheme," the prosecutor told the AP."You try to get the money out of the bank before the bank realizes theyare drawn from a fraudulent account. There basically is no money."

The actors in the film issued a joint statement Wednesday saying they weremisled about the project and said some of their dialogue was crudely dubbedduring post-production.
In the English language version of the trailer, direct references to Muhammadappear to be the result of post-production changes to the movie. Either actorsaren't seen when the name "Muhammad" is spoken in the overdubbedsound, or they appear to be mouthing something else as the name of the prophetis spoken.

"The entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage ofby the producer," said the statement, obtained by the Los Angeles Times."We are 100 percent not behind this film and were grossly misled about itsintent and purpose. We are shocked by the drastic rewrites of the script andlies that were told to all involved. We are deeply saddened by the tragediesthat have occurred."

The person who identified himself as Bacile and described himself as the film'swriter and director told the AP on Tuesday that he had gone into hiding. Butdoubts rose about the man's identity amid a flurry of false claims about hisbackground and role in the purported film.

Bacile told the AP he was an Israeli-born, 56-year-old, Jewish writer anddirector. But a Christian activist involved in the film project, Steve Klein,told AP on Wednesday that Bacile was a pseudonym and that he was Christian.

Klein had told the AP on Tuesday that the filmmaker was an Israeli Jew who wasconcerned for family members who live in Egypt.

Officials in Israelsaid there was no record of Bacile as an Israeli citizen.

When the AP initially left a message for Bacile, Klein contacted the AP fromanother number to confirm the interview request was legitimate then Bacilecalled back from his own cell phone.

Klein said he didn't know the real name of the man he called "Sam,"who came to him for advice on First Amendment issues.

About 15 key players from the Middle East -- from Syria,Iraq, Turkey,Pakistan, Iranand a couple Coptic Christians from Egypt-- worked on the film, Klein said.

"Most of them won't tell me their real names because they'reterrified," Klein said. "He was really scared and now he's sonervous. He's turned off his phone."

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups, said Klein is aformer Marine and longtime religious-right activist who has helped trainparamilitary militias at a Californiachurch. It described Klein as founder of Courageous Christians United, whichconducts protests outside abortion clinics, Mormon temples and mosques.

It quoted Klein as saying he believes that Californiais riddled with Muslim Brotherhood sleeper cells "who are awaiting thetrigger date and will begin randomly killing as many of us as they can."

In his brief interview with the AP, Bacile defiantly called Islam a cancer andsaid he intended the film to be a provocative political statement condemningthe religion.

But several key facts Bacile provided proved false or questionable. Bacile toldAP he was 56 but identified himself on his YouTube profile as 74. Bacile saidhe is a real estate developer, but Bacile does not appear in searches of Californiastate licenses, including the Department of Real Estate.

Hollywood and Californiafilm industry groups and permit agencies said they had no records of theproject under the name "Innocence of Muslims," but a Los Angeles film permit agency later found a record of amovie filmed in Los Angeles lastyear under the working title "Desert Warriors."

A man who answered a phone listed for the Vine Theater, a faded Hollywood moviehouse, confirmed that the film had run for a least a day, and possibly longer,several months ago, arranged by a customer known as "Sam."

Google Inc., which owns YouTube, pulled down the video Wednesday in Egypt,citing a legal complaint. It was still accessible in the U.S.and other countries.

Klein told the AP that he vowed to help make the movie but warned the filmmakerthat "you're going to be the next Theo van Gogh." Van Gogh was aDutch filmmaker killed by a Muslim extremist in 2004 after making a film thatwas perceived as insulting to Islam.
"We went into this knowing this was probably going to happen," Kleinsaid.

Read more:


Cast and crew of anti-Muslim movie: We were duped!
Cast says inflammatory dialogue was subbed in after film wasshot. The film The Innocence of Muslims' is being blamed for widespread unrestand protests

The ongoing unrest centers on an obscure 14-minute film trailer that mocks Islam'sprophet.

Posted in July on YouTube, it got more notice recently afterEgyptian television aired segments and anti-Islam activists promoted it online.Numerous questions surround the film, which includes cartoonish scenes ofMohammed as a womanizer, child molester and ruthless killer.

According to a FBI/Homeland Security joint statement, thefilm's producer identified himself to news media as an Israeli -- an assertion Israel'sgovernment denies -- and falsely claimed the movie was financed with help frommore than 100 Jewish donors.
While he'd been identified in July 2011 by various names,including Sam Bassiel, federal officials now say they believe the filmmaker'sname is NakoulaBasseley Nakoula. He was convicted in 2009 of bank fraud, with theindictment from the U.S. Attorney's Office listing seven aliases.

A production staffer said he believed the filmmaker was aCoptic Christian who also went by the name Abenob Nakoula Bassely.

U.S.warns of rising threat of violence amid outrage over anti-Islam video
Attention in the United States turns to filmmaker

U.S.officials have stepped up their criticism of the film at the center of theongoing protests, which was privately produced in the United States, and began pursuing the elusivefilmmaker who allegedly made it.

Clinton saidThursday that the video "appears to have a deeply cynical purpose, todenigrate a great religion and to provoke rage," even as she stressed itoffers "no justification" for violence.

The FBI has spoken to the filmmaker within the past 24hours, a federal law enforcement officer told CNN on Thursday. Feinstein, headof the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, said she believes "aninvestigation is going on in this country considering the individual who didthis very obnoxious ... preview to some very stupid movie and wrong-headed movie."

ManyMuslims find any depiction of Mohammed to be offensive. A Danishnewspaper's publication in 2005 of Mohammed caricatures triggered riots -- andderogatory depictions of the prophet are considered by some to be worse.

The production staffer on the film said the filmmaker was aCoptic Christian who had gone to Alexandria, Egypt,where the Coptic church is based, to raise money for the film. Far fromstanding behind the film, the Coptic church has issued a statement calling it"abusive" and part of a "malicious campaign to dividepeople."

Reactionfuels debate on free speech vs. hate speech

By the CNN Wire Staff
updated 9:28 PM EDT,Thu September 13, 2012
(CNN) -- After days of protests and related violence,concerns are growing that furor over an anti-Islam video could intensify evenmore Friday -- threatening U.S.interests abroad and at home.

People have taken to the streets in 11 nations, according toU.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, to derail "Innocence of Muslims" and thenation where it was produced, the United States.This outrage, and dangers to Americans, could worsen in the coming days, theU.S. Department of Homeland Security and FBI warned Thursday in a jointintelligence bulletin.

"The risk of violence could increase both at home andabroad as the film continues to gain attention," the U.S.agencies said. "Additionally, we judge that violent extremist groups inthe United Statescould exploit anger over the film to advance their recruitment efforts."

American tourists cautious, but undeterred

Worries about Friday, in particular, stem from the fact thatMuslims hold their weekly prayers that day -- and may congregate afterward andmarch toward U.S.diplomatic missions.

Analysis: In Libya, militias 'running the show'

On Tuesday, the same day people protesting the film stormedthe U.S. Embassy in Cairo, the U.S.Consulate in Benghazi was attacked-- leading to the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Departmentcomputer expert Sean Smith,and security officers Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALcommandos.

In addition to stressing there's no excuse for violencetargeting U.S. diplomatic missions, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hascalled the video "disgusting and reprehensible" and said it appearsto aim "to denigrate a great religion and to provoke rage."

Still, condemnations of the film and calls by leaders oflargely Muslim countries not to assault U.S.diplomatic missions haven't stopped throngs from demonstrating, at timesviolently.

Protests rage against inflammatory anti-Islam film trailer

Small and large demonstrations have occurred in recent daysall around North Africa and the Middle East.While some protesters say they have not seen any of the online film, they wereincensed by reports of its depiction of the Prophet Mohammed.

Many of them directed their anger, too, at the U.S.government as well as its Israeli allies. In Cairo,for instance, a photo showed a man standing over chalk-writing, in Arabic, thatread, "Remember your black day 11 September."

Here are details about various protests:

In Yemen,demonstrators breached a security wall at the U.S. Embassy as several thousandpeople protested outside. Four protesters died during clashes with securityforces outside the embassy, according to Yemeni security officials.

Twenty-four security force members were reported injured, aswere 11 protesters, according to Yemen'sDefense Ministry, security officials and eyewitnesses.

In Egypt,site of one of the largest, longest-lasting protests, at least 13 civilians andsix police officers were injured Thursday, according to Egyptian governmentofficials. Throngs continued to pack the area in front of the Cairoembassy on Friday morning, as security guarded the area.

The instability in Egypt is a primary concern to U.S.President Barack Obama, who warned in an interview with Telemundo that it wouldbe "a real big problem" if Egypt's leaders fail to protect Americaninterests there.

In Tunisiaand Morocco,protesters massed in front of U.S.embassies.

In Gaza City,Palestinians demonstrated outside U.N. headquarters, and about 200 Palestiniansprotested the film at the Palestine Legislative Council building. In oneinstance, Palestinian men burned a U.S.flag.

In Tel Aviv, Israel,about 50 people demonstrated in front of the U.S. Embassy.

Iranians protested near the Swiss Embassy in Tehranon Thursday. Switzerlandrepresents U.S.interests in Iran,since Washington and Tehrando not have diplomatic relations. Up to 500 people chanted "Death to America!"and called for death to the director of the movie, which was made in the United States. The demonstration ended peacefullyafter two hours.

The Islamic Propagation Coordination Council, meanwhile, hasissued a statement calling for rallies across Iran onFriday "to protest Zionist-U.S. plots against Muslim and Islamicvalues," the state-run IRNA news agency reported.

In Iraq,specifically in the predominantly Shiite area of eastern Baghdadknown as Sadr City,hundreds of protesters hit the streets to protest the film. They chanted,"Americais the enemy of the people," with some burning an American flag and othersputting one on the ground and stomping on it. Other followers of radical clericMuqtada al-Sadr also protested in the provinces of Najaf and Karbala.

So far,the violence has not spread to Afghanistan, where there is a high potentialfor outrage to erupt into destabilizing chaos. Obama and his Afghancounterpart, Hamid Karzai, have expressed their commitment to prevent that fromhappening.

The Afghan government has ordered an indefinite block ofYouTube to prevent people there from watching the clips and staging violentprotests. YouTubehas already restricted access to the video.
Quote:None of those who protested the film have actually seen it, but were incited by the reports of what the film contains. There's no real proof that the producer is even an American.

I wanted to go protest when I saw the film because of its absolutely appalling production values and script and editing and acting. Any one who puts their name to it will never get another job in the industry and deserve to be run out of town on aesthetic grounds alone.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Coptic Christian leader of organization that produced anti-Muslim film spoke at Pamela Geller's anti-mosque rally

[Image: alex-kane-36.png]
by Alex Kane on September 13, 2012 151

[Image: Nasralla.jpg]Joseph Nasralla Abdelmasih, on the far right, is the head of Media Christ, the organization behind the anti-Muslim film that sparked protests in the Middle East. To his left is Morris Sadek, an Egyptian-American anti-Muslim activist. (Photo:
This post has been updated to include a response from Pamela Geller. Scroll to the bottom to see the response.
The leader of the organization reportedly behind the anti-Muslim film sparking angry protests in the Middle East spoke at a rally opposing the Park 51 Islamic center in lower Manhattan last year. That rally, on September 11, 2010, was organized by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, two leading Islamophobic activists and bloggers in the U.S.
The California-based Press Telegram reports today that an organization called Media for Christ produced the Islamophobic film at the center of the controversy that has sparked widespread protests in the Middle East. The film, "Innocence of Muslims," portrays the Prophet Muhammad as a womanizer, a gay man and a child abuser. Depictions of the Prophet are considered blasphemous to Muslims.
The head of Media for Christ is Joseph Abdelmasih, the Press Telegram reports. On California's Secretary of State page, Media for Christ is registered as a business entity with Joseph Nasralla Abdelmasih listed as the "agent for service of process." Here's a screenshot of the Secretary of State page:
[Image: CA-Sec-of-State-Nassralla.jpg]
Nasralla Abdelmasih is an Egyptian Coptic Christian. Some members of that community, which have experienced tensions with Muslims in Egypt, have thrown their lot in with virulent Islamophobes in the U.S.
The Associated Press revealed more details of who was behind the film yesterday, after a day-long scramble. The AP originally reported that it was an Israeli Jewish person who made the film, but that was a false claim. Last night, the news servicereported that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a Coptic Christian living in California, helped with the film.
It appears that Nakoula now had help from Abdelmasih.
Abdelmasih spoke at Geller's and Spencer's anti-mosque rally in Manhattan in 2010. The rally was organized to oppose the construction of the Park 51 Islamic center in lower Manhattan, a cause that attracted widespread media attention and led to other high-profile battles against the construction of mosques in the U.S.
"Wake up America!" said Abdelmasih, to a crowd of flag-waving Americans. He said the mosque will be built "over my dead body." Here's video of his address:

Ironically, the crowd at the anti-mosque rally first thought that Abdelmasih and his partner were Muslim "infiltrators trying to disrupt the event," as a letter Abdelmasih sent to Geller and Spencer read. The letter was published on Spencer's Jihad Watch website.
Nasralla Abdelmasih has also worked with Steve Klein, the right-wing Christian extremist who was a consultant on the film. Yesterday, Max Blumenthal reportedthat "in July 2011, Spencer's website, Jihad Watch, promoted a rally Klein organized alongside the anti-Muslim Coptic extremist Joseph Nasrallah to demand the firing of LA County Sheriff Lee Baca, whom they painted as a dupe for Hamas."
Pictured above with Nasralla Abdelmasih is Morris Sadek. Sadek, as Chris Toensing of Middle East Report notes, is "well known for risible exaggeration about the proportion of Copts in the Egyptian population and clumsy attempts to exploit Islamophobia in the West to 'help' his co-religionists in Egypt."
Right Wing Watch has more on Sadek:
Sadek, who has worked with Jones in the past, says he is fighting for the rights of his fellow Coptic Christians in Egypt. Unfortunately he seems much more focused on attacking Muslims than helping the Copts. Sadek pulled his Facebook profile around 1 pm today, but we were able to take a look beforehand. Here's what we found.

Sadek is a supporter of ACT! for America, which believes that President Obama has embraced the Muslim Brotherhood. The group rallied its supporters last month behind Michelle Bachmann's anti-Muslim witch hunt against Huma Abedin and others. Here's Sadek with ACT! For America president Brigitte Gabriel at one of the group's 2010 events.
UPDATE: I e-mailed Pamela Geller to get her response to the fact that the leader of Media for Christ spoke at her anti-mosque rally in 2010. Here's her response:
This story identifies someone else, Nakoula Nakoula, as the person behind the film:
link to
So are you really sure of your assertions here? Facts matter. Is it your intention to put innocent human rights activists in the cross-hairs of savage jihadists?
In any case, whether or not Joseph Nassralla was involved in this film, it doesn't matter, because the film itself doesn't matter. It was not the cause of these riots and murders. The film was on YouTube for months before the Muslim rage over it began, and that rage was clearly carefully planned and orchestrated. The film is just a pretext to justify the violence and intimidate the West into adopting Sharia restrictions on the freedom of speech, so that jihad can advance unimpeded and unopposed in the West. And you, by focusing on the film and demonizing the filmmakers, are abetting that.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Some more weirdness here. Photos of the invitations for protests against the offending movie with the Syrian embassy address. Calls for protests against the movie offending Islam in Germany in front of the USA embassy, but the given address is of the Syrian embassy!


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"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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