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MP George Galloway on 9/11 - Calls for a new inquiry
Adele Edisen Wrote:Believe it or not, we are all dealing with various hypotheses, rather than with proven theories. I am using the proper and clear definition of those two words, hypothesis and theory.


Is conspiracy in the death of JFK your hypothesis? Your theory?

Or do you declare that conspiracy in the death of JFK is established fact?

Adele Edisen Wrote:If anyone wants to propose Rivera's role in all this, go right ahead. I will defend your right to say it as a matter of "freedom of speech," but will agree with you only if your proposal turns out to be true. And that may take some time.


I am not prepared to identify Rivera's role -- if any -- in the JFK assassination. But absent evidence of Rivera's supra-Facilitator status in the conspiracy, I must conclude that he would have topped off at the mid-Facilitator level. All of this, of course, based on the model's definitions.
Rivera shows signs of belonging to a very interesting branch of the facilitators in the form of the "Pony Macaroni" "Afghanistan Banana Stand" Gottlieb psy-ops department.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Rivera shows signs of belonging to a very interesting branch of the facilitators in the form of the "Pony Macaroni" "Afghanistan Banana Stand" Gottlieb psy-ops department.

I cannot understand what your statement means. Could you please clarify?

Adele Edisen Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Rivera shows signs of belonging to a very interesting branch of the facilitators in the form of the "Pony Macaroni" "Afghanistan Banana Stand" Gottlieb psy-ops department.

I cannot understand what your statement means. Could you please clarify?


Don't sweat it Adele, Albert is often unclear about his own meaning. :rofl:


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Adele Edisen Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Rivera shows signs of belonging to a very interesting branch of the facilitators in the form of the "Pony Macaroni" "Afghanistan Banana Stand" Gottlieb psy-ops department.

I cannot understand what your statement means. Could you please clarify?


Adele said Rivera tried psy-ops on her with cutsie jingle lines. Those lines could have a very sinister meaning in the form of hypno triggers they were developing in their creepiest departments. Those hypno-ops programs succeeded in creating the Manchurian Candidate assassin Sirhan Sirhan. Their intention to use those techniques for their most important covert assassinations programs was shown in their need to murder Frank Olsen to keep them concealed. Nothing unclear or confusing about it so I don't see where the hostility arises.

Adele might not realize how close she was to the wolf department and the deepest, dirtiest CIA assassination programs.
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Adele Edisen Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Rivera shows signs of belonging to a very interesting branch of the facilitators in the form of the "Pony Macaroni" "Afghanistan Banana Stand" Gottlieb psy-ops department.

I cannot understand what your statement means. Could you please clarify?


Adele said Rivera tried psy-ops on her with cutsie jingle lines. Those lines could have a very sinister meaning in the form of hypno triggers they were developing in their creepiest departments. Those hypno-ops programs succeeded in creating the Manchurian Candidate assassin Sirhan Sirhan. Their intention to use those techniques for their most important covert assassinations programs was shown in their need to murder Frank Olsen to keep them concealed. Nothing unclear or confusing about it so I don't see where the hostility arises.

Adele might not realize how close she was to the wolf department and the deepest, dirtiest CIA assassination programs.


I never meant to mislead anyone on the issue of what Rivera had said, or rather, asked. I don't think I ever said he used "jingles." Maybe others interpreted what he said to be a "jingle", but what really was said in his attempt to hypnotize me to have a visual hallucination, that of seeing Caroline Kennedy on the White House lawn with her horse, a pony she had named "Macaroni," was quite ordinary. That name was taken, I believe, from the words of an old American children's song, "Yankee Doodle". There was nothing particularly "jingly" about Rivera's use of the terms. I don't think his use of the words was of anymore significance than describing what he wanted me to "see," as a measure of depth of hypnotic trance. Hypnotists use different tests on their subjects to determine the stages and depths of hypnotic trance. Inducing visual hallucinations is one technique; inducing odor hallucinations is another, as examples.

The Yankee Doodle lyrics go something like this: " Yankee Doodle came to town, a-riding on a pony. He stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni." There are more lyrics, but I can't recall them. I'm not sure if Yankee Doodle called the feather "macaroni", or the pony was meant to be called that. However, Caroline thought it was the pony.

Rivera introduced the topic by telling me that when tourists come to Washington they often see Caroline with her pony named "Macaroni". He asked me if I saw Caroline with her pony, Macaroni. Everyone knew that pony's name. We went around the White House three times and each time we did, he asked, "Do you see Caroline on her pony, Macaroni?" I never "saw" her or any horse, and I told him I did not the first two times around the White House. However, I realized he was trying to suggest that image to me, and wondered why, so I decided to "agree" to see what he would do or say. On the third time around, I then said,"mmm," which he took for a "yes", and then stepped down hard on the car's gas pedal, saying "Fine. Now we'll go to dinner."

The other jingle you mentioned, "Afghanistan banana stand," as an example of psy-ops operations has nothing to do with me, never having heard that one, so your sentence was a bit confusing and made me wonder what in the world you were talking about. I wanted to understand what you meant, and if that was hostile, it certainly wasn't meant to be. In fact, where did that "Afghanistan banana stand" phrase come from? I did understand that it was just another example of "jingle" talk by you, but I really don't consider Rivera's talking to be in jingles, even if "pony" and "Macaroni" do rhyme.

Perhaps you do not know how immersed I am in information about the nervous system and related clinical matters of neurology, psychiatry, hypnosis. However, most people in 1963 were not aware of the use of LSD as a hypnosis-aiding drug. I knew of LSD because it had been used on mental patients and prison volunteers by the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at the Tulane University School of Medicine, where I had been on the faculty and did research, but it was used for purposes other than to promote hypnotic trances. I learned of its use to promote hypnotic suggestibility from reading the medical literature on LSD. One paper by a Dr. Colomb at the University of Pennsylvania described the enhanced suggestibility induced by LSD, as did the book by Dr. Sidney Cohen, THE BEYOND WITHIN. I did not find any other writings on LSD and hypnotic suggestibility for many years after those two items as I continued my search, until the CIA's and Army's use of it on witting and unwitting civilians and soldiers became generally known in the 1970s.

I certainly knew something very sinister was going on. I and my entire family were threatened by Rivera. I lived in terror for many years, and when I learned of the mind-control programs of the CIA, I was amazed that I had not been killed for speaking to the Secret Servce and the FBI in November 1963. Perhaps they do keep the names of their informants very secret.

So secret, in fact, that I couldn't get documents pertaining to me by Freedom of Information requests over the years. Maybe the Church Committee, the Inouye Committee, and the House Select Committee on Assassinations had acted, as Good Samaritans, to save my life by refusing to hear my testimony, which my attorney had offered to them. (That's meant to be a JOKE.) I began writing publicly about my experiences in 1991 (November issue of "The Third Decade"), and speaking publicly in 1993 and 1994 at the ASK meetings in Dallas. Some of you may be surprised to know who was in the audience and with whom I conversed at length at these and other later meetings at Lancer and COPA get-togethers.

Not to worry, Al. I do know, and have known for most of these almost 50 years. I have known since April of 1963 what it was all about, and how close I was. For an entire week in April of 1963 it was a matter of life or death for myself.

Thank you for your reply to my request.

I think you need to go back and post your original statement that said you felt uncomfortable when Rivera said that as if he was testing you. Another example is Catcher in the Rye and Chapman's incantations from it.

Quote:'Dirty tricks campaign': George Galloway accuses senior counter-terrorism officer of entering home without his knowledge and sending fake emails from his computer

Scotland Yard has placed the senior counter-terrorism officer on restricted duties

CAHAL MILMO [Image: plus.png]


Scotland Yard has placed a senior counter-terrorism officer on restricted duties following extraordinary allegations from the MP George Galloway that he entered his home without his knowledge and sent fake emails as part of a "dirty tricks" campaign.
The Respect MP today outlined his claims against the policeman, who is understood to be a detective inspector, in a Parliamentary motion detailing how the officer allegedly slept in his home and co-ordinated his "operation" from his Metropolitan Police email account.
The Yard said last night that it had voluntarily referred the case to the Independent Police Complaints Commission and placed limits on the duties that the officer is permitted to carry out.
In his Early Day Motion, the Bradford West MP, who won a shock by-election victory against Labour earlier this year, claimed that "the officer entered [Mr Galloway's] London home without his knowledge or consent, [Mr Galloway] never having met or heard of him, and he slept in [Mr Galloway's] home".
The MP accused the officer, who is of Asian background, of sending emails to his agent and using at two fake email accounts to dupe organisations, including a national newspaper, about his identity.
Calling on the Home Secretary, Theresa May, to make an urgent statement, Mr Galloway added: "He operated under an alias against [me] on Facebook and elsewhere, all the while concealing that he was a senior serving officer at Scotland Yard.
"The Yard confirmed that it received a complaint on the MP's behalf earlier this week. A spokesman said: "The matter has been passed to the directorate of professional standards to investigate and a voluntary referral is being made to the Independent Police Complaints Commission. The officer has been placed on restricted duties pending the outcome of the investigation."
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

George Galloway's PA, her police officer husband and claims of 'dirty tricks'

Ex-secretary Aisha Ali-Khan says there was no spy plot against the Respect MP, adding she has 'been thrown to the wolves'

[Image: George-Galloway-with-Aish-010.jpg]George Galloway with Aisha Ali-Khan, who says: 'Respect saw me as an outspoken woman who had ideas, and the guys didn't like that.'

Even given his own talent for hyperbole, the claim George Gallowaymade on Sunday night was extraordinary: that he had discovered his secretary was working as an "agent" for a Metropolitan police counterterrorism officer who was running a "dirty tricks" campaign against him.
It was a serious allegation. "A direct attack on not just me but on democracy," the MP said. He complained to the police, who promised an investigation, voluntarily referring the matter to the Independent Police Complaints Commission. And he wrote to Theresa May, the home secretary, demanding an inquiry, saying he had "incontrovertible evidence" that the duo had set up fake email addresses to spread "rumour, disinformation and downright lies".
But Galloway's now former secretary, Aisha Ali-Khan, is fighting back. She says she is married to Afiz Khan, whom Galloway correctly identified as a detective inspector in the Met's counter-terrorism unit, SO15.
She says the two wed in a Muslim ceremony in 2009 and have had an on-off, hush-hush relationship ever since. She is furious that their relationship is being presented as somehow illicit.
"Not only have I lost my job and my credibility but I've been branded this tart sleeping with random police officers."
Suspended on full pay but not expecting her job back, Ali-Khan has filed a complaint with the Met, accusing Galloway of either hacking into her private emails or ordering someone else to do so. She believes there can be no other explanation for how he was able to quote verbatim, in his letter to May, from emails she and her husband had written to each other. Galloway says he was given the emails by his lawyer.
Ali-Khan believes she has been "thrown to the wolves" because she was disliked by certain male figures in Bradford's Respect party who wanted her out, and because Galloway wanted to deflect attention from a story about his personal life which he believed was about to hit the papers.
She says Galloway must have known about the marriage she listed Khan as her spouse on the security clearance questionnaire she filled in to gain a parliamentary pass when she began her job in April, after Galloway's sensational win for Respect in the Bradford West byelection. Her marriage certificate was included in the forms Galloway signed.
"If I signed a questionnaire, I would not have read who her husband was," said Galloway on Thursday, insisting he had once been introduced to a different man in Bradford who Ali-Khan said was her estranged husband, presumably the father of her nine-year-old son. "If I had read it, I would have assumed it was the person I met in Bradford."
Ali-Khan, a trained teacher who gave up her job mentoring young Muslims in order to work for Galloway, says she was upfront about her spouse's sensitive day job in the Muslim contact unit. "It was never an issue," she insisted.
Galloway has claimed that the couple "had been sleeping in my house, and without permission, while I was abroad". He says he discovered this following a break-in, when Ali-Khan's parliamentary laptop was stolen from Galloway's home in Streatham, south London, where she lived for a few months while the constituency office was being set up in Bradford.
"[Khan] had to tell the officers investigating the burglary that his fingerprints would be found in the house. I asked the local officers informally to report on this to his bosses. I heard no more and neither have I heard any more about the burglary. I should, of course, have dismissed [Ali-Khan] but foolishly I gave her a second chance," he wrote in his letter to May.
Ali-Khan insists Khan never slept in the house, but simply "popped in to use the loo" one night before the break-in, and so warned officers investigating that they might find his prints. She says the emails Galloway has seized on as evidence of a plot against him are nothing of the sort. And that far from showing a police handler and his spy, they show a couple making "silly jokes".
Galloway has pointed to one particular email as proof of foul play, in which Khan used his police account to tell Ali-Khan: "I think there was an election fraud. I found out the printer of the election voting cards is a member of Respect. The postman for the postal votes was also a member of Respect party. And finally there was a rush of new voters with the name of Ali. There were 450 voters apparently all staying at the Midland. And finally the gypsies came in to support GG via the Westfield site."
Ali-Khan dismisses any talk of conspiracy, saying this was an example of a number of "running jokes" the couple shared about conspiracy-prone Respect, the ubiquity of her maiden name (Ali) and the fact that party activists spent weeks camped out in caravans at the building site where a Westfield shopping centre was supposed to be built.
She admitted asking Khan to set up a fake email address so that she could email the Guardian when she found out the paper was planning to do a report on Galloway and Respect six months on from the byelectionvictory. He did it for her, she says, "because I'm not that literate with computers". (A "laughable" claim, according to Galloway.)
After Galloway's claims about the secret police investigation, the Guardian asked to see the "incontrovertible evidence" about the spy plot. His office sent over five screen grabs showing email conversations between Ali-Khan and Khan, who used both his police address and a Hotmail account. The screen grabs did not show the complete conversations, making it impossible to establish the context in which the remarks were being made. Ali-Khan claimed Galloway had deliberately shorn them of their context in order to present the conspiracy theory which would get him the sort of media attention he craves.
One message, entitled "update", has been described by Galloway as "an extensive email on tactics she should employ and which defamed several members of staff and volunteers". Ali-Khan says the message is her husband giving her a pep talk after she told him in a three-hour phone conversation that she wanted to quit her job.
Some men in Respect hated the fact that she was a non-hijab-wearing Muslim woman, she says. "The atmosphere around Respect was so hostile to women. I was seen as an outspoken, opinionated woman who had ideas, who made things happen, who organised events and the guys didn't like it at all."
She says she had poured her heart out to Khan, who sent her an email suggesting how to cope in the hostile environment of the constituency office. In the email, he reminds her that "all [Galloway's] previous PAs have had short shelf lives" and that the fact that his last PA, also called Aisha, had refused to talk to her was "always an indication".
He added: "You know that GG will do whatever to protect his name and an easy time [sic]." Knowing she was thinking of leaving, he warned her: "Be CAREFUL that u don't go from the frying pan into the fire. There were already issues within the Respect Brad[ford]."
Why would Galloway make such bold claims against her? "For political gain," says Ali-Khan. "For newspaper mileage as well. Also, in his mind, he believes that if he discredits me, and makes me out to be a complete slag, then his supporters, the majority of whom are men, will not believe anything that comes out of my mouth … Also, I think it was a form of intimidation. However way you look at it, George has seen my private emails when he had no right to do so. Not only has he seen my private emails, he has then published them on the internet. So my question is: how did he get hold of those emails?"
Galloway strongly denies hacking or authorising anyone else to hack emails on his behalf, and stands by his story, saying: "The police investigation will no doubt establish the truth."

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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