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JFK Killed for Pursuing Peace
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:Who stands to GAIN more from the TRILLIONS being haggled over - regardless of which way it falls?


Those for whom money is meaningless.

no such animal CD... you think the vatican is powerful cause G~d is on their side? please.

Name any such animal that does not retain such power and control without the generation and or CONTROL of the money...
Vincent Salandria said at the begining of his notes:
Quote:I told him (Vincent Salandria) that I viewed his work on the Kennedy assassination as very likely having saved my life.
(Please refer to Post #9 on page 1 -AE)

Quote:Knowing what I know now, and being then, as now, committed to historical truth, I would have not changed my earliest statement that the Kennedy assassination was a crime of the U.S. warfare state. But I would not have endeavored to rally people to confront as I did the assassins. I know now that the U.S. public never did want to accept the U.S. warfare state as the criminal institutional structure that it is. I know now, that even if the U.S. public ever was ready to accept the true historical meaning of the Kennedy assassination, that there are and have been no institutional structures open to them with which they could hope to countervail successfully the Kennedy killers, the enormous power of the U.S. empire and its warfare state.

Quote:The Warren Commission Report, through its lies, served to calm the U.S. public in a period of great crisis. If any serious domestic or foreign effort had been made to counter the coup, the weaponry commanded by the state criminals would have resulted in catastrophic loss of life. Therefore, in my judgment of Arlen Specter I defer to the wisdom of Sophocles, who said: "Truly, to tell lies is not honorable; but where truth entails tremendous ruin, to speak dishonorably is pardonable."

How many of you would agree with his assessment? Are the American people ready now to accept his views of the assassination? During the early years after the assassination, some witnesses, like Jean Hill, were judged to be out of their minds, and Arlen Specter even threatened to put her in a hospital for the mentally insane when interviewing her for the Warren Commission. Jean herself had said that because she was thought to be crazy, it saved her life. Many critics of the Warren Commission, like Salandria, Mark Lane, and others, were ignored by the mass media.



David Josephs Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:Who stands to GAIN more from the TRILLIONS being haggled over - regardless of which way it falls?


Those for whom money is meaningless.

no such animal CD... you think the vatican is powerful cause G~d is on their side? please.

Name any such animal that does not retain such power and control without the generation and or CONTROL of the money...

Who said anything about the Vatican?

Please re-read my response, open your mind, and be very careful about how you represent my positions.

David, you clearly have no idea of what I'm thinking. If we're to maintain a civil discourse, do not -- repeat, do NOT -- attribute to me positions I have not taken.

Am I clear?

Thank you.
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:Who stands to GAIN more from the TRILLIONS being haggled over - regardless of which way it falls?


Those for whom money is meaningless.

no such animal CD... you think the vatican is powerful cause G~d is on their side? please.

Name any such animal that does not retain such power and control without the generation and or CONTROL of the money...

Who said anything about the Vatican?

Please re-read my response, open your mind, and be very careful about how you represent my positions.

David, you clearly have no idea of what I'm thinking. If we're to maintain a civil discourse, do not -- repeat, do NOT -- attribute to me positions I have not taken.

Am I clear?

Thank you.

it was a metaphor Charles.... moneyless power (even backed by G~d) does not exist in this world
so please state your postion for me... I've had enough pronouns

Name or point me in the direction of "those" for whom money is meaningless AND can be in the league to sponsor, cause and benefit from executive actions,
war, civic unrest, economic boon and decline... etc...

sincerely and respectfully
David Josephs Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:Those for whom money is meaningless.

no such animal CD... you think the vatican is powerful cause G~d is on their side? please.

Name any such animal that does not retain such power and control without the generation and or CONTROL of the money...

Who said anything about the Vatican?

Please re-read my response, open your mind, and be very careful about how you represent my positions.

David, you clearly have no idea of what I'm thinking. If we're to maintain a civil discourse, do not -- repeat, do NOT -- attribute to me positions I have not taken.

Am I clear?

Thank you.

it was a metaphor Charles.... moneyless power (even backed by G~d) does not exist in this world
so please state your postion for me... I've had enough pronouns

Name or point me in the direction of "those" for whom money is meaningless AND can be in the league to sponsor, cause and benefit from executive actions,
war, civic unrest, economic boon and decline... etc...

sincerely and respectfully

Thanks for the clarification, David.

More to come.
David Josephs Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:Many, at all levels of the conspiracy, with motives both shared and all their own.

But if we can identify the Sponsors' motive(s), we can effect justice.

I dont see how that follow Charles....

The motives are pretty easily understandable.... how does knowledge of motive help us effect justice when JUSTICE is something that, well...
which JUSTICE are you referring to CD? and how exactly do you see JUSTICE being served in this case?

From my POV the very system itself has INJUSTICE built-in as "people" run the system and "people" are the very root of the injustice based on each's conception of entitlement,
natural domination, and outright greed.

So we know that the CFR clan were the sponsors... all the way back to the finance and intelligence halls of EURASIA
their motive remains the same as always... manipulate world political and economic forces to gain the greatest benefit in terms of power, ownership and profit. while this remains at the extreme edge of optimism... it is a step into a different paradigm....

what JUSTICE did you have in mind CD?

Variations of justiceUtilitarianism is a form of consequentialism, where punishment is forward-looking. Justified by the ability to achieve future social benefits resulting in crime reduction, the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome.
Retributive justice regulates proportionate response to crime proven by lawful evidence, so that punishment is justly imposed and considered as morally correct and fully deserved. The law of retaliation (lex talionis) is a military theory of retributive justice, which says that reciprocity should be equal to the wrong suffered; "life for life, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."[SUP][7][/SUP]
Restorative justice is concerned not so much with retribution and punishment as with (a) making the victim whole and (b) reintegrating the offender into society. This approach frequently brings an offender and a victim together, so that the offender can better understand the effect his/her offense had on the victim.
Distributive justice is directed at the proper allocation of thingswealth, power, reward, respectamong different people.

David , I find nothing about the venus project "optimistic". Have you noticed the similarity to Agenda 21?


Sorry for going off topic...This discussion deserves its own thread.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:Many, at all levels of the conspiracy, with motives both shared and all their own.

But if we can identify the Sponsors' motive(s), we can effect justice.

I dont see how that follow Charles....

The motives are pretty easily understandable.... how does knowledge of motive help us effect justice when JUSTICE is something that, well...
which JUSTICE are you referring to CD? and how exactly do you see JUSTICE being served in this case?

From my POV the very system itself has INJUSTICE built-in as "people" run the system and "people" are the very root of the injustice based on each's conception of entitlement,
natural domination, and outright greed.

So we know that the CFR clan were the sponsors... all the way back to the finance and intelligence halls of EURASIA
their motive remains the same as always... manipulate world political and economic forces to gain the greatest benefit in terms of power, ownership and profit. while this remains at the extreme edge of optimism... it is a step into a different paradigm....

what JUSTICE did you have in mind CD?

Variations of justiceUtilitarianism is a form of consequentialism, where punishment is forward-looking. Justified by the ability to achieve future social benefits resulting in crime reduction, the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome.
Retributive justice regulates proportionate response to crime proven by lawful evidence, so that punishment is justly imposed and considered as morally correct and fully deserved. The law of retaliation (lex talionis) is a military theory of retributive justice, which says that reciprocity should be equal to the wrong suffered; "life for life, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."[SUP][7][/SUP]
Restorative justice is concerned not so much with retribution and punishment as with (a) making the victim whole and (b) reintegrating the offender into society. This approach frequently brings an offender and a victim together, so that the offender can better understand the effect his/her offense had on the victim.
Distributive justice is directed at the proper allocation of thingswealth, power, reward, respectamong different people.

David , I find nothing about the venus project "optimistic". Have you noticed the similarity to Agenda 21?


Sorry for going off topic...This discussion deserves its own thread.

Indeed Dawn... its own thread.

and I believe any time you want to promote non-competitive, sustaininable living that is RESOURCE BASED... we are talking a shift in the human paradigm...
a departure from PROFIT based economies and infrastructures.... and EXTREME optimism imo....

this is two generation thinking... one to learn new and one to teach from birth.

It is my belief that the FIRST STEP in the advancement of humanity as a species is that SAFETY and SECURITY of the world's citizens is a guaranteed right...
yet we live in a world where the exact opposite is true, where fear is imposed and maintained by default.

Thing is we do not need more ILLUSIONS of safety...we need real, sustainable, safety against the brutality of other humans...
The SYSTEM is not necessarily the problem... as long as there are PEOPLE in charge.... any system will be fallible


Staying on topic though...

any idea who CD might be referring to? Wealthless yet absolute power to influence world events for "some" gain.... I used the Vatican as an example since it represents the polar opposite of the CFR cabal in theory... in reality, isn't the bank of the Vatican pretty powerful?

Cardinals or VP's... is there a difference?
To strengthen his position further, Cardinal Bertone promoted close associates and former subordinates from the region around his former diocese of Genoa and his native Piedmont, also in the north-west of Italy. He put one in charge of the Vatican's treasury and appointed another to run its central bank (not the same as the IOR). A third Bertone confidante has been made governor of the Vatican City State, the Holy See's temporal power-base. That also carries great financial clout. All three men were made cardinals in February.

20092012 Vatican money laundering investigationIn 2009, the Italian magazine Panorama reported that IOR was being investigated by Italian authorities from the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Banca d'Italia and the Guardia di Finanza over money laundering transactions worth €180 million (US$ 218 million) through a branch of UniCredit located at Via della Conciliazione across from St. Peter's Basilica.[SUP][25][/SUP] The bank handles accounts of the religious orders and other Catholic associations using the "offshore" (i.e., foreign) status of the Holy See.[SUP][26][/SUP]
On 21 September 2010, Italian police declared that Gotti Tedeschi and another IOR manager were under investigation for money laundering charges. €23 million were seized as a precaution.[SUP][27][/SUP] Police began an investigation regarding Tedeschi around a week before the news was made public after a division of the Bank of Italy alerted police to two transactions involving the IOR that were deemed suspicious.[SUP][28][/SUP] The money seized was bound from an Italian bank, Credito Artigianato, to JP Morgan Chase and another Italian bank, Banca del Fucino.[SUP][28][/SUP] Both the origin and destination of the funds were accounts under the control of the IOR.[SUP][29][/SUP] The IOR had allegedly failed to disclose the origin of the money, a violation of Italian law.[SUP][28][/SUP]
In a statement regarding the investigation, the Vatican said that it was "...perplexed and astonished by the initiatives of the Rome prosecutors, considering the data necessary is already available at the Bank of Italy."[SUP][28][/SUP] According to the police, the presence of the investigation did not mean either of the officials involved had been charged with a crime, and a judicial ruling would be necessary to continue the investigation.[SUP][29][/SUP]
On Thursday, December 30, 2010, the Catholic News Service homepage reported that Pope Benedict XVI had issued an Apostolic Letter that established the Financial Information Authority as an independent agency to oversee the monetary and commercial activities of all Vatican-related institutions, including the IOR. It will monitor all Vatican financial operations and make sure they meet international norms against money-laundering and the financing of terrorism.
On May 31, 2011, Rome's attorney general released the 23 million Euros in assets which had been seized in September, apparently in acknowledgment of the steps taken in the following months to conform the Institute to international standards.
On May 24, 2012, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi was ousted as Head of the Vatican Bank because of "failure to fulfill the primary functions of his office." He is currently being investigated on suspicion of money laundering.[SUP][30][/SUP]

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