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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:My life has taken me to similar landscapes such as where you are traveling. Soldiers, soldiers of fortune, the underworld and its denizens, heroes known and unknown and plenty of villains. For sure there is a surplus of testosterone and rampant ego. Wild tales told of wild adventures. Ripping yarns and boys own stories. But things do happen. Real people are involved in real adventures and crimes and wars both declared and undeclared. It is my general observation that none of them care about history or about the historical record or their role in that history. Not that they are unaware of it though some are. Just that it is never part of their motivation or their world view. If anything they much prefer to fly under the radar and not leave any traces of themselves. They don't want to get caught blow their elaborately worked for cover and have to explain in front of glaring media lights, die or go to jail for years. Those who fund them are usually 'respectable' be it a government agency or individual and they all want deniability from the crimes they commission. Remember there was no proof of MK ULTRA except that some one forgot to shred some of the financial records which were filed elsewhere and forgotten. No proof of Operation Norwoods except for one document misfiled found 40 years later by a researcher working on some thing else. There are few if any paper trails and nearly all the players are shady characters whose words are questionable or who can be painted so. Other know not to talk and never will. Others are dead. Friends are few. Communication is verbal not written. Some don't know how to even write. Some don't speak English.

I don't think you're wasting your time either. Are the Miami wise guys telling you the truth the whole truth and the only truth? I don't know. Do they even know the truth or have the whole big picture of the events? I don't think these guys are interested in history. Some people study it. Other people live it. They are telling you their stories and stories about your father. That's what led you to them. Gather what you can. Make of it what you will. I hope it makes a clearer and more detailed picture of your father's life for you. If you can share your discoveries on the public record for others to take and further explore that is wonderful and a generous act. If not for researchers who are trying to piece together the historical record with all its scratches and gaps then for other children out there looking for pieces of their lost fathers. There are a lot of orphans in the Borderlands.

Well said.

I recall (vaguely) that one of the early CIA guys talked about how great The Life was. You could travel the world and do whatever you felt like doing. What could be better.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Dear Mr. Kaiser,

I have read the three documents you sent me. Let me say, it is of the highest regard that these documents be considered of the utmost important discoveries. As an analyst, I have had the opportunity to interpret, decipher and analyze methodically in detail our departments documents.

In many instances, parts or elements distinguish components and parts make up the language in these documents, such as the substance, the process, an operation, and the situation. All of its counterparts are true in nature and the relationships that determines what the author(s) are discussing.

Having said that, let's take all three pages written up, they are not all dictated by the same author, but by several agents having to deal with the noted dates on these documents. RYBAT is just another way of saying, these documents are Secret, and could be classified as Top Secret and, YOBITE indicates there is more than one group working with or for high officials in government to resolve whatever circumstances may be of conflict.

The reason I say these documents should be considered as of the utmost important discoveries is for three simple reasons, the first document appears to genuinely discuss a plot to assassinate Kennedy in Miami. You are correct, JFK visited Miami November 16, 1963. A number of compartmentalized groups or instances that seem to happen at the same time, meaning, there are groups reporting to a high officials in government trying to reason with Kennedy's administration over the conflict in Cuba. However, it appears to be getting nowhere, then they are planning JFK's assassination in Miami.

The next relevant page the author points out is the happenstance of the report itself which is dictating the events taking place after November 16, 1963, this is why I say these documents are not just an implication of events, but a gold mine.

We know by the "general elections" they wanted to appoint those within the exile Cuban Lawyers to be the true "National Group" taking over Cuba after the assassination of Fidel Castro, this was to happen in July 1963, another plan was for December 1963, [they] believed in a better chance for elections after the assassination of president Kennedy, these preparations would allow elections and lawmakers to dictate a new Cuban Constitution. The elections were to be held on 11/24/1963, however, Castro "boycotted" them by sending Havana's Lawyers to disrupt any elections that would have taken place. Fidel Castro was very aware of what was going on. AMWEE are agents who interact with other agents or they are on a mission to complete, most of this is in regard to Mexico, and I am led to believe that AMWEE [1] or [2] may have something to do with Poyle. It would be very interesting to read Poyle's case.

What I find most interesting is the dynamite they planned on using to kill Kennedy during his Miami visit was passed unto agents though its network. Kennedy's next visit from Miami was Texas.

Operation Kumquat is a reminder of our plan to bomb the Chinese, so the company is referring to their plan to bomb president Kennedy. They were also "cooling off" "escapees" AMWEE -2 and AMFAUNA -14. This is just another way of saying these two individuals were very upset over something, therefore, they escaped from wherever they were.

Now, Op. AMSAKI has to do with the president's trip to Miami. With so many different cryptons you can see how difficult it is to follow who's doing what and where.

Here's where everything gets quite interesting, the author has identified a weekly "summary and maritime ops." A recap of November 17-23, 1963.

Maritime Ops. Are operations that took place during the week of the assassination.

The author leaves out the 16th of November, the day president Kennedy visited Miami, however, the author reiterates what took place between November 17-23 without directly implicating the company, this is why AMWEE 2 & AMFAUNA 14 need some cooling off, they may be holding unto some very important information that otherwise could be a threat by exposing this information.

There is a number of things going on in the authors third document. I noticed that it says that AMWEE -2 and AMFAUNA -14 has "successfully exfiltrated." Now, the difference between escapee and exfiltration is something they did on their own vs sending in others to withdraw them from their position.

I'm led to believe these are agents who otherwise didn't want to participate in the planned actions.

When you say that AMFAUNA 14 is apart of (14) men involved in the assassination of president Kennedy is not far-fetched considering these documents reference the plot to kill Fidel Castro in July 1963 and December 1963, woven in with the plot to kill Castro is the plot to kill Kennedy in Miami, however, the author is extremely careful of replacing the date with the city, in-regards to the obvious situation, meaning, November 22, 1963, is referring to Dallas, and this is why I say finding these documents is like winning the lottery. They clearly indicate the company's complexity of actions without fully indicting themselves.

By examining the third document, it identifies the officers processing 41 messages, two agents in photography, others processed intil intercepts, there were seven "conceal devices" reports and documents from AMOTS who were intelligence agents in the Cuban community.

To sum up your question, it is in my professional analysis, these three documents are exposing the plots to assassinate Fidel Castro, the plot to assassinate president John F. Kennedy, and the actions taken to assassinate president Kennedy, thank you for allowing me to keep a copy of these three very important, overlooked documents, this of course was in our most critical time in history, within these three pages, is a wealth of information.

C. Carter


Any questions?

Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Please, carefully read the last sentence in post #19, thank you!

Scott Kaiser

Scott, post #19 in this long thread has Ray Mitcham asking you when your kindle book arrives on the market. That's not a bad idea, just put your story out there, with pics, I hope.

If it's a good one, I'm sure Hollywood will pick it up. And get yourself an agent as a spokesperson instead of the one you use now.

Sure Mark sounds like a great idea, but like I said, I would have to be paid 10 million, and since I know that's not going to happen... etc...
Wow! I just heard a pin drop! You mean to tell me that of all these "experts" on this forum the cats got your tongue? Peter, I may have a very difficult time trying to say what I would like, perhaps, instead of trying to figure out what I'm saying you should ask me directly? I can see how the research community really screws up all the time.

Folks, don't pretend you know something you don't!

Scott Kaiser

P.S. I'd say, this worked out really well, didn't it?
Quote:[Image: quote_icon.png] Originally Posted by Magda Hassan [Image: viewpost-right.png]
My life has taken me to similar landscapes such as where you are traveling. Soldiers, soldiers of fortune, the underworld and its denizens, heroes known and unknown and plenty of villains. For sure there is a surplus of testosterone and rampant ego. Wild tales told of wild adventures. Ripping yarns and boys own stories. But things do happen. Real people are involved in real adventures and crimes and wars both declared and undeclared. It is my general observation that none of them care about history or about the historical record or their role in that history. Not that they are unaware of it though some are. Just that it is never part of their motivation or their world view. If anything they much prefer to fly under the radar and not leave any traces of themselves. They don't want to get caught blow their elaborately worked for cover and have to explain in front of glaring media lights, die or go to jail for years. Those who fund them are usually 'respectable' be it a government agency or individual and they all want deniability from the crimes they commission. Remember there was no proof of MK ULTRA except that some one forgot to shred some of the financial records which were filed elsewhere and forgotten. No proof of Operation Norwoods except for one document misfiled found 40 years later by a researcher working on some thing else. There are few if any paper trails and nearly all the players are shady characters whose words are questionable or who can be painted so. Other know not to talk and never will. Others are dead. Friends are few. Communication is verbal not written. Some don't know how to even write. Some don't speak English.

I don't think you're wasting your time either. Are the Miami wise guys telling you the truth the whole truth and the only truth? I don't know. Do they even know the truth or have the whole big picture of the events? I don't think these guys are interested in history. Some people study it. Other people live it. They are telling you their stories and stories about your father. That's what led you to them. Gather what you can. Make of it what you will. I hope it makes a clearer and more detailed picture of your father's life for you. If you can share your discoveries on the public record for others to take and further explore that is wonderful and a generous act. If not for researchers who are trying to piece together the historical record with all its scratches and gaps then for other children out there looking for pieces of their lost fathers. There are a lot of orphans in the Borderlands.

I somehow missed reading this, it all makes perfect sense, many of us lost our parents due to one thing or another, what we do know is that a parent was loss over freeing Cuba and fighting communism. I consider Sherry Sullivan a sister in arms, and I would never betray our conversations, I know exactly what she has gone though, so I know I'm not the only one, there are many, many like me, hopefully, we can someday reach out to each other, none of us would have to say a word, the look would be sufficient enough. I wonder, is it because we already know?

I thought about the many words you have shared with me over the years as long as I've been a member here, and though they are few, they are far more valuable than anyone has contributed.

Please allow me to make my thought specifically [clear] to anyone reading this, it is not about sympathy or compassion I seek but the truth. Magda, you have said, "gather what I can, and make of it what I will." I did, and there is much more work to be done. I feel in my soul you are a person of true nature, words and thought, unlike the many who prefer to say what they feel behind someone's back. People will always judge, even when the truth has slapped them in the face, I call them "critics."

I have never, ever claimed to be a researcher, historian or journalist. I don't know anyone who has worked for or at the ARRB. I'm not an author of any Best Seller or been recognized by Time Magazine, years ago that would've made my head swollen, today, I thank God I understand what humble means. I've debated the Best, and claimed my ego, in the end I have always disclosed what I learned, and at the end of the day, I know, it is, what it is. Although I had an analyst tell me I found a gold mine or hit the lotto in my discovery, it's not about hiding my information from anyone to keep their dirty paws from stealing. I've learned after the Best incident that if I were truly a humble person I should have never argued with Best about stealing my material, and give God praise that I, and I alone knew where that material came from, the truth is being told.

But, how he disrespected my father right off the bat by saying "if Kaiser is telling the truth" or something to that effect is what made me feel that he shouldn't of used any of the material even if it came from Liebengood, funny how Liebengood even "judges" as how everyone does, and he questions my father's credibility because of his appearance?

I had no idea that folks should dress nicely if they want to come off as being credible. In other words, they should dress in a three piece suite and tie. See, that's where I get confused. I always believed people dressed like that should have their credibility questioned?

What a shame!

If I did hit the lotto, if I did find a gold mine, then I'm sharing it with everyone, they may make of it what they will. I'm no longer beating a dead horse.

My job is done, I now know what happened to my father 40 plus years later, everything else was just an added bonus, thank you Lord!

It's odd how one name can led you to another, and another, until it's a dead end, a road that never ends, or the jackpot. I started with Edwin Kaiser and ended with Richard Poyle. I hit the jackpot, and now, everyone may share in the spoils of war.

Here's something you should really know! Funniest thing happened while at Jimmy John's ordering some food, this older couple starts talking about what they heard on KENS 5 news about the files getting released on Kennedy's assassination, I leaned over to the older guy and said, "It's been solved by Edwin Kaiser."
Damn, the part I forgot to mention to the couple was, "He's my father." Are you proud Pete?
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Dear Mr. Kaiser,

I have read the three documents you sent me. Let me say, it is of the highest regard that these documents be considered of the utmost important discoveries. As an analyst, I have had the opportunity to interpret, decipher and analyze methodically in detail our departments documents.

In many instances, parts or elements distinguish components and parts make up the language in these documents, such as the substance, the process, an operation, and the situation. All of its counterparts are true in nature and the relationships that determines what the author(s) are discussing.

Having said that, let's take all three pages written up, they are not all dictated by the same author, but by several agents having to deal with the noted dates on these documents. RYBAT is just another way of saying, these documents are Secret, and could be classified as Top Secret and, YOBITE indicates there is more than one group working with or for high officials in government to resolve whatever circumstances may be of conflict.

The reason I say these documents should be considered as of the utmost important discoveries is for three simple reasons, the first document appears to genuinely discuss a plot to assassinate Kennedy in Miami. You are correct, JFK visited Miami November 16, 1963. A number of compartmentalized groups or instances that seem to happen at the same time, meaning, there are groups reporting to a high officials in government trying to reason with Kennedy's administration over the conflict in Cuba. However, it appears to be getting nowhere, then they are planning JFK's assassination in Miami.

The next relevant page the author points out is the happenstance of the report itself which is dictating the events taking place after November 16, 1963, this is why I say these documents are not just an implication of events, but a gold mine.

We know by the "general elections" they wanted to appoint those within the exile Cuban Lawyers to be the true "National Group" taking over Cuba after the assassination of Fidel Castro, this was to happen in July 1963, another plan was for December 1963, [they] believed in a better chance for elections after the assassination of president Kennedy, these preparations would allow elections and lawmakers to dictate a new Cuban Constitution. The elections were to be held on 11/24/1963, however, Castro "boycotted" them by sending Havana's Lawyers to disrupt any elections that would have taken place. Fidel Castro was very aware of what was going on. AMWEE are agents who interact with other agents or they are on a mission to complete, most of this is in regard to Mexico, and I am led to believe that AMWEE [1] or [2] may have something to do with Poyle. It would be very interesting to read Poyle's case.

What I find most interesting is the dynamite they planned on using to kill Kennedy during his Miami visit was passed unto agents though its network. Kennedy's next visit from Miami was Texas.

Operation Kumquat is a reminder of our plan to bomb the Chinese, so the company is referring to their plan to bomb president Kennedy. They were also "cooling off" "escapees" AMWEE -2 and AMFAUNA -14. This is just another way of saying these two individuals were very upset over something, therefore, they escaped from wherever they were.

Now, Op. AMSAKI has to do with the president's trip to Miami. With so many different cryptons you can see how difficult it is to follow who's doing what and where.

Here's where everything gets quite interesting, the author has identified a weekly "summary and maritime ops." A recap of November 17-23, 1963.

Maritime Ops. Are operations that took place during the week of the assassination.

The author leaves out the 16th of November, the day president Kennedy visited Miami, however, the author reiterates what took place between November 17-23 without directly implicating the company, this is why AMWEE 2 & AMFAUNA 14 need some cooling off, they may be holding unto some very important information that otherwise could be a threat by exposing this information.

There is a number of things going on in the authors third document. I noticed that it says that AMWEE -2 and AMFAUNA -14 has "successfully exfiltrated." Now, the difference between escapee and exfiltration is something they did on their own vs sending in others to withdraw them from their position.

I'm led to believe these are agents who otherwise didn't want to participate in the planned actions.

When you say that AMFAUNA 14 is apart of (14) men involved in the assassination of president Kennedy is not far-fetched considering these documents reference the plot to kill Fidel Castro in July 1963 and December 1963, woven in with the plot to kill Castro is the plot to kill Kennedy in Miami, however, the author is extremely careful of replacing the date with the city, in-regards to the obvious situation, meaning, November 22, 1963, is referring to Dallas, and this is why I say finding these documents is like winning the lottery. They clearly indicate the company's complexity of actions without fully indicting themselves.

By examining the third document, it identifies the officers processing 41 messages, two agents in photography, others processed intil intercepts, there were seven "conceal devices" reports and documents from AMOTS who were intelligence agents in the Cuban community.

To sum up your question, it is in my professional analysis, these three documents are exposing the plots to assassinate Fidel Castro, the plot to assassinate president John F. Kennedy, and the actions taken to assassinate president Kennedy, thank you for allowing me to keep a copy of these three very important, overlooked documents, this of course was in our most critical time in history, within these three pages, is a wealth of information.

C. Carter


Any questions?

1. You don't identify who C. Carter is and how he would be an 'expert' on such documents.
2. The typos and spelling/syntax errors are so similar to yours, this is either written by you Scott, or paraphrased by you. Which is it?
3. If you have these documents, why not post them. If for some unknown or proprietary reason you don't want to post them, at least give them to a real expert such as John Neuman. When he says they are significant, I'll be impressed. He'd also know a whole lot more that can be read from real documents than a normal mortal could read from them.
4. No man is an island, and Scott you're not going to be able to get your story about your father 'out' without working with other researchers. I also suggest strongly your letting someone else write the story, based on your research, and their verification of it.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Dear Mr. Kaiser,

I have read the three documents you sent me. Let me say, it is of the highest regard that these documents be considered of the utmost important discoveries. As an analyst, I have had the opportunity to interpret, decipher and analyze methodically in detail our departments documents.

In many instances, parts or elements distinguish components and parts make up the language in these documents, such as the substance, the process, an operation, and the situation. All of its counterparts are true in nature and the relationships that determines what the author(s) are discussing.

Having said that, let's take all three pages written up, they are not all dictated by the same author, but by several agents having to deal with the noted dates on these documents. RYBAT is just another way of saying, these documents are Secret, and could be classified as Top Secret and, YOBITE indicates there is more than one group working with or for high officials in government to resolve whatever circumstances may be of conflict.

The reason I say these documents should be considered as of the utmost important discoveries is for three simple reasons, the first document appears to genuinely discuss a plot to assassinate Kennedy in Miami. You are correct, JFK visited Miami November 16, 1963. A number of compartmentalized groups or instances that seem to happen at the same time, meaning, there are groups reporting to a high officials in government trying to reason with Kennedy's administration over the conflict in Cuba. However, it appears to be getting nowhere, then they are planning JFK's assassination in Miami.

The next relevant page the author points out is the happenstance of the report itself which is dictating the events taking place after November 16, 1963, this is why I say these documents are not just an implication of events, but a gold mine.

We know by the "general elections" they wanted to appoint those within the exile Cuban Lawyers to be the true "National Group" taking over Cuba after the assassination of Fidel Castro, this was to happen in July 1963, another plan was for December 1963, [they] believed in a better chance for elections after the assassination of president Kennedy, these preparations would allow elections and lawmakers to dictate a new Cuban Constitution. The elections were to be held on 11/24/1963, however, Castro "boycotted" them by sending Havana's Lawyers to disrupt any elections that would have taken place. Fidel Castro was very aware of what was going on. AMWEE are agents who interact with other agents or they are on a mission to complete, most of this is in regard to Mexico, and I am led to believe that AMWEE [1] or [2] may have something to do with Poyle. It would be very interesting to read Poyle's case.

What I find most interesting is the dynamite they planned on using to kill Kennedy during his Miami visit was passed unto agents though its network. Kennedy's next visit from Miami was Texas.

Operation Kumquat is a reminder of our plan to bomb the Chinese, so the company is referring to their plan to bomb president Kennedy. They were also "cooling off" "escapees" AMWEE -2 and AMFAUNA -14. This is just another way of saying these two individuals were very upset over something, therefore, they escaped from wherever they were.

Now, Op. AMSAKI has to do with the president's trip to Miami. With so many different cryptons you can see how difficult it is to follow who's doing what and where.

Here's where everything gets quite interesting, the author has identified a weekly "summary and maritime ops." A recap of November 17-23, 1963.

Maritime Ops. Are operations that took place during the week of the assassination.

The author leaves out the 16th of November, the day president Kennedy visited Miami, however, the author reiterates what took place between November 17-23 without directly implicating the company, this is why AMWEE 2 & AMFAUNA 14 need some cooling off, they may be holding unto some very important information that otherwise could be a threat by exposing this information.

There is a number of things going on in the authors third document. I noticed that it says that AMWEE -2 and AMFAUNA -14 has "successfully exfiltrated." Now, the difference between escapee and exfiltration is something they did on their own vs sending in others to withdraw them from their position.

I'm led to believe these are agents who otherwise didn't want to participate in the planned actions.

When you say that AMFAUNA 14 is apart of (14) men involved in the assassination of president Kennedy is not far-fetched considering these documents reference the plot to kill Fidel Castro in July 1963 and December 1963, woven in with the plot to kill Castro is the plot to kill Kennedy in Miami, however, the author is extremely careful of replacing the date with the city, in-regards to the obvious situation, meaning, November 22, 1963, is referring to Dallas, and this is why I say finding these documents is like winning the lottery. They clearly indicate the company's complexity of actions without fully indicting themselves.

By examining the third document, it identifies the officers processing 41 messages, two agents in photography, others processed intil intercepts, there were seven "conceal devices" reports and documents from AMOTS who were intelligence agents in the Cuban community.

To sum up your question, it is in my professional analysis, these three documents are exposing the plots to assassinate Fidel Castro, the plot to assassinate president John F. Kennedy, and the actions taken to assassinate president Kennedy, thank you for allowing me to keep a copy of these three very important, overlooked documents, this of course was in our most critical time in history, within these three pages, is a wealth of information.

C. Carter


Any questions?

1. You don't identify who C. Carter is and how he would be an 'expert' on such documents.
2. The typos and spelling/syntax errors are so similar to yours, this is either written by you Scott, or paraphrased by you. Which is it?
3. If you have these documents, why not post them. If for some unknown or proprietary reason you don't want to post them, at least give them to a real expert such as John Neuman. When he says they are significant, I'll be impressed. He'd also know a whole lot more that can be read from real documents than a normal mortal could read from them.
4. No man is an island, and Scott you're not going to be able to get your story about your father 'out' without working with other researchers. I also suggest strongly your letting someone else write the story, based on your research, and their verification of it.

And, this is who heads up the "research forum" LMAO! Seriously, no wonder no body learns a thing, Jim D. could do better then what you wrote, why do you feel I have to explain myself or tell you every friend I have? Who's your daddy Pete? Wink

Answer to #1. Let's see now, hmmmm, how the heck would he be an "expert" on such documents, I suppose working for the company, and what he says in the beginning makes him what he is. I would never trust the research community to tell me what their interpretation is, even if they are familiar with these type of documents and that's the difference between "researcher" and "analyst."

Answer to #2.
Yeah okay, if you say so, wish I was that smart. Like I've used these words so many times before, complexity, methodically, counterparts instances, or elements distinguish components. Bet, some researchers know it all.

Answer to #3 ​Now Pete, before I answer this question answer me this, because your answer will determine mine are you really a
researcher or just an author? There is a difference believe it or not.

And, I just finished reading your #3 question, anyone reading this, and anyone who's seen what I'm talking about I employ you to give them to Newmen, please, I'll even put him in-touch with Chris.

Answer to #4
That's not true, the story is out, I gave my father's story away freely, I never felt comfortable writing a book to profit off my dead father, it is finished, the closure was for me and me alone, I needed to know what happened, and I found it, now, I know. Why should I work with any researcher? I don't trust anyone, look what's happened to my first book? I should've listened to my mother when she said don't write it. Everyone jumped on the bandwagon, and everyone wanted to edit the book, too many crooks spoil the broth.

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