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Dan Hardway - The Intelligence Community Flips Off America
Good piece from Dan, and George Joannides comes across as even more of a scumbag than I thought.
You can also read this at Kennedys and

This is getting to be a real scandal how these documents have been redacted in large part.
It feels like Trump signed off somehow on names and addresses being redacted, or at least, that's what they told him. NARA are sitting back and letting the agencies and Trump decide between themselves what is going on. Then CIA are just wholesale redacting, with the knowledge that there is no forum whatsoever for anyone to call them on it, the media are too clueless and distant and ignorant to appreciate what is happening, and there is no legal mechanism to stop them doing it.

The dozen or so pages missing from the Garrison piece was ridiculous. No partial redactions, just get rid of the whole thing. The same with Phillips.

The media should be called to answer why the CIA can broadly redact stuff that points towards involvement or complicity of CIA figures. Meanwhile The Guardian is printing stories quoting CIA memos that absolve the CIA of it's own involvement, and treating those memos as revelatory news. They should dig up the Youtube link of Richard Helms offering further denials and run that alongside it.
Dan Hardway's piece is one day after its being written a classic I think will be referred to for decades. Brilliant! His last paragraph is the call to arms we need. I agree with him that the time has come for peaceful civil disobedience. Nothing will be released in six months and all should now know this...oh, they may give us a few documents that have already been withheld exactly for that purpose - but are harmless as they see it. The real juicy stuff - the stuff that shows their complicity and lies and cover-up with propaganda they have stonewalled on and given the finger to all branches of government and the People since Dallas happened [and before]. We are no longer a democracy, and thus I have long argued we can not 'vote our way out of this mess'. As I do not believe in violence that leaves us only one choice - that of civil disobedience and demonstrations. Choose your targets and time/place. Go through the motions of playing the 'game' they have set up of going through the 'system' is you like and to show others that it does nothing in the end...but do something. We've been had again. The IC was always designed IMO to be the secret army for the ultra-rich and powerful - never to be the secret intelligence wing for the country. Not only do they endlessly do illegal and immoral things almost all against the general interest of the mass of the Citizenry, they cover it up and keep it secret so they can continue. If we ever had a democracy [or a half-assed one], we lost it on 11/22/63 at noon - and we have lost it further since. Isn't it about time we wake up and do something about it and stop thinking that voting for tweedle-dee vs. tweedle-dum will do anything to change the authoritarian proto-fascist police state we now find ourselves in - policed by secret agencies and secret police [as if the non-secret police were not bad enough]. Dan has dealt with the CIA up front and personal - he knows of what he writes. Send that article to everyone you know and all of your friends and family. Act in other ways. Choose your method, but act. It is more than those files being lost - it is the Truth and it is our Democracy now receding from us at light-speed.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Apparently two more sealed indictments handed down from the grand jury. Rumors include one of the Podestas and Huma Abadeen.

Lots of Twitter buzz about Trump being gone this week and what that means.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Huffpo says its Flynn and his son.

BTW, does anyone really understand this whole thing? Is the idea to show that some of Trump's backers met with someone in Russia or its former territories and enlisted them to secretly help Trump win the election?

Is that supposed to be it? The whole enchilada?

If it is, its a Nice me ok, you no no. America does this a lot and has done it for decades. I mean what have we been doing in those former Russian territories for the last 8 years with all those BS color revolutions? I mean we have dumped tens of millions into places like Ukraine and have even picked the new leaders of the country out of our embassy. (See the film Ukraine on Fire.)

But the media, except certain aspects like Bob Parry, don't report on it. They essentially cover it up. So it does not exist.

But it is a convenient way to overshadow the JFK scandal of no full release of anything.

And BTW, the other problem is there are cover sheets with no reports attached. This has happened in at least five instances.
Mueller helped cover up 9/11. Just sayin'.
Joseph McBride Wrote:Mueller helped cover up 9/11. Just sayin'.

He also helped cover up the Franklin child sex ring, in which FBI agents in Omaha coerced victims into recanting their testimony and worked to jail the one victim who wouldn't recant.
Joseph McBride Wrote:Mueller helped cover up 9/11. Just sayin'.

Yes. This is so. I had noted this myself and it made me wonder how he'd do on his current assignment - but it is possible he is on-board to throw Trump over the side of the ship of State. My take is he is a 'company man' and will go along with the plan - whatever the plan is. He was not the only part of the government that covered up 911 - what part didn't? The few whistleblowers got ignored or taken down in the usual fashion, even a few died somewhat mysteriously. I begin to think that it is not so much Trumps ideas per se that makes him anathema to a lot of the system, it is his 'style'. Such ideas are usually acted upon but never spoken openly about. Both his style and ideas are horrid, IMO. I'm glad he is going down [it seems], but I don't want to go back to 'government as usual' - which while less offensive, was hardly much better - and certainly not good enough, and light-years aways from what it could and should be. We suffered nothing less than a coup d'etat in 1963 and several add-on coups or covert ops in support of the power base of that coup in the decades since [911 being the next really big one in the US]. All of this must be exposed and the coup overthrown!...if we want to even BEGIN to get our Democracy back. Getting rid of Trump and 'trumpism' will take a thorn out of our hearts and minds, but will NOT solve the problems - which are much bigger, more entrenched and far pre-date his strange and rigged victory.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
What is going on with these documents is an outrage.

And the idiotic MSM is not saying one single peep about it.

I will be taping Jesse Ventura's show tomorrow and will say something about it.

And I have an article coming out at Consortium News on it also.

Geez, our media is a bunch of lap dogs.

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