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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
Thanks Pete for moving it, I suppose there is no discrediting me anytime in the near future, probably not ever! Imagine that? On average, the one thread that receives nearly 3-5 thousand hits per week, and still no one to call me out, no one to discredit me, as that guy would say, "case closed"?

I'm assuming he too would not want to debate the truth! But man, it would be a great debate, wish he would... :Sad:
Am I reading this thread correctly? Is this thread indicating that the Italians were involved in whacking Jack? Well crap! Why wasn't I informed? I'll be sure to add another country to the hitlist!
Quote:Thanks so much Anthony.

Those are three very interesting links. Just what I am talking about.

These guys really turned the tide in Italy against Kennedy's.


If I'm not mistaken, you said the very same thing about the Congo, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, Israel and now Italy. Is there any country we shouldn't throw-in?
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Scott:

I don't know what you are talking about, which is a recurrent problem I have with you.

If you have not noticed, the recent research shows that Harvey, who was stationed in Rome at the time of JFK's visit, was in Dallas in November of 1963. Italy was also of interest to Angleton since he lived there for a long time. Both men opposed the Kennedy/Schelsinger 'apertura' (Italian for opening) concept of bringing the socialists into the mainstream. Consequently, the Strategy of Tension countered this quite effectively by a variety of terror type means, perhaps even including train station bombings and the Red Brigades.

As many have suspected for a long time, it is looking more and more like Permindex was a creation of the Agency and its allies to facilitate this campaign. What with Bloomfield enlisting Rockefeller and Rothschild as partners and the discoveries that align with that in Italy that Paz and her author have discovered. Clay Shaw made a serious error in recording this in his Who's Who and then eliminating it after the Kennedy murder.

As per your last comment, I think most people can see the difference between the machinations noted above and in the other places. I don't think Madame Nhu, the Belgians or the Shah were involved in the murder of Kennedy. But it is undeniable that Kennedy's reform foreign policy was seriously altered and then reversed in those places, and others, after he was killed. I for one do not consider that all to be somehow accidental. All one has to do is read the proper literature in the field by writers like Rakove, Mahoney, Muelhenbeck and Poulgrain, among others, to discover those facts. Some of us do read those books because its in the best interest of current scholarship about Kennedy's administration and his foreign policy views. If one thinks, as I do, that he was killed over those views, then its quite natural to explore them and elucidate them. Since both the MSM and our critical community have ignored those initiatives for a very long time.

Okay, that don't impress me much, so you don't understand me, I'm sorry, however, I perfectly understand everything you're saying. I suppose my question should've been, didn't you say some thing similar about the Congo, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, France, Cuba and now Italy? Just saying....

Got that from Shania Twain.
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Quote:Thanks so much Anthony.

Those are three very interesting links. Just what I am talking about.

These guys really turned the tide in Italy against Kennedy's.


If I'm not mistaken, you said the very same thing about the Congo, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, Israel and now Italy. Is there any country we shouldn't throw-in?

Just a reminder of Scott's 'revelations' here. I had a girlfriend in Front Royal, Virginia who used to say, " Don'tchu even THINK about touchin' my Shunaya (sic) Twain tape !! I"ll keel anybody who duz' that !!! That tape is MINE !!" Hey, Scott, wanna lay down some rap beats?
I think that the most relevant JFK information is (like Mr. DiEugenio says) the foreign policy situation that he lived through and likely got him killed.

The most important current question I have is the question of JFK's approval, disapproval or partial approval of the Eichmann kidnapping and other similar kidnapping attempts by Israel.

That would also include his support or non-support of the efforts of Nazi hunter Fritz Bauer and all the other worldwide Nazi hunters such as Simon Wiesenthal etc.

It looks like JFK's main foreign policy problem was with the worldwide Nazi holdovers, including those running the West German judiciary and West German security services.

Foreign policy is clearly the current frontier of JFK research.

James Lateer
You're right at home with Mssr. Kaiser's important offerings, Mssr. Lateer........ at least he didn't acquiesce with the Trine Day 'MLM' mentality, where all the other books corroborated Judy's LIES!!!! This is beyond the pale...... how can you stand it? Pleez!!!
Mark: Sorry to have to ask, but what does "MLM" mean?

James Lateer
Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:You're right at home with Mssr. Kaiser's important offerings, Mssr. Lateer........ at least he didn't acquiesce with the Trine Day 'MLM' mentality, where all the other books corroborated Judy's LIES!!!! This is beyond the pale...... how can you stand it? Pleez!!!

This morning I decided to check my email, and for the life of me I hear this voice go off in my head 'see what crap is being talked about at Deep Politics Forum', isn't there always a reason you check something out before signing on? imagine hearing Vincent Price's voice jump out at you and the first thing you read is Mark O' Blazney's way of instigation his thoughts are plastered across the screen, sad but true.

I've been wrong many times and I've admitted it, I wonder Mark, could you do the same? As for the tape, like all the other evidence I've presented, testimonies from first hand witnesses and the research from Miami Dade Library regarding their findings of Luis Castillo in my father's address book along with William Pawley and so many others, all of whom YOU say was involved, not me! I only confirmed that later on (50) years later! Unlike you Mark, my family, my immediate family, mother and sister will never, ever talk about any of this stuff, NEVER! Yet, there are folks who still congregate at conferences, sell books and make movies or documentaries regarding this, and if in-case you haven't noticed everything is a repeat of the same old same old information that hasn't changed in over 50 years, good luck on that! What I've already brought to light I should've listened to my sister and mother, somethings are better left unsaid, they really are, (out of sight, out of mind) as for the tape why should it ever be played to the public? Just to ridicule and demeanor the information on it? To belittle the person who exposed it, to disrespect, debate and dishonor all who are named on it? You see Mark, this is much bigger than you or I, and I'm not giving into that ever again!

I do hope you can understand, one thing we can agree on, small brain equals, small thoughts, equals small mind! Have a good day!

A perfect example is no one, not a single person had ever heard of or even knew about Richard Poyle, now! Everyone is writing about him, it's very sad that they still don't know, trust me, it's much better that way!

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