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Best JFK books of the last 2 years?
James Lateer Wrote:Does anybody know why Mr. Hank Albarelli is no longer one of the authors of the book about QJ/WIN and why the title was changed. Seems odd that there was already the first chapter released but then it looks like they almost went back to the drawing boards.

I wonder what the role of Skyhorse Publishing is in these changes. I am looking even more enthusiastically toward reading the book as it is now titled. Instead of "teasing" by not naming QJ/WIN, it now looks like they have a wealth of stuff on the Skorzeny connection.

James Lateer

I don't know the details, but I know someone who would know them and am in weekly touch with them. I didn't notice that Hank Albarelli was no longer co-author; did note the cover had changed and also noted that suddenly Albarelli would be coming out with his own book. I'm guessing the two authors had a spat and each took their marbles to their own books - both of which are to be out in the next months. That's a guess. I'll see what I can find out factually - and that I'm allowed to share.....
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
My guess is that the authors did not have a spat. My guess is that the old intel folks forgot to tell the new, younger intel folks about the "facts of life" regarding Skorzeny. Hence, the intel community neglected to suppress these Skorzeny papers.

Apparently, they were in the hands of someone who did not know how to interpret them. Hence, now there are smart people like Albarelli and Ganis looking at them and they have a mountain of stuff. This leads to two problems: (1) Skyhorse does not want to publish sensational stuff, and (2) there is just too much stuff so they had to split up the task and Ganis and Albarelli are not really ultra-aggressive on conspiracy speculation as would be, say, Peter Dale Scott or Dr. Jeffrey Caufield. So it is probably being decided which punches to pull in this dogfight.

These papers probably contain the truth about the role of Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller advising the US government in setting up the National Security State. That is potentially even more explosive than the JFK assassination. I just hope that, if this is true, the papers are secure and not subject to being "burglarized" before they can be properly evaluated.

James Lateer
I thought I would share with members the very interesting research that is ongoing between TrineDay, their researchers and the efforts of this writer to dig up new leads:

Per Kris Millegan:

(1) Johnny Rosselli, just prior to his demise, confided to his long-time attorney Tom Wadden that he had been involved in planning the assassination of President Kennedy.

(2) One of Rosselli's closest friends throughout his life was Chicago gangster Charles "Babe" Baron. Baron, suspected of involvement in at least two Depression-era murders, worked in Meyer Lansky-owned Cuban casinos, AND was a Brigadier General in the Illinois National Guard. In 1963, Baron was apparently on active military duty at the Pentagon. (Your tax dollars at work...)

(3) The HSCA discovered (through an interview with Tony Zoppi) that one of Baron's close friends was Gen. Curtis Lemay. An investigator found that Baron was visiting Lemay the very week that they had spoken to Zoppi.

(4) Lemay fudged his post-assassination travel itinerary to his biographer, Thomas Coffey, claiming that he had to rush to arrive in Washington in time for the funeral, when Air Force records make it clear that he arrived about 7:30 PM on the evening of the assassination. In time to be seen later that evening by Paul O'Conner in the Bethesda morgue. Where he seemingly had no official reason to be...
This story can be expanded a bit (sources available upon request). It proves nothing. It is, I submit, a very provocative, intersting collection of information, worthy of further examination. One should juxtapose it with some of Lemay's opinions about the Kennedy administration that were expressed in oral history interviews he gave during the 70's and 80's, in which he really "cut loose" about the danger he believed these men posed.

Mr. Millegan: (from James Lateer)

I am continuing to rack my brain about your clue about Charles Baron, Johnny Roselli and the JFK case. Attached is an interesting link about a pistol with some information on Baron. On I found a Jewish soldier in Chicago by the name of Charles Baron. Of course, General Julius Klein of Chicago was the head of the Jewish War Veterans and was a General in the Illinois National Guard in this era.

The more I read about Whitey Bulger, Johnny Roselli, John W. McCormack, Harry S. Truman and the Kennedy's, the more it seems like there wasn't a clear dividing line between the criminal element and the US Government.

It is noteworthy that according to Bornschein (in Gestopochef Heinrich Muller), when Juan Peron was deposed in 1955-1956, four Nazis including Muller fled from Argentina to Cuba and, according to the author, were protected by Castro. Of course this would be difficult since Castro did not take power until 1959. If Muller was in Cuba and working with the Mafia, Batista and Castro, (at any time) this puts him in the middle of that big mess. That would also include Antonio Veciana, Carlos Prio Socarras and the Cubans, etc. etc.

One of the wild cards in this scenario is the involvement of Curtis LeMay and Charles Baron. The only way that LeMay and this gangster could have been friends would be if they had been somehow acquainted before World War II. Possibly going to the same high school or something like that. Or maybe being related by marriage. The Air Force image of people like General Lauris Norstad or Eddie Warburg doesn't seem to comport with organized crime connnections.

To properly analyze that, someone would have to read up on LeMay and his history. I personally don't think LeMay was a JFK plotter, since he is never mentioned as Nazi-friendly as were General Patton or General Edwin Walker. But he was at the JFK autopsy (apparently).

It looks like Operation Mongoose was part of the JFK solution whether you come at it from the Roselli angle or the Heinrich Muller angle, or the Otto Skorzeny (Ralph Ganis) angle, or from the Ultimate Sacrifice (Waldron-Hartmann) "C-Day" angle.

Will continue to work on this.

Jim Lateer

From: Kris Millegan:

Operation Mongoose was the main vehicle for much of the workings of the JFK Assassination, along with Division 5. The overarching mechanism is the Secret Societal System. The hit is the easy part, the get-away was professional, the scenario and cover-up are the heavy lifts. MHO.

Mr. Millegan:
Found a newspaper article which said General Lemay and Charles Baron were Air Force buddies and were together socially in 1971. Also, Baron was a member of the American Legion National Security Commission in 1964. I have never heard of that organization before. It was apparently founded in 1918 or 1919. It may have had some connection to the White Sands Missile operation. There is no info on Charles Baron being in the Air Force that I have yet found, although the Air Force was not separate until 1947.

Charles Baron was also a "greeter" for the Las Vegas Sands and was described as the connection of the Las Vegas Sands in Chicago. He lived at the Bay Meadows Turf Club, apparently in Las Vegas where he was visited (in Las Vegas) in 1971 by LeMay.

He had the Ford Dealership in Chicago in 1954 and was mentioned in the Senate Investigation in 1951 as being a friend of John Roselli at that time. His active military career lasted at least from 1938 to 1952 and was described as being a Brigadier-General of the Illinois National Guard when attending the 46th meeting ot the American Legion National Security Commission annual reunion in New Mexico in 1964.

I don't know how he would be still in the Illinois National Guard and at the same time living in Las Vegas in 1971. I'm not sure when the Ford Dealership in Chicago ended with respect to Baron. I was able to get into the family tree of General Lemay and he was not related to Charles Baron as far as I can tell. I found no ancestry information which definitively involves the Charles Baron we are dealing with.

Charles Baron was in the Illinois National Guard beginning in 1952, but was on active military status from 1938 to 1951. I don't necessarily buy the idea that General Lemay and Baron were "Air Force buddies" as was reported in the Las Vegas newspaper. No clue about why they would be social friends. I probably need to know a lot more about Lemay. On the surface, he looks like an All-American midwestern guy from a modest family who went to Ohio State. We know that during WWII Lemay was involved with the Strategic Bombing campaign which had to take up all of his attention. Ohio State does not mix with Mafia. Full-time Strategic Bombing does not mix with General Lemnizter-type cloak and dagger stuff in WWII. Or OSS or Allen Dulles or Operation Paperclip.

If Charles Baron had served in any high profile role in World War II as did Lemay, there would be some info about it. He went from a Captain in 1941 to a Lieutenant-Colonel in 1946. He was a Lieutenant Colonel in 1951. Not sure why a famous General like Lemay would be friendly with such a lower-ranking guy during WWII.

I haven't looking much into the Roselli-Baron connection as to when it started, how long it lasted, etc. I know that Roselli is cited many, many times in the negative biography about Robert Kennedy. If it turns out the Otto Skorzeny was actually QJ/WIN, then that opens the door to a Roselli-RFK-Skorzeny-Baron-Lemay nexus. Hope author Ralph Ganis comes through on May 29, 2018 with the Skorzeny Papers.

There was a picture of a Charles Baron in a military newsletter for a "Patron Four-Five Association" which had something to do with Naval Aviation and it said that he was at Coco Solo (Canal Zone) barracks around 1953. This group flew reconnaissance of Soviet Submarines at that time. Not sure whether this would be another, unrelated Charles Baron. For this newsletter, this Charles Baron provided only a 1953 photo even though he was a new member of the group in 2002. This drew the attention of the newsletter edits. He hinted that Charles Baron might not have wanted a current photo published. This would fit with a Mafia attitude.

All of this timing would put Charles Baron in the Illinois National Guard around the time when General Julius Klein and General Kenneth Buchanan were there. And I feel certain that Klein and Buchanan were involved with the Germans, Dodd and the assassination. Would General Charles Baron have been a link between Klien, Roselli, Lemay, Lansky, etc. etc? (Let's not even mention Clint Murchison and his friend Jimmy Hoffa). Also, this group was hanging out at White Sands, New Mexico in 1964. This could link them to the Operation Paperclip command in that area.

The American Legion National Security Commission sounds exactly like a group which would support the murder of a President they didn't like. Sounds a lot like "the American Security Council" which was the same type of entity and which has been suspected by many, including Dr. Jeffrey Caufield.

I'm so glad you put this bug in my ear. By the way, just saw a plug for a new TrineDay book on Deep Politics Forum. I just completed the scanning phase for the 720 page book written in German by Ambassador Wilhelm Grewe. This book could hold some dynamite information about JFK and German foreign policy in 1963.

Jim Lateer

Mr. Millegan: The above article states that a syndicate headed by Charles Baron of Chicago lost $9 Million on the takeover of their casino by Castro as of 1960.

Jim Lateer

Baron was the lead investor in 1957 for the new Hotel Tropicana in Las Vegas. Listed are his associates, no doubt gangsters. It also mentions that he had just sold his car dealership in Chicago and put the money into the Tropicana. Pretty good deal, I'm sure. The Tropicana was a major deal.

Jim Lateer

Baron's friend Abe Kaplan, apparently an infamous bootlegger in his own right and investor in the Tropicana. No doubt a cohort of Jimmy Hoffa, J. Edgar Hoover, Clint Murchison, and an enemy of Robert F. Kennedy.

How did General Lemay get involved with these types of people?

Another investor was a famous celebrity Morton Downey. Very big deal

Jim Lateer

Mr. Millegan:

A final thought about the Charles Baron issue. It seems like the nucleus of the JFK plotters traced back to 1934-1935. This would include the following:

Senator Thomas Dodd-FBI in 1935, later Nuremberg prosecutor.

Congressman John W. McCormack-HUAC chairman in 1934.

J. Edgar Hoover-FBI in 1934-1935.

Father Joseph Cronin-FBI connected in 1930's 1940's.

Father Edmund Walsh-Govt Connected anti-Communist from 1924 on.

Guy Banister-FBI Chicago

Congressman Charles Kersten-Lived in Washington w/right wing ties in 1935, McCarthy Mentor

General Julius Klein-Friends with Dodd who was in FBI in 1934, Ill Natl Guard, German PR Man

General Kenneth Buchanan-Ill National Guard in "Riot control" in the 1930's.

General George C. Marshall-Ill Nat. Guard 1933-1936 in "riot control"

Gen. Douglas MacArthur-Putting down the "commie Bonus Marchers" in 1933, assigned Marshall to Ill Nat Gd.

Charles Baron-Illinois National Guard and mob connections, began military service 1938 (in Ill Nat Guard ?).

Do you care if I post the Charles Baron research on Deep Politics Forum?

Jim Lateer

Kris Millegan: Feel free...
I just finished reading The Skorzeny Papers. What a great book! I will be putting together a detailed review. This book is terrific. Well worth waiting for.

James Lateer
The Skorzeny Papers is a major new treasure trove of information on the JFK assassination.

The author, Ralph Ganis basis this book on information which he has gathered from the actual personal papers of Otto Skorzeny which somehow have survived, at least in large part, since the early 1950's.

The general thesis of The Skorzeny Papers is that the perpetrators of the JFK assassination can be identified purely from the examination and the analysis of these papers. That is based, in part, on the identification of Skorzeny as being the one and the same as the famous CIA assassin who had the code name QJ/WIN. Interestingly, Ganis does not actually claim to have proof that Skorzeny was the individual known as QJ/WIN. Instead Ganis maintains that Skorzeny was part of the QJ/WIN assassination organization, but that QJ/WIN might not have referred to just one individual.

Although the above described theory may at first sound unlikely, it is really amazing just how far Ganis is able to get by using his thesis about Skorzeny and the assassination of JFK. Ganis traces the story of Skorzeny beginning (for our purposes) when Skorzeny was a prisoner of the U S military in a place called Camp King in Germany after World War II. When released, Skorzeny (within a few years) wound up living in Madrid, Spain, apparently under the protection of the Spanish Government of General Francisco Franco.

In the Skorzeny papers, Ganis found evidence of numerous well-known organizations such as the WCC , the IRO, the Tolstoy Foundation, General American Oil. Co., the French OAS, the BACC, the ECA (Marshall Plan) and on and on which had some connection to Skorzeny. Evidence of this was present in the papers in one way or another, even though Skorzeny was not necessarily a member of the groups. The overall picture presented of Skorzeny was that he was closely involved with US and possibly French intelligence over the period from 1946 up to 1967 and possibly beyond.

However, the only real activities attributed to Skorzeny and proven were (1) being a go-between in oil deals, the trade in certain minerals, arms sales and similar businesses and (2) running a training camp for para-military commandos for various groups who were in need of this type of training. His training camps were near the French-Spanish border. The only outside "reviews" of the effectiveness of his training said that it was basically out of date in terms of technology, being more of a vintage World War II program rather than a more modern curriculum.

When it comes to the JFK assassination, however, the theory of Ganis involving Skorzeny is more vague in nature than that of most other JFK authors. This is because Ganis visualizes the Skorzeny network as a network basically run by the CIA along with Skorzeny for purposes of (among other things) assassination. Therefore, the network could have been employed by any number of groups or persons. Like discovering a murder weapon, even though you know it was used in a murder, you can't necessarily determine who fired the weapon just by examining it.

The following are the main points brought out by Ganis in The Skorzeny Papers:

  1. The orders of the JFK assassination came from high-up. He suggests General Lyman Lemnitzer, the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO.
  2. The motive for the assassination was the impending release of scandalous material about the British Profumo Scandal, the Senate Bobby Baker scandal, the involvement between JFK and the spy Ellen Rometsch and the desire to suppress these issues.
  3. The Skorzeny group was extremely active in the month or two prior to the assassination.
  4. French OAS operative Jean Souetre was in Dallas on 11-22-63 and he was the shooter.
  5. Many, if not most, of the key people in Dallas who supported the assassination plan had been involved with Skorzeny and Skorzeny's type of activity dating back to the era of World War II, either in Europe with the war crimes process, oil deals or similar activity.
  6. US intelligence along with the Tolstoy foundation seemed to deliberately concentrate these conspiracy-minded clandestine operatives in Dallas in particular. The concentration of these people in Dallas was undoubtedly much more intense than in other comparable cities for some reason which is unclear.
  7. The big names in the JFK case which Ganis connects with Skorzeny and the JFK murder are George de Mohrenschildt, Warren Comm. Counsel Robert Storey, Judge J. C. Duvall, Jack Ruby and his friend Thomas Eli Davis III (a weapons salesman), Jean Rene Souetre, Col.Jack Crichton, D. Harold Byrd (owner of the TSBD), Paul Raigorodsky, and three or four others.
  8. Other, more tangential characters, are David Martin (Chief of Staff for Senator Thomas Dodd), the brothers of William F. Buckley and his brother-in-law, actress Ava Gardner, William Harvey, E. Howard Hunt, Allen Dulles, , David Atlee Phillips, the OSS, the British SOE and SAS, Cuban Mario Kohly, Richard Nixon and George H W Bush.

Here are the main flaws in the analysis presented by Ganis in the Skorzeny Papers.

  1. The motive suggested by Ganis for the murder of JFK could not remotely be the true motive.
  2. The presentation of Skorzeny does not include things which we know about Skorzeny from his own memoirs and from other Nazi memoirs and sources. This would include his alleged affair with Eva Peron and thus the possible a relationship with Argentinian dictator Juan Peron.
  3. Although Skorzeny was apparently employed by the CIA to lead their assassination bureau, there was no information proving any actual assassinations which resulted from it or even any close calls.
  4. Apparently, any references to other fugitive Nazis who were involved with Skorzeny were scrubbed from the papers. We know from other sources that Skorzeny was friends with such fugitive Nazis as Stuka Pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel, RSHA SS official Walter Schellenberg, Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller (apparently) and possibly Martin Bormann.
  5. There is no information about any Nazi money which Skorzeny had access to, although in 1963, Skorzeny was dealing in art treasures, which could be related to Nazi plundering.
  6. There is no allowance for the myriad of other important people who are, by consensus, associated with the assassination such as Clay Shaw, David W. Ferrie, Carlos Bringuier, Richard Case Nagell, Eugene B. Dinkin, Joseph Milteer, and even James O. Eastland.
  7. His portrayal of Madrid, Spain as the hotbed of JFK conspiracy has also been done with both New Orleans and Montego Bay, Jamaica with equal credibility.
  8. As with many theories, it would be unlikely that there would have been a 55 year cover-up just to protect this handful of basically wretched and anonymous actors.

The information gathered by Ganis agrees with that of another similar source, The Three Barons: The Organizational Chart of the Kennedy Assassination in certain key respects:

  1. The central role of David Martin and implicitly Senator Thomas Dodd in the JFK hit.
  2. The attribution of the orders coming from NATO and General Lyman Lemnitzer.
  3. The connection of ex-Nazis to the Kennedy murder.
  4. The status of George de Mohrenschildt as a Nazi agent.
  5. The tie-in between the Eastern European anti-Communist fanatics and the movement of Senator Joseph McCarthy and his associates and the JFK assassination.

James Lateer
The best book recently that I have read was The Devil's Chessboard, about Dulles and his network.
Does the Ganis book have footnotes or references in the back? I have ordered it as I have independent information on Nazi connections to the assassination. Richard Case Nagell [a little studied but VERY important 'Rosetta Stone' on the assassination said that there were many 'Nazis' involved in the planning and execution of the assassination - but he felt it was an all-American plot at its base. Lemnitzer is on my list of major players. LeMay is also. Dulles is. JJA is. Others I'm not going to go into are was NOT a 'small conspiracy'. It would be interesting to know who got the 'ball rolling', but once it started MANY joined in gladly. I think the Albarelli book on the same topic will have more 'meat'....but it is still many months off.

Does Ganis plan to make the Skorzeny documents he purchased be available to others?

Skorzeny's last or second from last major covert operation in Nazi Germany was with Gen. Hans Kammler - moving top secret Nazi weapons systems and documentation for them south to some underground facilities. After the War Skorzeny kept in contact with Mrs. Kammler. Gen. Hans Kammler was in USA custody [secretly] - the official story was he committed suicide on the last day of the War - but I have US military and other documents that prove otherwise. Interestingly, Kammler's interrogator was FOI/CIA and had [at least] a minor role in the JFK assassination..... and interestingly had some relationship with [among other JFK suspects] Lemnitzer.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Skorzeny's last or second from last major covert operation in Nazi Germany was with Gen. Hans Kammler - moving top secret Nazi weapons systems and documentation for them south to some underground facilities. After the War Skorzeny kept in contact with Mrs. Kammler. Gen. Hans Kammler was in USA custody [secretly] - the official story was he committed suicide on the last day of the War - but I have US military and other documents that prove otherwise. Interestingly, Kammler's interrogator was FOI/CIA and had [at least] a minor role in the JFK assassination..... and interestingly had some relationship with [among other JFK suspects] Lemnitzer.

Rainer Karlsch ran an interesting piece in 2014 in a German historical journal which was partly used for the 2014 ZDF documentary by Andreas Sulzer. All of that matches in parts with what you said. However ZDF is near History Channel level popcorn fair for German TV but the journal article was not. Sulzer sans Karlsch is apparently in the midst of some type of High Jump high strangeness documentary as a corollary. There was a thread here on the documentary once that brought me out of lurking once. I have tracked down all of Karlsch's documentation and exhibits excluding his items about Donald Richardson which have not checked out at all. Other than a tenuous connection to OSS Society membership. In fact several of them apparently just do not exist in the format and medium Karlsch cited them. I am further more dubious that this specific Richardson is involved with Sulzer in a Highjump film.

Nevermind how this correlates with some of Knaack's interviews and items with the family.

Peter is the FOI-CIA gentleman you mention, Donald W. Richardson, from Karlsch's recent work? If he is do you have any confirmation from documents of his claims? His son has stated he had close connections to Pash through ALSOS, Lemay, Lemnitzer, Eisenhower, Dulles, and more peculiarly a story about Winston Scott. Most of the archival work I have done on him makes it seem rather pedestrian and not what his son John purports him to be. Of course that is exactly what it would look like if those items were red-lined. The items Karlsch cites in the public archives and papers do not appear to be what was shown to him or possibly actually related to another relative inside of Army CIC.
This is some funny stuff, Roselli was chopped up for having a big mouth threatening to come forward about certain folks who were plotting to kill Castro, they thought, he Roselli also knew something about Jack, which wasn't the case, but nevertheless, Roselli was just another person stuffed in a barrel at the same time they were plotting to chop up Cuban government soldiers, basically, he was a big mouth ginny pig!

As for Hoffa, it's all BS, though he feared RFK, and was happy when Jack bit the bullet, Jimmy was under pressure in 1963, and during an FBI surveillance Hoffa was protecting himself, wow! I'm surprised no one knows this, oh well. I suppose these are some really great books, the best of the best, boy do they read like a real 'thriller'!
Scott Kaiser Wrote:This is some funny stuff, Roselli was chopped up for having a big mouth threatening to come forward about certain folks who were plotting to kill Castro, they thought, he Roselli also knew something about Jack, which wasn't the case, but nevertheless, Roselli was just another person stuffed in a barrel at the same time they were plotting to chop up Cuban government soldiers, basically, he was a big mouth ginny pig!

As for Hoffa, it's all BS, though he feared RFK, and was happy when Jack bit the bullet, Jimmy was under pressure in 1963, and during an FBI surveillance Hoffa was protecting himself, wow! I'm surprised no one knows this, oh well. I suppose these are some really great books, the best of the best, boy do they read like a real 'thriller'!

There is some fairly good evidence that Rosselli was connected firmly to some people at JM/WAVE. In fact, long ago I had two personal witnesses to his presence there. Both told me the same story of his occasional visits there and when he came he came dressed in a US Army uniform and was saluted by the guards at the guard station who knew him as Col. Ralston. Originally hired to provide money and men for anti-Castro operations as a favor to the mob who lost a lot when Castro kicked them out of the casinos as well as prostitution and drug rings, he was reportedly used in the assassination as well. There is one report of his presence in Dallas that day. He was very chummy socially with Harvey right up until his disappearance. I think he was likely killed by the CIA not the mob - but was killed in a 'mob-type way' to make it look as if they did it. They may have, but I think the CIA or elements within it may have had a stronger motive to silence him JUST BEFORE he was to testify again on the JFK assassination......
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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