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Did anyone here know that Obama worked for FOUR YEARS for the Annenberg Foundation?
The Annenberg Foundation is closely tied to the Council on Foreign Relations of David Rockefeller, which is closely allied with the CIA. Annenberg's TV Guide was sold to CIA asset Rupert Murdoch, who was one of the CIA players in the Nugan Hand Bank scandal. Rockefeller stooge Zbigniew Brzezinski picked Obama as a "comer" when he was a student at Columbia University and Zbig taught there. The Annenberg Public Policy Center seeks to train and provide political job holders in the public sector for both Democrats and Republicans. Annenberg Media seeks to train and place key personnel for networks, magazines and newspapers. is an offshoot of Annenberg Media.
Obama spent four years as chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (1995-99). So is it any wonder that is PRO-OBAMA?
FactCheck. org appears to be a propaganda front for Rockefeller's Council on Foreign Relations and his New World Order.
All of this and more can be found by googling all or any of the following:
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18-12-2008, 06:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 18-12-2008, 11:34 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
Jack White Wrote:Did anyone here know that Obama worked for FOUR YEARS for the Annenberg Foundation?
The Annenberg Foundation is closely tied to the Council on Foreign Relations of David Rockefeller, which is closely allied with the CIA. Annenberg's TV Guide was sold to CIA asset Rupert Murdoch, who was one of the CIA players in the Nugan Hand Bank scandal. Rockefeller stooge Zbigniew Brzezinski picked Obama as a "comer" when he was a student at Columbia University and Zbig taught there. The Annenberg Public Policy Center seeks to train and provide political job holders in the public sector for both Democrats and Republicans. Annenberg Media seeks to train and place key personnel for networks, magazines and newspapers. is an offshoot of Annenberg Media.
Obama spent four years as chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (1995-99). So is it any wonder that is PRO-OBAMA?
FactCheck. org appears to be a propaganda front for Rockefeller's Council on Foreign Relations and his New World Order.
All of this and more can be found by googling all or any of the following:
Yes, I'd heard all of that (generally) a few months back and the details are out in book form from Tarpley in a book called the Unauthorized Biography Of Barack Obama. Sort of puts a damper on any idea of 'change'.....looks like more of the same old, same old..... The only good I can see coming out of this is in the disillusionment of all those young persons who sincerely backed Obama hoping for change...when they see what they get [or don't get] maybe they will wake-up [with a very bad feeling] - and get angry..... Don't expect the MSM to even mention the above, nor for it to be on the radar screens of most Americans. They will just scratch their heads as the ship of state sinks into the depths, further. The system has a self-correcting (sic) mechanism [i.e. it is non self-correcting!]
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As soon as Zbig was appointed to the Obama team it became clear that this was a re-run of Jimmy Carter and the Trilats.
For those unfamiliar with the Trilateral Commission the following may be worth reading. It contains this little gem:
professor Zbigniew Brzezinski of Columbia University, [said] in his book Technotronic Era:
... people, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.
Meanwhile, the Trilats are the sister organization of the Bilderberg Group. On this note, it is customary for "chosen comers" to have attended one of the annual Bilderberg Conferences before being placed in high political office, and not having read of Obama's attendance at a Bilderberg bash I did a little Googling:
Hillary & Obama In Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous
According to news reports, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton went out of their way to hold their long-awaited private meeting in a very specific location - not at Hillary's mansion in Washington - but in Northern Virginia, which also just happens to be the scene of the 2008 Bilderberg meeting.
Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs told the media that Obama and Clinton held a private meeting last night but he refused to disclose where it taken place, except that it was not at Clinton's home in Washington, as had been widely reported. Hillary campaign managers also refused to disclose the location of the rendezvous.
"Reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane,"
Dulles just happens to be walking distance from the Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly where Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and the rest of the Bilderberg globalists are convening
Asked at the time about the Illinois senator's whereabouts, Gibbs smiled and declined to comment," the reports adds.
What is the only political "event" taking place in Northern Virginia at the moment? The Bilderberg Group meeting of course. Rather than taking the easier option of meeting at Clinton's Washington mansion, Obama and Hillary went out of their way to grace the Bilderberg elitists with their presence.
The neo-liberal website Wonkette, which had previously ridiculed "conspiracy theorists" for ascribing power to Bilderberg, seemed to take a somewhat different tone when it made the connection between Obama and Hillary's meeting and the Bilderberg Group.
"Guess who had a very private talky-talk in (maybe) romantic Northern Virginia tonight, probably at the Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly? Your Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton!," states the blog. "They really met and talked, in private, Thursday night. And really, it sounds like they did this at that creepy Bilderberg Group meeting, which is happening now, and which is so secret that nobody will admit they�re going, even though everybody who is anybody goes to Bilderberg."
To have the potential future President and Vice-President of America attend a conference that debunkers have dismissed as a mere talking shop for old white men once again underscores the real influence that Bilderberg enjoys.
Not one U.S. corporate media outlet has made the connection between the location of the Bilderberg Group conference this year and Obama and Hillary's decision to venture out to Chantilly for their confidential "tet a tet".
Not one U.S. corporate media outlet has yet uttered one word about 125 of the world's most influential power brokers meeting behind closed doors to discuss the future of the planet on U.S. soil - while being met by the probable future President of the United States.
Both Hillary and Obama have deep rooted connections to the Bilderberg elitists.
Bill Clinton attended the 1991 meeting in Germany shortly before becoming President and he attended again in 1999 when the conference was held in Sintra, Portugal (despite Clinton's lie that he had not attended in 15 years).
Hillary herself was rumored to have attended the 2006 meeting in Ottawa, Canada.
As we reported last month, Bilderberg luminary and top corporate elitist James A. Johnson will select Democratic candidate Barack Obama's running mate for the 2008 election and in turn potentially act as kingmaker for America's future President.
Johnson also selected John Kerry's running mate John Edwards in 2004 after Edwards had impressed Bilderberg elitists Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller with a speech he gave at the globalist confab in Italy that year.
Johnson, who attended last year's Bilderberg meeting in Turkey, is a representative for Friends of Bilderberg, an offshoot group that organizes Bilderberg's annual meeting.
Hillary and Obama's attendance of the 2008 Bilderberg meeting, and the complete failure of the mainstream media to report on the fact, once again betrays the super-secretive nature and influential reputation that the 54-year-old organization still maintains.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge. Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
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Interesting article on Obama received yesterday from longtime assassination researcher Jerry Policoff-. The Obama plot thickens. Sadly for me because I truly like the guy. I had just posted on Lisa Pease's blog on what the election means to her- she is very pro Obama- when I received this email. I remain very mixed. I know I am in the minority here, that all presidential choices are hand -picked, that they do their handlers bidding. Yet I have this hope that Obama will turn into a combination of JFK and RFK. (Ya I know "delusional", but hope can do that to a person.)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
As we have noted, one of the unanswered questions about Barack Obama is how a young politician of such little achievement got so far so fast - from state senator to president in four years. Bill Blum provides new light on the subject. To understand this phenomenon, it is important to recognize that if a young Obama was vetted or otherwise used by the CIA, it was not all that unusual. From the 1950s on, the agency repeatedly interfered in the education of the talented young by recruiting or co-opting them for its own purposes. Yale's Skull & Bones Club, for example, was a classic case of a recruitment camp for future intelligence types. The purpose - for the short run - is more information, and - for the long run - a supply of US future government officials whom the agency trusts and can use. And it often begins with a bright college student an insider thinks might fill the bill. . . .
Bill Blum, Anti-Empire Report - The question that may never go away: Who really is Barack Obama? In his autobiography, "Dreams From My Fathers", Barack Obama writes of taking a job at some point after graduating from Columbia University in 1983. He describes his employer as "a consulting house to multinational corporations" in New York City, and his functions as a "research assistant" and "financial writer." The odd part of Obama's story is that he doesn't mention the name of his employer.
However, a New York Times story of 2007 identifies the company as Business International Corporation. Equally odd is that the Times did not remind its readers that the newspaper itself had disclosed in 1977 that Business International had provided cover for four CIA employees in various countries between 1955 and 1960. The British journal, Lobster Magazine -- which, despite its incongruous name, is a venerable international publication on intelligence matters -- has reported that Business International was active in the 1980s promoting the candidacy of Washington-favored candidates in Australia and Fiji. In 1987, the CIA overthrew the Fiji government after but one month in office because of its policy of maintaining the island as a nuclear-free zone, meaning that American nuclear-powered or nuclear-weapons-carrying ships could not make port calls. After the Fiji coup, the candidate supported by Business International, who was much more amenable to Washington's nuclear desires, was reinstated to power.
In his book, not only doesn't Obama mention his employer's name; he fails to say when he worked there, or why he left the job. There may well be no significance to these omissions, but inasmuch as Business International has a long association with the world of intelligence, covert actions, and attempts to penetrate the radical left -- including Students for a Democratic Society -- it's valid to wonder if the inscrutable Mr. Obama is concealing something about his own association with this world.
Colony Net, 2008 - In an effort to shore up his foreign policy credentials during the primary campaign, the junior senator from Illinois - then in a tight primary contest with Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania - bragged about the time he had spent in Pakistan. He argued that Clinton’s foreign policy experience consisted only of quick photo ops, while he had spent quality time with real people. Not only that, he had actually gone on a partridge-hunting trip near the Pakistan city of Larkana. His partridge-hunting apparently impressed the gun owners of Pennsylvania very little, inasmuch as Clinton won that primary by 10 per cent.
Eager to impress the Pennsylvania crowd with his foreign policy experience and knowledge of guns, Obama thus let slip the fact that he’d been to Pakistan. (It is believed that he made two trips to Pakistan.) There must have been more to that trip than meets the eye, however, because the candidate has said virtually nothing about it since. You won’t find anything on the Obama campaign site. . .
Astute readers may have begun to wonder how a struggling young college student with a divorced, middle-class mother managed to fund a three week trip to Pakistan. . . But Barry Obama-Soetoro was off shooting partridges in Pakistan, hosted by a young man named Muhammed Hasan Chandio. Chandio’s family owned a substantial amount of land in the region, and Obama apparently met him while both were students. (Chandio is currently a financial consultant in New York, and a donor to the Obama campaign.). . .
Another of Obama’s hosts in Pakistan was Muhammadian Mian Soomro, Obama’s senior by about 11 years, son of a Pakistani politician and himself a politician, who became interim President of Pakistan when Pervez Musharraf resigned in August of 2008. Soomro has said that someone personally requested that he watch over Barack Obama, but will not name that individual . . .
A trip to Pakistan is no doubt more than a jaunt to a Florida beach. Few Americans would consider traveling there now, thinking it to be a dangerous place. In 1981, when one of Obama’s possible two trips there occurred, it was less safe. Because of the war between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union, millions of Afghan refugees fled to Pakistan, which was under martial law. The Afghan mujahedeen fighters had bases in Pakistan, and they moved back and forth to fight the Soviets. . .
In the early 1980s, Pakistan was one of the destinations Americans were prohibited from visiting - it was on the State Department’s list of banned countries. Non-Muslims were not welcome, unless they were on official business, formalized through the embassy of the country of origin. The simple truth is that no young American would have a reason to or be able to visit Pakistan in 1981, unless he was on official government business of which the State Department was aware. . .
Adding to the mix is the fact that Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, had visited at least 13 countries in her lifetime, and had worked for companies that required travel to Pakistan. Her employers appear to have included the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Ford Foundation, Women’s World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. Note that USAID and the Ford Foundation have (allegedly) been used as covers for CIA agents. . . .
The story of Business International also includes its 1960s joint meetings with members of SDS at the prodding of Carl Oglesby. Not everyone was happy at the idea - including Bernadette Dorn - and probably for good cause.
Obama also was one of eight students selected to study sovietology by Columbia professor Zbigniew Brzezinski who, if he wasn't a CIA official, was as close as you can otherwise get. Brzesinski is now a member of Obama's inner circle.
If the Obama Pakistan story sounds somewhat familiar, it may because the Review was one of the few places that reported one of Bill Clinton's similarly interesting trips:
"1960s: Bill Clinton, according to several agency sources interviewed by biographer Roger Morris, works as a CIA informer while briefly and erratically a Rhodes Scholar in England. Although without visible means of support, he travels around Europe and the Soviet Union, staying at the ritziest hotel in Moscow. During this period the US government is using well educated assets such as Clinton as part of Operation Chaos, a major attempt to break student resistance to the war and the draft. According to former White House FBI agent Gary Aldrich Clinton is told by Oxford officials that he is no longer welcome there."
Jerry Policoff
Myra Bronstein
Great post Jack. I knew that starting with the 2004 Dem convention Obama was being rammed down our throats. Couple that with the fact that his voting record has always been mainstream and cowardly I never trusted him.
Then an associate told me he was CFR or Trilateral or Bilderberg or something (I have a problem understanding the various elite power groups) but there were missing links. You seem to be providing the links.
It is a shame 'cause Obama is an impressive individual. But, unless he goes through a Kennedy style evolution, he's just part of the machine. The Illusion of Change We Can Believe In.
Myra Bronstein
Speaking of Rockefeller stooges:
Kissinger: Obama's 'task' is to help create a 'new world order'
Published: Tuesday January 6, 2009
President Nixon's Secretary of State, the aging Henry Kissinger, recently told CNBC that he believes the current world economic crisis is a "great opportunity" for President-elect Obama to help create a "new world order."
"What do you think the most important thing is for Barack Obama?" Kissinger was asked. "... If you had to say, this is going to be the country, or the conflict, or the place that will define the Obama administration, what would it be?"
Kissinger replied: "The President-elect is coming into office at a moment when there are upheavals in many part of the world simultaneously. You have India-Pakistan. You have, ah, a jihadist movement."
"But," continued Kissinger, "he can give new imputus to American foreign policy, partly because the ascension of him is so extraordinary and admirable.
"I think that his task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period, when really a "New World Order" can be created. It's a great opportunity. It isn't such a crisis."
In response to a parting question, Kissinger added that Obama's cabinet is an "extraordinarily able group of people."
"The phrase 'new world order' traces back at least as far as 1940, when author H.G. Wells used it as the title of a book about a socialist, unified, one-world government," writes Drew Zahn. "The phrase has also been linked to American presidents, including Woodrow Wilson, whose work on establishing the League of Nations pioneered the concept of international government bodies, and to the first President Bush, who used the phrase in a 1989 speech."
In that 1989 speech, the elder Bush told Congress, "A new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective – a new world order – can emerge: A new era … in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in harmony."
It is a quote echoed across the Internet by those who believe a non-elected governing body is forming at the very top of the world's elite, and spreading.
Kissinger previously spoke at some length about this "new world order" during an interview with Charlie Rose.
"I think that when the new administration assess the position in which it finds itself it will see a huge crisis and terrible problems, but I can see that it could see a glimmer in which it could construct an international system out of it," Kissinger told Rose in a Dec. 2008 conversation.
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Scary eh.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge. Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
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07-01-2009, 05:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-01-2009, 06:20 PM by Peter Lemkin.)
Dawn, we all have hope that Obama was doing a stealth internship to his masters - and he will, once in power, try to be his 'own man' and OUR President - but I think the chances of this scenario are slim and decreasing rapidly!...sorry....but let us have hope...
I think it is time to remember again (or realize, as the case may be) we had a coup d'etat on 11/22/63 - and no one has been brought to account. Since then we have had many further sub-coups or renew-coups [your call] and again, the real villians never brought to account. Add to that all the deaths, covert-ops, government overthrows, corporate malfeasance and theft of the Nation and World - unpunished, plus vote theft and manipulation - and anyone who really thinks a maverick 'good-guy' populist could ride in on a white horse?!? Pardon my cynicism - now turning to deep depression. The man is being handed on a silver platter a shattered Nation and World, 3 wars - I'll bet four by the 20th. America is bankrupt and the economic pain and reality has NOT YET EVEN been HINTED AT!....and he is still all smiles. I rest my case. Oh, one more thing....Obama is calling for cutting spending on entitlements and money for you and me - no cuts for intelligence, military, government, etc. [not to mention the bailouts for the ultra-rich and corporate masters - with more coming. For you and me tighten your belt and pre-purchase your funeral; plan how you'll survive homeless and jobless, no pension, healthcare, etc et al....]