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In Discussion with Russ Baker
Welcome, Mr. Baker, to the Deep Politics Forum.

This thread is dedicated to a spirited and enlightening discussion of Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces that Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America.

Permit me to lead off with the question I've posed on the Washington Post website in advance of your appearance there:

What are your thoughts on the following hypothesis: The primary function of George de Mohrenschildt (likely unknown to him) in the JFK conspiracy was to incrimate false sponsors to whom he could be linked.

(For your edification: "False sponsor" is the term used to describe those deep political entities who stood to gain from JFK's death and who, in some instances, were involved in the conspiracy at the mid, or "Facilitator" level. They were not, however, true "Sponsors" of the assassination insofar as they did not possess the authority to initiate action. Their elevation to "Sponsor" status serves to protect, through misdirection, the highest level conspirators.)

We eagerly await your arrival.

In your research of Bush family connections to the Philippine gold story, did you unearth anything of significance on either Napoleon Valeriano or a U.S. intel group called Field Operations Intelligence?

Hope to hear from you soon.
Charles, I did not. But sounds interesting. Do tell.
Charles, many thanks for inviting me to participate.

You asked about the function of George de Mohrenschildt, and whether his function, perhaps unwitting, was to incriminate false sponsors.

That is a tantalizing notion, and one that certainly makes some sense. GdM was a very complex and deep character, really one of the more extraordinary figures I have run across. I am not close to having finished forming my impression of exactly what or who he was. I will be interested to hear what others have to say.

As to the general notion of "false sponsors," it is one of those concepts that may sound fantastic to the uninitiated, yet perfectly logical and even necessary in the world of elaborate covert operations. If you will share more of your thoughts on this, I will gladly absorb them.
One of my main tools for doing research is following the trail of money that leads to a candidate or to a group that circles around a politician. In your chapter called the Quacking Duck, you talk about the money trail of Harken Energy, which you call a "financial savior" sent to rescue one of W's failed business deals. You called Harken a "strange kind of corporate beast, like a newly discovered species of manatee," which was associated with "BCCI, gold chaches, and an alphabet soup of secret societies appearing at critical junctures to bail out Harken, traveling to the White House to meet with President George H. W. Bush, then flying off the make deals with the likes of Saddam Hussein..."

Did you come to any final conclusions from research what--or who--Harken represented?
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison
Valeriano, about whom the Seagraves write in some detail, was Ed Lansdale's hitman of preference. I've attached two perspectives of a single photo of an otherwise elusive subject.

He worked closely with Lansdale in putting down the Huk rebellion and later in Southeast Asia and on Guatemalan and Cuban matters.

The success against the Huks became a prime template for Lansdale's subsequent counterinsurgency strategies. Valeriano was a School of the Americas instructor.

Among the photographs of LHO passing out FPCC leaflets in New Orleans are views that include unidentified individuals most often described as "Asian" males (including the [in]famous "Hands Behind His Head Man" -- two views below). A Philippines connection to Oswald has yet to be fully developed.

Field Operations Intelligence (FOI) was brought to our attention by Dick Russell in his seminal The Man Who Knew Too Much. It remains one of the most well-protected and little-understood of US intel entities. The best I can say is that it is connected to Far East affairs. My suspicion -- and it's only that -- is that there is a Philippine gold relationship to FOI.

Attached Files
.jpg   JFK -VALERIANO - PORTRAIT.jpg (Size: 17.88 KB / Downloads: 2)
.jpg   JFK -VALERIANO -CENTER.jpg (Size: 85.38 KB / Downloads: 2)
.jpg   JFK - LHO LEAFLETS 1.jpg (Size: 14.58 KB / Downloads: 3)
.jpg   JFK - LHO LEAFLETS 2.jpg (Size: 36.94 KB / Downloads: 4)
Linda, I agree that following the money around a candidate is a crucial method for understanding the agendas being advanced, and fret over the media's failure to engage in this kind of reporting often enough.

I am not at all certain precisely what Harken represented--it is enormously complex. I consider my research to be a work in progress, and I will both continue to collect material and to view with interest whatever members of this forum can offer. Those with specific and detailed information that is not in the public realm may contact me directly via the link provided at I would ask people to read the book first, though, for a good grounding in this material.
Russ Baker Wrote:As to the general notion of "false sponsors," it is one of those concepts that may sound fantastic to the uninitiated, yet perfectly logical and even necessary in the world of elaborate covert operations. If you will share more of your thoughts on this, I will gladly absorb them.


The following structural model of the JFK conspiracy initially was put forward by George Michael Evica. Later he and I worked to refine what in its simplest form presents as a three-tiered construct:

1. Sponsors -- This, the smallest of the three major components, is comprised of the powers behind the thrones. Their determination of the necessity of JFK's removal alone could have set the plot in motion.

2. Facilitators -- This middle level breaks into three sub-divisions:

2A. All but wholly informed and invested "princes" who were the cut-outs trusted by the Facilitators. At this level we find the grand drama's principal creator(s).

2B. The problem-solvers who did the prime Facilitators' bidding -- or dirty work -- and who were not implicated as false sponsors. Their heirs are active to this day.

2C. The False Sponsors (Johnson, Hoover, Harriman, LCN, anti-Castro Cubans, the Soviets, Fidel, Texas oilmen, the CIA [and other governmental agencies], members of the JCS, etc.) who in some cases knowingly facilitated aspects of the plot but who later were controlled in their diverse disappointments by threats of incrimination and/or promises -- delivered or not -- of substantial rewards. The former threats are perceived to have teeth each time one of these individuals or groups is publicly targeted as an assassination Sponsor.

3. Mechanics -- The teams in Dealey Plaza, the E&E facilitators, and the post-hit hitters.

The marketing of False Sponsors is the most important tactic in the grander strategy to protect the plot's true Sponsors. I submit that E. Howard Hunt was involved in this operation until the day he died, and that the two Mob-did-it books by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartman rank among Hunt's greatest contributions to the Grand Cause.

In his A Certain Arrogance, Evica eloquently describes the major segment of Facilitators as, “hard-line American and Soviet intelligence agents whose masters were above Cold War differences.”

Please do share your thoughts on this.
Russ Baker Wrote:You asked about the function of George de Mohrenschildt, and whether his function, perhaps unwitting, was to incriminate false sponsors.

That is a tantalizing notion, and one that certainly makes some sense.

If I'm right, then GdM is not alone in playing that role. For does not LHO gain elevation to "perfect patsy" status precisely because of his myriad connections to Facilitators and False Sponsors, including the very intelligence and law enforcement agencies that would be charged with investigating the assassination?
Hi and welcome Russ. I justt read your most interesting piece on what Obama must do in order to curb the Bush organized crime family (see:

Do you see Obama as an honest innocent who is in danger of being led to the slaughter in the same that Jimmy Carter was, or is he a "deeper" character than that?

My concern about him stems from members of his election team, like Zbig Brzezinski and other appointees who do not seem to me to favour democracy in principle. Brzezinski in particular as I recall, has written about democracy as an out of date political system (I think this was in The Grand Chessboard).

Anyway, I would appreciate your thoughts and insights.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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