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Mae Brussell: Fritz Kraemer and Gladio
Broadcast in 1987, Mae Brussell identifies the tentacles of Operation Gladio before its existence and deep political influence was known:

Quote:Transcription of World Watchers International

Broadcast #787 January 5, 1987

Time length: 60 min.

Mae Brussell: Good evening, this is Mae Brussell. The title of this program is World Watchers. It is program number 787. It is January 5, 1987.

I have a good story to start the New Year with. For old-time listeners to World Watchers you will especially appreciate this evening's broadcast, and for the new listeners there is a lot to inform you about that explains why I've been working so hard along particular lines. I think you will get a better vision of those matters by listening to some of the material I'm going to share this evening.

People are looking for similarities between Watergate and Reagangate. It's hard to find them if you don't even know what Watergate is. Watergate has a definition that means different things to different people. But for me Watergate was a palace coup; it was a way to move out Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew. It isn't an original idea of mine. Louis Tackwood of the Los Angeles Police Department was part of Squad 19, and quit them because they were planning to kill Richard Nixon to make Spiro Agnew President. [Agnew had] international connections to the Greek military Junta and fascism abroad, as well as in the United States.

The Senate Select Committee on Watergate, Representative Pike's Committee in the House of Representatives, and Senator Frank Church's investigations into some of the dirty dealings and manipulations of our hidden government were able to expose a little bit of the power structure that was misbehaving. But they weren't removed from office for the crimes that they did, they were removed for perjury; for not telling the truth about the crimes. And then the lid was quickly closed.

Reagangate is the continuation of the process. The same people that moved out Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew can get rid of Ronald Reagan or George Bush; whoever they want. And now the power struggle is getting more open, tighter, meaner, and in control.

We observe the process and sit around and root for those slimy bastards that have done wrong so many times, such as Ronald Reagan, Oliver North, George Bush, Admiral Poindexter, or George Shultz, and we watch how they get fingered for various things that they did they got caught at. They don't consider them crimes, but when they're exposed then they're removed.

The important thing is to keep your eyes on the manipulators, not the victims of the scandal. I've been giving evidence of this for the past weeks, since November. I'll review my opinion on those manipulators for you in a moment.

At the time of the scandal of Banco Ambrosiano and the P2, and the secret government that wanted a Nazi-Mussolini-type government in Italy and throughout the world when that exposure was opened up in 1981 and the names of the operatives were exposed (over 700 of them in Italy alone). People like Roberto Calvi, the President of Banco Ambrosiano, could be killed; He was hung off a bridge in London. And Michele Sindona can be given cyanide in a jail in Italy. But then two of the very high team members of the world team one is Francesco Pazienza, and the other is Licio Gelli are still walking around the streets.

There was an article two weeks ago in the Wall Street Journal, just a small item:

Quote:Prison officials in Italy said former secret service agent Francesco Pazienza, who had been tied to a series of major crimes and Italian political plots, was released from prison in turn on provisional liberty. He was extradited from the United States in June of 1986 and was questioned about the 1982 collapse of Banco Ambrosiano.

He also was named as a co-conspirator in the plan to blow up the Bologna bombing where 81 people were killed and others were injured. He was part of the Aldo Moro murder in setting up the Red Brigades. And a lot of what appeared as leftist organizations being violent were set up by Francesco Pazienza. He's a close associate of Alexander Haig. I've cited some of their meetings together. And Michael Ledeen who's involved in the Contragate, who set up the original meetings between the Israeli agents or allegedly he did he's the front man between the Iranian officials along with Saudi Arabian representatives. Michael Ledeen is from the National Security Council.

Licio Gelli, after attending Ronald Reagan's inauguration, in January 1981, was mentioned as the head of the P2. He was in Hitler's Gestapo, and he then fled down to South America where he was after the war. Because of his work with Mussolini he fled to Argentina, and then came back to Italy to set up this fascist government again for World War Three. Now he's living in South America.

So Pazienza and Gelli are free, Calvi and Sindona are dead. But the manipulators seem to stay in control and stay away from the heat of the exposures. And if they want to think of a lesser crime for Pazienza they refer to the 1982 collapse of the bank and not the series of murders that he was a part of.

Last week on World Watchers I cited an article in the Washington Post, December 24, 1986, an Evans and Novak column. That's Rowland Evans and Robert Novak. I'm sure you've seen Novak on Crossfire frequently. I watch it almost everyday. The information for the material I gave you on the air that Frank Carlucci, the new National Security Advisor, was working with Kraemer, the son of Fritz Kraemer came from Fletcher Prouty in Washington, D.C. I was talking to him on the telephone that morning. I usually never put anything on World Watchers that I don't see and have in my hands myself, but I felt like I could trust L. Fletcher Prouty. He wrote the book "The Secret Team The CIA, It's Allies, and Control of the World." The paperback was published by Ballantine in 1970, and it's a good book.

Prouty was a pilot who I believe flew President Roosevelt to the Tehran Conferences. He was very high up in the Air Force. He retired as a Colonel in the U.S. Air Force, but he was very high up in attending these conferences, going to sixty countries. He was the liaison between the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Department for quite a few years: from 1955, when the Cold War had escalated quite considerably, to December 31, 1963, nine days after Kennedy was murdered. He attended briefing conferences with Henry Kissinger, and he was very important as the middle man. These kinds of persons with a lot of skills are used as couriers or messengers between two agencies. And at the time they are working they are not identified.

It was his information last week that I shared with you about Sven Kraemer. But within a few days of that program last Monday a listener to World Watchers in Houston, Texas sent me the article that Prouty was telling me about. And it wasn't Sven Kraemer at all that [Evans & Novak] were writing about, it was something much worse. And Fletcher should have known it. It was about Fritz Kraemer himself, the father of Sven the man that I've been searching three or four years for. I've lost track now on how long I've been looking for Fritz Kraemer.

I had the General Accounting Office messengers come to my house, and I'll read you the correspondence we had after they left here. They were here for about six hours talking to me about Fritz Kraemer, and they wouldn't confirm or deny much, except to write him off as nonexistent, or the German Kraemer dead. And they passed the buck.

I'm going to read to you the entire article from the Houston Post. It's a syndicated column that was in other papers, and I'm going to read it to you because sometimes I extract and outline, but I think when you hear this story and it takes one to know one, so Robert Novak knows one, and so does Rowland Evans you [can make out] a picture of the White House that I have been trying to describe on the air for sixteen years. This is the article from the Houston Post. It's dated December the 24th:

New staff selections on the White House

That's the title. [It] could bring up, you know, elevate Reagan's happiness. I cut off the last word, or the adjective, that he used on the new staff selections.

Quote: Washington The glimmer of the first silver lining in the cloud darkening President Reagan's presidency is discernible in the new staff at the National Security Council.

The glimmer of the first silver lining. He says:

Quote:The National Security Council was the original source of Reagan's troubles, where an unexpectedly rich transfusion of blood now is raising the hopes of preserving Reaganite national security policies.
The new staff selections by incoming national security advisor Frank Carlucci have stunned the bureaucracy. Nobody expected him to hire Jose S. Sorzano, a Jeanne Kirkpatrick protege, and the CIA's Fritz W. Ermarth, privately described by William Casey as "the strongest Soviet specialist in town." On top of that, hard-line arms control specialist Fritz Kraemer unexpectedly is being retained.

Which means that Fritz Kraemer has been there all along running the National Security Council under Ronald Reagan, who has been giving out this 'Evil Empire' business from the day he became President.

The article continues:

Quote:That foretells career civil servant Carlucci's intention to halt policy power filtering from the Reagan White House to the State Department, as Secretary of State George Shultz has planned since the Iran arms scandal began in early November. It guarantees tough, down-the-line competition with Shultz, not obeisance from a disgraced NSC staff as feared by conservatives.

Let me just explain that again: By having Fritz Kraemer at the top of matters in the National Security Council, that does away with any intention to filter down from the White House to the State Department any plans that George Shultz thought he had. It guarantees that the NSC will be tough and there will be no competition, literally, with George Shultz. And no disgraced National Security Council will have to cow down to our State Department.

It goes on:

Quote:The top of the line for salvaging the president's national security policies is the Reagan Doctrine. It was left bleeding and half dead when arms deals engineered by Lt. Col. Oliver North were discovered.

The word is "discovered."

Congressional Democrats, never happy with the Reagan Doctrine's aspirations of forcing back communism at the fringes, are using the scandals to undermine the doctrine not only in Nicaragua but Angola as well.

Let's translate that again: The Congressional Democrats don't like Reagan's aspirations of forcing back communism at the fringes, and [one of the things the NSC wrote into the terrorism policy] was attack the country before it gets dangerous; don't wait to see what it does. And they attacked and tested the waters [with] Muammar Qadhafi in Libya, just to bomb his place to get their own kicks, to show him who's the strongest and most powerful.

The column continues:

Quote:This environment was shaken up by Carlucci's decision to go for and get Sorzano, who fled Fidel Castro's Cuba and after serving as Kirkpatrick's U.N. deputy became president of the Cuban American Foundation. It is no mere atmospheric change.

When Jeanne Kirkpatrick was our U.S. Ambassador she gave a momentous speech at the time the Korean Airline went down, synchronizing it with lies and untruths. The same distortions the NSC feels they are obligated to use if they're fighting Russia. And she has Mr. Sorzano as her protege there. And at the same time Alexander Haig and Kraemer and Kissinger have the desire to invade Cuba. Alexander Haig is Secretary of State. He wanted to invade Cuba in 1981, and they will certainly take over Nicaragua with this stuff going.

To continue:

Quote:It shifts the NSC's Latin American policy chief from a highly regarded Foreign Service officer dependent on long-term relations with the State Department to a tough intellectual with impeccable Reaganite credentials who is accountable to no one in the bureaucracy.

The NSC is accountable to nobody, and this man is accountable to no one in the bureaucracy, sitting there with Fritz Kraemer, and Kraemer having the absolute top word being the top dog. There is no one in our government that can speak up to him; He accounts to nobody. He isn't appointed by the Congress; he isn't approved by the Congress. He is hand-picked by Jeanne Kirkpatrick who comes out of that Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Mr. Abshire, who was brought in by the President to oversee what he should know and what he shouldn't know, is part of that Center for Strategic and International Studies. He set it up with Richard Allen. The money originally came from Germany to set it up. And now they're saying in this particular column they are "accountable to no one in the bureaucracy." Evans and Novak like that a lot.

The column continues:

Quote:Frank [Carlucci] is looking for the best, strongest people he can find with a pro-Reagan orientation," Kirkpatrick told us," and he has found one in Sorzano.
A similar orientation pervades Ermarth. He replaces Jack Matlock, a senior State Department specialist in U.S.-Soviet relations suspected by the right of detentism.

The right suspects that wanting to get along with the Soviet Union is a crime and has a big shift in the White House and the NSC and State Department and the CIA. I'm keeping track of the job changes. He was suspected, by the right, of "detentism." God help us, you know.

Then it goes on:

Quote:Ermarth's work in the U.S.-Soviet strategic evaluation during Zbigniew Brzezinski's tenure as Jimmy Carter's national security adviser impressed Casey.

That was that time period when the Polish Pope from Auschwitz was selected, thanks to Zbigniew Brzezinski. It was also the time of the heating up of the Cold War where they were to use Michael Ledeen, Paul Hansa, and Claire Sterling from the Center of Strategic International Studies to try to blame that disinformation on a Bulgarian-Soviet Union plot.

The column goes on:

Quote:Casey brought him back to the CIA in 1984 as his top intelligence officer on Soviet affairs.

Brzezinski is one of those people directly under Fritz Kraemer. Kraemer is the master puppet holding Kissinger in one hand, Brzezinski in the other. So that if a Democrat gets in [the White House] Brzezinski runs the NSC, and if [the Republicans get in, then Kissinger runs it].

The column goes on:

Quote:With futures wholly independent of the State Department, Sorzano and Ermarth will be tougher players in defense of the president's policies, less susceptible to bureaucratic pressures from Shultz.

In other words, they say they are accountable to nobody; They can be tougher in these matters; They can carry the president's policies that's the main point of this: they don't carry them, they write them; And they are not susceptible to any bureaucratic pressures, weather it's George Shultz or any Secretary of State; And as I said before, they are accountable to nobody in the bureaucracy.

Quote:In dealing with the new, far more anti-Reagan Congress, such independence suggests more boldness and imagination in selling the president's foreign policy.

They go to Congress and tell them what we need and they can sell it. They don't need these advertising agencies or the new right to tell them because they have the outright fascists with the ear of the president and they can go as the experts from NSC to Congress and say, "We are going to tell you this: the Russians are ahead in Star Wars, the Russians are taking over the Pacific Ocean, the Russians are taking over India. And they can get the arms and money, and whip up this hysteria about the Soviet Union.


Quote:Sorzano, one White House insider said privately, "can and will go toe-to-toe with George Shultz."
Reshaping the entire NSC staff in the middle of an administration has never been tried before, particularly one that is now on its record fifth national security adviser. Carlucci's original plan was to fire all staffers with at least four years in the Reagan White House. He quickly gave that up because it would have sacrificed some high talent, including strategic arms specialist [Fritz] Kraemer.

He can't get rid of them all. And Sven Kraemer, I said for years, is the liaison of NSC to the President. I assumed that Sven took the messages home to daddy, who then gave the walking orders. He's with Daniel Graham of S.D.I., and Fred Ikle, the man who worked with Col. North. They made these independent organizations, that appear humanitarian, to have the military assist in overthrowing Nicaragua. And then later, I'm sure, to invade Cuba. And they were all a part of the invasion of Grenada.

Now, the column continues:

Quote:The shakeup was preordained when Attorney General Edwin Meese quietly put his hand on Adm. Poindexter's shoulder after discovering the Iran-Contra link. "The president will never ask you to resign," he said, "but, John, you ought to."
Meese demanded that Poindexter's successor abolish the office out of which North ran his super-secret operations in the basement of the White House.

That's being abolished.

Quote:But he feared that no Poindexter successor Carlucci or anyone else would be able to build a new NSC staff capable of performing the coordinating function needed to put policy back on track in the midst of Reagan's worst presidential crises.
On the contrary, Carlucci is proving to be an adept and calculating housekeeper.

The important thing about taking that office out of the basement of the White House that little Super SISMI, that pocket is to put it right in the White House with the room next to the President. No more secrets. No more tough guys who are hidden with these faceless colonels. We're getting people up in the front office. And remember when Kraemer left the United States Army he was a lieutenant. (I'll remind you of his military record in a minute.) So it's pretty good that when they want to get rid of everybody there still remains this strategic hard-line arms control specialist "unexpectedly retained", which means he was there. And he cannot be moved aside like the others because he is part and parcel of the fixture of the National Security Council decision-making process.

Just to conclude the article by Evans and Novak:

Quote:Carlucci is proving to be adept...

You bet he is.

Quote:...and a calculating housekeeper,

You bet he is.

just what the president needs. Not content with hiring a new staff capable of "coordinating" the president's national security policies, he is picking aides who would not sign on without a strong policymaking role.

In other words, there's no difference of opinion to argue here, where he wants one thing, and one wants the other. He's not going to coordinate the two different voices, or maybe three or four. He's going to have one voice and they can't get on that ship if they don't think of it as one voice. They made that clear at the time that the Reagangate started coming apart.

Quote:Instead of just abolishing North's operation, Carlucci abolished its parent Political-Military Office headed by Howard Teicher, and fired Teicher.
The signal is clear. The first of Reagan's five national security advisers with a clear track to the Oval Office, not through Donald T. Regan or any other chief of staff, is going to cut a swath of his own to heighten the president's control of his presidency.

What he's heightening is his control of their Thousand Year Reich, not of his presidency. His presidency can come and go like Michele Sindona or Spiro Agnew or Nixon or any of the others. His presidency means he is our front man, but they will have control.

And they conclude by saying:

Quote:It is a sign of hope, the first in weeks.

Fritz Kraemer's name is twice in this one article as being the kind of person that will have direct access to the White House: no more basement, no more cow towing to Congress, and no more having to deal with the State Department. It's quite clear what they want.

Now who is this Fritz Kraemer? Why do I keep talking about Fritz Kraemer? I'm going to run through a few questions and points about Fritz Kraemer that some of you remember and have, but I owe it to the new listeners to understand [some things] about Fritz Kraemer.

In all of the biographies and autobiographies of Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig, they refer to one man, Mr. Fritz Kraemer, as the man responsible for their careers; they give him credit. In our Army he left as a lieutenant, and he made this General (Haig) and this powerful Henry Kissinger.

In all of the policies, where Henry Kissinger has moved to as Secretary of State, in National Security, in the State Department, or with Nelson Rockefeller in the Council on Foreign Relations, or the Trilateral Commission there has been blood and chaos wherever he has his influence.

I typed up a sheet of this and sent it with other information at the time the President went to Bitburg. This is taken from that same sheet, so some of you have it. Incidentally, next week my copying machine is broken today I will send you the article by Evans and Novak, and on the back I'll put this information there so you can send it on to members of the committees and Congress, or newspeople, with more information on Fritz Kraemer.

Wherever the countries were overthrown the narcotics followed. When it was in Southeast Asia in Laos, the opium started coming in. The people involved with the Contragate; defendants in the Christic Institute [lawsuit]: General Secord, General Singlaub, Thomas Clines, and Theodore Shackley from the CIA were all involved with opium traffic in Southeast Asia in Laos, and in the Nugan Hand Bank, and bringing opium and narcotics into the United States. Kissinger made policies of narcotics in Asia in this way.

In Iran he helped Nelson Rockefeller and the CIA with the first coup overthrowing Mossadeq and putting in the Shah of Iran. The Shah was a great drug trafficker.

Via Marseilles and the French connections in Pakistan, when Bhutto was killed and Zia took care of the drug traffic they became one of the largest drug dealers in the world. Henry Kissinger changed that government.

He worked closely with the escape of Klaus Barbie, was with him after the war in Germany, and was instrumental in contacts and politics in Bolivia when Barbie began to instigate his ascendancy in the cocaine traffic after Richard Nixon came to power out of Bolivia.

South Korea and Japan have used Ryoichi Sasakowa, the old Kuomintang gang, the China Lobby, to get power through narcotics, and so forth.

Wherever Kissinger has had policies in Southeast Asia, Iran, Pakistan, Bolivia, Brazil, South America, Central America, and the Middle East it had to do with the escalation, into our banks, of about 80 billion dollars of narcotics and drug money coming in, thanks to these policies.

Henry Kissinger had a long association with Hitler's top Generals even though he was young after World War Two. He was in the U.S. Army: C.I.C., the Intelligence Corps, the 970th division, in charge of Klaus Barbie in 1945.

John J. McCloy, who we know was on the Warren Commission and concealed the Nazi role in the murder of John Kennedy, released the top Nazi criminals that were arrested. And he's the gentleman who put Henry Kissinger into Harvard, and along with Peter Drucker and Mr. Fritz Kraemer they handled Kissinger's career from Harvard to the Council on Foreign Relations into the State Department.

Klaus Barbie became a cocaine king along with the government officials in Bolivia. Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon were close to those men in power. He was assigned to be in charge of top Nazis after the war when he was just very, very young. And then after that went to Harvard and was stationed in Germany over [in] Oberammergau, Germany, which is one of the most anti-Semitic cities in Germany.

Henry Kissinger's mentor [was written about] in a Washington Post article March 2, 1975 by a gentleman who is not around anymore; he passed away. The author of this particular document is Nick Thimmesch. It's a first article and probably the only one in the United States about Fritz Kraemer that has been available up to this time. He referred to him as a Plans Officer for the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army. He retired in the late 1970s. As you see he didn't retire, he went from Defense to NSC. He's the man behind Alexander Haig, Vernon Walters (our U.N. Ambassador now), James Schlesinger and Arri Frolich(?). Walters also helped overthrow the government of Brazil with Frank Carlucci, our current National Security Advisor.

Kraemer came from a wealthy German family in the chemical dyes and paraffin industry in Germany. Probably I.G. Farben because they had the monopoly on the dyes and chemicals before, during, and after the war. He came from a family of a monarchist. His son, Sven Kraemer, was in Nazi Germany during the war. Fritz Kraemer picked up his family after the war and brought them to the United States where his military-political career moved on.

He came to the United States originally in 1943 while his wife and son and mother were living in Nazi Germany. He joined the United States Army Intelligence and he recruited Henry Kissinger, who was also in the United States Intelligence. Fritz Kraemer and Henry Kissinger were stationed over in Oberammergau when the war was over. And as I say, Kissinger then went on to Harvard, and Kraemer went to the Pentagon. Both were in the Battle of the Bulge at the same time that the Waffen SS had Hitler's top Generals in the Battle of the Bulge. And one of Hitler's top Generals was named Fritz Kraemer.

The background I've given you, just a few sentences, is about the Fritz Kraemer who currently runs the National Security Council. That's his background; how he came to America, just in a few sentences, written by Nick Thimmesch.

Adolf Hitler had a Fritz Kraemer, I learned, as I began to study this other Fritz Kraemer. Adolf Hitler had three important men around him, the most important at the end of World War Two. One was a General Fritz Kraemer, one was Sepp Dietrich, and the other was Otto Skorzeny. The liaison between those men and Adolf Hitler and the Vatican was Richard von Wiezsacker, whose son is now the current President of Germany.

When the Battle of the Bulge was over and America won the war, by May of 1945, all three of these men important to Hitler, were taken prisoner together: Kraemer, Dietrich, and Skorzeny. All three were in charge of the Battle of the Bulge for Hitler after the war. And all three were stationed in the exact locations of Henry Kissinger and Fritz Kraemer, who were German, who wore American military uniforms, and were located in the same location as Hitler's agents.

I'll take a one minute break and continue with the overlapping of these persons. There is one name and two persons, and I think it's one name and one person. That's why it's important to pursue this particular problem.


This is Mae Brussell, and this is the second half of broadcast 787, World Watchers. In case you missed the first part, bear with us, you can get a tape; they're available. If you write to me I'll tell you how to get them.

This is a very important subject because of an article in the newspaper, particularly Robert Novak, because he's more prominent than Rowland Evans.

In light of Reagan's life and the conservative policies, by having Fritz Kraemer continue in the National Security Council until this point I knew he was of tremendous influence sharing offices with Daniel Graham of Star Wars and Fred Ikle, Deputy of the Defense Department but here he is being "retained", which means he was there in the first place. And all of the Reagan policies have been identical to the policies of Adolf Hitler during World War Two. I always refer to the Grenada invasion as a blitzkreig, similar to the way Hitler took the smaller countries. And it was run by the same people that did the blitzkreig for Adolf Hitler.

Now to get back to Hitler's Kraemer: Sepp Dietrich, along with Otto Skorzeny and Fritz Kraemer, were taken as war prisoners. They were later released, thanks to the work by Senator Joe McCarthy. I'll give you some more details on their release in a few moments.

A new Senator (Joe McCarthy) who was stationed in the South Pacific was put into office by two very pro-Nazi Germans in Wisconsin. And as soon as he was in office he went to Europe and made sure that the defendants in the Dachau trial because of the Malmédy massacre would be released. And among them was Hitler's Fritz Kraemer. I referred to him as prisoner 33.

Adolf Hitler's Fritz Kraemer is in books about World War Two as a Dachau prisoner, and there is no other account there is just one and [it's so full of] holes; only one account, so far, of anything he did in the Eastern Division or anywhere to become a general. He was a general and he was one of a very few war criminals very few considering how many crimes were committed but he doesn't appear anywhere noticeable in any battles in North Africa or in the eastern part of Europe that would earn him the title of General.

Hitler's Fritz Kraemer helped the United States Army historians after the war when he was a prisoner. And a Mr. Cole wrote about the assistance of the Germans in helping the Americans write the German side of the war. Fritz Kraemer helped the United States Army write the history about the area he was in.

Hitler's Fritz Kraemer disappeared from all Nazi history books after he was released from Dachau prison. There's only one picture of him as a prisoner, and nothing before, whereas all the others have a history before or after or since. A group of almost 70, I believe, were arrested. The only one who has no face in any history books is Hitler's Fritz Kraemer. Where did he go? He's not written up, and there's no record of him. I even wrote to Israel for information about Fritz Kraemer. They didn't have any. Hitler's Fritz Kraemer is seldom mentioned in any single context at all.

Kissinger's Kraemer, who worked with Hitler's Kraemer, is also never photographed; you never see his face. And one of the crimes of the Fritz Kraemer at the Battle of the Bulge was that as commanding officer he ordered all American prisoners to be shot right at sight, not to be kept alive.

We made an agreement before the end of the war how we would coordinate our military and intelligence with the German Army, and Allen Dulles was in Bern, Switzerland from 1943 making deals directly with the top Nazis. So it seems that they would want our good graces, or be kind, and keep our prisoners alive. But I believe the reason the orders came from Kraemer to kill all persons who saw them was that nobody would recognize him if a situation, such as today, appeared.

Henry Kissinger's Kraemer planned the Vietnam War. He was over Westmoreland, and made strategic decisions that are now part of our history. Henry Kissinger's mentor is never seen with [Kissinger]; there isn't a single photograph of Henry Kissinger next to Fritz Kraemer, although he writes about him in his autobiography, and he is written about in other books about Henry Kissinger.

So why is Hitler's Fritz Kraemer so scarce if he was so important to Hitler? And why is Henry Kissinger's Kraemer so scarce if he was so influential in his life? And of course the question is: Are they the same person? It's time to get them photographed.

I wrote to Peter Rodino a long time ago, because it was his committee that was supposed to look into Nazi war criminals who came into this country. And Reinhard Gehlen was not considered a criminal. He wasn't charged, or the charges were dropped. But [Hitler's Kraemer] has a number and a case record against him, so if it's the same one it would be interesting to know.

One of their partners, Otto Skorzeny, set up the terrorist teams after the war and worked with all of the top Nazis, particularly in the Middle East, in Libya, in Egypt, in North Africa, and in the P.L.O, and all the Palestinian groups and Muslims. Otto Skorzeny was a key man to all of this, and he worked with our C.I.A. after the war. I wrote about him in my article in Rebel on the Nazi connections to the Kennedy assassination.

Some of the books I have as references I will send out next week with the tapes. As I say, some of you have this sheet and some of you don't. Washington Post, March 3, 1975, the Nick Thimmesch article "The Iron Mentor of the Pentagon."

There's another book: "Henry Kissinger," Ralph Blumfield's book, Signet book in 1974 the importance of Henry Kissinger and the Fritz Kraemer relationship.

"Hitler's Bodyguards," a Ballentine book. (By Alan Wykes.) Book #39, published in 1974. There's a picture of Nazi war criminal Fritz Kraemer.

"Skorzeny," the book on Otto Skorzeny by Charles Whiting. War leader book #11.

David Hannah, December 1975, wrote "Kissinger and his Rise" and he suggests a strong relationship between Kissinger and Kraemer.

"Hitler's Last Gamble" by Jacques Nobecourt, Shocken Books, 1967, goes into the importance of Fritz Kraemer.

"The Damned Engineers" by Janice Holt Giles, 1970. (Houghton Mifflin Co.)

"The Adventurers of a Bystander" by Peter Drucker, the man who invented Henry Kissinger, writes about Fritz Kraemer: pages 141 to 157.

And "The Last Days of Patton" by Ladislas Farago, McGraw Hill published that in 1981. They say that Fritz Kraemer was with Patton, and that he was a U.S. Army General. Now Hitler's Fritz Kraemer was a general, ours was a lieutenant. And if they're the same they've got the military mixed up, because he was a general for Hitler, and Patton might have believed, or the person writing about him might have believed, that the other one was a general, too. Although Ladislas Farago has done a lot on the Battle of the Bulge in this time period and should know better; he should know the difference between a lieutenant and a general.

There was some very important dates in the lives of these men that I talk about all of the time, and they somewhat overlap. They're important because of the relationship that develops into Ronald Reagan and how he ends up with six years with Fritz Kraemer and Sven Kraemer at the National Security Council. These dates are particular dates about Kissinger and Kraemer. Then I'm going into the Reagan dates.

In 1930 Dr. Hermann Friedrich Erben, a member of Hitler's Gestapo, was naturalized in San Francisco. In 1933, three years later, he recruited Errol Flynn into the Gestapo while he was at Warner Brothers in Hollywood.

In 1937, four years later, Peter Drucker from Vienna and Frankfurt, Germany came to the United States.

And in 1937 Ronald Reagan was brought to Hollywood from Christian College in Illinois by Music Corporation of America.

In 1938, one year later, Henry Kissinger came to the United States from Germany also, as did Erben, Drucker, and then Kissinger. And he soon went into U.S. Military Intelligence.

In 1939 Fritz Gustav Anton Kraemer came from Germany and Italy, brought here by Peter Drucker the man behind these multi-national corporations. He came to the United States and went into Army Intelligence in 1939.

In 1940 Errol Flynn at Warner Brothers was co-starring with Ronald Reagan at Warner Brothers. And Reagan, during the war, was soon to be making movies about Pneumunde, where the space rocket scientists were working, who were later brought to the United States.

Flynn and Reagan co-starred in two movies together, in 1940 and in 1942. "Desperate Journey" was the other movie they did together.

The next year, in 1943, Fritz Kraemer and Henry Kissinger both from Germany, both in Army Intelligence make their connection in Louisiana. And one year later, in 1944, Fritz Kraemer and Henry Kissinger are in Germany located in December at the Battle of the Bulge: the battle where Otto Skorzeny and Hitler's Fritz Kraemer and Sepp Dietrich and the other powerful Germans would meet them in some form or other in that identical location.

Otto Skorzeny was not only great on terrorism, but he was assigned by Hitler for two years to set up a team that would emulate Americans. And according to the laws of war believe it or not, there are some you're not supposed to wear the uniform of the other side. Otto Skorzeny trained his people to smoke like Americans (hold a cigarette a certain way), talk like Americans, use English words, and he got a hold of American trucks and tanks and uniforms so he could infiltrate where the Americans were and kill them. The Americans thought they were working with France, but when some of thm died on the battlefield, they took off the American uniform and found German uniforms underneath. They had been deceived by Skorzeny. So he had access to American matériel, and these people met at the Battle of the Bulge in some way.

In 1945 Fritz Kraemer and Henry Kissinger, and also the other Fritz Kraemer from Germany, allegedly meet at Oberammergau. One is Hitler's top General taken prisoner. The other is with Henry Kissinger staying at a castle with special treatment, put there by John J. McCloy, President of Chase Manhattan Bank, later representing the Rockefeller interests, an attorney for I.G. Farben, and so forth. And allegedly the Kraemer from Frankfurt, Germany, Italy, and so forth, is over there also.

So it's very coincidental that there were two Fritz Kraemers and one Kissinger in the same location. One a German who wears an American uniform who recruits Kissinger, and the other a German who Hitler used toward the end of the war.

In 1945 Klaus Barbie and other top Nazi war criminals were in with them. And General Patton worked with these people.

In 1948 Fritz Kraemer, the one that put Henry Kissinger into Harvard after being in Germany, joins the Pentagon and takes over as Plans Officer is 1948.

Thirty-two years of military coups we've seen in this country. I won't run them down again, but two years later John J. McCloy released all the top war criminals to start their banking and organizing over again: Hjalmar Schacht, Hermann Abs, people from I.G. Farben, and the head of the Deutsche Bank. Very prominent people, like Herman Abs, went on to the Vatican to help the Pope at the time of the Banco Ambrosiano scandal that involved Licio Gelli and Francesco Pazienza, who are walking around.

Herman Abs of the Deutsche Bank and other top war criminals were released from prison by John J. McCloy, who was working for Chase Manhattan and for I.G. Farben, and a lawyer for the Chase Manhattan Bank and for the Rockefellers.

In 1964 McCloy, who put Henry Kissinger in Harvard, was assigned by Allen Dulles to be a member of the Warren Commission, and they were to cover up the murder of John Kennedy. And McCloy was in charge of the Soviet Union branch of the contacts of Lee Harvey Oswald.

In 1984 Henry Kissinger is on the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board to Ronald Reagan. Kissinger sits on that, we find out, since 1980 through 1986. And he seems to be there tighter than ever.

We have a Fritz Kraemer sitting in the National Security [Council], and he's been there all of these years while Reagan was in office. I'm sure he was sitting there when Zbigniew Brzezinski was running N.S.C. for Jimmy Carter but these scandals didn't come out and therefore their names didn't come out.

The chronology of these people is very important. There are other dates I want to give to you. I don't expect you to remember them all, but you can get the idea of this matter.

Dr. Hermann Friedrich Erben, who recruited [Reagan's acting] co-partner Errol Flynn into the Gestapo, came to the United States in 1930. [Erben] joined the Gestapo in Germany in 1922 when it was first formed. Then he went to San Francisco and he joined the team in Hollywood, particularly. He recruited them and worked with them and started traveling. In the United States he made himself an American citizen, then went back to Germany. And he still has two strong Nazi sons who I understand work in Spain. Charles Higham has done a lot of work on Dr. Erben. He's the one who surfaced and brought this man out when he was studying the Nazi connections of Errol Flynn.

In 1933 Walter Duisberg, the son of Carl Duisberg who founded I.G. Farben, became a United States citizen and set up headquarters in New Jersey. Errol Flynn was working for Dr. Erben at the time.

Peter Drucker came over here, and the same year that Drucker came from Frankfurt and Vienna, Ronald Reagan was brought by Music Corporation of America and was recruited from a fundamentalist Christian College in Eureka of three hundred students.

When Henry Kissinger came from Germany in 1938, it was the same year that Joseph Mengele, the Dr. from Auschwitz, came to the United States [and was granted] citizenship, just had Dr. Erben had done in 1930, eight years earlier, before he recruited [people] the most famous of course is Errol Flynn.

And in 1939, the year after Kissinger came to this country, and the year after Mengele was naturalized in New York, Fritz Kraemer came to the country. He came from Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy. He was brought to the United States by Peter Drucker who's down at Claremont, California, who writes a lot of books on the huge multi-national corporations. He was put right into U.S. Intelligence.

At the same time he was put into intelligence, (Adolf) Carl Weidenbach, from Germany and from Franco's Spain, became a U.S. Intelligence agent for General Douglas MacArthur. He attended the Kreigs (?) Academy in Germany, which was Adolf Hitler's war school, and was put out in the Pacific in the Philippines with Douglas MacArthur. He was instrumental in releasing the Japanese war criminals, among them, the likes of Ryoichi Sasakawa and the top Japanese that were doing torturing and experiments on Americans and Chinese and other people. He changed his name to Charles Willoughby to make it more English. It was [originally] Charles (Adolf) Weidenbach.

As I said before, in 1940 Sante Fe Trail was being made at Warner Brothers with Flynn and Reagan. "Desperate Journey" was being made by Errol Flynn and Ronald Reagan in that time period.

In 1943, one year after they were co-starring in a movie, Fritz Kraemer goes into his U.S. Intelligence uniform. He's been in this country four years. He goes into U.S. Intelligence, and Henry Kissinger is also now in U.S. Intelligence. Both from Germany, Kissinger recruited by Kraemer.

In 1944, one year after Kraemer and Kissinger meet, is when Otto Skorzeny started training 400 Nazi Werewolf recruits for the Fourth Reich.

By May 1943, the powers that be in Germany and the United States knew that Hitler couldn't win the war against Russia. Skorzeny was instrumental in setting up 400 future Nazi Werewolfs that they would use after the war.

And in 1944, Kraemer, Kissinger, and Skorzeny were in that same battle scene in the Bulge stalling the war until Martin Bormann's treasures and money could be taken out of there.

Now 1948, when Kraemer becomes Plans Officer for the Pentagon, we soon have the confrontation with North and South Korea. And in 1950, with the excuse of North Korea being invaded by communists from above, this country (USA) announced that they would bring in Germans, including Otto von Bolschwing, whose name appears in the organization he set up later in 1986 with General Secord, Helene von Damm, and Mr. Albert Hakim connections.

Otto Skorzeny, in 1949, went to Argentina where he was with Eva and Juan Peron and the top Nazis and had access to the Bormann funds to rebuild the Nazi empire.

1950, as the Cold War went on, brought in Otto von Bolschwing. In his likes, John J. McCloy released the top Nazi war criminals.

In 1954 Reverend Sun Myung Moon connects with Ryoichi Sasakawa and begins the World Organization for media persons, for scientists, and for papers like the Washington Times. And Moon becomes a large instrumental figure with the World Anti-Communist League and with the right wing network throughout the world.

In 1953 Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing, from the SS Gestapo, moves to California. And in 1959, six years later, his corporation, T.C.I. (that becomes Stanford Technology), has as his secretary and translator Helene von Damm. [She becomes] the secretary to Ronald Reagan when he becomes governor in 1966 to 1974; von Damm makes the appointments for him. And then when he goes to Washington in 1980, and again in 1984 (before she becomes Ambassador to Vienna), Helene von Damm from the T.C.I. Corporation (that became Stanford Technology) has made the appointments for the Reagan administration.

[There's] a book called "Nazi War Criminals in America: the Basic Handbook." It's written by Charles Allen, the well known Nazi hunter. And the book is important for lots of reasons. I just want to share one with you because of the close relationship with Klaus Barbie to Fritz Kraemer and Henry Kissinger and the likes. Joseph Mengele was recognized and identified as being in cocaine traffic with Barbie in 1979, through a lot of papers in the CIA that were given to Senator D'Amato and Senator Arlen Specter (who was on the Warren Commission). The importance of Mengele, Barbie, and Fritz Kraemer, and with Fritz Kraemer sitting in NSC these past six years, and certainly to reshape them for the next two years, or forever, in this palace coup.

I just want to share one page of Allen's book on Nazi war criminals. He talks about the Mengele case and the U.S. involvement, and he tells how after the war Mengele spent time as an intern patient in a British hospital in occupied Germany. He lived with his family in Gunzburg, Germany, and the family is wealthy. It's a multi-national farm equipment company. And when people accused Mengele of doing the tortures at Auschwitz from about 1949 on, he went out of sight and he got a false name and passport under Gregori (?), he went to Franco's Spain, Skorzeny's headquarters, and Hans Ulrich Rudel. Then to Argentina. And Mr. Allen goes on to say that he practiced medicine in Buenos Aires. And with stories about Mengele two years ago, or one year ago, there were a lot more details given about Joseph Mengele.

This book came out in 1985, just before Mengele was allegedly discovered in a coffin in Sao Paulo another crock of lies. But, in talking about Mengele, he says that there are a lot of people [who are self-appointed] investigators he uses the derisive; he puts down people who are looking for Nazi war criminals outside of himself. He says for exploitation on sensationalism there's a lot of this going on. But he cites a 1966 report on U.S. Nazis, and he said a copy of a confidential FBI report on Mengele dated December 8, 1966 carries the allegations and this is the FBI that Joseph Mengele was in Arizona using the name Harold Endenon (?). And this has been circulated among self-described Nazi-hunters in the U.S.

That author of "Basic Handbook," and that's Charles Allen himself, was once asked to join a west coast radio program to expose this latest development. The invitation was declined.

Mae Brussell was the lady who invited him to join that west coast radio program to expose the connection of these people. And why did he decline it? He didn't decline it because the evidence wasn't true, he just declined it. He said he was asked to join a program and he declined it. And he goes on in this chapter of his book, page 71, to say the FBI report carries a note that the files in the L.A. office reflect that a Joseph Mengele was a subject of a special agent, the report dated February 9, 1944 in New York, that he was a subject of denaturalization precedings. Apparently because his name was on a Nazi party list. And they ruled out the fact that he had been naturalized in the United States. There was a membership number of the Nazi Party. He entered the United States August 31, 1932. Born in Munich, Germany. And it has his address at one time in the Bronx of New York. And they threw out the fact that this particular person had been a naturalized American citizen like Dr. Erben, who was in fact an American citizen.

The reason this report came out and I sent it to him and members of Congress was because a listener to World Watchers in Sacramento my program used to be on every week [in Sacramento] for about four years was down in Honduras with his uncle and sat in the presence of Joseph Mengele in Honduras! And he asked his Uncle how come this guy's still floating around? His uncle had fled Oakland. [He said Mengele] was suspected of being a Nazi war criminal at the shipyards during World War Two, and because Mengele is an American citizen.

So using the new Freedom of Information Act this fellow sent for it and found the information on the naturalized papers. And then the "experts" come in, like Charles Allen, and say, "I decline to talk about this publicly."

I went down to talk to the General Accounting Office, and I wanted to talk about a problem that I've had all these years trying to find Fritz Kraemer. And he's written up in books, as I say: there's a Kraemer with a war record, there's a Kraemer running our government, there's a Kraemer with Fred Ikle, and there's a Kraemer [who is] the mentor of Alexander Haig and Kissinger, who are probably the two most powerful men up front in our country. And I can get no satisfaction from other persons. And I'm not going to give you a reason, you have do draw your own conclusions about it.

I have a copy of a letter I wrote to Bette Klarsfeld about this problem. I sent it to her New York office and I sent it to her in France. I never got an answer. Beatte Klarsfeld is the woman who takes the credit rightfully so I suppose of having Klaus Barbie taken from Bolivia to France when he is to stand trial. But that was January 1983. It's been three years now and I don't even see him going to a trial. He may or he may not, but he's been sitting in France for three years.

A listener to World Watchers in San Francisco, Pat Carey, went to where Beatte Klarsfeld was speaking several weeks ago, and some of you listeners heard her in San Jose. And this friend (Pat) asked her about Fritz Kraemer and Mae Brussell's need to have help in confirming or denying that our Pentagon has been run by Hitler's top General. And Beatte Klarsfeld answered this way: she said, "He isn't of influence anymore." Which meant to Pat, a long friend, that she knew where he was but it didn't matter. And I read every word of that small Evans and Novak column to show you that it matters that they account to no one; they account not to the Congress; they're more powerful than the State Department; he has the power to go right to the President; no more basement doors. It matters. And it matters because the people around him are in charge of the Central American policies as well as a lot of other policies.

John Stockwell was here about a month ago. He's written a book on the CIA. He was Station Chief in Angola. He lectured at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. John McCone is one of the directors and probably the Dean of this whole group at the Monterey Institute. [McCone] was CIA Director when John Kennedy was killed, and they resurrected Allen Dulles to be on the Warren Commission under his direction. And he was CIA Director when Nixon ordered the destabilization of Chile and the murder of Salvador Allende, which involves the very people that are in the Contragate/Reagangate [scandal] right now. Tickets for [Stockwell's] lecture at the Monterey Institute were free to students; They subsidized the lecture for students to hear Stockwell talk about the CIA.

Pat Carey came down from San Francisco and started to ask Stockwell about helping find Fritz Kraemer; that Mae Brussell is working on this matter. And then I asked him about it. They took questions from the audience and I said, "Will you help me locate him because I think it matters, given the tone of our policies and what is happening in Central America?" He was talking about Nicaragua. It would matter if Hitler's top General was running it or not. And he said to me that it wouldn't make any difference because Kraemer is not important anymore; he's not on the scene so it's not pertinent to what he was lecturing about.

Stockwell goes all over the country talking about the terrible things in Nicaragua and the terrible CIA. And my objection to these people is that CIA is the new Jew or the new black; the new minority. Or it always has been that you can talk about them and not the National Security Agency; not the National Security Council; you can't talk about Navy Intelligence; you can't talk about the Defense Agency. The book "Puzzle Palace" is the closest to the National Security Agency there is. But the NSC and the DIA and the Navy are untouchable no matter what administrations come and go.

Stockwell's answer was that it's not important to Central America, or Nicaragua particularly, who Fritz Kraemer is. I responded that Henry Kissinger was given that territory by Ronald Reagan, so therefore if this is his mentor who's behind him of course it matters what kind of policies we have. And Stockwell passed that off as not being important; as did Beatte Klarsfeld; as did Charles Allen.

I wrote to Eli Weisel, who just got the Nobel Prize, and asked him to help me find Fritz Kraemer. He told me to write to Israel where they keep a record of war criminals. There was no Fritz Kraemer listed there.

And Simon Weisenthal wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole; Fritz Kraemer isn't important to him. I sent him letters and details when the President was going to Bitburg. And Rabbi Cooper and Rabbi Hier at the Weisenthal Center in Los Angeles told me it didn't matter.

You can be sure I'll be following this up for weeks or years to come now that the name has surfaced. And the important position he has proves all along that I was correct about those Prussians in the White House.

This is Mae Brussell, and I'll be back with more on Reagangate, Contragate, and Fritz Kraemer from the National Security Council; Next week we will continue along these lines.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
A squeaky clean MSM obituary of Kissinger's controller, Fritz Kraemer, courtesy of the NYT:

Quote:New York Times
November 19, 2003

Fritz Kraemer, 95, Tutor to U.S. Generals and Kissinger, Dies


Fritz Kraemer, a refugee from Nazi Germany who tutored generations of America's leading generals in historical and geopolitical thinking, died in Washington on Sept. 8. He was 95.

Fritz Kraemer struck up a friendship with Henry Kissinger when the two, fellow German refugees, were privates in the United States Army.

From 1951 until his retirement in 1978, he worked in the Pentagon as a senior civilian counselor to defense secretaries and top military commanders. His son, Sven, a Pentagon official, said that Mr. Kraemer's title often changed but that he occupied the same map-covered office from which he would be called on to prepare briefings, often on short notice, on such diverse subjects as political developments in Southeast Asia, economic prospects in China and French views on nuclear weapons.

But his influence on national policy was felt most visibly, perhaps, in a friendship he struck in 1944 when he was a private at a Louisiana Army camp during World War II. There, he met Henry A. Kissinger, also a private and another refugee from Germany, whom he helped guide toward a career that reached the highest echelons of government.

In cold-war years, long before Mr. Kissinger moved from Harvard to the office of secretary of state, Mr. Kraemer pursued his antitotalitarian views, participating in formal and informal seminars at staff colleges and within the Pentagon, where Donald H. Rumsfeld referred to him as "a true keeper of the flame."

He also developed close and mentoring relationships with many officers who either occupied or would rise to powerful positions, among them, Gen. Creighton Abrams; Gen. Alexander M. Haig Jr.; Gen. Vernon A. Walters, who later served as ambassador to the United Nations; and Maj. Gen. Edward G. Lansdale, the theoretician of counterinsurgency.

Born in Essen in 1908, Fritz Kraemer was the son a prosecutor and an heiress. A man of conservative instincts, with a veneration for history and culture and a devotion to his Lutheran faith, he acquired doctorates in economics and law. During the turbulent early 1930's he often joined in street battles against both black-shirted Nazis and Communist toughs, holding high the flag of the old Hohenzollern monarchy.

In 1933, he left Germany to work as a legal adviser for the League of Nations in Rome, and he wrote eight books on international law. Having observed fascism in both Italy and Germany, he fled to the United States in 1939 on the eve of war.

Once in the American Army, he cut an eccentric figure, habitually wearing a monocle and carrying a riding crop while speaking loudly in a strong German accent.

At Camp Claiborne in Louisiana, his demeanor attracted the attention of Maj. Gen. Alexander R. Bolling, the commanding officer of the 84th Division, who assigned him to his headquarters.

Walter Isaacson, a Kissinger biographer, said that "Privates Kissinger and Kraemer first met at the camp, when Private Kraemer, speaking from his jeep, delivered a lecture on the philosophy of the Nazi state and the necessity of its defeat to men who had just finished a 10-mile march. The 20-year-old Private Kissinger was stirred and wrote Private Kraemer, saying: 'I heard you speak yesterday. This is how it should be done. Can I help you in any way?' "

Mr. Kraemer looked up the younger soldier and, impressed by his intelligence, gradually inspired and abetted him. As Mr. Isaacson wrote: "Kraemer's patronage was to prove momentous. During the next three years, he would pluck Kissinger out of the infantry, secure him an assignment as a translator for General Bolling, get him chosen to administer the occupation of captured towns, ease his way into the Counter-Intelligence Corps, have him hired as a teacher at a military intelligence school in Germany and then convince him to go to Harvard. Kraemer is often described as 'the man who discovered Kissinger.' He thunders: 'My role was not discovering Kissinger! My role was getting Kissinger to discover himself.' "

Mr. Kraemer was captured in the Battle of the Bulge. Soon after he was taken, he convinced his German captors that an Allied victory was imminent and persuaded them to surrender themselves and the town to him. For this he received a Bronze Star and a battlefield commission.

Mr. Kissinger has written that "Fritz Kraemer was the greatest single influence in my formative years." He cited the conversations the pair had had as they walked battle-scarred streets. The older man, he wrote, "spoke of history and postwar challenges in his stentorian voice, and awakened my interest in political philosophy."

The relationship that Mr. Kraemer and Mr. Kissinger forged at Camp Claiborne endured for years before it deteriorated in 1975 when Mr. Kraemer expressed disapproval of the policies of détente with the Soviet Union that were being pursued by Mr. Kissinger and the Ford administration. The two did not speak for 28 years until last year, when Mr. Kissinger telephoned his old mentor.

In addition to his son, Mr. Kraemer is survived by his daughter, Madeleine Bryant of Cockeysville, Md.; and three grandsons.

There's a photo at the url:
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Quote:Brzezinski is one of those people directly under Fritz Kraemer. Kraemer is the master puppet holding Kissinger in one hand, Brzezinski in the other. So that if a Democrat gets in [the White House] Brzezinski runs the NSC, and if [the Republicans get in, then Kissinger runs it].

:captain:Pirate:flypig: The one party, National Security State, neo-fascist, false-flag regime elsewhere.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
It amazes me what Mae Brussell accomplished in the pre-internet days, with her little radio show and home-made newsletter.

I love the NYT article mentioning Vernon Walters without telling the reader he was Deputy Director of the CIA.

How we need more people like Mae - and miss her. I believe she was most likely murdered, so taken from us 'early'. I remember listening to this broadcast at the time and the hair standing up on the back of my neck! It does now even on re-reading.

She was way ahead of her time and 'the pack'......Not every thing she claimed held up after further analysis, but her 'batting average' was as good or better than anyone else I know doing this kind of investigative research on the unspeakable.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:

How we need more people like Mae - and miss her. I believe she was most likely murdered, so taken from us 'early'. I remember listening to this broadcast at the time and the hair standing up on the back of my neck! It does now even on re-reading.

She was way ahead of her time and 'the pack'......Not every thing she claimed held up after further analysis, but her 'batting average' was as good or better than anyone else I know doing this kind of investigative research on the unspeakable.

Mae also thought that her daughter's death in a car crash was murder.

Yes, on some of her JFK shows, she would make little factual errors. But that's unavoidable when you're working from memory. I don't know if she even had a PC or Apple to help organize data. She was from the typewriter-and-file-cabinet school like all the early researchers.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:

How we need more people like Mae - and miss her. I believe she was most likely murdered, so taken from us 'early'. I remember listening to this broadcast at the time and the hair standing up on the back of my neck! It does now even on re-reading.

She was way ahead of her time and 'the pack'......Not every thing she claimed held up after further analysis, but her 'batting average' was as good or better than anyone else I know doing this kind of investigative research on the unspeakable.

Mae also thought that her daughter's death in a car crash was murder.

Yes, on some of her JFK shows, she would make little factual errors. But that's unavoidable when you're working from memory. I don't know if she even had a PC or Apple to help organize data. She was from the typewriter-and-file-cabinet school like all the early researchers.

I don't believe Mae ever owned a computer [and she was far from poor] was the time before computers except for some that played games or were used in university settings. If I remember correctly, I was told she did her radio shows with index cards with outline notes, only, and usually departed from them and spoke very extemporaneously from her memory - which was better than mine when I was younger; and much better than mine today, when I am not!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:

How we need more people like Mae - and miss her. I believe she was most likely murdered, so taken from us 'early'. I remember listening to this broadcast at the time and the hair standing up on the back of my neck! It does now even on re-reading.

She was way ahead of her time and 'the pack'......Not every thing she claimed held up after further analysis, but her 'batting average' was as good or better than anyone else I know doing this kind of investigative research on the unspeakable.

Mae also thought that her daughter's death in a car crash was murder.

Yes, on some of her JFK shows, she would make little factual errors. But that's unavoidable when you're working from memory. I don't know if she even had a PC or Apple to help organize data. She was from the typewriter-and-file-cabinet school like all the early researchers.

I don't believe Mae ever owned a computer [and she was far from poor] was the time before computers except for some that played games or were used in university settings. If I remember correctly, I was told she did her radio shows with index cards with outline notes, only, and usually departed from them and spoke very extemporaneously from her memory - which was better than mine when I was younger; and much better than mine today, when I am not!

When I was in high school/college (1982-89), I had a couple of different model Radio Shack computers with a decent printer. What a pleasure it was to abandon the typewriter, and be able to save files. But Mae was probably comfortable using her old methods.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:It amazes me what Mae Brussell accomplished in the pre-internet days, with her little radio show and home-made newsletter.

I love the NYT article mentioning Vernon Walters without telling the reader he was Deputy Director of the CIA.

Truly. She was a powerhouse. I had never heard the name Fritz Kraemer before reading this. The power behind the power.

The Unspeakable.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:It amazes me what Mae Brussell accomplished in the pre-internet days, with her little radio show and home-made newsletter.

I love the NYT article mentioning Vernon Walters without telling the reader he was Deputy Director of the CIA.

Truly. She was a powerhouse. I had never heard the name Fritz Kraemer before reading this. The power behind the power.

The Unspeakable.


He is also nearly non- existent online, aside from Mae, the obit, and the ever well- scrubbed wikipedia.

Such is the nature of TRUE power.

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