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mary moorman interview radio
John Kelin Wrote:Hi,

I don't know how literal you mean it when you say "no one has had an opinion on the [Moorman] interview yet"...since it was discussed, if briefly, in another thread.

The interview took place at an antiques mall in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, just outside of Denver. I live about half an hour away, so I drove down for the event, and posted some comments about it a day or two later.

This past Monday the show's host, Gary Stover, emailed me to ask if I would appear on the last installment of his month-long series of JFK-themed programs. I (reluctantly) agreed, and did it last night. You may not like that, either, since it didn't get into much depth and none of my comments were especially penetrating. This installment should be posted in the web site in another day or two.

Over the last ten or fifteen minutes we somehow got into a discussion of the events of Dealey Plaza. I said it's simple to demonstrate the WR version of events is bogus, but that establishing culpability is another matter. ANyway I anticipated this discussion and had some notes with me, so I think this part came off okay. I haven't seen the playback yet, though.

Peter Lemkin Wrote:I must admit, I'm a bit surprised no one has had an opinion on the interview yet [and the many missing questions [though I don't think the moderator was well enough informed to ask them - no conspiracy, for sure]. No questions on the lead car. No detailed re-questioning on the slow down of JFK Limo; no question as to why Hill and Moorman had such different versions of some events; no follow-ups on the many policemen she knew and interacted with at the time. Realize this was one of the MOST important witnesses, who chose for her own reasons to remain silent until she wound up on a antique show I will never understand; but it seems to have a history of exploration of the Assassination. Jack White is one of the few who have had regular access to Moorman. Mack in his earlier incarnation [not the present one] is another. Few others have. While much is to be learned here; so much was missed...but if Moorman is now open to questioning, I'd hope someone with the knowledge, polite manner and funds to meet her in Dallas would do follow-up questions soon....and/or help find a location for her photo other than the sixth floor mausoleum.

For what it's worth, I took pictures during the Moorman interview, and posted a few to my Facebook page.

John, I respect you and your knowledge of these things most highly, and am glad to hear you were in the analysis show. I only felt that while good intentioned, the moderator/questioner missed some important questions for MaryAnn! It nevertheless was an important and interesting interview....and LONG overdue!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The other thread, with John's first hand report, is here.

Mods will gladly merge these two threads, if requested.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Aha, I didn't even know it was done long ago; nor had I seen John's posts about it coming then. Sure, combine them, but I hope the fact that it is now a video is not lost. I had been led to believe [in an email] that it had just happened. Confusedhock: John, do you have the url to the video of the "after show" that you were a part of?
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Hi Peter,

First of all, your last post seemed a little apologetic, or defensive, or whatever. Maybe I sounded like a crotchety old so-and-so when I commented before. I'm sorry if that's so; I didn't mean to. (I'd say what I really mean by "so-and-so," but there is probably a rule against certain words on this forum, and I don't want to get in trouble.)

I talked to Gary Stover, the host and interviewer, for about half an hour before last night's segment. Among other things he said they'd been getting viewer complaints about their web site not being easily navigated. I told him that had been my experience, too. Not likely they've corrected anything within 24 hours.

Mr. Stover seems to be a fan of "Reclaiming History," so I made a point of mentioning, during the show, Jim DiEugenio's long review of that shameful volume. I can't remember whether I mentioned my own review of Bugliosi's book. I meant to.

In any case, I don't think last night's segment has been uploaded yet. Should be by tomorrow or Friday, based on how quickly they've uploaded the others.

I do not enjoy doing shows like that. They are totally weird, artificial situations. I only did it because it was a chance to promote my book.

But wouldn't you know it? I forgot the most critical point! Which is that Praise from a Future Generation is going to be an e-book in the not-too-distant future. Self-promotion is not my thing.

This has all fallen into place in the last few weeks. I'll be making minor revisions and a few small additions to it over the summer. I'm told it should be available sometime in the fall. And that's about all I know.

Peter Lemkin Wrote:Aha, I didn't even know it was done long ago; nor had I seen John's posts about it coming then. Sure, combine them, but I hope the fact that it is now a video is not lost. I had been led to believe [in an email] that it had just happened. Confusedhock: John, do you have the url to the video of the "after show" that you were a part of?
Thanks John; i do not have a good opinion of her interviews none of them, that she has given through the years except the first day one,which are available through utube..,one reason i think it was held was to put down Jean again and her information,like the old move along, nothing here, the usual crap...... down through the years that's mainly all we've heard, they have seemed to have protected her too much imo,even though she states that first day , she took the photo in the street, there has to be a reason, and could that possibly be, that what Jean disclosed, Mary also knew, but, mary was convinced somehow to not go along....i really do not know nor have any proof of such, just an eh ?? I guess, are ehs?? allowed...thanks much..bBee p.s.someone also mentioned, if the moorman photo would now be sold, well she did try to sell it a few years back for a huge amount of money on eBay but there were no bids, no buyers, you will recall, so perhaps, or not, we shall wait and see what's next, but i do think they have used her, again...imo....b
I didn't know she attempted to sell it on eBay. What was her reserve price? That would be the WRONG way to go with just sell it to the highest bidder [who would likely be a front for the 'Borg' to make it disappear forever, or a rich right-winger who'd do the same. It needs to be accessible to researchers as, despite the years, new techniques [such as those of Wilson] and new scientific forensic techniques come along. While I'm sure through the years Jack White and others have made copy negatives of it, the original has both historical and likely forensic data. It would certainly be easy for the FBI to identify the fingerprint on it now, but they certainly would be no more interested in that, than they were in solving the case - in fact they were the primary visible blockers of any real investigation, along with the WC and many other little and big entities in the shadows.

John, I took no offense at your remarks. I was sent an email yesterday and assumed it had just taken place. Your initial post mentioned radio. Was it only broadcast earlier as audio, and more recently as video; or what? When did it originally happen and WHY was this guy able to get her to give such a long and softball interview, when she turned down so many others, before? I think the most critical questions she could have been asked about in greater depth would have been the number and timing of shots [she seemed to contradict herself], and when and how much the limo slowed [or stopped]. I would have also liked a bit more on when the ''split" between her and Hill began and why. Was anyone able to ask further questions of her off camera or off mike?

Anyone know why it was given to TSFM and then back into Mooreman's hands? Was all that at M. M.''s request or other?
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I don't think I ever mentioned "radio," but that word is in the subject line of this thread. If there is an audio-only version, I don't know about it.

At the risk of being long, over-detailed and dull, I'll relate everything I know about this entire matter.

In early May I heard that the web site, which describes itself as a social networking site for antique enthusiasts, would be webcasting a series of JFK-themed shows each Tuesday evening during the month of May. Five shows in all. I can't remember now where I heard about it either on this site, or in an email sent around by "Tree Frog." I get stuff from him almost daily.

The highlight of these five shows would be the appearance of Mary Ann Moorman on the May 24 installment. The shows originated at a place called the Brass Armadillo Antique Mall in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the outskirts of Denver. This is near my home, so I contacted the mall and reserved myself a place in the audience. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, etc etc.

I am not into antiques and had never heard of the Brass Armadillo (or before. The whole thing seemed incongruous: why would Mary Moorman come to the Brass Armadillo, which, as it turned out, is in a nondescript building along a cheerless frontage road running parallel to a freeway? I thought it possible she had relocated to Denver in the intervening years. No, show host Gary Stover told me by phone, she's still in Texas.

I never really satisfied myself on this point. I'm told Mary Ann Moorman's appearance has something to do with her wanting to sell the original copy of the picture. Gary Stover seems to have a genuine interest in the assassination, but it isn't real strong. "The Stover Hour" is typically devoted to antiques. No surprise there.

So I went down there on May 24, watched from the audience. Afterward I gave Stover a copy of my book.

I did have a chance to talk to Mrs. Moorman after the show. Stover had asked her about her location when she took her famous photo, but I didn't find her answer all that clear, so I got her to re-state it unambiguously. (On the curb, she told me.) And I read her a portion of Jean Hill's WC testimony about the Secret SErvice agent who, Hill testified, said "We have three wounds and we have three bullets, three shots is all that we are willing to say right now." She said she didn't recall that. But those were the only questions I was able to ask her. She had several others there demanding a bit of her time, and she looked exhausted, so I gave up the floor.

On Monday (the Memorial Day holiday in the USA) Gary Stover sent me an email asking if I would be on his show the next day, May 31. He said his original plan was to "go solo" and talk about what new info may have come from the Moorman interview 5-24, but that it might add something if I participated. I swallowed what ordinarily would be my usual self-deprecating reply and said okay.

He kept saying, "What does it add to the debate?" so I tried to emphasize that there really is no debate, a conspiracy is obvious, we shouldn't be debating this matter nearly fifty years later, let's get on with the job of fixing the country. I said that in our pre-show meeting and tried to get some of it into the actual show, but did not succeed until nearly the end. I said, when asked, that I felt the most "interesting" (I tried not to say "important") points Mary Moorman had were that 1) she stated her location when she took her picture, and 2) she stated the presidential limo slowed or stopped.

As of Thursday morning, Colorado time, this last, May 31 segment has not yet been uploaded.


One more thing. The following ventures into the realm of PURE SPECULATION.

For Mary Moorman's May 24 appearance, Gary Stover invited anyone who was interested to send him questions via email. I sent him some. I quoted a section of an undated document written by Shirley Martin I can't tell if it's a letter or what, because there is no salutation or other identifying header. I have scanned this document and am trying to add the pertinent paragraph to this post, so you can read it for yourself.

Mrs. Martin describes telephoning Jean Hill in January 1964. Hill, she says, told her that she and Mary Moorman had both received threatening phone calls telling them to keep quiet.

I speculate that this could be one reason why Mary Moorman has been silent all these years, and further, that it could be one reason why her recollections remain consistently different on certain points from those of Jean Hill's. (That Jean Hill seems to have embellished her story over the years is, I think, a separate issue.) Death threats, threats of bodily harm, threats against one's children, could all be enough to shut someone's mouth. It would sure as hell work on me. You might feel, late in life, that it might be safe to go public on certain small points, if that means you can sell a famous photo. But on other points you will keep you mouth shut tight.

Again, this is pure speculation delivered with all the credibility of a loud mouthed drunk down at the end of the bar.

Now I shall attempt to upload that paragraph. I got it in a huge collection of stuff from Vince Salandria about ten years ago. All marginalia, strikeovers, and so on, are in the original.

Peter Lemkin Wrote:I didn't know she attempted to sell it on eBay. What was her reserve price? That would be the WRONG way to go with just sell it to the highest bidder [who would likely be a front for the 'Borg' to make it disappear forever, or a rich right-winger who'd do the same. It needs to be accessible to researchers as, despite the years, new techniques [such as those of Wilson] and new scientific forensic techniques come along. While I'm sure through the years Jack White and others have made copy negatives of it, the original has both historical and likely forensic data. It would certainly be easy for the FBI to identify the fingerprint on it now, but they certainly would be no more interested in that, than they were in solving the case - in fact they were the primary visible blockers of any real investigation, along with the WC and many other little and big entities in the shadows.

John, I took no offense at your remarks. I was sent an email yesterday and assumed it had just taken place. Your initial post mentioned radio. Was it only broadcast earlier as audio, and more recently as video; or what? When did it originally happen and WHY was this guy able to get her to give such a long and softball interview, when she turned down so many others, before? I think the most critical questions she could have been asked about in greater depth would have been the number and timing of shots [she seemed to contradict herself], and when and how much the limo slowed [or stopped]. I would have also liked a bit more on when the ''split" between her and Hill began and why. Was anyone able to ask further questions of her off camera or off mike?

Anyone know why it was given to TSFM and then back into Mooreman's hands? Was all that at M. M.''s request or other?

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Peter Lemkin Wrote:I didn't know she attempted to sell it on eBay. What was her reserve price? That would be the WRONG way to go with just sell it to the highest bidder [who would likely be a front for the 'Borg' to make it disappear forever, or a rich right-winger who'd do the same. It needs to be accessible to researchers as, despite the years, new techniques [such as those of Wilson] and new scientific forensic techniques come along. While I'm sure through the years Jack White and others have made copy negatives of it, the original has both historical and likely forensic data. It would certainly be easy for the FBI to identify the fingerprint on it now, but they certainly would be no more interested in that, than they were in solving the case - in fact they were the primary visible blockers of any real investigation, along with the WC and many other little and big entities in the shadows.

John, I took no offense at your remarks. I was sent an email yesterday and assumed it had just taken place. Your initial post mentioned radio. Was it only broadcast earlier as audio, and more recently as video; or what? When did it originally happen and WHY was this guy able to get her to give such a long and softball interview, when she turned down so many others, before? I think the most critical questions she could have been asked about in greater depth would have been the number and timing of shots [she seemed to contradict herself], and when and how much the limo slowed [or stopped]. I would have also liked a bit more on when the ''split" between her and Hill began and why. Was anyone able to ask further questions of her off camera or off mike?

Anyone know why it was given to TSFM and then back into Mooreman's hands? Was all that at M. M.''s request or other?

peter it was in is a bit, i know i had the article but, i may not have, anyway here is some info, there may be further in a b..;wap2

she tried back on eBay live auction on January 20, 2008
but it did not sell, no bids, wiki did have the info wrong, posting that it had been sold, it wasn't, she still owns it, i think it is still cared for by the tsbd..b
Bernice Moore Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I didn't know she attempted to sell it on eBay. What was her reserve price? That would be the WRONG way to go with just sell it to the highest bidder [who would likely be a front for the 'Borg' to make it disappear forever, or a rich right-winger who'd do the same. It needs to be accessible to researchers as, despite the years, new techniques [such as those of Wilson] and new scientific forensic techniques come along. While I'm sure through the years Jack White and others have made copy negatives of it, the original has both historical and likely forensic data. It would certainly be easy for the FBI to identify the fingerprint on it now, but they certainly would be no more interested in that, than they were in solving the case - in fact they were the primary visible blockers of any real investigation, along with the WC and many other little and big entities in the shadows.

John, I took no offense at your remarks. I was sent an email yesterday and assumed it had just taken place. Your initial post mentioned radio. Was it only broadcast earlier as audio, and more recently as video; or what? When did it originally happen and WHY was this guy able to get her to give such a long and softball interview, when she turned down so many others, before? I think the most critical questions she could have been asked about in greater depth would have been the number and timing of shots [she seemed to contradict herself], and when and how much the limo slowed [or stopped]. I would have also liked a bit more on when the ''split" between her and Hill began and why. Was anyone able to ask further questions of her off camera or off mike?

Anyone know why it was given to TSFM and then back into Mooreman's hands? Was all that at M. M.''s request or other?

peter it was in is a bit, i know i had the article but, i may not have, anyway here is some info, there may be further in a b..;wap2

she tried back on eBay live auction on January 20, 2008
but it did not sell, no bids, wiki did have the info wrong, posting that it had been sold, it wasn't, she still owns it, i think it is still cared for by the tsbd..b

I find it almost impossible to believe it didn't get bids on eBay, unless her reserve price was set very high!

I'd also not trust the TSBD with anything - and I know they have custody of much. GD cut his teeth [back before joining the Borg] on this photo. I just hope it stays safe and NOT IN a safe! It belongs on secure display in a good museum. In a different [alternate universe] USA, it would really belong on display in the National Archives or similar....but as parts of the Govt. [IMHO] were behind the plot and cover up, I'd not really trust them either. This frenzy of selling things that should be in museums is sad and par for the course the world is now set upon.......
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
John, Thanks for the long explanation, which I didn't find dull, at all. It now seems more mysterious than my first reaction. I think your speculation may be right on target. She further hides some of her reason for apparent 'calm' and 'peace' [no problems since 11/22/63] behind her strong religious beliefs, which I have no reason to doubt.

Some think much of the importance of where [EXACTLY] Moorman was at the moment she took the photo. I find that a somewhat trivial point, and if she, as she said, had once stepped into the street and then back away, I know I might have a hard time remembering where I was for a certain photo.

Still hard to understand is how a guy who does Antique shows also does Dallas material and got to have Moorman on his show....weird. But what isn't about this case.

I do think that Hill might have embellished her story some, but on the threats it seems to ring more true, to me, than Moorman's "its all been a picnic" attitude.

What, to me, is VERY important and goes to the complicity of the SS is what the limo did, in terms of slowing and/or stopping. She was not pressed on that - or anything else, for that matter. It was a real softball game, not that I'd wish to 'grill' her - only go over some points enough that a definitive answer was obtained.

That little letter or note attachment is very interesting and perhaps one more example [of the nearly 100 to my count] of some pre-knowledge of the assassination floating around.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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