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COPA Website is Updating........

Our webpage is being updated since the Dallas regional meeting with lots of new items from the news. Check it out. The Dallas meeting, though not large, was information-packed and well received. You can watch the archived presentations of the remote speakers on our website at Watch the Conference. Donations of $50 or more to COPA are not tax-deductible but we will send you a DVD set of the 2011 conference as a thank you. They can be done online or through the mail.

We are working to get a permit for our annual Moment of Silence for 2012 and 2013, but we are being told that the Grassy Knoll is already booked for the 50th anniversary by Dallas and the Sixth Floor Museum, though we have been asking for a permit for three years now. See the articles on our website regarding these developments. You don't need a permit to attend our 50th anniversary conference in Dallas which is already in the planning.

At the conference, a table was used to display information on the planned Museum of Hidden History, with requests for contact information, donations and suggestions about a traveling exhibit for 2013 on what we know now, half a century later, about the JFK assassination. I am attaching a brochure about the Museum. The planning group can accept donations, but they are not tax-deductible at this point. See our webpage at www.museumofhiddenhistory,org.

There are recent developments in the Robert F. Kennedy case and in our work to release the files on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and we will keep you informed.

Next year we may hold a gathering of researchers and arrange discussion topics without formal speakers in order to focus energy now on the 50th anniversary conference, but we will be in Dallas for sure.

Thanks for your ongoing interest and support. John Judge

-- John Judge
Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA)
PO Box 772
Washington, DC 20044

Check out our new website:

Annual meeting in Dallas in November
Hotel Lawrence - 214-761-9090 - discount room reservations
Speakers, films, books, resources, email for details

National organization of medical and ballistic experts, academics and authors, researchers and interested individuals investigating major political assassinations in America and abroad. Responsible for creation and implementation of the JFK Assassination Records Act. Promoting a Martin Luther King Records Act and a grand jury process to reopen all the major assassinations.

We are not allergic to donations, donations NOT tax deductible. DVD set of last year's COPA meeting in Dallas for any donation of $50 or more.

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