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The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School
Yes Carruthers, a clear case of research mania I'm afraid. I've heard a small Swiss clinic has cured it by making patients watch re-runs of Peter Jennings...
Albert Doyle Wrote:Yes Carruthers, a clear case of research mania I'm afraid. I've heard a small Swiss clinic has cured it by making patients watch re-runs of Peter Jennings...

Now that's FUNNY as hell!

Thanks Albert and Seamus. I won't really kick the neighbor's dog. I live in a high-rise condo in downtown San Diego. Our neighbors have no dogs to kick! But, if they did: BANG, Alice--to the moon!


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Greg Burnham Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Yes Carruthers, a clear case of research mania I'm afraid. I've heard a small Swiss clinic has cured it by making patients watch re-runs of Peter Jennings...

Now that's FUNNY as hell!

Thanks Albert and Seamus. I won't really kick the neighbor's dog. I live in a high-rise condo in downtown San Diego. Our neighbors have no dogs to kick! But, if they did: BANG, Alice--to the moon!

Which reminds me of one of my two favorite New Yorker cartoons: Two astronauts are on the lunar surface, staring at the body of a housewife resting in a crater, as one of them says, "It's Alice Kramden."

The other: A patient is sitting on an examination table and watching his physician air-dance and tug at his ear. The patient says, "Dancer? Prancer? Dancer? Cancer? I have cancer?"

First runner-up: A doctor is talking to his patient: "Anyway, yada-yada-yada, it was malignant."

Second runner-up: A doctor stands at the foot of an empty bed and says, "Good news, Mrs. Jones. I think we got all of it."
Charles Drago Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Yes Carruthers, a clear case of research mania I'm afraid. I've heard a small Swiss clinic has cured it by making patients watch re-runs of Peter Jennings...

Now that's FUNNY as hell!

Thanks Albert and Seamus. I won't really kick the neighbor's dog. I live in a high-rise condo in downtown San Diego. Our neighbors have no dogs to kick! But, if they did: BANG, Alice--to the moon!

Which reminds me of one of my two favorite New Yorker cartoons: Two astronauts are on the lunar surface, staring at the body of a housewife resting in a crater, as one of them says, "It's Alice Kramden."

The other: A patient is sitting on an examination table and watching his physician air-dance and tug at his ear. The patient says, "Dancer? Prancer? Dancer? Cancer? I have cancer?"

First runner-up: A doctor is talking to his patient: "Anyway, yada-yada-yada, it was malignant."

Second runner-up: A doctor stands at the foot of an empty bed and says, "Good news, Mrs. Jones. I think we got all of it."

Very funny, Charles. Sincerely--funny...

Unfortunately...I don't think "we got all of it" -- nope. Not at all. There will be more of these assholes the closer we come to the 50th. And that is their plan. They are malignant. And those of their ilk will grow...unless?


EDIT: I wrote Jan! It was getting late last night. I meant Charles! Very funny Charles!


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Those who argue, as Fetzer, White and some others do, that the films and photos which don't support their own theories have all been faked or altered, are totally off the wall.
Conspiracy has been proven long ago USING these same photos and films. I question the motives of some of those who are trying to discredit the photographic evidence to serve their own agendas.
Fetzer has a history of latching onto to high-profile bozo claims (Z film alteration, 9/11 conspiracy theories, etc.). He has zero credibility with me. He has used bullying and bizarre "evidence" claims repeatedly in an effort to gain attention in the research community. He doesn't deserve the attention. He's an A-1 crank.

Martin Shackelford
Speaking strictly as an observer, and although I believe there are some DPF posters who share my view, I can only speak for myself of course. But, after several years of research study I am quite confused about this situation. However, I try to avoid "piling on", most of the time, and I believe others, primarily Mr Drago and Mr Burnham, are quite capable in dealing with what for me is a "very" confusing situation. By not commenting, "at least" most of the time, doesn't mean agreement or disagreement. It is my "sound of silence". FWIW


Greg Burnham Wrote:Unfortunately...I don't think "we got all of it" -- nope. Not at all. There will be more of these assholes the closer we come to the 50th. And that is their plan. They are malignant. And those of their ilk will grow...unless?


The clusterfuck occurring at the Swamp right now is playing out like a textbook psyop.

Kitchen Cinque is displaying his trophy posts after Lew Rockwell posted his shite:


I have just read your article on Lew Rockwell. Thanks for hammering away at this. Many Americans thirst for justice and as long as this lie stands out in our history, there will never be a trust in those that rule over us.

Unfortunately, there are many who prefer the easy way out and just accept the lies.

Great job, keep up the good work.

And thus the Snakeoil is Sold and Sanctified.

Cinque's "research" was destroyed at DPF. So Fetzer resuscitated it, and endorsed it, over at the Swamp.

Where a decent researcher who criticizes Cinque gets put on moderatation.

And Lamson and "Colby" are left as the Voices of Reason. Their arguments "sound" and "reasonable" precisely because one has only to hold Cinque's Snakeoil up to the light to see the bacteria swimming, the sediment gathering.

A five-year-old could see the flaws.

A clusterfuck by design.

An A-bomb flown in by mockingbirds, in time for the 50th.

Cass Clusterfucks will not be allowed at DPF.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Brilliant analysis, eloquently stated.
Any chance someone would post a link to this on the EF? I'm trying to show that Cinque can be cut down by the facts alone:

Proof Cinque Is A Moron

Although he has had this explained to him many times, Cinque is back demanding answers to his "four shoulder" theory on EF. It has already been explained that the movie cuts to the Lovelady room well after the clear still frame. The movie shot starts a few seconds after the still frame so what it presents can not be compared to the movie images. Yet Dr Cinque incompetently attempts to do so anyway, even after having this explained several times. Even worse, he takes a blurry shot of the clock and says it shows 2 o'clock "sharp". This is inherently moronic because you can't see the several seconds that have ticked-off on that clock between the still frame and the movie clip. Dr Cinque is a certifiable moron because he doesn't realize the still frame, because it is a few seconds earlier, conceals the lead cop behind the others. A sharp eye will see the brim of the white cap coming out from the edge of the head of the man in front of him. The only issue here is Dr Cinque's moronic inability to interpret photos and his moronic inability to comprehend explanations when they are given. The tall cop with the white cap IS there. Cinque is just too incompetent and too zealous to force quack theories to understand why.

To continue his abject moronacy, Cinque argues that the cop was always there in the video so he isn't concealed by the others. However anyone with even the most basic common sense would see right away that the clearer still frame is obviously a second or two prior to the video clip. So this alone defeats what Dr Cinque is claiming. I hate to put it this way but the reason Dr Cinque doesn't realize it is because he's dumb. That's the whole problem here I'm afraid. The still shot is from further back in the video where the cops were all lined-up. It was edited-out from the Craig insert video.

Again, Cinque shows an almost retarded level of understanding because he then insists that the video is a later frame and can't be compared. He does this while moronically not realizing his own words disprove his theory. This alone shows the crazy lack of grasp Dr Cinque has on this subject or the necessary logic involved. YES, the video is a later series a frames that cannot be compared to the earlier still frame. We are both saying the same thing - one understanding it, the other not.

There are NOT two different Lovelady's shown here. Cinque has had the aspect ratio explanation told to him so many times he's practically been hit over the head with it. Yet, despite all this, he still offers his moronic conclusions while pretending not to notice. The video has a squeezed aspect ratio in the picture on picture backdrop projection. The still frame of the thicker Lovelady is an isolated frame from the same movie that hasn't had its aspect ratio squeezed. That's why it's clearer and why Lovelady looks thicker. If you'll notice, both the unsqueezed Martin Film and police station film both show a "thick" Lovelady. The picture in picture video shows a thinner Lovelady because of a squeezed aspect ratio.

I submit that Dr Cinque, because of his clinical moronic condition, will not be able to understand this explanation. So therefore I suggest he be failed on the subject and dismissed as would any student who just didn't understand things when explained. No need to involve philosophy or manners with this obnoxious nitwit.

While you believe Cinque to be genuinely stupid, I wonder if he isn't playing Mickey the Dope.

Allen Dulles raved at David Lifton, "Nothing, you've shown me nothing."

Games People Play is not merely the title of a 'sixities paper back, or a song.

Cinque isn't singing, "La la la la la, I can't hear you," with his fingers plugging his ears

yet I submit his obtuseness is an act nonetheless.

Fetzer and Cinque were here, and have been everywhere, with their medicine show.

Fetzer roars his argument-from-authority and praises Cinque's genius.

Cinque fires his Gatling Gun of patronizing insults,

shielding himself with, "I'm making too much smoke to see your argument."

They should get a room--but only the EFing snake pit will have them.

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