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The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School
Back to the "Colby" discussion.

Over at the EF, our indispensable comrade Greg Burnham succinctly referenced the "Colby" hydra reality in the following exchange with Josiah Thompson, whose original post is rendered in boldface; Greg's response is in red:

Josiah Thompson, on 25 May 2012 - 12:46 AM, said:
Thank you, Greg. I think the term "bloviator" was coined by H. L. Mencken in the 1920s. My contribution in terms of descriptors for Professor Fetzer is "the Great Wind from the North." I thnk Len Colby put together a definition for the verb "to fetzer" and it was taken up on the internet by a dictionary of slang. Certainly, we should keep all this staight.



[COLOR="#FF0000"]To which one of the many "Colbys" do you refer?

Never mind-- [/COLOR]

I only used the term "CTer" because that's what commonly used in the research community to distinguish one from an "LNer." I am all too aware that the term is used disparagingly by the mainstream media to demean seekers of the truth. We'll have to come up with another term- maybe we can just use Truthers and apply it to JFK researchers.


Why would you consider Fritz's notes to be credible? I don't accept that Oswald said anything he is alleged to have said in those unrecorded interrogation sessions. Of course the case for conspiracy doesn't rest on Oswald being in the doorway at the time of the shooting. There is far more concrete evidence of conspiracy, obviously. However, that is no reason to just accept that Lovelady has been proven to definitely be the figure in the doorway. Just because Cinque and Fetzer are pushing an unpersuasive theory doesn't mean the question has been settled.
Charles Drago Wrote:Back to the "Colby" discussion.

Over at the EF, our indispensable comrade Greg Burnham succinctly referenced the "Colby" hydra reality in the following exchange with Josiah Thompson, whose original post is rendered in boldface; Greg's response is in red:

Josiah Thompson, on 25 May 2012 - 12:46 AM, said:
Thank you, Greg. I think the term "bloviator" was coined by H. L. Mencken in the 1920s. My contribution in terms of descriptors for Professor Fetzer is "the Great Wind from the North." I thnk Len Colby put together a definition for the verb "to fetzer" and it was taken up on the internet by a dictionary of slang. Certainly, we should keep all this staight.



To which one of the many "Colbys" do you refer?

Never mind--


And we shall, no doubt, re-visit this and many other "entities" in the future.

There are those who contribute posts of extremely high value--containing voluminous mountains of information (RC-D and Bill Kelly, et al)

--and then there are those who are from MONGOOSE.

Like me. Like Charles. Like Rich DellaRosa...

Mongooses mostly feed on insects, crabs, earthworms, lizards, snakes, chickens, and rodents. However, they also eat eggs and carrion.
The Mongoose is well known for its ability to fight and kill venomous snakes, particularly cobras. They are adept at such tasks due to their
agility, thick coat, and evolved acetylcholine receptors, which render them resistant or immune to snake venom. They typically avoid the
cobra and have no particular affinity for consuming its meat. -- Wiki

'The time has come,' the Walrus said,
To talk of many things:
Of shoes -- and ships -- and sealing wax --
Of cabbages -- and kings --
And why the sea is boiling hot --
And whether pigs have wings.'

'But wait a bit,' the Oysters cried,
'Before we have our chat;
For some of us are out of breath,
And all of us are fat!'
'No hurry!' said the Carpenter.
They thanked him much for that.

'A loaf of bread,' the Walrus said,
'Is what we chiefly need:
Pepper and vinegar besides
Are very good indeed --
Now, if you're ready, Oysters dear,
We can begin to feed.'

'But not on us!' the Oysters cried,
Turning a little blue.
'After such kindness, that would be
A dismal thing to do!'
'The night is fine,' the Walrus said,
'Do you admire the view?'

'It was so kind of you to come!
And you are very nice!'
The Carpenter said nothing but
'Cut us another slice-
I wish you were not quite so deaf-
I've had to ask you twice!'

'It seems a shame,' the Walrus said,
'To play them such a trick.
After we've brought them out so far,
And made them trot so quick!'
The Carpenter said nothing but
'The butter's spread too thick!'

'I weep for you,'the Walrus said:
'I deeply sympathize.'
With sobs and tears he sorted out
Those of the largest size,
Holding his pocket-handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.

'O Oysters,' said the Carpenter,
'You've had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?'
But answer came there none --
And this was scarcely odd, because
They'd eaten every one."

Excerpt from Alice in Wonderland, by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll).



"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Don Jeffries Wrote:Jan,

I only used the term "CTer" because that's what commonly used in the research community to distinguish one from an "LNer." I am all too aware that the term is used disparagingly by the mainstream media to demean seekers of the truth. We'll have to come up with another term- maybe we can just use Truthers and apply it to JFK researchers.


Why would you consider Fritz's notes to be credible? I don't accept that Oswald said anything he is alleged to have said in those unrecorded interrogation sessions. Of course the case for conspiracy doesn't rest on Oswald being in the doorway at the time of the shooting. There is far more concrete evidence of conspiracy, obviously. However, that is no reason to just accept that Lovelady has been proven to definitely be the figure in the doorway. Just because Cinque and Fetzer are pushing an unpersuasive theory doesn't mean the question has been settled.

Fritz's notes aren't credible for sure. Yet Albert never said they were. But as you know they are some of the few remaining pieces of evidence we have...good or bad! Nope, I think in the case of better evidence, I think it has effectively been disproven by Albert. Like it or not. Why tarry around on hope? If not Lovelady it could have easily some perp being an Oswald double confusing things...if Lovelady wasn't already. Why this obsession with it being Lee Oswald or holding out the possibility for some people boggles the mind. Thus I think Don's angle on it not having a huge impact on the case one way or another is true. However, I think Albert has done a pretty good job reconfirming Bob Grodens observations. Credit to him.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
The 'Colby's' are very well plugged-in on the electronic intel side it seems to well as other intel 'sides'. For example [pardon it being about me]: Once upon a time when i was both a poster and moderator at the EF, Colby posted a thread [I forget the exact title] about 'how interesting one of 'ours' is on YouTube' and referred to me. As it happened, a student filmmaker from NYC and her crew/class had by chance met me in an outdoor beer garden here in Central Europe and after talking and learning why I left the USA, asked if they could film me. It was a mistake made possible by one too many glasses of the very good and very inexpensive drink of local origin...but I said OK. What a strange coincidence that before the filmmaker emails me to say she has posted it; before anyone I know does so; the very first person on the Planet to make an internet post about it [about 1.5 hours after it was posted!!!!!!] is my arch-nemesis 'Colby'. Just a coincidence, I'm sure. In the little video piece it shows me, tells of my location, why generally I left the USA, what I do as far as Deep Political Research and a few other things. Not that that is top secret, but his purpose was to put it on a billboard and end my keeping my location private; as well as some other details about myself. One could cite many other examples of the Colby hydra doing other such things to others. He also once contacted an aging holocaust victim I had befriended and pestered her [making her very upset and causing her to be upset at me] in the vane attempt get her to discredit a story she had related to me about Mengele alive long after he was reported dead [and whom she and her twin sister had received 'special attention' from in Auschwitz]. Colby also contacted an Archive I work with in an attempt to make it difficult or impossible for me to contact them further. A more malicious entity is hard to imagine in cyberspace, but none of these activities gets him in any trouble. I, on the other hand, was REMOVED summarily on false innuendo only. The Swamp is a Swamp...and as one famous swamp dweller once said 'We have met the enemy; and the enemy is us!' That should be the motto for the EF, IMHO. [I have mentioned only the smallest bits of Colby activity - I could also mention ones by Walker, Burton, Lamson and other malevolent Swamp trolls and creatures].
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Seamus Coogan Wrote:
Don Jeffries Wrote:Jan,

I only used the term "CTer" because that's what commonly used in the research community to distinguish one from an "LNer." I am all too aware that the term is used disparagingly by the mainstream media to demean seekers of the truth. We'll have to come up with another term- maybe we can just use Truthers and apply it to JFK researchers.


Why would you consider Fritz's notes to be credible? I don't accept that Oswald said anything he is alleged to have said in those unrecorded interrogation sessions. Of course the case for conspiracy doesn't rest on Oswald being in the doorway at the time of the shooting. There is far more concrete evidence of conspiracy, obviously. However, that is no reason to just accept that Lovelady has been proven to definitely be the figure in the doorway. Just because Cinque and Fetzer are pushing an unpersuasive theory doesn't mean the question has been settled.

Fritz's notes aren't credible for sure. Yet Albert never said they were. But as you know they are some of the few remaining pieces of evidence we have...good or bad! Nope, I think in the case of better evidence, I think it has effectively been disproven by Albert. Like it or not. Why tarry around on hope? If not Lovelady it could have easily some perp being an Oswald double confusing things...if Lovelady wasn't already. Why this obsession with it being Lee Oswald or holding out the possibility for some people boggles the mind. Thus I think Don's angle on it not having a huge impact on the case one way or another is true. However, I think Albert has done a pretty good job reconfirming Bob Grodens observations. Credit to him.

Bottom line:

Do we know with certainty who is pictured on the north side of the steps at the front of the Texas School Book Depository Building on November 22, 1963 @ approximately 12:30.13 CST?

Reality: We do not know.

End of story.

We will never know.


Fetzer's fatal flaw is his inability to apply the rules of logic and critical thinking to HIMSELF, i.e., his own theories. Jim has an inability to accept limitations. We are human. We are limited, like it or not. He has an absolute NEED to be 100% right 100% of the time--for whatever reason. But, none of us can be that. He just won't accept that about himself.

A pity.

His malignant way of thinking has now metastasized to literally every quadrant of his psyche--as far as I can tell. Can't be reached. I wish my friend, Jack White, was healthy for obvious reasons, and also... perhaps he could help --but, probably could not.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
I am not a photography expert, but I believe the Altgens Photograph shows an image that has to be enlarged to be studied regarding the person aka Doorway Man. And, due to distance, camera angle, sunlight and shadow, that image may be distorted. So, for that reason, I would think eyewitness testimony is required to have a positive identification of the person in question. But, based on all I have read and studied about the event happening at the time of the photograph, I have to conclude that the person whose image is in question, is Billy Nolan Lovelady. I base that conclusion partially on the evidence that indicates the person known as Lee Harvey Oswald was actually in the lunchroom area of the TSBD Building at or soon after the picture was taken, and other images of Mr Lovelady around the time of JFK's murder.


LR Trotter Wrote:I am not a photography expert, but I believe the Altgens Photograph shows an image that has to be enlarged to be studied regarding the person aka Doorway Man. And, due to distance, camera angle, sunlight and shadow, that image may be distorted. So, for that reason, I would think eyewitness testimony is required to have a positive identification of the person in question. But, based on all I have read and studied about the event happening at the time of the photograph, I have to conclude that the person whose image is in question, is Billy Nolan Lovelady. I base that conclusion partially on the evidence that indicates the person known as Lee Harvey Oswald was actually in the lunchroom area of the TSBD Building at or soon after the picture was taken, and other images of Mr Lovelady around the time of JFK's murder.

Cheers LR.

I can handle neutrals on this topic, though I do feel Al and LR that you guys are probably bang on. Indeed, I'll say I am about 80 percent sure it's Lovelady lol. That's not to say GB is wrong however. I agree with his Fetz call totally. I also agree we can't be completely sure so I'll give GB my 20. Just in case he's right.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
Don Jeffries Wrote:Jan,

I only used the term "CTer" because that's what commonly used in the research community to distinguish one from an "LNer." I am all too aware that the term is used disparagingly by the mainstream media to demean seekers of the truth. We'll have to come up with another term- maybe we can just use Truthers and apply it to JFK researchers.


To hell with "common usage." It's killing the truth.

"CTer" is damaging not only because it was created and is being skillfully wielded as a weapon to disparage us and lampoon our efforts.

It also characterizes the truth that has been revealed thanks to our historic, courageous work as mere theory.

It implicitly supports the misconception that said truth and the Lone Nut lie are equally viable theories that must be argued with academic dispassion and mutual respect.

Worst of all, it accomplishes the enemy's main goal: preserve doubt.

And "Truthers" is a more overtly sarcastic and disparaging term than "CTer."

Again: Anyone with reasonable access to JFK assassination evidence who does not conclude conspiracy is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.

The same statement is valid for and must be made about the assassinations of MLK and RFK.

No more "theory." No more disparaging epithets.

Proclaim truth. Defend truth. Set free the truth so that it may set us free.

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