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Plugging 9/11 truth, bashing al-Jazeera on Press TV (Kevin Barrett)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Plugging 9/11 truth, bashing al-Jazeera on Press TV

[Image: osama-cia.jpg]

Arab media in bed with Western intelligence services: Analyst

8/5/2012 Press TV Interview with Kevin Barrett with the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance from Wisconsin

(watch interview)

Former al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden, who has always been depicted by Western media as the United States' worst enemy, always trusted the Qatari al-Jazeera agency to publish his messages to the world and now the two mentioned news agencies are exclusively broadcasting the armed foreign insurgents' messages to the world including footage of Iranian pilgrims kidnapped by these terrorist groups.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Kevin Barrett of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance from Wisconsin to further discuss the issue.

The video also offers the opinions of two additional guests: Peter Eyre, Middle East consultant from London and Lebanese political analyst, Roula Talj.

What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Mr Barrett, your take? If we look at this situation right now, let us say the story about Syria, it almost appears that it is so many different stories taking place depending on what network we actually turn to, to see what is really unfolding in Syria.

What has happened as far as in actual reporting, what is going on in the news industry? We have seen a deterioration of independent news journalism it seems, especially from the mainstream media since 9/11.

What is your take on this? What exactly has happened?

Barrett: Well, it is true, it got much worse after 9/11, but this really is not anything new. We have seen the American foreign policy establishment almost completely controlling and dominating big American media as far back as a coup in the early 50's in Iran, when the Prime Minister Mosaddegh was overthrown.

CIA officer Kermit Roosevelt confessed that this campaign to overthrow the government of Iran included waves of false flag terrorism to be blamed on Mosaddegh supporters among other tactics and the BBC was brought on board as a partner in this campaign to overthrow the democratically elected government of Mosaddegh.

We have seen the same pattern repeat itself with other major foreign affairs issues, certainly the Kennedy assassination is a big one. President Kennedy was on a path to total disarmament and he was killed by the hardliners in the US military and industrial complex, with the complete complicity of the big American media.

There is actually a clip you can watch of I think it is a CBS reporter, if my memory serves, on the morning of November 22, 1963 stating that the President is likely to be killed by a lone nut because there is not good security in Dallas.

This was broadcast just hours before the president was killed ostensibly by a lone nut.
And as for the 9/11, anybody who Googles WTC7 BBC, can watch the BBC reporting the controlled demolition of building seven, although they did not call it that, 20 minutes before it happened.

So this kind of media complicity in key foreign policy actions, especially of the black ops variety is an old, old story and it is obviously still going on in Syria.

Press TV: We know that a couple of members of Aljazeera resigned earlier this year because what they saw as biased reporting on Syria.

What does that say exactly to that degree that top people in a news organization could not tolerate even working there any longer because of what they saw, biased and sometimes even creation' of new stories against Syria?

Barrett: Well, it is pretty ironic because when Aljazeera was first created, it hired these same kinds of people who were journalists with integrity, who did not like working as propaganda mouthpieces for these various Arab regimes.

And Aljazeera started off with a bang and these people did report with integrity and there are some good Aljazeera reporters, but I think that they have degenerated over the past decade.

I have actually had some contact with people of Aljazeera, there were folks there who wanted to do a story on me and the 9/11 truth movement in the USA and that was canceled by top management who told them they simply could not touch that topic and the Aljazeera source told me, the direct quote from his email to me is, "Aljazeera is not what you think it is."

And looking back in retrospect now all of that hyping of al-Qaeda, where they are constantly showing you Bin Laden tapes, that was part of the Western intelligence operation, which the Mossad and elements of the CIA were perpetrating to deceive the world, to make the world believe that somehow Bin Laden who was not even ever indicted by the FBI for 9/11 was guilty of the 9/11 attacks.

So, Aljazeera has been in bed with the Western intelligence services, for at least the past decade and that should not surprise us since the nation of Qatar is basically one big US military base

Press TV: Do you agree with what our guest (Roula Talj) in Beirut has said that a lot of it is related to the military complex? Do you think that with some of the mainstream media or corporate media I should say, that it is hand in hand with certain Western governments that it is working, for example, as she said, to cause conflict in order to sell more weapons or to destabilize the region?

How do you see it? What is the real reason behind this?

Barrett: I think the guest is absolutely right.
The strategy is being set by the hard line Zionists in Israel.
They have been working to smash the Arab countries into pieces. They have been planning this for decades and the obvious way to do that, is to strike the fault lines of this sectarian differences and they are trying to turn Sunni against Shiite and they are trying to also incite ethnic nationalism among Kurds and other groups

They want to destroy all of these Middle Eastern states, break them into much smaller pieces that could never be a threat to Israel.

So that is the grand strategy that is being played out, but
it is the US that is actually implementing that strategy because unfortunately the US is currently completely controlled by the Zionists who instigated the 9/11 coup d'etat to consolidate their power here.

So, yes the military industrial complex is full of corrupt people who were happy to take money to build weapons and murder huge numbers of people.

But the strategy is the strategy of the Zionists
and I think that we have to keep in mind, especially, when we are talking to the American people and tell them that they have been bankrupted and bled dry by these hard line extremists Lukudnik Zionists who murdered 3000 Americans in the twin towers on 9/11.

If the American people ever figure that out, we will stop this crazy destabilization of the Middle East.

Posted by Kevin Barrett at 7:39 PM[Image: icon18_email.gif]

Labels: 9/11 truth, al-jazeera, al-Qaeda, aljazeera, CIA,destabilization, false-flag, media criticism, Osama Bin Laden,Press TV, qatar

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
August 7, 2012

Does 9/11 Truth Have A Chance? "In America Respect for Truth is Dead"
by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Global Research, September 12, 2011

URL of this article:

In the US on September 11, 2011, the tenth anniversary of 9/11, politicians and their presstitute media presented Americans with "A Day of Remembrance," a propaganda exercise that hardened the 9/11 lies into dogma. Meanwhile, in Toronto, Canada, at Ryerson University the four-day International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001, came to a close at 5pm.

During the four days of hearings, distinguished scientists and scholars and professional architects and engineers presented the results of years of their independent research into all aspects of 9/11 to a distinguished panel consisting of the honorary president of the Italian Supreme Court who was an investigative judge who presided over terrorism cases and three distinguished scholars of high renown and judgment. The distinguished panel's task is to produce a report with their judgment of the evidence presented by the expert witnesses.

The Toronto Hearings were streamed live over the Internet. I was able to watch many of the presentations over the four days. I was impressed that the extremely high level of intelligence and scientific competence of the witnesses was matched by a high level of integrity, a quality rare in US politics and totally absent in the American media.

As I stressed in my recent interview about 9/11 with James Corbett and Global Research, I am a reporter, not an independent researcher into 9/11. I pay attention when the fact-based community finds problems with the official propaganda. Perhaps this reflects my age. My generation was raised to believe in evidence and the scientific method. George Orwell and other writers warned us of the consequence of succumbing to government propaganda as a result of disinterest in the truth or government manipulation of one's patriotism.

My ability to serve as a reporter of scientific evidence is enhanced by my having a Bachelor of Science from Georgia Tech, a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia, and post-graduate education at the University of California, Berkeley, and Oxford University, where my professor was the distinguished physical chemist and philosopher, Michael Polanyi. In the 1960s, I was appointed Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, in order to provide together with Polanyi to the science students at Berkeley a course in Polanyi's unique contributions to knowledge. Polanyi's illness prevented the course from happening and condemned me to being a mere economist.

This does not mean that I am infallible or that my reporting is correct. If my reporting stimulates you, go to the presentations, which I believe will continue to be available online, and if not, some edited CD will be available. Try

As one whose own contributions to economics, now belatedly recognized, are "outside the box," I am responsive to those who can escape peer pressure in order to advance truth. Here are some of the important things I learned from the Toronto Hearings.

The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, a government agency) reports on the twin towers and building 7 are fraudulent. Witnesses at the Toronto Hearings proved that building 7 was a standard controlled demolition and that incendiaries and explosives brought down the twin towers. There is no doubt whatsoever about this. Anyone who declares the contrary has no scientific basis upon which to stand. Those who defend the official story believe in miracles that defy the laws of physics.

A nano-chemist from the University of Copenhagen, who together with a scientific team spent 18 months investigating the chemical and physical properties of dust from the towers, found evidence of nano-termite in the dust and quantities of particles not naturally formed by office or normal building fires that indicate another explosive was also present.

These findings explain the extreme high temperatures that produced the molten steel for which indisputable evidence exists. In the orchestrated cover-up, NIST denies that molten steel is present as its presence is inconsistent with the low temperatures that NIST acknowledges building fires can produce.

Physicist David Chandler proved beyond all doubt that building 7 fell over its visible part (other buildings obscure the bottom floors) at free fall speed, an unambiguous indication that explosives had removed all supporting columns simultaneously.There is no possibility whatsoever according to the laws of physics that building 7 fell for the reasons NIST provides. The NIST account is a total denial of known laws of physics.

Many other powerful points were made at the conference that I will not report, at least not at this time, because the revelation of malevolence is so powerful that most readers will find it a challenge to their emotional and mental strength.

Psychologists explained that there are two kinds of authority to which people submit. One is to the authority of people in high positions in the government. The belief that "our government wouldn't lie to us" is pervasive, especially among patriots. The other source of authority is experts. However, to believe experts a person has to be educated and open-minded and to trust scientific, professional, and scholarly integrity.

In recent years in America, scientific and scholarly authority has come into disrepute among Christian evangelicals who object to evolution and among anti-intellectual Tea Party adherents who object to "elitists," that is, objection to knowledge-based persons whose knowledge does not support Tea Party emotions.

In other words, qualified, knowledgeable people who tell people what they do not want to hear are dismissed as "the enemy." Much of the American population is set up to believe government propaganda. Without an independent media, which the US no longer has, people are taught that only "conspiracy kooks" challenge the government's story. Even on the Internet, this is a main theme on and on, two sites that protest America's wars but accept the 9/11 propaganda that justifies the wars.

This is the reason that I think that the US is moving into an era where the emotional needs of the population produced by government propaganda overwhelms science, evidence, and facts. It means the abolition of accountable government and the rule of law, because protection from terrorists is more important.

The fact-based world in which "we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead" is being displaced by dogma. Anyone who doubts "our government" is an anti-American, Muslim-loving, pinko-liberal commie, who should be arrested and waterboarded until the culprit confesses that he is a terrorist.

The event of 9/11 is now outside the realm of fact, science, and evidence. It is a dogma that justifies the Bush/Cheney/Obama war crimes against Muslims and their countries.

Obama regime appointee Cass Sunstein, a Chicago and Harvard Law School professor, thinks the 9/11 movement, for challenging the official "truth", should be infiltrated by US intelligence agents in order to shut down the fact-based doubters of government propaganda.

When a law professor at our two most prestigious law schools wants to suppress scientific evidence that challenges government veracity, we know that in America respect for truth is dead.

The notion that a country in which truth is dead is a "light unto the world" is an absurdity.

Further Reading

- by Global Research - 2011-09-11
Articles and documentation on 9/11 from Global Research

Paul Craig Roberts is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Global Research Articles by Paul Craig Roberts

Comment seen on WMR's
[TABLE="width: 855"]
[TD]August 6-7, 2012 -- OFF-TOPIC DAILY FORUM


[TABLE="width: 855"]
[TD]"I am watching the PBS Ken Burns documentary called "The War". I just learned that the allies crossed over into Nazi Germany on 9/11/44. Imagine that September 11 we invaded Nazi Germany for the first time.

Interesting date.

Maybe the Nazi's took it back on 9/11/2001.

Just thinkin."

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Quote:By Ed Jewett:

Comment seen on WMR's

August 6-7, 2012 -- OFF-TOPIC DAILY FORUM

"I am watching the PBS Ken Burns documentary called "The War". I just learned that the allies crossed over into Nazi Germany on 9/11/44. Imagine that September 11 we invaded Nazi Germany for the first time.

Interesting date.

Maybe the Nazi's took it back on 9/11/2001.

Just thinkin."

Think they might have been homegrown Nazis?? Itching for war?


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