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ANOTHER 19 - a new book by Kevin Ryan
Kevin Ryan from the Journal of 9/11 Studies has published a lengthy (424 page) book presenting his detailed research on the probable conspiracy behind the attacks - ANOTHER 19: INVESTIGATING LEGITIMATE 9/11 SUSPECTS. The Amazon link is below and it seems to be selling fairly well. Ryan is a formidable researcher and I understand the book collects his numerous online articles with new material throughout. The contents listing is instructive:

1: Introduction
2: Dick, Don and Another 19
3: Carlucci, Armitage and the Deep State
4: Louis Freeh and the FBI
5: George Tenet and the CIA
6: Richard Clarke, COG and the UAE 7:
7: Canavan, Sliney and the FAA
8: Ralph Eberhart and NORAD
9: Carl Truscott and the Secret Service
10: John, Paul, Peter and the Pentagon
11: Bremer, Jenkins and Terrorism Propaganda
12: Wirt Walker and KuwAm
13: Barry McDaniel and Stratesec
14: Rudy Giuliani and the World Trade Center
15: Duane Edwards and SAIC
16: Porter Goss and the Cover-up
17: Conclusions and Next Steps

Amazon has a useful 'look inside the book' feature. (There are some pages of praise from luminaries like Peter Dale Scott and others). I've reprinted the contents listing from the book as it serves at a glance to suggest the breadth of the likely conspiracy behind the attacks. Even here, Ryan's focus excludes other likely accessories, which would include Zelikow and certain other members of the 9/11 Commission. Either way, I hope Ryan's book sells well, and it's heartening to see solid new research continue to appear on this subject.[URL=""][/URL]
Thank you, Anthony. Ths looks like a MUST READ.

Ryan couldn't interest a publisher so he published it himself and he may be opening himself up to some lawsuits. It seems to me that the MIC et al were milking 9/11 for all they could and cover their asses, as usual for incompetence, criminal activity and corruption they got into if they were going to be right up there at the top of the bureaucracy as this list shows. The Truth movement is running out of steam and it is falling apart. People are abandoning AE911T after seeing the BS and the self enrichment going on by Gage.

Such as:

"Mark Graham Although we now know that NSA saves our emails, if you want to correspond by email mine is

I'm glad to see that Gage has not had my comment removed! It was quite hard to find on blogger though.

My intention was to put out the facts so that people considering donating time and money to AE could make an informed decision and avoid wasting their time and money. Despite a rosy appearance Gage is not really interested in doing what it would take for AE to succeed in its stated mission. Thus he is wasting everybody's time while making off like a bandit. Remember his $85,000 a year salary from AE911Truth plus his rent, cell phone, car, etc. are ALL paid.

My hope was that my message would be evaluated based on the facts. Not on emotions. Same way I want people (and Gage wants people) to evaluate 9/11 Truth and the government's story about 19 Arab hijackers.

Did you agree with my analysis of this $600,000 billboard campaign? Do you think it can succeed? How much money do you think has already been raised? (raised, not pledged).

There is nothing I can do about whether you perceived my message as bitter.

There is nothing wrong with being bitter after investing 3 years, thousands of hours of work in AE and finding out what a phony Richard Gage is. If you went through that experience (and I don't think you would have stuck it out that long) you would be a combination of disappointed, angry at Gage, bitter, and very well informed by the whole experience. And grateful for the good people you were able to meet and work with along the way. As I am.

As of late November last year I am no longer affiliated with AE. I am working on a letter to my friends and former colleagues there telling what I think is wrong with AE and what would have to be done to fix it.

"Ryan couldn't interest a publisher so he published it himself"

Jeffrey, honestly, so what? Other than Trine Day and Skyhorse, there don't seem to be that many publishers interested in 9/11 truth, period. I read your comment here and the negative comment linked at the 911Blogger page. It may all be accurate (and, amusingly, the criticisms about a disorganised and polarising leader remind me strongly of local discussion regarding deposed Australian PM Kevin Rudd) but I'm not sure what much of it has to do with Ryan's book.
Correct... no direct connection other than KR was the darling of AE911T and replaced me on their board... and I believe that there is a lot of false claims made by this group and their leading members... who have made 9/11 truth into a career and have a vested interest in keeping their myth alive. Consider this dynamic:

""We have to keep this in mind," Blum ensures us, "America, like Israel, cherishes its enemies. Without enemies, the United States appears to be a nation without moral purpose and direction." - See more at:"

A similar paradigm is at work with this crew... without their self created myth they would be out of a job!

"We have to keep this in mind," Blum ensures us, "America, like Israel, cherishes its enemies. Without enemies, the United States appears to be a nation without moral purpose and direction." - See more at:

Guns and Butter
"Another Nineteen, Part One" with Kevin Ryan. September 11, 2001; Donald Rumsfeld; Dick Cheney; Frank Carlucci; Carlyle Group; BDM Corporation; Stratesec; Richard Armitage; the deep state; SAIC; Richard Clarke; Continuity of Government; the War on Terror; United Arab Emirates; rendition; Rwandan genocide.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Keith Millea Wrote:
Guns and Butter
"Another Nineteen, Part One" with Kevin Ryan. September 11, 2001; Donald Rumsfeld; Dick Cheney; Frank Carlucci; Carlyle Group; BDM Corporation; Stratesec; Richard Armitage; the deep state; SAIC; Richard Clarke; Continuity of Government; the War on Terror; United Arab Emirates; rendition; Rwandan genocide.

Who is surprized by the fact that corruption exists, that old boys networks exists and are protected, that militarism has been sold to the people as a necessary and only means to protect them... but it is producing precisely the opposite results? Who can deny that there are people who are getting rich through the MIC and this may be why so many gravitate to it. This has been going on for a long time. War is a racket.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:
Keith Millea Wrote:
Guns and Butter
"Another Nineteen, Part One" with Kevin Ryan. September 11, 2001; Donald Rumsfeld; Dick Cheney; Frank Carlucci; Carlyle Group; BDM Corporation; Stratesec; Richard Armitage; the deep state; SAIC; Richard Clarke; Continuity of Government; the War on Terror; United Arab Emirates; rendition; Rwandan genocide.

Who is surprized by the fact that corruption exists, that old boys networks exists and are protected, that militarism has been sold to the people as a necessary and only means to protect them... but it is producing precisely the opposite results? Who can deny that there are people who are getting rich through the MIC and this may be why so many gravitate to it. This has been going on for a long time. War is a racket.

Would you like to comment about Kevin Ryan's interview?
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
I think I heard this and it's all circumstantial evidence... that the usual suspects were located in the WTC... which was not an unexpected address for these characters. Yes there was a plan to install/operate COG... hardly unexpected... and not something these SOB's would be screaming from the roof tops.

I've read or heard most of his stuff... and I don't expect anything terribly new. Interesting stuff that needs more light.

It's hardly a surprise as to who is in the old boys club is it? They're not all that secretive about who they run with.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:
Keith Millea Wrote:
Guns and Butter
"Another Nineteen, Part One" with Kevin Ryan. September 11, 2001; Donald Rumsfeld; Dick Cheney; Frank Carlucci; Carlyle Group; BDM Corporation; Stratesec; Richard Armitage; the deep state; SAIC; Richard Clarke; Continuity of Government; the War on Terror; United Arab Emirates; rendition; Rwandan genocide.

Who is surprized by the fact that corruption exists, that old boys networks exists and are protected, that militarism has been sold to the people as a necessary and only means to protect them... but it is producing precisely the opposite results? Who can deny that there are people who are getting rich through the MIC and this may be why so many gravitate to it. This has been going on for a long time. War is a racket.

If you didn't bother to listen to the interview then please don't bother to respond to it.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

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