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Why Was JFK MurdERED? by Donna Coe
Sat, June 15, 2013 1:37:25 PM
Why Was JFK Murdered? by Donna Coe
From: Tree Frog <>


Why Was JFK Murdered?
by Donna Coe

A few years ago while traveling to Connecticut I came across a book written by James W. Douglass, "JFK and The Unspeakable, Why He Died and What It Matters". At the time I thought it was just another book with more of the same worn-out conclusions. I had no interest in reading it. It wasn't until recently when I came across an interview given by Lew Rockwell, that my interest in this book reached a renewed level of curiosity. Reading JFK and The Unspeakable prompted me to write to you today.

Mr. Douglass taps into an entirely different approach. His approach is less about "who" pulled the trigger and more about "why" citizen denial overwhelmingly took hold of our nation's mindset, in addition to the role of government's plausible deniability, and how these elements allowed the unspeakable to occur.

Before I continue some of the terminology and circumstances Mr. Douglass discusses will need a brief explanation:

Citizen denial is a term that should be easy to understand. The difficulty is to determine whether citizen denial was the mindset in 1963 and whether it is our mindset today.

Plausible deniability is a term coined by the CIA during the Kennedy administration. It is a term used to describe the withholding of information from senior officials in order to protect them from repercussions in the event that illegal or unpopular activities by the CIA became public knowledge. Does the lack of evidence make the denial plausible, meaning that it then becomes, credible? Is plausible deniability a tactic used by the CIA today?

The explanation of the unspeakable is perhaps the most interesting, yet it might also be the most difficult to grasp. It should be noted that Mr. Douglass developed a deep admiration for the writings of Father Thomas Merton. Father Merton was born in France in 1915; he was a Trappist Monk, a poet and spiritual writer, social activist, and student of comparative religion. It was Father Merton who coined the phrase "The Unspeakable" that Mr. Douglass uses in the title of his book. "The Unspeakable" as defined by Father Merton and as it is understood by Mr. Douglass is, "an evil whose depth and deceit seem to go beyond the capacity of words to describe."

Mr. Douglass wants us to consider whether the unspeakable succeeded due to citizen denial, because the truth was hidden from us due to plausible deniability by government agencies. He presents a compelling argument that President Kennedy was assassinated by unspeakable forces, and he provides highly detailed and intricately linked evidence based on his own research and a vast array of some of the best scholarship.

In some ways Mr. Douglass actually extends the borderline and opens news paths. One of the things that makes this book instructive and worthy of reading is that Mr. Douglass is able to achieve an amazingly different view through the use of new sources, or through sources that were never used, underused, or simply not available. His years of scholarship, along with fresh interviews and access to White House memos only released in the mid-1990's, prompted Gaeton Fonzi, former staff investigator for the U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations, to write that JFK and The Unspeakable is "by far the most important book yet written on the subject." Mr. Douglass meticulously documents his sources. There are nearly 100 pages of documentation.

While it is important to examine the terminology and circumstances that Mr. Douglass talks about, at the crux of his book is the sequence of steps that transformed JFK from a Cold Warrior to someone determined to pull us back from the brink of nuclear war. Even today, too few of us realize that President Kennedy was fully immersed in a perilous battle toward peaceful negotiations with all nations, including a back-channel dialogue with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Every hypothesis, particularly when it is backed by recently released information needs to be considered. Unmasking the truth is crucial. Otherwise, we run the risk of not considering this tragic event in relation to current events, regardless of who sits in the White House.

Historical truth is essential to our understanding, but equally important is Douglass' dissection of the actions of those in power during the 1950's and '60's in both domestic and international politics. Kennedy, he posits, began as a Cold Warrior committed to Pax Americana secured through superior nuclear military might. But the near cataclysmic disaster of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the isolation Kennedy experienced from his own military advisers forced him to reach out for help both publicly and in secret back-channel memos to his greatest enemy: Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.

Kennedy had what some leaders might call a conversion. He turned toward peace. When the enemy is seen as human, everything changes. This conversion locked Kennedy into a death spiral with the military industrial complex and the CIA. They now considered JFK a traitor because he reached out to Khrushchev in peace, and because the CIA and the military industrial complex were fanatically committed to what General Curtis E. LeMay described as, "Pax Atomica," the annihilation of America's enemies through nuclear war.

Kennedy showcased his new vision in June 1963 during a speech at American University in Washington, D.C., by advocating the absolute necessity for nations to choose peace. "What kind of peace do I mean?" asked Kennedy. "Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living ..." He spoke of his intentions to establish a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and he acknowledged the Russian people wanted peace as much as the American people.

It was this speech, Mr. Douglass says, that prompted "The Unspeakable" in the form of people within the U.S. inttelligence and the military industrial complex to act.

Mr. Douglass tells us that Kennedy was well aware of his enemies and he was well aware of the dangers facing him. He tells the story that, until now, I don't think America was ready to hear. It's an old story of "prophets, kings and consequences". It's a story of how President Kennedy nearly started a nuclear war then turned toward peace with the enemy who almost started it with him It's our story it desperately needs to be remembered and never forgotten.

June 8, 2013

Donna Coe [send her mail].

Copyright © 2013 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

Gaeton Fonzi praising it as the most important work on the subject yet written is high praise indeed. The Last Investigation is a glimpse into the HSCA showing Blakey an obsfucator and CIA lapdog, DeMohrenschildt a martyr to the truth, Phillips a chilling figure causing Veciana to fear for his life--as the head of the Western Hemisphere division meets with the lone gunman that summer.

Douglass makes it clear Kennedy was ever the obstacle to the business model, preventing the regime change, resource extraction, militaristic buildup and release demanded by hawks of Testosteronia.

And those hundred pages of endnotes--another wonderful book in themselves.

Plausible denial still operative? Oh, really? Then it wasn't a video but the gunrunning which drew the attack on Benghazi.

Wasn't the pursuit of a mythic villain but of the world's heroin in Smackistan?

We are forbidden to see JFK as the man of peace withdrawing from Vietnam and negotiating with Nikita Khrushchev--who was himself removed by hawk Leonid Brezhnev in October 1964.

We're supposed to swallow some awful syrup of ipecac from Bugliosi and Hersh, some lone nut cum he-deserved-it mess.

The National Security State snuffed out the peacemaker in its pursuit of perpetual war, period.
I would like to add a brief comment on why John Kennedy had to be killed. The Wall Street capitalists and their "friends" who did not succeed in overthrowing President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933-1934, had decided that the only option for having more wars and more money for themselves, was to assassinate this President Kennedy who had new plans for a democratic nation, even changing its private banking system, the Federal Reserve.. They could not control him or his moves toward peace and his democratic ideas for this country which would interfere with their plans for the subjection of the American people to the levels of near-slave laborers and warriors to do their bidding. The CIA has had hired assassins to be called forth to do their heinous work, and they would surely not talk.

Since then we have had wars in Vietnam, Eastern Europe, Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Syria, and maybe soon in Iran, along with minor skirmishes here and there. Will it never stop? Probably not, as long as Wall Street industrialists and bankers keep purchasing our Congrssional members and our presidents, and the American people are not told what is going on, or why.

Our capitalist economic system is failing miserably. The American people should not be so easily fooled again, but time will tell after the propaganda machines grind out their lies.....

Adele Edisen Wrote:I would like to add a brief comment on why John Kennedy had to be killed. The Wall Street capitalists and their "friends" who did not succeed in overthrowing President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933-1934, had decided that the only option for having more wars and more money for themselves, was to assassinate this President Kennedy who had new plans for a democratic nation, even changing its private banking system, the Federal Reserve.. They could not control him or his moves toward peace and his democratic ideas for this country which would interfere with their plans for the subjection of the American people to the levels of near-slave laborers and warriors to do their bidding. The CIA has had hired assassins to be called forth to do their heinous work, and they would surely not talk.

Since then we have had wars in Vietnam, Eastern Europe, Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Syria, and maybe soon in Iran, along with minor skirmishes here and there. Will it never stop? Probably not, as long as Wall Street industrialists and bankers keep purchasing our Congrssional members and our presidents, and the American people are not told what is going on, or why.

Our capitalist economic system is failing miserably. The American people should not be so easily fooled again, but time will tell after the propaganda machines grind out their lies.....


I agree with everything you say and every point you make, Adele, especially that the economic system is one that serves only a very few [despite the fairytale otherwise]. While not prepared to give up the fight until my last breath, we who see this face an steep uphill battle with the power and all-pervasiveness of the propaganda apparatus [now augmented by the 'TIA' electronic surveillance of everyone]. Most Americans and Europeans just are afraid to even contemplate what needs to be contemplated to begin the internal assimilation of having been lied to and deceived for one's life and, in fact, for generations! They are even more afraid, mostly subconsciously, that such awareness would, of necessity, imply the need for ACTION - and they don't want to be 'bothered' or in 'harm's way' in such ACTION - even though it need not be violent. All too many are satisfied or resigned is perhaps more apt to go along to get along and get through their lives without having to integrated the truth and then act. We've had SO many clear examples of the endless wars, the assassinations of those who stood in the way, the grabs of resources from foreign lands - the people there and their wishes be damned - and great analysis on all of this....suppressed and marginalized. Let us hope the economic collapse awakens the mostly closed minds in ways nothing else could. Most poor in both developed and under-developed nations, often with NO formal education and NO access to all the websites and books we've read 'get it' on a visceral level..while those better off in the 'West' who have every opportunity to educate themselves on 'all this' mostly stick their heads in the sand or in the TV or in whatever diversion they can think of.........bought off by the promise of the 'golden ring' and the propaganda myths.

JFKATU remains the gold standard book on the subject!...if only everyone would read a copy!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:They are even more afraid, mostly subconsciously, that such awareness would, of necessity, imply the need for ACTION - and they don't want to be 'bothered' or in 'harm's way' in such ACTION - even though it need not be violent. All too many are satisfied or resigned is perhaps more apt to go along to get along and get through their lives without having to integrated the truth and then act.

Of course, confusion and uncertainty, as Schotz (History Will Not Absolve Us) argued, is precisely what is aimed at in the JFK case, because it defers the need for action.

But in terms of the lack of action by Americans, I've gone back and forth over which of these motives is the dominant one: ignorance, indifference or fear. Sometimes I think the former two, sometimes the latter. Our culture certainly reinforces them all, the first via disinformation or the inculcation of myths of exceptionalism, the second with the bread-and-circuses of mindless mass media diversion or consumerism, the latter via threats to our livelihood (the risk of losing your economic sustenance), or worse. Now I myself do not know how I would act if I were faced with the choices Manning or Snowden made; I would hope I would have some of their courage, but honestly I do not know. But even to get people out on the streets to protest is a major undertaking. Ignorance, indifference, or fear? Or is it the lack of ability to think critically?
I think the people(I would say American people, but I agree with Arthur Jenson that there is no America) are pretty much in the same boat as the citizens of the Soviet Union under Stalin. The had enough underground information to know that Pravda and Izvestia were feeding them BS, but what could they do? Anyone who tried to take action disappeared in to the gulags and asylums. To day we know that the corporate media and the government are feeding us more BS, but what can we do? Any one who flies above the radar gets disappeared, renditioned, or otherwise dealt with under the auspices of the Patriot Act(George Orwell would get a good laugh from that one). And this very post is most likely being monitored by the NSA.
The mafia killed him because he went back on the deal Joe Kennedy made with them before the election i.e. go easy on them in exchange for their mobilizing blocs of union votes in Chicago and other key districts
Sandy Sherbrook Wrote:The mafia killed him because he went back on the deal Joe Kennedy made with them before the election i.e. go easy on them in exchange for their mobilizing blocs of union votes in Chicago and other key districts
I think you might want to think some more on this. The mob were at most mechanics and taking orders from others.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
The central question, Why Was JFK Murdered, is just that: centered between now, the fiftieth anniversary of that public ambush, and the institution of the Federal Reserve System and the National Income Tax.

Kennedy's Executive Order 11110 was a sin against the bankers. His NSAMs 55, 56, 57 and threat to break CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds, another. His serial refusal to beat his chest like a good little Norman Mailer primate at the Bay of Pigs, the Missile Crisis, the War in Vietnam, the nuclear game of chicken, and so forth was yet another.

In Thy Will Be Done and Battling Wall Street his insistence on a post-colonial betterment of all mankind via loans without strings was another mortal sin.

For the oil men funding aspects of the program, his position on the oil depletion allowance. To the members of organized crime tapped by the Helms-Harvey-Maheu mongoose, Bobby's persecution of the bigs was unforgiveable.

The why was laid out upon the table by Douglass.

Now, asked by Adele, and Peter, and Albert, and Gordon, why then do the fish not rebel against their wetness.

Speaking with a researcher for a productive hour today it seems the son rejects the parents' preoccupation with that "Kennedy business."

A high-ranking Air Force official expressed impatience that anyone was still consumed with that.

To Priscilla Johnson McMillan in 2007 the "believing Marxist" struck at capitalism to "decapitate it"--and for the so-brainy Chomsky, eh.

The lie is taught. The lie is bought. The fish haven't a clue as to their wetness.

We had a series of stunning interviews by Sibel Edmonds: absolutely stop-the-presses stuff: 9-11 guilty foreknowledge at the highest levels.

American Idol has been replaced by NCIS at the top of the pops but where's the insistence on the truth of Benghazi gun-running, and whither goest this mad rush to Syria.

The dead and maimed are still returning from the last hoax.

Resolved: that the public ambush of the 35th president was an act of the same security state which slouches toward Damascus.

That snake pit which insured the fall of the Towers would enable a call to take out the Saudi trash in Baghdad and secure the crop in Smackistan.

C.D. Jackson in October 1952 wrote the Eisenhower speech urging all agencies to speak with a single voice.

Now comes Cass Sunstein to lead the choir of mockingbirds.

Howard Beale in Network was told how the cow ate the cabbage.

Do the sheep dream of electric wolves scanning their metadata.

Surely there is a continuum for the past century of power acquisition by a cabal which employs scribes and indoctrinators in the grand public education and the ivy-covered mausolea.

What Sibel Edmonds told us, Manning and Snowden confirm.

When Hoover died in 1972 his subordinate was stopped on the way to delivering a memo to the former Director's desk. Informed of that death, the subordinate still acted autonomically upon his appointed rounds.

Will the fish believe a screen adaption of Douglass' Unspeakable with George Clooney smiling in the one instant, then head forced through the deli grinder by a cross-hatch 7.62 round from a silenced FN FAL in a station wagon backed up to the South Knoll.

The Tonkin Gulf Resolution was a sham. The Pearl Harbor attack--like that of 9-11--was known and could've been avoided.

The water is red with our brothers' blood.

But the chasm between the visceral and the virtual is too great--until it is too late.

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Phil cuts to the heart of the matter....
JFKATU is the best single book on the issues of Why JFK was removed from office by violence in public.
The how can be had from many places, but the WHY is in a few good books.
Jim Douglass' work all should buy a copy and share the thing with others.

Gaeton Fonzi's "Last Investigation" documents how WC ver. 2.0 was crafted and what was being covered up by Blakey and the CIA, in effect revealing why all was hidden from us - WeThePeople.

Fletcher Prouty has a lot to say about Why too. "Secret Team" and "JFK" and "Understanding Special Operations" all cover Why questions.

The peacemaker had to die and all future peacemakers would pass under the assassin's weaponry.
An unending time of profit and war was at stake.
Over the last half century all we have ever gotten from the USGovernment is lies and half-truths of limited hangouts about the decade of the assassins.

I have always found the Why questions to be more revealing than any of the how questions.
Other than evidence to prove the legend false, how is not as important as the Whys.

Why leads to the corridors of power.... not to the Patsy.
Even the WC never developed a proper motive for the Patsy.
Why not?


PS I know I can do nothing about the NSA thru the Brit offices trapping this as coming out of America for the US spooks NSA etc., as the NSA monitors the UK/Europe.
Then both asshole agencies can deny they "SPY" on their own citizens but still have access to all the data they want.

Lawyers/bureauRATS lies to CYA. And WeThePeople stand for this criminal conspiracy.
Not On My Watch - I tell all that will listen and are receptive.

Left out of the equation for most are the civilian spooks with NO OVERSIGHT.
If the spooks were not aware that they operate in VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION
then why do they lie everytime they open their mouths?
Fletcher Prouty said there is never a point in asking a spook a question, you will not get an honest answer from a spook.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.

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