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Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ?
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Compared to Hitler, not even a one-percenter. No doubt a test bed.

Compared to what Montagu Norman and his associates managed to create in Germany, Jones was small.

Tailoring the appeal to the target demo, applying various standard practice, follow me, follow me, follow me, die.

A little test run......

Phil Dragoo Wrote:Acid to coke to crack to smack--Obama and Hillary visit Burma, the southern border is kept open

Performance was the year of Boys in the Band and Fellini's Satyricon

A bit of the ultraviolence of A Clockwork Orange

Ah yes - Ultraviolence.

Trauma conditioning.

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:For those of us interested in Stanley Kubrick's occult and deep political dimensions, the official trailer to "A Clockwork Orange" is a provocative watch:

It contains elements not seen in the final version. Subliminal flashes resonant with the disclosure of Lt Commander Thomas Narut.

In addition, a recent biographer claimed that the spook and novelist, Anthony Burgess, based A Clockwork Orange on real behaviour modification programmes carried out in secret American experiments in military bases such as Fort Bliss, probably involving Paperclip Nazis, that Burgess had learned of through his intelligence connections.

Full thread here: A Clockwork Orange official trailer

Phil Dragoo Wrote:The 'nineties were booming and ended over the finish line with the demolition of the towers

Now it's all SkyNet all the time, droning on

The new drug is the electronic simulorgy, the handful of smartphone, semper connected

The next 911 will be an electromagnetic pulse

That's all, Folks

That's deep political insight, Folks.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Charles Drago Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:The enlightenment of acid replaced by the hedonism of coke

Sometimes the deepest of deep political insights can be expressed in a single, poetic line.

My query about where the "activism" went from 71-2 has been answered.

Could it be that simple?
I'd say so. Being allergic to all the "caine" family of drugs I missed the hedonistic turn to idiocy.
Novacaine and Zylocaine and Cocaine were minimally effective and mild anaphalactic reaction producing in me.
Just lucky though I am not inclined to hedonism as time told out.

I am gonna say this about the issue, THE BEST advice I ever got from the non hedonistic side of the drug culture I was in contact with was this:
"Anything that makes you feel like shit the next day is poison. Take your time and stick with pot and hash for a time."
It was not critical that I got high, I was vastly more interested in peoples and life styles that rejected the norm of the day,
i.e. Merchantilism and Capitalist exploitation for war of the non empowered classes of American society.

As hard as it may be to believe I stuck to that advice for years. Even in military servitude I smoked pot and the max was opiated hash from tada Pakistan/Afghanistan.
Never peed hot so use was minimal except when I got home for a time of easing spirit.
21st Birthday stand out as I did get home thousands of miles out-of-bounds but Fuck 'Em All.

Hallucinigenics did not become something I was interested in until after I got home to be rejected for jobs and a general return to my home "culture" of the Heartland.
When this day came I was also lucky and still involved in a non hedonistic culture having access to quality LSD by all accounts.
No "guides" to warp my ride, only advice of proper set and setting before the fact.
Likely just me, but I was confirmed by the internal self examination experienced in the spongies coming down.
Introspection and reflection confirmed my beliefs.
My internal moral compass was confirmed as the only one worth listening to.

So maybe once or twice a year and in quite mild dose levels by 1960s dose descriptions, I'd take a vacation without leaving the farm.
Never had or saw a "bad-trip", maybe because of dose level or quality, I do not know.

Something not to be forgotten is going to the 1975 Indy National Drag Races while tripping.
Birthday Happy!
Now that is a rush I'll keep in fond memories.
The Top Fuel cars were made of bubblegum and stretched half way to the big end (finish-line).
The Funny Cars were incredible too.

Friends from that time are for the most part still friends and the values have remained for the most part.
Family and taking care of and teaching our children well to think for themselves usually didn't so much stifle the culture as confirm the importance of the choices made long ago.
CSNY told us to teach our children well.
One of my favorite sayings is:
"Be good to yourself, it gets easier to be good to others when you do".
The counter-culture lives still. Provided one missed the exit to hedonism.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Silver Train sure did make it to the station on time. God the blues is a powerful force when its done right.

For all Keith dissed Mick Taylor that band sure did fall apart when Taylor got sick of the shit and said I'm out of here. Taylor held that band together.

Everybody looks like hell when they have missing front teeth but it looked good on Keith.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Well, no use getting your hands on S.E. Asia and all that opium from the French if you can't realize your investment.

Magda, that was the ballgame, eh?

Control over the world's heroin market. They needed a decade after the fall of Diem to destroy Corsican Mafia control of global smack production, which required the militarization of So Vietnam to protect the Laotian poppy fields.

All in a day's work. On June 29, 1971, elite American interests won the Vietnam War. It was a terrific success for them. On that date Turkey had agreed to halt all opium production. Within two years the Corsican networks were locked up, leaving the bluebloods with their Burmese drug routes.

They didn't need Vietnam any more.

After 9/11 they didn't need Burma anymore but Prez Hillary is sure to bring US development money back to the jungle...Or will she re-surge Afghanistan? (Place yer bets!)

Now it looks like NSA got their snout in the wrong corners of the globe. Elite drug smuggling on someone's radar?

A fast rising CIA operative quits the Agency to go to work for a company owned by the Carlyle Group and four months later goes rogue with decade-old info about NSA spying on everyone. Snowden may be the idealist he appears to be but this is pure black op, seems to me.

JFK, Nixon, and now NSA. Some people in the world you just don't fuck with.
Cliff wrote - Control over the world's heroin market.

A couple years ago i found a website where some people were discussing how they were growing their own opium poppies. I was surprised to see that it is a plant that is incredibly easy to grow.Grows in crappy soil very fast. Can be grown very far north.

Marijuana has undergone a revolution in the past 20 years or so. It is being grown in peoples homes on a very widespread basis and with the advent of the "grow cabinet" it can be grown in ways that make it very difficult to detect (small grows that supply one or two people year round). The setups i have seen online could completely cut drug users out of the process of buying from the black market.

If this could be done with poppies too ( and i see no reason why it couldn't ) that would mean two drugs that have provided a big chunk of funding to the forces of darkness would not be the cash cow that they have been for many decades.

Quote:Young people like to drop acid and enjoy music. It's just as true in 2013 as it was in the 60's.

I agree Cliff,but there is an important element missing in this new generation,imho.And,it's really THE most important aspect of all when taking these types of substances.


Todays trippers see not from any mountaintop....they're not looking....thery're just "dancing in the pale moonlight."

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Steve Minnerly Wrote:

If this could be done with poppies too ( and i see no reason why it couldn't ) that would mean two drugs that have provided a big chunk of funding to the forces of darkness would not be the cash cow that they have been for many decades.

Steve, there will be buyers for good pot, no matter who grows it. Grow poppy and you still have to process it into heroin. Sounds dicey...
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Steve Minnerly Wrote:

If this could be done with poppies too ( and i see no reason why it couldn't ) that would mean two drugs that have provided a big chunk of funding to the forces of darkness would not be the cash cow that they have been for many decades.

Steve, there will be buyers for good pot, no matter who grows it. Grow poppy and you still have to process it into heroin. Sounds dicey...

Oh i can see the downside too. Youre right.
Keith Millea Wrote:
Quote:Young people like to drop acid and enjoy music. It's just as true in 2013 as it was in the 60's.

I agree Cliff,but there is an important element missing in this new generation,imho.And,it's really THE most important aspect of all when taking these types of substances.


Todays trippers see not from any mountaintop....they're not looking....thery're just "dancing in the pale moonlight."


I think that has a lot to do with the commercialization of LSD -- today's kids are getting much smaller doses than the pyche hey-day '65-'69.

I first dropped acid in '71 and it was nothing like I expected it to be, by then the dosages were much smaller, probably 50-mics. It was a lot of fun and I've had to opportunity to enjoy it a few dozen times since but acid is no longer marketed in the 250-mic range.

Probably the most acid I've ever dropped -- the most intense I've felt it -- was about 160-mics. Back in '84. It was given to me by a friend who I'd dropped off at the bus station in downtown San Francisco. I decided to park my car and fry and trip around the city. As it came on I felt real queasy and wolfed a sandwich but I couldn't keep it down blowing chunks on seedy Market St. seeking refuge and I came upon the Strand Theater which had a show at 7 it was 6-fifty-five and I didn't bother to see what movie it was I didn't care I needed the sanctuary of turned out to be Kenneth Anger's "Magic Lantern Cycle".

Yeah, that was something to experience trippin' balls...

LSD ain't what it used to be. It isn't commercially viable in high dosages.
Quote:I didn't bother to see what movie it was I didn't care I needed the sanctuary of turned out to be Kenneth Anger's "Magic Lantern Cycle".

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

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