01-10-2013, 01:54 AM
Jim Hargrove Wrote:David Josephs Wrote:I added this statement to my last post to you - Just because I may find something lacking in a single piece of the PUZZLE, does not mean I can no longer see what the puzzle picture is... H&L is proven in hundreds of ways...That a few items in this proof may not be as strong or conclusive as first offered is not a condemnation of the conclusion... I simply perfer to seperate SOLID evidence from conjuecture.... and HARVEY attending BJHS in the FALL 1953 has not yet been proven to my standard... In fact there is evidence that Ft. Worth could have been a stop before NOLA... for how long, we do not knowDJ
Fair enough, David. Rightly or wrongly, I believe I've been rhetorically beaten up by professionals a few times over the years, and I may be a bit too sensitive to criticism, even the mildest and most constructive sort. If you come up with anything concrete indicating John is wrong about the fall '53 semester at PS 44 and Beauregard JHS, I'll try to keep an open mind.JIm
Jim -
Much Appreciated. Now, FALL 1953 is a complete mystery.
- Whether the ZOO photo was indeed August 1953
- Louise Robertson "maid" in the summer of 1953 told FBI of Jacobi Hospital (yet Jacobi not completed until Nov 1955)
- HARVEY is seen and remembered in North Dakota
- the first line of the FORGED 53-54 BJHS record has 2 classes each with a single and LAST TERM REPORT before the final grade suggesting only part time attendance
- HEAD says one thing and says the other... we cannot assume one or the other is correct just cause it makes our argument stronger
- CE1413 p817 shows the BACK of the BJHS card (supposedly) as it was referred to a number of times - the "incomplete" that is written reflects an "Originally Admitted" date of 9/8/55
and the notation that the transcripts were sent to : "Arlington Heights Senior High / Fort Worth Tex / 9/18/56" so the BJHS record went to EASTON HIGH for the 55-56 school year yet he does not leave according to these records until
OCT 14, 1956.
What we do know is there are FBI FORGED RECORDS of BJHS for Sept 53 thru June 55... while we have HARVEY at STRIPLING living at 2220 THOMAS PLACE, right across the street from the school. He does spend some time at BJHS with Myra in the FALL 1954... that we know FOR SURE... and we must decide what parts of the BJHS record are accurate, if any.
More to come
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter