28-09-2015, 04:46 PM
It's really time the JFK community shut down that self-referenced troll over at ROKC. He is obviously not to be taken seriously and doesn't honestly answer good facts and arguments. His responses are trollish and don't deserve the 1st level status he refers to himself by. There's simply no way Carolyn Arnold, that, by 1978, didn't know Kennedy was shot at 12:30. The psychopath is a pathetic person who constructs feeble excuses directly in response to being cornered by the facts. So he's not an honest evidence-follower, he's a deliberate liar and excuse-maker. The excuse he's trying to hide in, regarding Carolyn Arnold, is that she somehow wasn't aware Kennedy was shot at 12:30 when she spoke to Golz, even though it was probably the most significant thing that happened in her life by far.
What's painfully clear is the psychopath is deluding himself that this situation exists solely within the confines of his feeble specious constructions and they are the only terms dictating the event. For those who deal in more honest reality it is pretty obvious that Golz was speaking to Carolyn Arnold in terms of exposing FBI report fraud and asking her to clarify what she really said. The trolling psychopath has dropped his previous fraudulent claim that Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald in the foyer and left the 2nd floor at 12:15. He couldn't get away with those lies so he quietly dropped them without admitting guilt and staying on the attack. Meanwhile the true context of Golz speaking to Carolyn Arnold is that she clarified that she left at 12:25. This is something confirmed by Pauline Sanders. It had to be dangerous because FBI altered Pauline Sanders' statement to 11:25 - just like they altered Carolyn Arnold's statement to 12:15. The psychopath asked how we knew Carolyn Arnold's time was accurate? When you show him Pauline Sanders' confirmation he ignores it. Just like he ignores that the photographs of Carolyn Arnold at the Depository front at 12:45 destroys his pathetic "went to go home at 12:25" bs (Also ignored and not admitted by the troll). Mrs Reid also puts Carolyn Arnold right in the 12:25 slot. So all said and done there's more than enough evidence to assume Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald in the lunch-room near to 12:25. The noise the psychopath throws up in reaction to this is just the easiest available excuse the ROKC creep scurries to in reaction to the obvious facts he's avoiding.
I love the ROKC site. It has all the trimmings of a serious research site and even has 1st level graphics for a conference. But it is run by punk researchers led by a bully cult leader and its content is rot.
What's painfully clear is the psychopath is deluding himself that this situation exists solely within the confines of his feeble specious constructions and they are the only terms dictating the event. For those who deal in more honest reality it is pretty obvious that Golz was speaking to Carolyn Arnold in terms of exposing FBI report fraud and asking her to clarify what she really said. The trolling psychopath has dropped his previous fraudulent claim that Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald in the foyer and left the 2nd floor at 12:15. He couldn't get away with those lies so he quietly dropped them without admitting guilt and staying on the attack. Meanwhile the true context of Golz speaking to Carolyn Arnold is that she clarified that she left at 12:25. This is something confirmed by Pauline Sanders. It had to be dangerous because FBI altered Pauline Sanders' statement to 11:25 - just like they altered Carolyn Arnold's statement to 12:15. The psychopath asked how we knew Carolyn Arnold's time was accurate? When you show him Pauline Sanders' confirmation he ignores it. Just like he ignores that the photographs of Carolyn Arnold at the Depository front at 12:45 destroys his pathetic "went to go home at 12:25" bs (Also ignored and not admitted by the troll). Mrs Reid also puts Carolyn Arnold right in the 12:25 slot. So all said and done there's more than enough evidence to assume Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald in the lunch-room near to 12:25. The noise the psychopath throws up in reaction to this is just the easiest available excuse the ROKC creep scurries to in reaction to the obvious facts he's avoiding.
I love the ROKC site. It has all the trimmings of a serious research site and even has 1st level graphics for a conference. But it is run by punk researchers led by a bully cult leader and its content is rot.