09-11-2008, 03:30 PM
Paul Rigby Wrote:Striking, isn't it, the superior honesty and intelligence of Nader's responses to those offered by the Republicrat candidates?
The other really baffling thing to an outsider is how a nation of so many intelligent, hard-nosed people routinely permits such appalling candidates, and votes to perpetuate a system manifestly designed to keep the rich rich, and the rest ignorant and nowhere.
I too have very serious concerns. Let's see who else is appointed. I agree with all the points made in the articles Paul posted. And Ralph's totally correct. I would just add one thing: he must immediately restore the US constitution. Not just close down Gitmo, that's a given, or outlaw torture, but restore the 4th Amendment rights, (to privacy and free from invasive search, get rid of FISA.) Then all the horrendous and unConstitutional things provided for in the Patriot Acts one and two must be reversed. As it stands now you or I could be arrested, not charged or even told why you are detained, held indefinately, given no lawyer. Just for dissent. This has become a police state and Obama must reverse this. He must buck the true powers that be and show some leadership. Rendition must be abolished immediately.
If he appoints more neocons ....and the status quo continues people must begin immediately to form grass roots movements and get behind a viable third party candidate. I loved Ron Paul, but did not agree with his social programs- as he'd simply abolish them all.
As for the face of the Republican party- I saw something very good, while channel surfing, on Fox- of all things- last night. Mike Huckabee. He had Oliver Stone on and they had a SERIOUS discussion of "JFK." Stone was careful, and in so doing he got to SAY on tv that the government killed JFK over peace!!! I was very impressed with the way Huckabee handled it. So unlike a Hannity or Billo the clown. And the show ends with all Fox musicians playing rock and roll, Huckabee on bass. They covered a Billy Joel song last night. "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me", a longtime fav of mine and they did it really well. I can see him appealing to a lot of people in 2012. The base, and young rocker Republicans. Sarah is OVER!
Someone needs to tell her Canada, US and Mexico make up North America. As well as NAFTA. Poor thing