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Poking More Holes in Judyth Baker
Without endorsing anything Baker writes. For what it is worth here is her latest on Mexico:

" We have several witnesses who reported that Lee Oswald WAS in Mexico City. And at first, the CIA wanted everybody to know that. Later, probably due to emerging dangers of inciting WWIII with Russia or Cuba, denials set in. We have researchers such as Anthony Summers, along with John Armstrong and Mark Lane, saying Lee never went to Mexico Citty. Not so.I have given many details of why he was there, why he suddenly left, and why Lee was so upset when he could not enter Cuba.(though the efforts he made seemed more for drama to prove he 'tried' to filfill the mission, as he told me he had little hope of success from the moment the contact did not show up to pick upo the biological weapon...with its shiort shelf life, in a few days, it was really too late...).
Author H. p. Albarelli has never met me and dismisses me as a witness, but this won't stop me from citing what he has published in "A SECRET ORDER."
He relates the following: "[Charles Thomas, CIA, reported that]...In Sept. 1963...[Elena Garro de paz] went to a party at the home of Ruben Duran, who is married to her cousin. ..There she met Oswald, and two other young Americans who were with him." (p. 347)
Her mother also saw Lee Oswald at the party. Therefore, "[When]...they saw newspapers and the photographs of Oswald ...she {Elena} and her daughter both came to the independent conclusion that he was one of the young Americans at the Duran party." (p. 355)
Charles Thomas went on to report a good reason why his wife Silvia Duran denied that she had an association with Lee: "At the end of Jan. 1964, Ruben Duran visited Sra/ dePaz...He [Duran] said he was going to visit the United States and wanted her to protect him as much as possible whle he was away. He feared that it might be discvered that Oswald had been to his house. Since he {Duran} had been born in the United States, he knew it woukd be easy for the Mexican government to divest him of his citizenship and deport him." (p. 357-358). NOTE: In April 1971, Charles William Thomas "committed suicide" at age 45 -- if you believe the official report that he was a "desperate man" because he was fired from the CIA (with a pension).. He had not been able to be promoted in the CIA ever since his report and was eventually forced to retire. His wife said he would never do such a thing.
Of Thomas, an FBI official, W. A. Branigan, wrote: "Thmas points out to the State Department that if the allegations he has received from Mrs. Paz are true, although they would not prove a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy, they would, if made public, damage the credibility of the Warren Commission. Report." (p. 358)
An FBI report was generated that said since the arty was held the night before on Oct. 1, 1963, and since Lee Harvey Oswald left Mexico City on oct. 2, 1963,, that he could not have attended the party.

Albarelli, in addition, interviewed Robert C. Buick, a notorious bank robber and bullfighter who writes very well, and has his own website that you can visit today. Buick met Lee Oswald and from him learned that JFK was going to be assassinated. Buick culd not really tell if Lee was concerned because he was going to be involved or because he had learned of the plot and felt obliged to mention it to another American. Lee tos me that he did go to a bullring, but he did not mention Buick to me. He only said he was sekeing a contact there. Buick did not meet Lee at a bullring, but, rather, at a bar, but Lee walked right up to him, he said, and asked if he was a bullfighter.
It is rather interesting, what is reported next:
"Robert Clayton Buick,: writes Albarelli, " met Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City...a note typed by [CIA asset] June Cobb in October addressed to 'DP."[Albarelli does not say so, but this may be her friend David phillips, who was Lee's handler, his betrayer, as well as being involved, Lee told me, in the plot to kill Kennedy]. What comes next isinteresting: "The note reads, 'The day after Lo [Lee Oswald] in Comercio, encountered Buick, the American bullfighter, at H. Luma. Warren [Broglie] says Buick is drawing attention here." (p. 419)
By 1966, Buick was indicted in the US for his many bank robberies, "going back to 1963."
NBote that Buick said Lee called himself b the name "Hidell." Lee told me that "Hidell" was 'a project name" and was used by others, not just by him.
(this is not the 'Charles Thomas" who was the relegated Customs Officer. who was flown in from Miami to expedite Lee's passport in only 24 hours.)
(Photo: this impersonator was identified asLee Harve Oswald by the CIA for the FBI... later, they claimed the cameras were not working at exactly the time Lee visited the Cuban Cinsuklate, where this photo was taken...] "

I find it interesting she notes the Oswald "project" with others using the Hidell name (not that Oswald ever told her that).

Messages In This Thread
Poking More Holes in Judyth Baker - by Bart Kamp - 12-05-2015, 09:07 AM
Poking More Holes in Judyth Baker - by Tom Scully - 06-08-2015, 09:47 PM
Poking More Holes in Judyth Baker - by Albert Doyle - 15-01-2016, 01:01 AM
Poking More Holes in Judyth Baker - by Ray Kovach - 09-06-2016, 11:21 PM
Poking More Holes in Judyth Baker - by Ray Kovach - 03-07-2016, 11:28 PM
Poking More Holes in Judyth Baker - by Ray Kovach - 05-07-2016, 09:13 PM

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