05-02-2016, 11:00 PM
Albert Doyle Wrote:Jonathan Nolan Wrote:JVB could be a fully hypnotically conditioned alumni of one of those damned "special schools" for that matter- a bit like "Harvey".
It's refreshing to see someone who understands there could be a lot more to Baker despite her obvious flaws.
She's definitely lying about Oswald coming back to Dallas and telling her about his visit to the Cuban Consulate in Mexico. That never happened because the Consulate employees all said it wasn't Oswald. So we know she's a liar and her excuses over that are weak. I haven't fully figured out JVB because I think her Anna Lewis story is true.
Everyone from Superbowl footballers to Apollo athletes have been intensively hypnotised, to improve "performance". But the problem for those hypnotised is, how do they when and where they ever woke up?
Once hypnotised and entrained over a period, passing a lie detector test, evincing physical symptoms and even affecting different speech patterns and accents is not only possible, it's trivial.
There were and are special schools where hypnosis and "sleep teaching" were (and are) a big part of the process. How can we know what the hell the generations of "X-Men" were taught at these places?
Schizoid multiple personality or believing an entirely false history would be the least of what could be produced.