03-03-2017, 02:22 AM
Bob, you could not respond to my posts and fled in some kind of hysterical fit when I posted my evidence that Stancak was unable to answer. You were literally afraid of my posts and could not respond, just like you haven't done here. You are dishonest because the true point when obviously clueless James Gordon banned me was when I showed an image of Lovelady when he was on the landing. When Prayer Man was compared to all those who were known to be on the landing it proved, scientifically, that Prayer Man could never be 2-3 inches shorter than Lovleady, who was 5 foot 8 and therefore 1 inch shorter than Oswald. Gordon knew I had Stancak and ROKC on that point so I suddenly found myself unable to post with no explanation or citation of site rules. My last post to Stancak remains unanswered by either you or Stancak thanks to Gordon's dirty move. Gordon is accepting Stancak's lie that he was too busy to respond and told him to take as much time as he needs. So far it has been three and a half months and Stancak still hasn't replied. I have also discovered serious new evidence that further proves Prayer Man is not Oswald but I am being prevented from posting it while Gordon guards the Graves/Larsen circus the Education Forum has become.
Here is Linda Zambanini's write up in Gloria Calvery's 'Find A Grave' entry:
Immediately following the assassination she ran back to the TSBD, following about 10-15 feet behind the sprinting DPD Officer, Marrion Baker, and they went up the front steps and into the building, as was partially captured on the Cook-Darnell Film and recounted in eyewitness testimony:
In his Warren Commission testimony, a TSBD co-worker, Joe Molina, who had been positioned on the landing of the steps during the motorcade, stated he encountered a "horrified" Gloria Calvery in the entryway ~20-30 seconds after the final shot and she explained that she had seen the fatal head shot:
Mr. BALL. Do you know a girl named Gloria Calvary[sic]?
Mr. MOLINA. Yes.
Mr. BALL. Did Gloria come up?
Ms.. MOLINA. Yes, she came. I was in the lobby standing there and she came in with this other girl.
Mr. BALL. What did she say?
Mr. MOLINA. She said "Oh, my God, Joe, he's been shot." They were both horrified. I said "Are you sure he was shot?" She said "Oh, Joe ,I'm sure. I saw his hair fly up and I'm sure he was shot" something to that extent.
Ever wonder if the other woman who Molina said came in with Gloria might have been Sarah Stanton who walked in with Gloria from where she was standing right there by the west wall of the portal?
By the way, what was your opinion on Larsen matching the plaid bars on the man walking down the Elm Street Extension with Lovelady's shirt?
Here is Linda Zambanini's write up in Gloria Calvery's 'Find A Grave' entry:
Quote:Gloria Jean Little Calvery*, worked in the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD), as an employee of the Southwestern Publishing Co. and was one of the extremely close witnesses to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. She and 3 of her office co-workers, Karan Hicks, Karen Westbrook, and Carol Reed, were standing on the sidewalk on the north side of Elm Street about 1/2 way between Houston St. and the Triple Underpass, to the east of the Stemmons Fwy sign. According to her own FBI Statement taken 3/19/64 - Commission Exhibit 1381 - she said she heard the first shot when the President's limo was directly in front of her:
Immediately following the assassination she ran back to the TSBD, following about 10-15 feet behind the sprinting DPD Officer, Marrion Baker, and they went up the front steps and into the building, as was partially captured on the Cook-Darnell Film and recounted in eyewitness testimony:
In his Warren Commission testimony, a TSBD co-worker, Joe Molina, who had been positioned on the landing of the steps during the motorcade, stated he encountered a "horrified" Gloria Calvery in the entryway ~20-30 seconds after the final shot and she explained that she had seen the fatal head shot:
Mr. BALL. Do you know a girl named Gloria Calvary[sic]?
Mr. MOLINA. Yes.
Mr. BALL. Did Gloria come up?
Ms.. MOLINA. Yes, she came. I was in the lobby standing there and she came in with this other girl.
Mr. BALL. What did she say?
Mr. MOLINA. She said "Oh, my God, Joe, he's been shot." They were both horrified. I said "Are you sure he was shot?" She said "Oh, Joe ,I'm sure. I saw his hair fly up and I'm sure he was shot" something to that extent.
Ever wonder if the other woman who Molina said came in with Gloria might have been Sarah Stanton who walked in with Gloria from where she was standing right there by the west wall of the portal?
By the way, what was your opinion on Larsen matching the plaid bars on the man walking down the Elm Street Extension with Lovelady's shirt?