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Freeport Sulphur, the Castro Plots, and the Indonesia Coup
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Thought you might find this interesting.

Everyone knows there was coup in 1965 in Indonesia. Richard Bissell, one of the men who resigned after the Bay of Pigs and testified of knowing about the two assassination plots against Lumumba and Sukarno, he said, the company had "absolutely nothing" to do with them. We know that Sukarno died due to failing health, kidney failure, or so they say, but here's the million dollar question, do you believe Bissell's testimony?

But, wait a minute, if Bissell resigned in 1961 and became head of the Institute of Defense Analyses (IDA) in 1962, and Sukarno died in 1970, just why was Bissell testifying on behalf of Sukarno's death?

There's a lot more to this then what Lisa dug up I can assure you that much.

I have asked you directly, and why you refuse to answer my qquestion is anyone's guess. I asked if you could give me a direct answer to your statement when you said "Sukarno's overthrow in Indonesia was related to Kennedy's murder you are correct, you and Lisa may have no idea how correct you are, and I've been giving you the answer all along. I suppose you just don't want to repeat it. What does the overthrow of Sukarno and JFK have in common? The CIA...

I wasn't trying to bust your chops Jim, I just wanted to share what the two have in common, gee, and I thought you were going to say it.​

Messages In This Thread
Freeport Sulphur, the Castro Plots, and the Indonesia Coup - by Scott Kaiser - 15-05-2017, 04:56 AM

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