10-08-2017, 05:30 AM
Alan Ford Wrote:A common, reoccurring theme runs rampart/out of control throughout the Truly tall tale about running up the back stairs with Officer Baker…
First, they fail to see two female employees as they descend from the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] floor…on the same stair case.
Then, after leaving the wrongfully accusedor so they saythey fail to cross paths with three male employees…on those same stairs as Truly & Baker are supposedly running up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor on.
Now, it gets even worse, as if those aforementioned improbabilities weren't enough already to pull the plug on their phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongfully accused.
How BIG was that fish that got away again, Mr. Truly…
Please read the following affidavit for the latest inconsistencies relative to 4tries Baker & tall tale Truly's run up the backstairs ---->
Name of Compainant
Assassination Of President Kennedy
John Wiseman, Deputy Sheriff, Dallas County Sheriff's Department.
Date Nov 23, 1963
I was standing in front of the Sheriff's Office at 505 Main Street, Dallas when the President passed and the car went around the corner and a few more cars had passed when I heard a shot and I knew something had happened. I ran at once to the corner of Houston and Main Street and out into the street when the second and third shots ran out. I ran on across Houston Street, then across the park to where a policeman was having trouble with his motorcycle and I saw a man laying on the grass. This man laying on the grass said the shots came from the building and he was pointing to the old Sexton Building. I talked to Marilyn Sitzman, 202 S. Lancaster whosaid her boss, Abraham Zaprutes, RI 8 6071, had movies of the shooting. She said the shots came from that way and she pointed at the old Sexton Building. I ran at once to the Sexton Building and went in. I askes some woman how many doors lead out of the building and she said 4. I left the building and found some DPD patrolmen and we came back to the building. I ran up the stairs and the patrolman started trying to get more help to search the building. I went up the stairs to the 7th floor and started up into the attic and noticed that the door to the roof was locked on the inside with a gate type hook latch. I stopped and started back down the stairs taking a quick look on each floor. I met more officers on the 2nd floor and then in a few minutes the place had maybe 50 officers in it. A better search was started floor by floor. About the time we got started on the 5th floor, Deputy Sheriff Luke Mooney found some spent hulls. An officer of the Dallas Police Department told us all to get on one side of the room and make one clean sweep of the entire floor to see if we could find the rifle. As we worked our way across the room which was filled with boxes, we got to the front stairway when Deputy Sheriff Eugene Boon said, "here is the gun". It was about 4 feet in front of me in the aisle in which I was working. Deputy Boone stayed at one end of the aisle where the gun was spotted and I stayed at the other end of the aisle so that nothing would be touched. Officer Day of the DPD Crime Lab came and took pictures of the gun in its hiding spot behind the boxes and then moved it from this spot. I then left the building and came back to the Sheriff's Office to talk with witnesses. A Mrs. Mary Moorman was in the office with a picture of the President getting shot.
Once again, IF Tall tale & 4triesBaker were really up on the roof, Why is access to it found to be locked during the same time and sequence in movement they claim to be up there ---->
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember about how long you stayed on the roof?
Mr. BAKER - It was a little over 5 minutes.
Did they lock the gate somehow from the other side?
Taking Sheriff Wiseman's affidavit into consideration, we know his quick, deliberate actions puts him at the locked roof gate within ample time to have seen someone else was already up on the roof (IF anyone was really up there)…especially parties claiming to have been up there, quote, already over 5 minutes
However, access to the roof was locked. From the inside no doubt.
Once again, here we have yet another individual (now totaling six unique individuals) the tall-tail-spinning duo fail to encounter on the same set of stairs, who once againlike the others before himSheriff Wiseman is in close proximity to their purported whereabouts.
He should at the very least have encountered them on the same stairs they purportedly took to reach the Ladder to the roof, a roof that was locked from the inside.
How BIG was that fish that got away again, tail-spinning-Truly?
Oh, My!, bigger than Moby Dick, golly gee shut the front door!, Mr. Truly, you don't say…
At the very least, Sheriff Wiseman should have encountered them in one of three places…either on the same stairs they purportedly took to reach the Ladder to the roof & back down again; or, on that same ladder as they climbed up to reach the roof, or up on the roof itself IF they were trulypun intended, Roy, up there.
Why are these men lying?
What are they hiding?
Why did the Truly purposely omit a stop on the 6[SUP]th[/SUP] floor altogether on their initial ascent upward?
Their failure to encounter not even one of these six individuals on the same stairs is indicative of a hastily contrived script, one that fails miserably from its own self-inflicted legion of lies…
Side bar: For clarification sake, lest anyone doubts Mr. Williams' ability to actually see the elevator in question supporting the arrival of a white helmeted motorcycle policeman on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor ---->
Mr. BALL. Now, could you see all of the elevators from there?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, by me being the tallest, I saw --
Mr. BALL. I am not going into what you saw. But could you see either elevator from where you were standing at "Z"?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir; you could see this pretty plainly.
Mr. BALL. You mean the west elevator
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes sir.
Mr. BALL. Could you see the east elevator?
Mr. WILLIAMS. No, sir; you could not see it exactly.
Mr. BALL. Now, when you were questioned by the FBI agents, talking to Mr. Odum and Mr. Griffin, they reported in writing here that while you were standing at the west end of the building on the fifth floor, a police officer came up on the elevator and looked all around the fifth floor and left the floor. Did you see anything like that?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, at the time I was up there I saw a motorcycle policeman.
Again, just who is this particular white helmeted motorcycle policeman arriving up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor via elevator, instead of via the backstairs?????
A hastily contrived script manages to omit six total instances where the viper pit of liars should have acknowledged others on the same stairs. Amazing what some people will do/say to FRAME an innocent party.
A legion of lies helped to create a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter.
What was that? Say again, Mrs. Reid...an out of body experience ma'am?, get out of town!
Addendum: an accounting of Tall tale & 4tries Baker's time:
*90 seconds to reach their phantom encounter
*because Truly is a much older gentlemen @ 56, factor in an accounting of additional time elapsed as his now winded body gasped for air on each successive floor they had to run up...Snicker's bar, Mr. Truly?
*The ride on the east elevator up to the 7th adds additional time
*and. of course the still remaining grueling Ladder challenge to the roof amid sapped energy drained by the mad dash (so they say) up all those previous stairs on multiple floors below their ascent...adds additional time
*then, taking 4tries Baker's own admission into account of time spent up on the roof add an additional, quote, over 5 minutes
Yes, there's little doubt, the quick, deliberate movements of Sheriff John Wiseman enhanced an encounter with this winded party in their purported whereabouts. Yet, Tall tale & 4triesBaker stand at 0-6 amid their legion of lies about a phantom 2nd floor encounter w/the wrongfully accused.
Mr Ball said FBI Agents Mr Odum and Mr Griffin reported that while Mr Williams was on the west end of the building on the 5th floor, a policeman came up the elevator to the 5th floor and looked around and then left. When asked if he saw anything like that, Mr Williams replied, "well, at the time I was up there I saw a motorcycle policeman".
And, Mr Williams makes no mention of the policeman entering the floor from either elevator, and Mr Williams stated that the east elevator was out of his view.
That is a reliable eyewitness statement that strongly indicates that DPD Officer ML Baker had already encountered LH Oswald on the 2nd floor, and had been on the 5th floor before Mr Williams had left the floor to go downstairs.
I am confident that DCSD Deputy JohnWiseman testified/stated his activities as he recalled, but the timing is somewhat ambiguous, and it appears quite possible that DPD Officer ML Baker had already searched the TSBD roof before Deputy Wiseman arrived on the 7th floor.
Also, reliable eyewitness testimony/statement indicates that two females, VictoriaAdams and SandraStyles left the 4th floor and went downstairs immediately after the shots were fired, and likely had reached the 1st floor just as or before DPD Officer ML Baker entered the building.