29-01-2025, 06:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 29-01-2025, 07:09 PM by Brian Doyle.)
Just to confirm the utter stupidity and incompetency of the JFK research community Stancak is in the "Would CIA Have Left Smoking Gun Evidence In The Classified Files After 60+ Years" thread on The Education Forum explaining to DiEugenio why the obvious woman's neckline on Prayer Man is forged...Because the JFK internet has been hijacked by the Prayer Man cult researchers have failed to notice that Stancak is a Cinque-like nut...A little confirmation bias goes a long way in allowing what should be recognized quacks to become accepted researchers...Stancak is a world class quack who is given permanent placement in the research world because he pushes that Prayer Man bullshit...The only reason Stancak gets away with it is because he is protected by that ignorant fool Gordon...
In his incoherent pseudo-analysis Stancak tells DiEugenio that if Prayer Man was parallel to the glass with a foot on the step that the sun would illuminate his left side...Indeed, this is something I taught Stancak on the "Jacks" website...I see Stancak is now repeating it without crediting me for it...
To show the utterly uncredible stupidity of the research community what Stancak just did there was refute Prayer Man as Oswald...It doesn't dawn on Stancak, or any of the Prayer Man idiots, that Prayer Man is parallel to the glass in Wiegman and since Stancak is saying Prayer Man has a foot on the step in Wiegman therefore his left side should be illuminated by sun as Stancak admits...The fact Prayer Man's left side in Wiegman isn't lit by sun proves Prayer Man has both feet up on the landing and is therefore Sarah Stanton's 5 foot 4 height...Don't forget, Stancak is the silly quack who is telling the Education Forum that Stanton's clearly-seen dress neckline was forged by Fetzer-like film alterers...Stancak is so driven by brainwashing and hackmanship that he doesn't realize when he has refuted himself...And that goes for the idiots who call themselves members of that forum who don't even notice...
Jim DiEugenio has an embarrassing lack of abstract analysis ability...He's damned good at book-based research however he has zero technical analysis skill and doesn't notice the fatal flaws in Stancak's offerings...DiEugenio, Josephs, and Gordon are cheap shit-heels who know I'm correct on this but aren't beneath hiding behind a stupid bastard like Gordon...The only reason the community is forced to listen to the risible hack Stancak and his crazy claims is because that god-awful incompetent nincompoop Gordon has banned those who are capable of refuting his bullshit...Gordon bans those who do the job he failed to do and the result is the embarrasing ineptitude you see here...DiEugenio, Stancak, Josephs, and Larsen are not man enough to post on this free speech, uncensored website where they aren't protected by that dirty creep and coward Gordon...
The Education Forum is so dumb and dishonest, and so dysfunctionally dependent on Gordon's leather-winged teet, that it doesn't even notice Stanton's flat pocketbook edge cutting across her round dress neckline in Stancak's gif of the 6th Floor copy...Ignoring conclusive evidence is the order of the day on that site...Stupid...Anyone qualified enough to give an opinion would notice Stanton's pocketbook is visible in the 6th Floor Museum copy...
Why is that asshole Gordon still running that place?...
In his incoherent pseudo-analysis Stancak tells DiEugenio that if Prayer Man was parallel to the glass with a foot on the step that the sun would illuminate his left side...Indeed, this is something I taught Stancak on the "Jacks" website...I see Stancak is now repeating it without crediting me for it...
To show the utterly uncredible stupidity of the research community what Stancak just did there was refute Prayer Man as Oswald...It doesn't dawn on Stancak, or any of the Prayer Man idiots, that Prayer Man is parallel to the glass in Wiegman and since Stancak is saying Prayer Man has a foot on the step in Wiegman therefore his left side should be illuminated by sun as Stancak admits...The fact Prayer Man's left side in Wiegman isn't lit by sun proves Prayer Man has both feet up on the landing and is therefore Sarah Stanton's 5 foot 4 height...Don't forget, Stancak is the silly quack who is telling the Education Forum that Stanton's clearly-seen dress neckline was forged by Fetzer-like film alterers...Stancak is so driven by brainwashing and hackmanship that he doesn't realize when he has refuted himself...And that goes for the idiots who call themselves members of that forum who don't even notice...
Jim DiEugenio has an embarrassing lack of abstract analysis ability...He's damned good at book-based research however he has zero technical analysis skill and doesn't notice the fatal flaws in Stancak's offerings...DiEugenio, Josephs, and Gordon are cheap shit-heels who know I'm correct on this but aren't beneath hiding behind a stupid bastard like Gordon...The only reason the community is forced to listen to the risible hack Stancak and his crazy claims is because that god-awful incompetent nincompoop Gordon has banned those who are capable of refuting his bullshit...Gordon bans those who do the job he failed to do and the result is the embarrasing ineptitude you see here...DiEugenio, Stancak, Josephs, and Larsen are not man enough to post on this free speech, uncensored website where they aren't protected by that dirty creep and coward Gordon...
The Education Forum is so dumb and dishonest, and so dysfunctionally dependent on Gordon's leather-winged teet, that it doesn't even notice Stanton's flat pocketbook edge cutting across her round dress neckline in Stancak's gif of the 6th Floor copy...Ignoring conclusive evidence is the order of the day on that site...Stupid...Anyone qualified enough to give an opinion would notice Stanton's pocketbook is visible in the 6th Floor Museum copy...
Why is that asshole Gordon still running that place?...