26-01-2025, 07:10 PM
Larry Schnapf has written an article criticizing the Trump records release...In that article Schnapf includes the request to obtain the Darnell Film in order to prove Prayer Man is Oswald...
A few months ago The 6th Floor Museum released a 1st generation copy of the Darnell Film that clearly showed Sarah Stanton's dress neckline on Prayer Man and ended the issue...The response to this on the Prayer Man-hijacked Education Forum was to lie and claim the woman's neckline was forged in order to hide Oswald's shirt collar...That claim is obviously silly and of the Fetzer variety, however it is being allowed to stand on the Forum by the uncredible crook moderator James Gordon who simply moderates by favorites because he is too stupid to moderate by Peer Review...
This gutter corruption has directly led to the community being threatened because it has led to the recklessly irresponsible Schnapf failing to keep up with Peer Review and simply aspiring to the insider's club of favorites on the JFK internet that is overseen by Gordon and DiEugenio...The main determiner on the JFK internet is not sound academic research...The way things are determined is how they correspond with keeping in the favor of the clique...This threat to the community exists because all those who should have protested stayed quiet and responded to their own personal biases instead of the facts...The community is telling the public that your good evidence is no good here and will be met with banning and ignoring with no accountabity by the offenders...
Schnapf is falling prey to Greg Parker proxy Roger Odisio...Odisio is a blowhard who specializes in grandiose oration that Schnapf fails to fact-check...Odisio is openly, contemptuously ignoring the new 6th Floor Museum evidence...
Pat Speer celebrated my not being allowed back on the Education Forum in a personal attack where he lied about the reason for my banning and stupidly accused me of stealing his simplistic research on Prayer Man...This personal defamation strategy works on the Education Forum because the victim has no chance to defend themselves...Pat Speer is a yellow-bellied coward...
A few months ago The 6th Floor Museum released a 1st generation copy of the Darnell Film that clearly showed Sarah Stanton's dress neckline on Prayer Man and ended the issue...The response to this on the Prayer Man-hijacked Education Forum was to lie and claim the woman's neckline was forged in order to hide Oswald's shirt collar...That claim is obviously silly and of the Fetzer variety, however it is being allowed to stand on the Forum by the uncredible crook moderator James Gordon who simply moderates by favorites because he is too stupid to moderate by Peer Review...
This gutter corruption has directly led to the community being threatened because it has led to the recklessly irresponsible Schnapf failing to keep up with Peer Review and simply aspiring to the insider's club of favorites on the JFK internet that is overseen by Gordon and DiEugenio...The main determiner on the JFK internet is not sound academic research...The way things are determined is how they correspond with keeping in the favor of the clique...This threat to the community exists because all those who should have protested stayed quiet and responded to their own personal biases instead of the facts...The community is telling the public that your good evidence is no good here and will be met with banning and ignoring with no accountabity by the offenders...
Schnapf is falling prey to Greg Parker proxy Roger Odisio...Odisio is a blowhard who specializes in grandiose oration that Schnapf fails to fact-check...Odisio is openly, contemptuously ignoring the new 6th Floor Museum evidence...
Pat Speer celebrated my not being allowed back on the Education Forum in a personal attack where he lied about the reason for my banning and stupidly accused me of stealing his simplistic research on Prayer Man...This personal defamation strategy works on the Education Forum because the victim has no chance to defend themselves...Pat Speer is a yellow-bellied coward...