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Satire on Sixth Floor Museum
Good satire will always have an aura of truth and raise awareness about a serious matter, no matter how absurd or funny it appears on the surface.

Russ Baker's spoof on the Sixth Floor Museum initially fooled me and others who visited his website:

The truth lying beneath the humor is that the Sixth Floor Museum does not provide a fair sampling of scholarly materials on the JFK assassination. Currently, two of the books appearing on its "Books and Media" section on the Sixth Floor website include Chris Matthews biography, Jack Kennedy--Elusive Hero, and Stephen King's novel, 11/22/63!

To its credit, the museum promotes John Kelin's outstanding Praise From a Future Generation about the earliest researchers into the JFK case. But there are none of the excellent books from the past decade, including those of James Douglass, Jim DiEugenio, John Armstrong, and Douglas Horne, that address the most recent research into the case.

This museum has unlimited potential for outreach to schools in the goal of raising consciousness about the assassination. Unfortunately, it hasn't reached its potential as of the 50th anniversary of the death of President Kennedy.


For a glance at the "real" items featured for sale by the Sixth Floor Museum, see:
[ATTACH=CONFIG]5602[/ATTACH] Magic Bullet Fun. See if you can make a bullet go through two different people, turn, and go back into one of them, then emerge almost in pristine shape. The entire family will enjoy this challenge.

While the packaging above is just a joke... the following is not.... (I may be remembering incorrectly but I think this is from Lattimer)


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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Satire/parody has always been something that keeps me halfway sane. There are a lot of people out there who don't even understand the concept and just look at you like you're crazy or being blasphemous or something.

Humor cuts through all the bullshit of life more effectively than anything else. In America, only the comedians are allowed to stand up on TV and say something even partly truthful.
The packaging would be all that extra plastic that you can't open to keep it from being shoplifted.
Quote:In America, only the comedians are allowed to stand up on TV and say something even partly truthful

And here I was thinking the same thing about American Politicians... the real trick is telling them apart...

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Satire/parody has always been something that keeps me halfway sane. There are a lot of people out there who don't even understand the concept and just look at you like you're crazy or being blasphemous or something. Humor cuts through all the bullshit of life more effectively than anything else. In America, only the comedians are allowed to stand up on TV and say something even partly truthful.

Tracy: Thanks for the thoughtful commentary on satire, parody, and humor. It is important to remember as well that humorists have made important contributions in keeping the JFK assassination before the public over the years. They include such luminaries as Dick Gregory and Mort Sahl. Even Woody Allen offered his characteristic New Yorker's humor on the nonsense of the single bullet theory. His scene in Annie Hall is a classic!


For the notorious clip from Annie Hall, see this interesting article, "The Humor in the J.F.K. Conspiracy," which was published in The New Yorker on November 22, 2013:
Brilliant! FB'd.

"Lone nuts"your favorite almonds, cashews, pecans and other nuts, packaged individually for the discriminating eater with a small appetite...

"Coincidence Theory," the board game. You'll have hours of fun with your kids, rearranging facts so they seem downright silly."

When the humor is this good - by non-specialists - by neutral, observers with a sense of humor - it means the good guys are winning, at least in our own time.

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