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Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter
Good afternoon, hope everyone has a good seat for the solar eclipse experience on tap today.

Now, back to Truly's "truth" amid a hastily contrived script ---->

Mr. BELIN. When you saw the President's car seem to stop, how long did it appear to stop?
Mr. TRULY. It would be hard to say over a second or two or something like that. I didn't see I just saw it stop. I don't know. I didn't see it start up.
Mr. BELIN. Then you stopped looking at it, or you were distracted by something else?
Mr. TRULY. Yes. The crowd in front of me kind of congealed around me and bore me back through weight of numbers, and I lost sight of it.
I think there were a lot of people trying to get out of the way of something. They didn't know what.
Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do or see?
Mr. TRULY. I heard a policeman in this area along here make a remark, "Oh, goddam," or something like that. I just remember that. It wasn't a motorcycle policeman. It was one of the Dallas policeman, I think-- words to that effect.
I wouldn't know him. I just remember there was a policeman standing along in this area about 7, 8, or 10 feet from me.
But as I came back here, and everybody. was screaming and hollering, just moments later-I saw a young motorcycle policeman run up to the building, up the steps to the entrance of our building. He ran right by me. And he was pushing people out of the way. He pushed a number of people out of the way before he got to me. I saw him coming through, I believe. As he ran up the stairway--I mean up the steps….

Contrary to the hastily contrived script that Truly has to follow, let's take a look at what really transpires as oppose to his part in creating a false narrative ---->

Q1: Where in the clip does it demonstrate Truly's "truth" about, quote, The crowd in front of me kind of congealed around me and bore me back through weight of numbers, and I lost sight of it"

Q2: Where in the video does it demonstrate Truly's truth" about, quote, He pushed a number of people out of the way before he got to me.

On the contrary, Truly, no one, and I mean no one, not a single person bore you back anywhere through weight of sheer numbers. As the clip demonstrates Truly is forgetting where reality reigns and what his hastily contrived script has to convey, a false narrative.

Where in the clip does it demonstrate Baker is pushing, quote, a number of people out of the way before he got to Truly?

The only thing Truly has, quote, lost sight of is the plain simple truth.

Does a single video clip exist actually showing Baker entering the building via Truly's "truth"? NO
Cameras all over the place that afternoon, yet not a single film, not one, exists depicting Truly's "truth" about Baker's make beLIEve front door entrance.

So, Why was the video suddenly snipped before Bakers actual movements could be determined one way or the other?

----> a hastily contrived script was in play, making beLIEve that Baker enters the main entrance as oppose to sprinting down to the corner of Elm & Houston....Who was the white helmeted motorcycle officer who arrived up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor on the West elevator?, the same West elevator Jack Dougherty rode down upon.

Now, there's this testimony from Joseph Molina ---->

Mr. BALL. Did you see Mr. Truly go into the building?
Mr. MOLINA. Yes.
Mr. BALL. Where were you when you saw him go into the building?
Mr. MOLINA. I was right in the entrance.
Mr. BALL. Did you see a police officer with him?
Mr. MOLINA. I didn't see a police officer. I don't recall seeing a police officer but I did see him go inside.
Mr. BALL. Did you see a white-helmeted police officer any time there in the entrance?
Mr. MOLINA. Well, of course, there might have been one after they secured the building, you know.
Mr. BALL. No, I mean when Truly went in; did you see Truly actually go into the building?
Mr. MOLINA. I saw him go in.
Mr. BALL. Where were you standing?
Mr. MOLINA. Right at the front door; right at the front door.
Mr. BALL. Outside the front door?
Mr. MOLINA. Yes, outside the front door I was standing; the door was right behind me.
Mr. BALL. Were you standing on the steps?
Mr. MOLINA. Yes, on the uppermost step.
Mr. BALL. You actually saw Truly go
Mr. MOLINA. Yeah.
Mr. BALL. You were still standing there?
Mr. MOLINA. Yes.
Mr. BALL. How long was it after you heard the shots?
Mr. MOLINA. Oh, I would venture to say maybe 20 or 30 seconds afterwards.

It's quite obvious clear Mr. Molina didn't get the memo about supporting Truly's "truth", a false narrative. Also of note is Mr. Molina's 20 or 30 seconds @ Truly's actual entrance time, well behind the time he says he accompanied make BeLIEve Baker in their false narrative. No wonder this man, his wife and children were terrorized in their own home by the authorities later that night.

And then there's this testimony from Buell Wesley Frazier (he is the tallest figure standing at the very top of the stairs in the middle of your viewing screen in this video clip ----> , thus his vantage point is akin to a front row seat at Madison Square Garden) ---->

Mr. BALL - Did you see anybody after that come into the Building while you were there?
Mr. FRAZIER - You mean somebody other that didn't work there?
Mr. BALL - A police officer.
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I stood there a few minutes, you know, and some people who worked there; you know normally started to go back into the Building because a lot of us didn't eat our lunch, and so we stared back into the Building and it wasn't but just a few minutes that there were a lot of police officers and so forth all over the Building there.
Mr. BALL - Then you went back into the Building, did you?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - And before you went back into the Building no police officer came up the steps and into the building?
Mr. FRAZIER - Not that I know. They could walk by the way and I was standing there talking to somebody else and didn't see it.

There's a major difference between what we are lead to believe in the false narrative about Baker charging up the front stairs immediately as oppose to an officer a few minutes later merely walking up…Nice job, Mr. Frazier (Buell Wesley).

We've watched the clip. It does not agree with Truly's "truth".

Moreover, the reason the clip is cut short is to prevent demonstrating Baker's actual sprint over to the corner of Elm & Houston...the false narrative didn't need another Mrs. Reid moment.

We also have testimonies of two separate individuals standing at the front door, yet they did not see Baker run up those stairs, nor enter the building.

Nor did we see any evidence within the clip that anyone actually standing upon those stepsvia their body-languagewas convinced he was even heading up the stairs, otherwise the two aforementioned individuals and everyone else on that landing would have instinctively moved out of the way to the farthest extreme on other side of the steps to make room for him.

Sidebar: Points to ponder…

*A Locked roof

*A white helmeted motorcycle officer arriving up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor via the same West elevator Jack Dougherty immediately took down to the first floor. Just who is this man?

*Why did Mrs. Reid tell an outright lie about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused ?

Messages In This Thread
Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - by Alan Ford - 21-08-2017, 05:11 PM

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