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Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter
Alan Ford Wrote:Good morning!

Let's compare a couple of affidavits to gain some insights about why Baker dismounted and charged towards the corner of Elm & Houston (in light of there isn't any actual existence of a single photo, Not One, and/or film, Not One, actually demonstrating he charged into the front entrance)

BEFORE ME, Mary Rattan
a Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared:

James Richard Worrell, Jr., w/m/20 of 13510 Winterhaven, GH7 2378. Thomas Jefferson High.
Who, after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: Yesterday afternoon at approximately 12:30 pm I was standing on the sidewalk against a building on the corner of Elm and Houston Streets watching the motorcade of the President. I heard loud noise like a fire cracker or gun shots. I looked around to see where the noise came from. I looked up and saw the barrel of a rifle sticking out of a window over my head about 5 or 6 stories up. While I was looking at the gun it was fired again. I looked back at Mr. Kennedy and he was slumping over. I got scared and ran from the location. While I was running I heard the gun fire two more times. I ran from Elm Street to Pacific Street on Houston. When I was about 100 yards from the building I stopped to get my breath and looked back at the building. I saw a w/m, 5'8" to 5'10", dark hair, average weight for height, dark shirt or jacket open down front, no hat, didn't have anything in his hands, come out of the building and run in the opposite direction from me. I then caught a bus to my home.
/s/James Richard Worrell Jr.

/s/ Mary Rattan
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas

Compared with Baker's same day affidavit ----->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9197&stc=1]

SHOTS FIRED!!!!! Spooked by a rapid succession of gunfire, James Worrell's gripping fear prompts him to get out of Dodge as quickly as his legs could carry him. His timing meshes with Baker's approach to the corner of Elm & Houston.

Baker hears the shots. He sees an individual fleeing the scene. He hurriedly dismounts off his motorcycle, and quickly takes off after the "bad guy" he holds responsible for the gunfire. Reaching the corner of Elm & Houston, Baker then tears down Houston Street towards the rear of the TSBD in hot pursuit of what he believes is a suspect in the shooting.

Rounding the corner at the edge of the building, he spots the same individual James Worrell sees, the individual they both describe in their respective affidavits. With no chance to catch the fleeing man in the brown jacket, Baker's instincts kick in…as he enters the rear of the building to possibly detain an accomplice(s) still on the scene. The West elevator is available, having been just brought down by Jack Dougherty off the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor.

Now, why officialdom decided to bury this natural response given the timing of several elements coming together in sync is anyone's guess.

Personally, my hunch is the wrongly accused (Mr. Oswald) didn't follow instructions to the letter…i.e. listen Lee after your lunch downstairs in the domino room, fetch such and such off such and such floor…remain there until I come up and meet with you so we can discuss what floor and bin to place such and such…whatever you do don't go to 6[SUP]th[/SUP] floor.

For all the effort that went into staging the 6[SUP]th[/SUP] floor as a sniper's lair by parties unknown, it was all for naught after multiple sightings of the wrongly accused occurs near a small storage area during the immediate aftermath of the assassination. Uh, Oh…onto Plan B…rather than Baker's professional reputation being tarnished/ridiculed/ruined, etc., as the officer who allowed the running assassin to get away, all he has to do now is play ball with the original plotters that set the wrongly accused up to take the fall.

In exchange, Truly would assure everyone that through no fault of his own Baker didn't allow anyone to get away. They would just need to create an account where Baker saves face and Truly, etc. get what they wanted all along, the wrongly accused racing downstairs from a staged assassin's lair ---->

While filling out his initial same day affidavit, where he doesn't even recognize the wrongly accused sitting only a few feet from him down at the DPD station, Baker places the man he and James Worrell see fleeing out the back door on the 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] or 4[SUP]th[/SUP] floor in an encounter with Truly.

At some point though, Truly overhears about Victoria Adams' genuine experience and realized that an encounter on the 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] or 4[SUP]th[/SUP] floor on the stairway cannot be staged/scripted, thus the next day affidavit about calling up for elevators, which no one heard by the way, especially the 4 individual's standing right next to that echo chamber...

but in spite of that truth, means an encounter with the chosen fall guy has to be moved placing Baker's encounter on the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor inside the lunchroom, thus in their minds eliminating Victoria Adams' challenge. OOPS! Not only didn't Ms. Adams and Ms. Styles not see any of these three men, the wrongly accused and his 2 FRAMERS, they also didn't hear them either.

So Baker's testimony about calling out to the wrongly accused, let alone anyone else would have been overheard as those fine ladies made their way down from the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] floor, where they also share they didn't hear any heavy, running foot steps from above the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] floor, nor coming up either as they made their way downstairs. Essentially, no wrongly accused racing downward, nor the tandem's steady cadence when their running shoes landed upon each step along the way upward.

Once they hatched their FRAME up, they desperately needed someone else to authenticate their bogus hole-in-one…tag you're it Mrs. Leid. OOPS! @ photo showing her downstairs while she is supposedly confirming the BIG fish tale upstairs.

Toss in Deputy-Sheriff Wiseman's experience that afternoon, and we now know that Mrs. Reid's outright lie wasn't without a legion of lies to follow. That Locked roof tells us that the FRAMERS needed quote, Over 5 minutes, up on the roof to account for why they omitted a stop on the 6[SUP]th[/SUP] floor altogether. Or, Did they?

Did the white helmeted motorcycle officer arriving up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor via the same West elevator Jack Dougherty took down to the first floor, also take the stairs up to the 6[SUP]th[/SUP] floor and to his surprise discover the planting of rifle hulls, the staging of hiding a rifle and more evidence that a FRAME up was in progress. Is this the real individual they encountered that Truly vouched for…

Ok, Mr. Truly, let's play Let's Make A Deal, you help me save face about the man that got away, and I'll help you omit the 6[SUP]th[/SUP] floor altogether, and just say we bypassed it altogether and went to the roof instead. Shake on it? Good.

They still have a major problem though that goes beyond Mrs. Lied and the Locked roof. They have no one else then, in the years after, or even now that can substantiate their claims, save for an outright liar.

They also do not have even one photo, Not One, or even one video, Not One, actually showing Baker entering the front entrance as he and Truly claim amid more of Truly's version of the "truth"…a "truth" that also relied upon Mrs. Ried's version of the same "truth".

Sidebar: The images shown yesterday depicting Mrs. Reid, the oh, so wonderful Victoria Adams and Marilyn Sitzman were taking around 12:36PM give or take a minute either way, thus proving that IF anyone was up on a roof for, quote, "Over 5 minutes", Sheriff Wiseman wouldn't have discovered it Locked instead.

The 12:36 time frame is arrived at due to Inspector Sawyer's testimony about his arrival on the scene, where he actually parks his car there, which is missing in the images shared, thus, because he hasn't arrived just yet...let's pick up the action on the backstairs, or so they say, and add Truly & Baker's phantom encounter time of 90 seconds, then add additional time for them to leave the hoax staging area and run up three more flights of stairs to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor (let's say, add 90 more seconds though I know the 56 year old Truly is already winded after his claim of running up two flights before), then their mysterious leap-frog over the 6[SUP]th[/SUP] floor (or so they say)

and they are still minutes shy of their own claim of over a 5 minute-plus stay up on the roof when Inspector Sawyer arrives...that is if the roof wasn't Locked as Sheriff Wiseman found it to be, when he reached that destination before Marilyn Sitzman reaches a position where Victoria Adams says she reached within three minutes herself to listen to the radio transmissions of the parked police motorcycles there on the corner. Remember, Sheriff Wiseman raced off well ahead of Ms. Sitzman.

The roof was Locked. A deal was sprung (I won't spread the word how YOU couldn't catch up to what you thought was the real culprit, thus allowing him to getaway...and you don't tell anyone about the floor we omitted, nor what you observed, Truly said to Baker with a sly smirk upon his smug face ). A win-win among a den of liars, who hatched a next day phantom encounter with the wrongly accused to FRAME him. Oh, den Mother (Mrs. Reid), you're up...tell the world about our hole in one, and that BIG fish we caught, but asked us to throw back if we wanted three wishes each...go ahead, Mrs. Reid, tell the world....

Man, what I'd give to know the actual identity of that white helmeted motorcycle officer arriving on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor via the West elevator, the same elevator Jack Dougherty brought downstairs to the first floor.

Who is this man?

And again, more mere assertions beyond fact, and unfortunately to continue to ignore reliable evidence provided by sworn statements and testimony under oath, along with film and photograph information, causes severe damage to the truth. Creating fictional accounts of events, as well as fictional events, would appear to promote a complete fictional version of the assassination. A version, based on supposition, and framing events to fit the fictional account. So, I wonder, as I wander, is there an agenda?



Messages In This Thread
Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - by LR Trotter - 25-08-2017, 07:17 AM

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