30-11-2017, 03:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 30-11-2017, 09:40 AM by Cliff Varnell.)
Peter Lemkin Wrote:New evidence is always welcome. It strengthens the past evidence.
Not if it pretends the past evidence doesn't exist, Peter.
The case for conspiracy is prima facie. But in the CAPA Mock Trial and the Writings of James DiEugenio the prima facie case is never acknowledged. Indeed, DiEugenio brags about ignoring it.
Obfuscation is the collateral damage of good research. Good research proving JFK was shot in the head from the front should not be presented as the first evidence JFK was shot from the front, as a revelation.
The acoustics evidence proves 4+ shots fired -- but that should not obfuscate the fact that the clothing evidence proves two shooters, already. The clothing defects prove the frontal shot, with the neck x-ray as corroboration the back shot could not have caused the hairline fracture of the T1 transverse process, which could only have been the result of a shot from the front.
Quote: Those who believe Oswald didn't do it have always been correct - and this only makes us more correct - so why not accept and celebrate it rather than rail against something that adds to your own beliefs and 'side' of the argument?
I don't divide the world into LNers and CTs.
I divide the world into those who acknowledge the prima facie, salient fact of conspiracy -- and those who don't.
I rail against the views of CAPA and James DiEugenio because their good research is generating too much collateral damage.
CAPA lost the most winnable case in history 6 - 5. They put the jurors to sleep. They studiously ignored the prima facie case, the only case that will appeal to millennials who don't have the time for JFK complexity-fetishes.
Quote: There is something quite unique about dyed in the wool JFK people - they can fight with people they agree with. Not only can they - they too often do!
I'm not in that club.
I'm of the Vincent Salandria School.