11-01-2018, 11:36 PM
Alan Ford Wrote:A curious exchange ---->
While testifying about his witnessing the last LeeOswald interrogation on Sunday, 11/24/'63, HarryHolmes made a very telling comment on 4/2/'64:
"Mr Holmes: Yes sir. Now, this is my impression, not what he said."
So, Are you & the OP left to merely cherry-pick your star witness' "truth"?...
deciding what is favorable to your aim/end and what is not ?
Personally speaking, I take his initial firsthand account of the proceedings ----->
Mr. BELIN. Did he state it was on what floor?
Mr. HOLMES. First floor. The front entrance to the first floor.
instead of his five months later "Oh, I see the light now", "...something akin to "let me parrot back anything you need to hear for the record" ---->
[FONT=&]Mr. BELIN. For the record, I would like to offer as a part of this deposition Holmes Exhibits 1, 2, 3, and 4, and in addition, I don't know for the record, but I would like to offer--at some of the depositions we have had delays, but will you have copies made, madam reporter?[/FONT]
[FONT=&]And one final thing, you have the right, if you want, to come back and read the deposition and sign, or else you let it go to us without signing or-coming back without reading it. Do you want to waive it or come back?[/FONT]
[FONT=&]Mr. HOLMES. I will waive it.[/FONT]
O nice catch there Holmes, you knew which way the wind was blowing five months later eh mate?
And when was that? Going back five months from April 2, 1964 would be November 2, 1963, some twenty(20) days before the murder of JFKSr, and wounding of JBCJr, and twenty seven(27) days prior to the Warren Commission being established. Simple arithmetic, no brilliance needed.
Your question, "So, Are you & the OP left to merely cherry-pick your star witness' 'truth'?... deciding what is favorable to your aim/end and what is not ?" lacks merit, and actually appears to me to be exactly what you are doing, while accusing someone else of doing so. Nothing new there.
The referenced testimony, including Mr Holmes' "this is my impression" remark can be found @: