22-02-2018, 06:45 PM
James, that's some very interesting research. I wasn't aware of some of those things. I looked at your "Org Chart" post and here is my honest take on it. These theories that involve very large, complex conspiracies with many elite players (Bilderberg, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, CFR, Nazi war criminals, etc) are probably not realistic. There's just too many people involved. And everybody in this world is connected to somebody who is connected to somebody, etc. Six degrees of separation and all that...
I've been studying the subject since the early 1990s and finally decided that the best way to solve the case is to ask yourself what the plotters were trying to accomplish and how they carried out the crime, and then work backwards from there.
* It's obvious that the choice of Oswald as the patsy meant that they wanted it to appear that JFK was killed by someone who appeared to be pro-Communist, pro-Castro.
* Cuban exiles and their CIA friends tried to put out fake evidence that Oswald had been seen meeting with Castro agents in Florida and Mexico, but this narrative didn't take hold in the media (thank god they didn't have Facebook and Twitter back then).
* Why? To incite the American people into demanding a real invasion of Cuba, and possibly even a preemptive strike on the USSR. The US at that time still had a big advantage in ICBMs and the Joint Chiefs and Strategic Air Command were itching to use them before the Russians caught up.
* LBJ and others in Washington understandably didn't want to start WWIII, and this is why the Warren Commission was appointed - to stop all the rumors of Communist involvement and prevent a war.
* So who had the motive/means/opportunity to do this? Here's an old thread of mine about it:
I've been studying the subject since the early 1990s and finally decided that the best way to solve the case is to ask yourself what the plotters were trying to accomplish and how they carried out the crime, and then work backwards from there.
* It's obvious that the choice of Oswald as the patsy meant that they wanted it to appear that JFK was killed by someone who appeared to be pro-Communist, pro-Castro.
* Cuban exiles and their CIA friends tried to put out fake evidence that Oswald had been seen meeting with Castro agents in Florida and Mexico, but this narrative didn't take hold in the media (thank god they didn't have Facebook and Twitter back then).
* Why? To incite the American people into demanding a real invasion of Cuba, and possibly even a preemptive strike on the USSR. The US at that time still had a big advantage in ICBMs and the Joint Chiefs and Strategic Air Command were itching to use them before the Russians caught up.
* LBJ and others in Washington understandably didn't want to start WWIII, and this is why the Warren Commission was appointed - to stop all the rumors of Communist involvement and prevent a war.
* So who had the motive/means/opportunity to do this? Here's an old thread of mine about it: