26-02-2018, 04:03 PM
James Lateer Wrote:(2) There was a possible military take-over involved in the JFK assassination plan. But that was the plot to kill BOTH JFK and LBJ and hence throwing the US government into chaos. That would have made the Vatican-connected and virulent anti-Communist John W. McCormack the President. The hunt for the obvious plot and it's members would have required martial law. That was the desire of the ex-Nazis, i.e. disrupt our government and GET RID OF DEMOCRACY because it was a threat to fascists and monarchists like themselves. A General MacArthur or similar officer would have made an excellent partner for worldwide fascists such as Francisco Franco of Spain and Italian fascists.
I think that retaining LBJ as President was a necessary part of the plot (to maintain the facade of democracy), but when LBJ didn't go along with the plan he had to give them a consolation prize: Vietnam. What was it he said at the Christmas party in December 1963? "Just get me elected and you can have you damn war."
Anyway, my theory may not be correct but I think it fits the facts better than any of the other ones. However, at this point in my life I'm not that interested in debating about it anymore.